You'll Like writing bigger checks!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Because if you even THINK you don't like writting bigger checks for your electric usage you'll be branded "unpatriotic".

America's Kenyan Emperor has just announced new environmental rules designed to shut down coal-fired electricity generating plants at lightning speed. He thinks windmills that never seem to turn and solar panels that go on strike at night and cloudy days will be your salvation.

Others don't worry much; they think enough of those coal plants will be converted to natural gas and save the day.

They may be right. But what will be the cost? Natural gas is plentiful and cheap so what's the big deal?

Perhap this:

OilVoice No Joy in Mudville Shale Gas Stalls LNG Export Dead On Arrival

The link has lots of pretty graphs you liberals so love. Unfortunately the picture they paint is not quite so pretty. Of course you won't believe them until the bills hit. But then you won't worry because your EBT cards will cover all that.

Won't they?

The excerpt below sounds mild enough until you go to the link and see the graphs that accompany it. But you libbies have been told what to believe so there's not much chance your reading the article might cause a DOS attack.....

"Marcellus and Utica production increased very slightly over May, 1.1 and 1.5 mmcf/d, respectively. The Woodford was up 400 mcf/d and 'other' shale increased 300 mcf/d. Production in the few plays that increased totaled 3.3 mmcf/d or one fair gas well's daily production."

"The rest of the shale gas plays declined. The earliest big shale gas plays-the Barnett, Fayetteville and Haynesville-were down 25%, 14% and 48% from their respective peak production levels for a total decline of -4.8 bcf/d since January 2012."

"The fact that Eagle Ford and Bakken gas production declined suggests tight oil production may finally be declining as well."

"To make matters worse, total U.S. dry natural gas production declined -144 mmcf/d in June compared to May, and -1.2 bcf/d compared to April (Figure 2). Marketed gas declined -117 mmcf/d compared to May and -1 bcf/d compared to April."
Some day we'll wise up and realize that nuclear power is our best option for plentiful reliable and emission free electricity
Because if you even THINK you don't like writting bigger checks for your electric usage you'll be branded "unpatriotic".

America's Kenyan Emperor has just announced new environmental rules designed to shut down coal-fired electricity generating plants at lightning speed. He thinks windmills that never seem to turn and solar panels that go on strike at night and cloudy days will be your salvation.

Others don't worry much; they think enough of those coal plants will be converted to natural gas and save the day.

They may be right. But what will be the cost? Natural gas is plentiful and cheap so what's the big deal?

Perhap this:

OilVoice No Joy in Mudville Shale Gas Stalls LNG Export Dead On Arrival

The link has lots of pretty graphs you liberals so love. Unfortunately the picture they paint is not quite so pretty. Of course you won't believe them until the bills hit. But then you won't worry because your EBT cards will cover all that.

Won't they?

The excerpt below sounds mild enough until you go to the link and see the graphs that accompany it. But you libbies have been told what to believe so there's not much chance your reading the article might cause a DOS attack.....

"Marcellus and Utica production increased very slightly over May, 1.1 and 1.5 mmcf/d, respectively. The Woodford was up 400 mcf/d and 'other' shale increased 300 mcf/d. Production in the few plays that increased totaled 3.3 mmcf/d or one fair gas well's daily production."

"The rest of the shale gas plays declined. The earliest big shale gas plays-the Barnett, Fayetteville and Haynesville-were down 25%, 14% and 48% from their respective peak production levels for a total decline of -4.8 bcf/d since January 2012."

"The fact that Eagle Ford and Bakken gas production declined suggests tight oil production may finally be declining as well."

"To make matters worse, total U.S. dry natural gas production declined -144 mmcf/d in June compared to May, and -1.2 bcf/d compared to April (Figure 2). Marketed gas declined -117 mmcf/d compared to May and -1 bcf/d compared to April."
I'm going off the grid with solar panels, filtered rain water, and a composting toilet.
Some day we'll wise up and realize that nuclear power is our best option for plentiful reliable and emission free electricity
And then we will learn just how expensive nuclear power really is. The technology for solar, wind and wave is already present to make that power 24/7. And it is cheaper, with less danger, than nukes.
Some day we'll wise up and realize that nuclear power is our best option for plentiful reliable and emission free electricity
And then we will learn just how expensive nuclear power really is. The technology for solar, wind and wave is already present to make that power 24/7. And it is cheaper, with less danger, than nukes.

And wind only produces less than 30% of the nominal rating of the turbine so it really isn't the bargain you think it is

There are designs for molten salt reactors that will actually use and burn up much of the nuclear waste we have now, they are self limiting, do not require water for cooling will not melt down

They are small and can be buried underground.

I always find it funny how you people who put so much trust in science and yet still say nuclear power is not an option
Never said it was not an option. But it is an expensive option. And one that made much of it's own problems. In the '50', nuclear was sold as absolutely failsafe, and so cheap that we would not have to meter the electricity produced. Three Mile Island, Chernobyle, and Fukushima taught us it was not failsafe. And the cost is not at all cheap.

There are designs, but no working models. Wind and solar are right now producing electricity at cheaper rates than fossil fuels and nuclear. And when the grid scale batteries come on line, that will make the electricity they produce even cheaper.
Obama promised to kill king coal.................Not through the constitution but by FIAT with the EPA............Cap and Trade couldn't pass with a Dem majority in all three branches...........they couldn't even get it passed with ultimate control.

After it dies, and it is dying..........our prices will go up. Kemper is a gasification of coal process............4 BILLION OVER BUDGET............and is the leading edge of turning coal into gas..............and the rate hikes have's daily news down here fighting over the hikes to electrical prices......................

A brand new LNG plant was built down here.................It sits IDLE..............waiting to receive and send LNG to the world and the country. Yes that is right..............BRAND NEW PLANT SITS IDLE....................

Want to know why your gas prices are low.................OPEC is killing the competition.................Either way, the policies of the COMMUNITY ORGANIZER will drive our prices through the roof and hose over the very people he claims to champion...............the poor.....................Your side will have your way even if you have to go around the Constitution to do so.......................and clap and cheer as those on fixed budgets get fucked by your wacked policies.
I'm going off the grid with solar panels, filtered rain water, and a composting toilet.

Only distilled water (or rainwater) and only pure-grain alcohol for me, Mandrake.

Never said it was not an option. But it is an expensive option. And one that made much of it's own problems. In the '50', nuclear was sold as absolutely failsafe, and so cheap that we would not have to meter the electricity produced. Three Mile Island, Chernobyle, and Fukushima taught us it was not failsafe. And the cost is not at all cheap.

There are designs, but no working models. Wind and solar are right now producing electricity at cheaper rates than fossil fuels and nuclear. And when the grid scale batteries come on line, that will make the electricity they produce even cheaper.

It's not the 50s anymore

And eh are there no working models?

It's because people like you are blocking them

And sorry but your numbers on wind are based on nominal not actual output as has been explained to you

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