You got to love Castro!

shit...there you go, off my friends list. :evil: ya fucking bastard!

Just like a lib, someone has a different view or perspective than you, then they become your enemy. Libs only preach free speech when the speaker is on the left. If he is on the right, then his 1st amendment rights go out the window.
What does free speech have to do with it? That's one of the stupidest things I've heard here.[/QUOTE]

Free speech isn't allowed in Cuba either you dishonest fuck.. Ever heard of political prisoners? I bet not. DUmmie
Just like a lib, someone has a different view or perspective than you, then they become your enemy. Libs only preach free speech when the speaker is on the left. If he is on the right, then his 1st amendment rights go out the window.
What does free speech have to do with it? That's one of the stupidest things I've heard here.[/QUOTE]

Free speech isn't allowed in Cuba either you dishonest fuck.. Ever heard of political prisoners? I bet not. DUmmie

Really Cuba, I thought fidel was a hippie pacifist who won't hurt a fly!
Is that it? Nothing else? :confused:

That wasn't enough? Maybe it went over your's more...

So you think that Fidel is “better” than Batista? That that is reason to support Fidel and accept him into our fold as a “nice guy" because "the key indicators for a good society improved"?

Fidel Castro was just as brutal as Bastista...he also murdered his opponents and his jails are still full of political prisoners. Batista was like a mafia godfather, however Castro is a fucking commie...there is absolutely no hope of any future of freedom for the "peasants" under the likes of him. Are you familiar with his indoctrination camps for children who were forcefully taken from their parents? He took power in 1959 but still... 20 long years later... things got so bad under this “good society” commie dictator that Cubans became so damn desparate that the Mariel Boat Lift happened in 1980…about 125,000 Cubans fled to the US because Fidel’s Cuba was such a “nice” place to live… and people still try to flee...maybe you never heard of those things...

IF Fidel Castro wants Cuba to be accepted by the US he needs to allow freedom and make restitution to Americans from whom he nationalized and seized their private property….which, of course, being the Marxist he is….he won’t….but maybe Obama his fellow marxist will apologize to him for the US taking such a meanie stance...

And Black Communists like Rep Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA need to move their damn black commie asses to Cuba….then she can experience first hand the “wonderful” free medical care that Fidel provides for the Cuban people….medical care that he himself does not use….instead he flies in a private doctor from Spain for his own medical care…gee I wonder why?... guess he doesn’t trust some dirty doctor graduated from Havana…

How can a post without any substance go over my head? :lol:

You obviously didn't understand my point or you wouldn't have posted this one.

You made an assumption that I thought Castro was a better dictator than Batista. There's your mistake. You need to go back and read what I posted and stop responding to what you think I posted.

A post without substance? Is that how you want to defend commies like Barbara Lee....wiith unsubstantive denial? :lol:

So then do you consider Batista the better? Even though you claim the "revolution" changed things for the better? FYI I was primarily responding to your claim that "the key indicators for a good society improved" under Fidel Castro....which, btw, I originally highlighted in red for you to take note of...frankly I'm not concerned which of the two dictators is "better" or not... I was mainly responding to your claim that under Fidel life for Cubans is better and as you said, "improved"...

However, O Sultan of Spin, I am willing to entertain an explaination of what you really meant...
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That wasn't enough? Maybe it went over your's more...

So you think that Fidel is “better” than Batista? That that is reason to support Fidel and accept him into our fold as a “nice guy" because "the key indicators for a good society improved"?

Fidel Castro was just as brutal as Bastista...he also murdered his opponents and his jails are still full of political prisoners. Batista was like a mafia godfather, however Castro is a fucking commie...there is absolutely no hope of any future of freedom for the "peasants" under the likes of him. Are you familiar with his indoctrination camps for children who were forcefully taken from their parents? He took power in 1959 but still... 20 long years later... things got so bad under this “good society” commie dictator that Cubans became so damn desparate that the Mariel Boat Lift happened in 1980…about 125,000 Cubans fled to the US because Fidel’s Cuba was such a “nice” place to live… and people still try to flee...maybe you never heard of those things...

