young GOP Congressman Madison Cawthorn shows off his gun skills


Madison Cawthorn Lied About Crash That Partially Paralyzed Him, Pal Says​

The right-wing star claimed his friend left him to die in a “fiery tomb.” The friend told The Washington Post he pulled Cawthorn from the wreck.

A former close friend of right-wing Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) told The Washington Post the lawmaker lied about a car wreck that partially paralyzed him.
Cawthorn’s account of the 2014 wreck — which he presented publicly in the chapel of his Christian college in Virginia three years later — was that a close friend had crashed the car in which he was a passenger, leaving him to die “in a fiery tomb,” the Post reported over the weekend.
But the friend, Bradley Ledford, told the newspaper in his first public comments about the crash that he pulled Cawthorn from the wreckage.

“It hurt very badly that he would say something as false as that,” Ledford told the paper. “That is not at all what happened. I pulled him out of the car the second that I was able to get out of the car.”
That was just one element of a story rich with lies, the Post reported. Cawthorn claimed he was “declared dead” after the wreck. He wasn’t. The police report noted he was “incapacitated.” Cawthorn said he was preparing before the crash to start studies at the U.S. Naval Academy ― a boast that he eventually turned into a campaign ad. But the news outlet AVL Watchdog reported in August that Cawthorn had been rejected by the Naval Academy before the crash.
Cawthorn, now 25, exploited his tale of his crash at age 18 for his successful 2020 House campaign. He’s now the youngest House representative.

He has become one of the most vocal peddlers of the claim that the presidential election was fraudulently stolen from Donald Trump, another lie. Yet in a stunning confession last month, he admitted he has no evidence of election fraud. “I think I would say the election was not fraudulent,” Cawthorn said on CNN.

Not so clear this is earth shaking does sound at least slightly unstable, as one of that age would expect?

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