You want it short and sweet? You got it. Ann Coulter's Epiphany

One short and sweet one coming right up!

With YOU Trump adorers in mind.

You'll love it! Only 18 seconds!

Not-so-humbly tendered,

/——-/ So? Who cares, other than you gun grabbing Trump haters? I’ve never listened to her broadcasts.
Let:s be honest, she is not a very nice person. We all know the type and we all avoid them for a reason.
I liked her because she shredded bed wetters, she could still end up of shit like "the View" I think, and she was vicious when she wanted to retort then get silence in return. Now she just looks like a washed up paid opposition character actor that didn't age well.
Is that your latest pick-up line, RumpHole? How's it working out for you? Ann is in no position to be calling anyone who has done about 18 BILLION TIMES BETTER than her, stupid! :auiqs.jpg:

I mean, Coulter has all of the political relevancy these days (and for years) as John Bolton! :laughing0301:

That’s some butt hurt you got going on their toob.

I enjoyed the “New York hates Donald Trump chants today” when the Blob went to court.
If stupidity is to be denounced, it is the stupidity of the American electorate for allowing the duopoly to so consistently present inadequate candidates for high office. After that is the stupidity of allowing so much of Congress to be so corrupt.
One short and sweet one coming right up!

With YOU Trump adorers in mind.

You'll love it! Only 18 seconds!

Not-so-humbly tendered,

When I watched Trump on the campaign trail in 2016, I saw a man who was narcissistic, egotistical, and mediocre in his grasp of the English language, despite being born and raised here.
But...despite ALL of the harassment and threats to him throughout his term in office, I had to admit, on looking back at the list of things he actually accomplished while in office, he did a good job.
Biden on the other hand, has publicly in the past shown himself to be the racist of the two presidents. He's seriously weakened our nation internationally and emboldened our adversaries. Contrary to the claim that Trump is responsible for the present inflation, the corrupt Biden administration is. As for our Border mess, Biden's no doubt onboard with the George Soros, "free-movement-of-peoples" and no national borders crowd and his handlers behind the scenes are no doubt Marxists, bent on getting rid of our freedoms, the Constitution and its Amendments.
When I watched Trump on the campaign trail in 2016, I saw a man who was narcissistic, egotistical, and mediocre in his grasp of the English language, despite being born and raised here.
But...despite ALL of the harassment and threats to him throughout his term in office, I had to admit, on looking back at the list of things he actually accomplished while in office, he did a good job.
Trump is a threat to US National Security. There are many reasons for this, see below
Biden on the other hand, has publicly in the past shown himself to be the racist of the two presidents.
That's absurd, but there are numerous examples of Trump's racist comments and deeds, starting with the fact that he was sued by the NY Attorney General for discrimination against African Americans with his father in the 70s. Here is the decades long history:
He's seriously weakened our nation internationally and emboldened our adversaries.
Contrary to the claim that Trump is responsible for the present inflation,
There was $4trillion of fiat currency printed to finance two big stimulus packages. $2Trillion by Trump, $2Trillion by Biden. That was 1/3 of the inflation. Another 1/3 was supply change disruptions. Another 1/3 was Ukraine war causing Russia to choke supplies. 2/3 of the inflation is caused by the pandemic, 1/3 caused by the war, and these have affected all nations. This is the truth, to say otherwise is to be partisan.
the corrupt Biden administration is.
You have no evidence.
As for our Border mess,
There is no president in modern history that has solved the border problem. This is a right wing boogeyman.
Biden's no doubt onboard with the George Soros,
Soros is a right wing boogeyman.
"free-movement-of-peoples" and no national borders crowd and his handlers behind the scenes are no doubt Marxists, bent on getting rid of our freedoms, the Constitution and its Amendments.
Pure propaganda, you should be ashamed of this nonsense.

Biden got the infrastructure bill passed, and in the four years Trump was in office, there wasn't a week or month that didn't pass by that he didn't talk about it, make it 'infrastructure week' etc., but he never got it passed, even with he ha both houses. Biden got it passed within his first 100 days, a bill that is on par with Eisenhower's highway construction project. Inflation is coming down due to the policies of the Federal reserve. In March, ther was only 1/10 of 1% inflation.

Trump is a threat to US National Security:

As president, Trump was a threat to US National Security Because of....

His debt to foreign banks is a national security threat.

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people undermine public confidence in the very thing that protects them from tyranny, i.e., a vigorous and free press, which is a threat to liberal democracy, and a national security threat.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security

His hiring lobbyists to the cabinet posts they fought against is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp the seriousness of climate change is a threat to national security ( this is the big one)

His gutting the state department, leaving half of the ambassadorships unfilled is a threat to national security

His hiring of incompetent persons is a threat national security.