IF Fidel Castro wants Cuba to be accepted by the US he needs to allow freedom and make restitution to Americans from whom he nationalized and seized their private property….which, of course, being the Marxist he is….he won’t….but maybe Obama his fellow marxist will apologize to him for the US taking such a meanie stance...

And Black Communists like Rep Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA need to move their damn black commie asses to Cuba….then she can experience first hand the “wonderful” free medical care that Fidel provides for the Cuban people….medical care that he himself does not use….instead he flies in a private doctor from Spain for his own medical care…gee I wonder why?... guess he doesn’t trust some dirty doctor graduated from Havana…

How can a post without any substance go over my head? :lol:

You obviously didn't understand my point or you wouldn't have posted this one.

You made an assumption that I thought Castro was a better dictator than Batista. There's your mistake. You need to go back and read what I posted and stop responding to what you think I posted.

A post without substance? Is that how you want to defend commies like Barbara Lee....wiith unsubstantive denial? :lol:

So then do you consider Batista the better? Even though you claim the "revolution" changed things for the better? FYI I was primarily responding to your claim that "the key indicators for a good society improved" under Fidel Castro....which, btw, I originally highlighted in red for you to take note of...frankly I'm not concerned which of the two dictators is "better" or not... I was mainly responding to your claim that under Fidel life for Cubans is better and as you said, "improved"...

However, O Sultan of Spin, I am willing to entertain an explaination of what you really meant...

I made no reference to Barbara Lee, don't know who she is. You're reading what you want to read into my post, that's the second time you've done it, no wonder you're confused.

I made it perfectly clear for anyone to follow. The ordinary person's lot was improved after the revolution. My point was, is it better to live under a dictatorship where there is an improvement in social conditions or is it better to live under a dictatorship where you live in shit social conditions? Now don't duck and say it's not good to live under a dictatorship, we know that.

As for the Sultan of Spin. My avatar is the greatest discus thrower the world has seen, the late Al Oerter. My reference to "The Sultan of Spin" is a reference to him as spin is very important in the discus. The body has to spin across the circle and the discus itself has to spin very fast from the hand. It's also a nod to a popular song of some years ago by Dire Straits.

Now you should feel much better informed about many things. You don't have to thank me, I do this as a public service :lol:
How can a post without any substance go over my head? :lol:

You obviously didn't understand my point or you wouldn't have posted this one.

You made an assumption that I thought Castro was a better dictator than Batista. There's your mistake. You need to go back and read what I posted and stop responding to what you think I posted.

A post without substance? Is that how you want to defend commies like Barbara Lee....wiith unsubstantive denial? :lol:

So then do you consider Batista the better? Even though you claim the "revolution" changed things for the better? FYI I was primarily responding to your claim that "the key indicators for a good society improved" under Fidel Castro....which, btw, I originally highlighted in red for you to take note of...frankly I'm not concerned which of the two dictators is "better" or not... I was mainly responding to your claim that under Fidel life for Cubans is better and as you said, "improved"...

However, O Sultan of Spin, I am willing to entertain an explaination of what you really meant...

I made no reference to Barbara Lee, don't know who she is. You're reading what you want to read into my post, that's the second time you've done it, no wonder you're confused.

I made it perfectly clear for anyone to follow. The ordinary person's lot was improved after the revolution. My point was, is it better to live under a dictatorship where there is an improvement in social conditions or is it better to live under a dictatorship where you live in shit social conditions? Now don't duck and say it's not good to live under a dictatorship, we know that.

As for the Sultan of Spin. My avatar is the greatest discus thrower the world has seen, the late Al Oerter. My reference to "The Sultan of Spin" is a reference to him as spin is very important in the discus. The body has to spin across the circle and the discus itself has to spin very fast from the hand. It's also a nod to a popular song of some years ago by Dire Straits.

Now you should feel much better informed about many things. You don't have to thank me, I do this as a public service :lol:

I will ignore your other comments and respond to your claim below in red:

I made it perfectly clear for anyone to follow. The ordinary person's lot was improved after the revolution. My point was, is it better to live under a dictatorship where there is an improvement in social conditions or is it better to live under a dictatorship where you live in shit social conditions? Now don't duck and say it's not good to live under a dictatorship, we know that.

