You won't believe it. GOP going after the hilarious imaginary Hillary/uranium deal conspiracy.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Jeff Sessions revists Hillary Clinton Uranium One probe

Attorney General Sessions orders fresh look at Uranium One deal

Yep, the GOP is resurecting the fake Hillary/Uranium conspiracy. Hilarious!

It just makes the GOP look even more inept. If they can't find anything on Hillary after 30 years, who knows what they expect to find now?

But Mueller, on the other hand, four indictments and two guilty pleas.

The GOP have gone after the Clintons for the last 30 years.

With investigations in the GOP House, the GOP Senate and the GOP special investigation, Democrats haven't even begun to really go after Trump. So far, it's been all Republicans.
Jeff Sessions revists Hillary Clinton Uranium One probe

Attorney General Sessions orders fresh look at Uranium One deal

Yep, the GOP is resurecting the fake Hillary/Uranium conspiracy. Hilarious!

It just makes the GOP look even more inept. If they can't find anything on Hillary after 30 years, who knows what they expect to find now?

But Mueller, on the other hand, four indictments and two guilty pleas.

The GOP have gone after the Clintons for the last 30 years.

With investigations in the GOP House, the GOP Senate and the GOP special investigation, Democrats haven't even begun to really go after Trump. So far, it's been all Republicans.

Hillary has been able to bribe, threaten, or murder enough people to stay out of prison.
Now the only thing she has to defend her is a corrupt media and a corrupt FBI.
That won't last for much longer though.
Jeff Sessions revists Hillary Clinton Uranium One probe

Attorney General Sessions orders fresh look at Uranium One deal

Yep, the GOP is resurecting the fake Hillary/Uranium conspiracy. Hilarious!

It just makes the GOP look even more inept. If they can't find anything on Hillary after 30 years, who knows what they expect to find now?

But Mueller, on the other hand, four indictments and two guilty pleas.

The GOP have gone after the Clintons for the last 30 years.

With investigations in the GOP House, the GOP Senate and the GOP special investigation, Democrats haven't even begun to really go after Trump. So far, it's been all Republicans.

Hillary has been able to bribe, threaten, or murder enough people to stay out of prison.
Now the only thing she has to defend her is a corrupt media and a corrupt FBI.
That won't last for much longer though.

Flynn was working for Obama went Hillary cut the deal! Now news reports say Flynn gets popped for Russian connections. But which group of Russians under whose watch? The things he got popped for he was doing while working for Obama NOT Trump.
The uranium deal was a well planned precursor to the eventual "coup" to take over the government for when Trump would be elected President years later.

Yeah, listening to the Fake Alt Right Media is like being

Jeff Sessions revists Hillary Clinton Uranium One probe

Attorney General Sessions orders fresh look at Uranium One deal

Yep, the GOP is resurecting the fake Hillary/Uranium conspiracy. Hilarious!

It just makes the GOP look even more inept. If they can't find anything on Hillary after 30 years, who knows what they expect to find now?

But Mueller, on the other hand, four indictments and two guilty pleas.

The GOP have gone after the Clintons for the last 30 years.

With investigations in the GOP House, the GOP Senate and the GOP special investigation, Democrats haven't even begun to really go after Trump. So far, it's been all Republicans.

So, tell me...what is imaginary about the Uranium One deal? It never existed?
Poor demrats......

It comforts them to put this amazing news in the Conspiracy thread......

Are you too scared and feel uneasy that your Satanic Queen Hillary along with all her corrupted gang will have to answer for their crimes...huh?

Wakey wakey rats! Time has come for all of you to answer! ;)
Prolly is a waste of unless her conspirators arent as studious wiping their computer with a cloth
Jeff Sessions revists Hillary Clinton Uranium One probe

Attorney General Sessions orders fresh look at Uranium One deal

Yep, the GOP is resurecting the fake Hillary/Uranium conspiracy. Hilarious!

It just makes the GOP look even more inept. If they can't find anything on Hillary after 30 years, who knows what they expect to find now?

But Mueller, on the other hand, four indictments and two guilty pleas.

The GOP have gone after the Clintons for the last 30 years.

With investigations in the GOP House, the GOP Senate and the GOP special investigation, Democrats haven't even begun to really go after Trump. So far, it's been all Republicans.

So, tell me...what is imaginary about the Uranium One deal? It never existed?

Both Bill "drop trou" and the Hildebeast should be doing life sentences just for what they did in Arkansas when they ran the state like they do their slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. The murders of people that knew too much, the bullying and intimidation tactics including beatings of potential witnesses....the coordination of the Mena airport cocaine operation along with their pals, the Bush crime family. The Rose Law firm that the Hildebeast worked for that laundered the money through BCCI, a CIA friendly institution that Mueller has serious ties to and the HSBC (also a CIA financial asset) that James Comey ran......the corruption is so deep. We haven't even touched the crimes committed in Haiti where the Clintons and their cronies were raping, pillaging the country's meager resources and picking over the carcass. Who got the contract to mine gold in Haiti? The brother of the Hildebeast....but move along, folks.....nothing to see here.
Wow, I love it the way the GOP wastes taxpayer money.

They can't spend it on unwanted children or teen moms.


They spend it on Hillary. They've been spending it on Hillary for the last 30 years.

It's like Republicans men spending all their time in strip clubs. Spending on women that aren't available and are uninterested but don't mind someone spending money on them.
Jeff Sessions revists Hillary Clinton Uranium One probe

Attorney General Sessions orders fresh look at Uranium One deal

Yep, the GOP is resurecting the fake Hillary/Uranium conspiracy. Hilarious!

It just makes the GOP look even more inept. If they can't find anything on Hillary after 30 years, who knows what they expect to find now?

But Mueller, on the other hand, four indictments and two guilty pleas.

The GOP have gone after the Clintons for the last 30 years.

With investigations in the GOP House, the GOP Senate and the GOP special investigation, Democrats haven't even begun to really go after Trump. So far, it's been all Republicans.

Wow, I love it the way the GOP wastes taxpayer money.

They can't spend it on unwanted children or teen moms.


They spend it on Hillary. They've been spending it on Hillary for the last 30 years.

It's like Republicans men spending all their time in strip clubs. Spending on women that aren't available and are uninterested but don't mind someone spending money on them.

The Hildebeast is a corrupt sack of shit......broken toe but two months later she is still wearing a medical boot? I suspect it's a GPS device to keep tabs on her. Her days of being part of the protected class are nearing an end if the "white hats" have any say.....the same goes for McCain that is ALSO wearing the boot to cover the fact that he can be tracked. The Barrypuppet should be VERY nervous about right now.....Holder, Loretta Lynch, Comey, the Podesta brothers? McConnell, Ryan? They need to be quaking in their boots.........

Drain that swamp, President Trump!!!
They spend it on Hillary. They've been spending it on Hillary for the last 30 years.

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
Well, Deano, you failed to answer my question. Is the Uranium Deal imaginary? You started the thread on that what is it? Imaginary?
Like I said...just the mere fact that the OP placed this thread in the conspiracy forum shows their desperation!
Justice is coming to the thugs on the Left...... :clap:

Finally is coming! :2up:

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