His incompetence handling Covid is a threat to national security

the unprecedented turnover in the white house is a threat to national security

His tendency to hire sycophants/yes men, and fire those who speak truth to power is a threat to national security.

His lack of knowledge of US history, lack of knowledge of civics, and many things along these lines, is a threat to national security

His arrogance and total lack of empathy, and total lack of humility, plus the above, means he is unfit for the job and his unfitness is a threat to national security.

His nepotism is a threat to national security.

His spending too much time watching TV and tweeting and playing golf is a threat to national security ( well, it's not good, let's just say that much )

His imposing tariffs which caused farmers to permanently lose markets is a threat to national security

His corruption, bilking of the US Taxpayer to the tune of $16 million from entourage stays in his hotels and resorts, all of which his family has profited and his nepotism, allowing his daughter in law to win millions of dollars worth of China trademarks while he was negotiating with China, his allowing Jared to garner a $500 million bailout from QATAR, all of which is a threat to national security

His nauseating fawning over Putin whose objective is to destroy and/or greatly diminish America's standing in the world, is a threat to national security

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security

His usurping the Senate by appointing 'acting' heads of departments of whom the president is supposed to appoint and be confirmed by the Senate, the acting heads cause more instability and decrease of moral in the rank and file in those departments,
is a threat to national security

His firing of Comey, which was detrimental to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI, and Trump's scapegoating the FBI, and undermining a once trusted American institution (post Hoover, of course). is a threat to national security

His acquiescing to Erdogan by allowing DOJ to interfere in US Attorney's office investigation of a Turkish bank because it will adversely affect members of Erdogan's family, noting that Erdogan tried to do it with Obama, and his DOJ refused, but Erdogan is finding Trump a pliant president, noting that Trump abandoning the kurds, who were instrumental in helping us in the Iraq war, whose members died for America, Trump did this to appease Erdogan, whereupon the vacuum that that pull out created forced the Kurds to turn to Russia, thus increasing Russia's influence in the region, noting that Trump has property in Turkey, is a threat to national security

His decision to begin the process of withdrawing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty will end an arms control agreement with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War. The move, meant to penalize Russia for noncompliance, is likely to alarm the international community, particularly Europe, and cause fears that the US and Russia could enter a new nuclear arms race is a threat to national security

His pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, A massive trade deal meant to counteract China's economic power. Trump ran on a promise to spike the plan, saying it was unfair to American workers. The pact was never officially adopted by Congress. The other 11 nations have carried on without the US, the void this pullout caused allowed China to gain considerable influence over international Trade in the affected regions. The partnership was an agreement that was the result of many years of negotiation is a threat to national security

His pullout of the Iran nuclear deal. Despite criticism, the deal bought America about 15 years of time to work on ways to thwart their development of nukes, and without the deal, they are restored to their pre-agreement abilities, with one difference, their money in banks, which was frozen, is now in their hands, so we don't have the benefit of the agreement nor the benefit of the freeze on their funds is a threat to national security

His receiving a $500 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank while simultaneously a deposit that amount was made to that bank, the money coming from a Russian state bank ( which means Putin controlled ) which makes Trump beholden to Putin, which explains his refusal to criticize Putin, or do much about Russian election interference is a threat to national security
His appointing a Secretary of Commerce who was the VP of the real estate loan department at Deustche Bank when Trump was getting many loans from Deutsche Bank is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp certain fundamental economic concepts, his contentions which are essentially false, such as 'Tariffs are paid by China" ( no, they are paid by Americans ) is a threat to national security

His appointing of a Postmaster General whose apparent mission was to slow down mail in ballots from arriving on time, noting that this postmaster general (Dejoy) has failed to comply with a court order to expedite the mail in ballots is a threat to national security

His 'tax cut' which was nothing more than largesse for the superrich, and crumbs for everyone else thus causing deficits to careen to levels history has never seen is a threat to national security.

His repeal of many important environmental regulations is a threat to national security.

And this is at the top of my head, who knows what I'll find if I research it.

You have been conned by the one true talent of Donald Trump, world class conman extraordinaire!

It remains seriously baffling that either Biden or Trump could be taken seriously as material to be President of the wealthiest and most powerful nation ever to exist.
One short and sweet one coming right up!

With YOU Trump adorers in mind.

You'll love it! Only 18 seconds!

Not-so-humbly tendered,

You call yourself a moderate, but in fact you are just an ordinary garden variety trump hater

How are trump supporters - trump “lovers” or “adorers” in your lexicon - supposed to reach common ground with people like you?

We give 100% and you give nothing?

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