This claim is what I responded to before….what part of my former response did you not understand? The part where Castro murders people? The part where Castro keeps political prisoners? The part where Castro set up indoctrination camps? The part where things got so bad for the Cuban people…..after twenty (20) long years of “improvements” under Castro….so bad that over a hundred thousand Cubans got in boats desparate to escape to the US? You call this "improvement" in the lives of the Cuban people?

Even forty (40) years after the “revolucion” daily life under Castro is described here by a Cuban writer….you call this "improvement" too? Read about the wonderful, new and "improved" life of ordinary Cubans under the Castro communist regime….then try to bullshit … like Rep. Barbara Lee does… that Fidel Castro has "improved" the life of the Cuban people... and that communism is something to aspire to…
Daily Life in Cuba

It’s been said that the tryranny of Castro is even worse than Red China. Here are some of his wonderful actions that (I’m sure) also helped to make the ordinary Cuban’s life so much more “improved”…

“Castro tried to get Nikita Khrushchev to nuke several southern cities in the US in the early 1960's, including New Orleans and probably Baton Rouge .

He incarcerates more people as a percentage of population than Hitler or Stalin did.

He murdered 17,000 Cubans and (several dozen U.S. citizens) with firing squads and dumped their bullet-riddled bodies in mass graves.

He has impoverished and brutalized Cuba to the point where 20 percent of its population risked their lives to flee. And prior to his glorious reign, Cuba took in more immigrants per capita than any country in the Western Hemisphere . More Americans lived in Cuba than Cubans in the U.S. , and Cuba even had to turn away European immigrants.

Castro sent his agents to torture to death American POWs in North Vietnam 's Cu Loc POW camp outside Hanoi in 1967.

The list goes on and on, as it always does with tyrants. All of whom, I'll add, always call themselves benefactors.”

The Evil Fidel Castro

And the very fact that Obama is rewarding this tyranny by lifting some restrictions means that Obama is sanctioning this axis of evil and that is about as anti-American as one can get.
There are clearly several people here who criticize this attempt to normalize relations with Cuba. I'd be willing to bet that less than half of these people know why the US has no relations with Cuba. I bet less than half can explain in what way Cuba has a worse human rights record than China - yet we isolate Cuba, but give China MFN status. I bet less than half can explain why we kiss the Saudi ass while that country treats women as lesser beings, while we isolate Cuba. I bet less than half can explain why we send billions to Afghanistan - a country where the president just signed a law allowing wife rape, yet we isolate Cuba.
SE - again, I haven't said/written I support Castro. But as dictatorships go the lot of ordninary folks in Cuba is better now than it was in 1958. It's a bit pointless then to bang on about how many people Castro has had killed. I mean I could dig into Cuba's past and produce similar figures under previous dictatorships but it proves nothing except that dictators, well, they'll act like dictators.

Cuba is a poor country but it gives free health care and education to its citizens, not just a wealthy few. The lot of the average Cuban has improved markedly since 1959. I've acknowledged it is a one-party state, that it has had dictatorial leadership in the past and it currently has dictatorial leadership although with the improvement in education of the populace one would imagine that will have to be modified.

Cubans want more material benefits, of course they do, it's human nature. But don't think for a minute that the average Cuban wants a full on western style capitalist economy. The few I've spoken to in Cuba quietly expressed a wish to be allowed to run their own businesses rather than have to work on behalf of the state or state-owned enterprises, again human nature. That's the sort of reform I think Cuba could benefit from.

I doubt if Cubans want their country turned back into the plaything it was for the wealthy before the revolution.
SE - again, I haven't said/written I support Castro. But as dictatorships go the lot of ordninary folks in Cuba is better now than it was in 1958. It's a bit pointless then to bang on about how many people Castro has had killed. I mean I could dig into Cuba's past and produce similar figures under previous dictatorships but it proves nothing except that dictators, well, they'll act like dictators.

Cuba is a poor country but it gives free health care and education to its citizens, not just a wealthy few. The lot of the average Cuban has improved markedly since 1959. I've acknowledged it is a one-party state, that it has had dictatorial leadership in the past and it currently has dictatorial leadership although with the improvement in education of the populace one would imagine that will have to be modified.

