You want it short and sweet? You got it. Ann Coulter's Epiphany

One short and sweet one coming right up!

With YOU Trump adorers in mind.

You'll love it! Only 18 seconds!

Not-so-humbly tendered,

Why are you willing to getting conned by the far left. Why don’t we have lower house cost, lower cost for cars. Why are cars so expensive. Why can’t we have good jobs in America. Got any answers to these questions? or you just gonna keep hating on Trump.
It was found he was a sleaze, so he was immediately booted.

You seem proud of being in a party that, instead of kicking out sleazebags, embraces them and defends them.
Her career died when she took on Trump. I'm sensing a scorn woman thing. She must have assumed she would get some kind of position with him, didn't get it, then started bleating. Like Chris Cristie.
Dang. Oddball is getting off on anime perv now. That's just one step up from being a Bronie.

Is there even one Trump cultist here who isn't a distrubing sexual deviant? Perversion seems to be an admission requirement for the Trump cult.
The only thing Coulter ever did that amused me was when she outed keith olberfuhrer for going to the farm extension of Cornell. She called it "Moo School". :laughing0301: :laughing0301: He had been insisting he was "ivy league" until she revealed he went to the ag extension where most of the students majored in "pig fucking". :abgg2q.jpg:

OMG, that swishy little faggot absolutely lost his shit... he kept showing his diploma for weeks on his basement vlog, but the damage was done. It's one of the reasons that little nazi fuck is still unhinged and suicidal. Well, that, and marrying Katie Turd for a weekend and then remembering he prefers the taste of cock.

Anyway, it's sad to see Ann living under a bridge now. I'll throw some change at her if I see her.
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Dang. Oddball is getting off on anime perv now. That's just one step up from being a Bronie.

Is there even one Trump cultist here who isn't a distrubing sexual deviant? Perversion seems to be an admission requirement for the Trump cult.
You're really getting into that "I know you are, but what am I?" defense, which most kids dropped in 3rd grade.

I have to ask.... did you make it through 3rd grade? There's no shame in flunking 3rd grade - your stuttering shit god flunked 3rd grade, and look how good he turned out.

Or maybe you were home-schooled by your two daddies? And all those "uncles"?
Why hasn't the "Republican House" moved to eliminate Mayorkas yet?
Or is all their talk about the border just as hollow as their Democrat companions?
The Democrats talk is not hollow. Not sure you noticed - the opposition candidate for president was recently arrested.

Yes, all their talk (the Republicans) is bullshit. Nothing will happen to Mayorkas. Or anyone else.
Why are you willing to getting conned by the far left. Why don’t we have lower house cost,
Housing has always been expensive, and the result of supply and demand. You can't manufacture land, and as the demand grows with the population, prices of housing grows, therefore, disproportionately.
lower cost for cars. Why are cars so expensive.
They've always been expensive. If you are complaining about inflation, that was caused by Trump's $2trillion stimulus, and Biden's $2 trillion stimulus, and supply chain disruptions all because of the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine for gas.
The inflation is a bipartisan price we pay so that the nation didn't collapse under the weight of the pandemic.
Bipartisan, got that?
Why can’t we have good jobs in America. Got any answers to these questions? or you just gonna keep hating on Trump.
Ah, FR-FTW, it seems the world is filled with fortunate souls who find themselves gainfully employed. Indeed, if one should be lacking such a position, it is quite likely the fault of their own, unless, of course, they are tragically hindered by some mental incapacity. It is true that there are those who simply cannot rise to the occasion and may require the tender hand of government assistance. However, if one is physically capable, there is simply no justification for idleness.

As for myself, I have navigated the world as a self-employed gentleman for nigh on 45 years, without the need for a commanding figure to oversee my daily endeavors. I, indeed, am master of my own fate.

Now, I would propose that any individual with the spark of initiative could follow my footsteps, relinquishing their complaints, and rejecting the notion of supporting Mr. Trump, a man who, I daresay, has all the trappings of a swindler and is entirely unsuitable for high office. There is no shortage of literature detailing the various reasons for his unsuitability, numbering some 20 volumes, no less.

I must confess, it is with a heavy heart that I disdain the man, for he has duped decent folk like yourself - those who simply lack the worldly knowledge to see through his elaborate ruse. Pray tell, why would a man of such reputed wealth require the financial support of others?

Give it some thought, my good fellow, and do ponder upon that conundrum.
“Profoundly Stupid”?

Trump has a big brain, he has the best words
There are pundits and elected/non-elected politicians who Republican voters followed over the years and decades. And they somehow are not what they seem. They even change their politics seamlessly. I am not talking some differences close to each other either. At some point you have to wonder if they are shills of the deep state or are too much out for themselves. Perhaps to be relevant. The political class is so corrupted that they used a whore from Trump's past to help destroy millions and millions of citizens with the Progs in power. Making a mockery of anyone who worked hard and long hours as the almighty state must be preserved and put into total power.
One short and sweet one coming right up!

With YOU Trump adorers in mind.

You'll love it! Only 18 seconds!

Not-so-humbly tendered,

Well, that's her own fault. She allowed her ideology to dictate her perceptions and actions, instead of honestly looking at what was right in front of her.

That's precisely what adherence to an ideology does to people.

"I didn't realize" is not a good excuse.

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