You need to bring back the thumbs down or red x.

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
There was literally no reason to remove it other that to cater to the feelings of wusses.
What was the point when almost everyone uses all manner of insults and name calling in nearly every single thread anyways.

Stop being soft and give users back all options not just the positive touchy feely bullshit.
There was literally no reason to remove it other that to cater to the feelings of wusses.
What was the point when almost everyone uses all manner of insults and name calling in nearly every single thread anyways.

Stop being soft and give users back all options not just the positive touchy feely bullshit.
You can still be shitty, obviously.
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
There was literally no reason to remove it other that to cater to the feelings of wusses.
What was the point when almost everyone uses all manner of insults and name calling in nearly every single thread anyways.

Stop being soft and give users back all options not just the positive touchy feely bullshit.

Sissy boy
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour
Anyone intimidated on an anonymous site by mere words needs to look into themselves and why they allow complete strangers that power over them.

It's the internet for Christ's sake. Get over yourself people.
Last time, a lot of posters dropped off once they could no longer neg
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour
Anyone intimidated on an anonymous site by mere words needs to look into themselves and why they allow complete strangers that power over them.

It's the internet for Christ's sake. Get over yourself people.
You are fat and your hygiene is wanting
There was literally no reason to remove it other that to cater to the feelings of wusses. What was the point when almost everyone uses all manner of insults and name calling in nearly every single thread anyways. Stop being soft and give users back all options not just the positive touchy feely bullshit.
"funny" is the new "thumbs down".
As long as they apply to ratings the same way "funny" does, who cares?
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour

Downstairs is way more civil and laid back. And far, far less of the trying to 'win' all the time routine and all of the bad energy that comes with it.

What are people trying to win anyway? There's no site mission or anything on USMB. There's no stated grassroots goal. So, what's to be had by arguing about whose D branded tyrant is better than the other guy's R branded tyrant? That's really all that ever happens up here. All that does is create a negative atmosphere where, like I said, a lot of people just want to 'win' R & D or Red helmet vs Blue helmet type talking points. There's nothing stimulating about that. It's juvenile. It's a big old mean spirited circlejerk. For the most part. Not everybody up here is like that, of course. It wouldn't be fair to say everyone up here acts like that. But for the most part it is. It's like the old line about playing checkers with a pigeon. No matter what, the pigeon's just gonna knock all the pieces around and strut around crapping all over the board like it won anyway. So, why bother?

When I found myself starting to respond to people in kind, it was time to roll outta the upstairs. I check new posts up here once in a while. That's about it. Maybe I'll post something in a casual thread and maybe I won't. Probably won't most of the time.
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If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour
Anyone intimidated on an anonymous site by mere words needs to look into themselves and why they allow complete strangers that power over them.

It's the internet for Christ's sake. Get over yourself people.
You are fat and your hygiene is wanting
Reported for blatant insulting of the fat and unkempt.

Actually I have another negative.
I am also Polish. Could even be a distant relative of Slobinski.
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.


It's a wonder anyone survived!
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour
Anyone intimidated on an anonymous site by mere words needs to look into themselves and why they allow complete strangers that power over them.

It's the internet for Christ's sake. Get over yourself people.
You are fat and your hygiene is wanting
Reported for blatant insulting of the fat and unkempt.

Actually I have another negative.
I am also Polish. Could even be a distant relative of Slobinski.
What ever happened to Sobieski?
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.


It's a wonder anyone survived!
Yeah I’m still pissed off at all those negs I received.
If people were honest, negative feedback would be a viable option.

But they're not. People will neg anyone they don't like, every time, just out of pure butthurt, not caring anything about the content of the post.
Last time negging turned into gang warfare to intimidate and drive off new posters

Not USMBs finest hour

It was blood and chaos! Hurt fweelings ran in the street gutters and board suicides soared to incredible numbers. No one dared speak out for fear of a full on attack of the anonymous message board negs!

They say our men in uniform lived through horrors during the war, but they weren't here during the darkest days known as the... Neg Wars.
There was literally no reason to remove it other that to cater to the feelings of wusses.
What was the point when almost everyone uses all manner of insults and name calling in nearly every single thread anyways.

Stop being soft and give users back all options not just the positive touchy feely bullshit.

I never wanted to get rid of it. The admins made that decision
I would actually like to bring back reputation. All of the trolls here should be deep deep red
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