Cubans want more material benefits, of course they do, it's human nature. But don't think for a minute that the average Cuban wants a full on western style capitalist economy. The few I've spoken to in Cuba quietly expressed a wish to be allowed to run their own businesses rather than have to work on behalf of the state or state-owned enterprises, again human nature. That's the sort of reform I think Cuba could benefit from.

I doubt if Cubans want their country turned back into the plaything it was for the wealthy before the revolution.

You are one seriously misguided liberal….let’s see some serious proof that Cuba’s health for the AVERAGE citizen has significantly improved like you claim….especially now that the Soviet Union no longer subsidizes Cuba’s health care…and DON’T point out the Cuban hospitals and care units that are set up for use by foreigners and members of the Communist Party elite...there is a two-tier system in Cuba....

When commie suckup Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA is gushing about the medical advances in Cuba she is really talking about the top tier services that members of the Cuban Communist Party elite and the military high-command are allowed to use free of charge…she's not talking about the average Cuban who needs to bring his own sheets to the hospital and who might get medicine.... if there is any available...

And let's not forget the ongoing suffering from lack of chlorinated water, poor nutrition, deteriorating housing, and generally unsanitary conditions which promote infectious diseases.….provided FREE as well by the wonderful Castro communist regime...

Referring to the growing disparity between health care provided to ordinary Cubans and that offered to tourists and high ranking Communist party members, the exiled Cuban doctors noted that they "wish that any one of us could provide tours to foreign visitors of the hospitals Cira Garcia, Frank Pais, CIMEQ, and Hermanos Ameijeiras, in order to point out the medicines and equipment, even the bedsheets and blankets, reserved for regime elites or dollar-bearing foreigners, to the detriment of our people, who must bring their own bedsheets, to say nothing of the availability of medicines."

This statement by these newly arrived Cuban doctors is corroborated by the latest available trade figures for Cuba (1995). Cuba's imports totaled $2.8 billion dollars, yet only $46 million dollars--only 1.5% of overall foreign purchases--on medical imports for its 11 million people. By comparison, Cuba's neighbor, the Dominican Republic, spent $208 million dollars on medical imports for its 7.5 million citizens in 1995.

Health Care in Cuba: Myth Versus Reality
Health Care in Cuba: Myth Versus Reality

And your claim that the average Cuban does not want a full-on capitalist society like the US is probably true….Cubans have been subjegated and indoctrinated for the past 50 years….the average person has minimal aspirations….they probably cannot even conceive the kind of life we Americans live…democracy and economic freedom are not really experienced in Cuba…

You are one seriously misguided liberal….let’s see some serious proof that Cuba’s health for the AVERAGE citizen has significantly improved like you claim….especially now that the Soviet Union no longer subsidizes Cuba’s health care…and DON’T point out the Cuban hospitals and care units that are set up for use by foreigners and members of the Communist Party elite...there is a two-tier system in Cuba....

When commie suckup Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA is gushing about the medical advances in Cuba she is really talking about the top tier services that members of the Cuban Communist Party elite and the military high-command are allowed to use free of charge…she's not talking about the average Cuban who needs to bring his own sheets to the hospital and who might get medicine.... if there is any available...

And let's not forget the ongoing suffering from lack of chlorinated water, poor nutrition, deteriorating housing, and generally unsanitary conditions which promote infectious diseases.….provided FREE as well by the wonderful Castro communist regime...

Referring to the growing disparity between health care provided to ordinary Cubans and that offered to tourists and high ranking Communist party members, the exiled Cuban doctors noted that they "wish that any one of us could provide tours to foreign visitors of the hospitals Cira Garcia, Frank Pais, CIMEQ, and Hermanos Ameijeiras, in order to point out the medicines and equipment, even the bedsheets and blankets, reserved for regime elites or dollar-bearing foreigners, to the detriment of our people, who must bring their own bedsheets, to say nothing of the availability of medicines."

This statement by these newly arrived Cuban doctors is corroborated by the latest available trade figures for Cuba (1995). Cuba's imports totaled $2.8 billion dollars, yet only $46 million dollars--only 1.5% of overall foreign purchases--on medical imports for its 11 million people. By comparison, Cuba's neighbor, the Dominican Republic, spent $208 million dollars on medical imports for its 7.5 million citizens in 1995.

Health Care in Cuba: Myth Versus Reality
Health Care in Cuba: Myth Versus Reality

And your claim that the average Cuban does not want a full-on capitalist society like the US is probably true….Cubans have been subjegated and indoctrinated for the past 50 years….the average person has minimal aspirations….they probably cannot even conceive the kind of life we Americans live…democracy and economic freedom are not really experienced in Cuba…

Rather than present you with a link or two and extracts which you'll fulminate over why not do a search on the phrase, "James Wolfensohn on Cuba" and see what comes up.
What does free speech have to do with it? That's one of the stupidest things I've heard here.[/QUOTE]

Free speech isn't allowed in Cuba either you dishonest fuck.. Ever heard of political prisoners? I bet not. DUmmie

Really Cuba, I thought fidel was a hippie pacifist who won't hurt a fly!

He executed a general, and one who fought with him during the revolution, and was though an old comrade, who was caught assisting smugglers of drugs moving through Cuba headed for the USA.

Incidently, not all hippies are pacifists. Many of them I know are rather well armed and red-necked.

Few of us sign onto most wars, but pacifism and not believing in most wars is not necessarily the same thing at all.

Most of the extant hippi I know are Viet Nam vets -- and they're usually combat vets, too.

We mostly smoke dope to make other people seem less stupid, folks.
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You are one seriously misguided liberal….let’s see some serious proof that Cuba’s health for the AVERAGE citizen has significantly improved like you claim….especially now that the Soviet Union no longer subsidizes Cuba’s health care…and DON’T point out the Cuban hospitals and care units that are set up for use by foreigners and members of the Communist Party elite...there is a two-tier system in Cuba....

When commie suckup Rep. Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA is gushing about the medical advances in Cuba she is really talking about the top tier services that members of the Cuban Communist Party elite and the military high-command are allowed to use free of charge…she's not talking about the average Cuban who needs to bring his own sheets to the hospital and who might get medicine.... if there is any available...

And let's not forget the ongoing suffering from lack of chlorinated water, poor nutrition, deteriorating housing, and generally unsanitary conditions which promote infectious diseases.….provided FREE as well by the wonderful Castro communist regime...

Referring to the growing disparity between health care provided to ordinary Cubans and that offered to tourists and high ranking Communist party members, the exiled Cuban doctors noted that they "wish that any one of us could provide tours to foreign visitors of the hospitals Cira Garcia, Frank Pais, CIMEQ, and Hermanos Ameijeiras, in order to point out the medicines and equipment, even the bedsheets and blankets, reserved for regime elites or dollar-bearing foreigners, to the detriment of our people, who must bring their own bedsheets, to say nothing of the availability of medicines."

This statement by these newly arrived Cuban doctors is corroborated by the latest available trade figures for Cuba (1995). Cuba's imports totaled $2.8 billion dollars, yet only $46 million dollars--only 1.5% of overall foreign purchases--on medical imports for its 11 million people. By comparison, Cuba's neighbor, the Dominican Republic, spent $208 million dollars on medical imports for its 7.5 million citizens in 1995.

Health Care in Cuba: Myth Versus Reality
Health Care in Cuba: Myth Versus Reality

And your claim that the average Cuban does not want a full-on capitalist society like the US is probably true….Cubans have been subjegated and indoctrinated for the past 50 years….the average person has minimal aspirations….they probably cannot even conceive the kind of life we Americans live…democracy and economic freedom are not really experienced in Cuba…

Rather than present you with a link or two and extracts which you'll fulminate over why not do a search on the phrase, "James Wolfensohn on Cuba" and see what comes up.

I would rather believe the reports from exiled Cuban doctors over that of a World Bank president...

Ambassador Dennis Hays (and expert on Cuba) said “Mr. Wolfensohn’s woeful ignorance of conditions in Cuba is breathtaking in its magnitude. In addition to being factually wrong, does he really mean to imply that extreme repression can be justified by a self reported uptick in socio-economic indicators?”

Cuban-born Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, R-Fl., says Wolfensohn’s remarks are “beyond insensitive, beyond belief. Cuba had tremendous advances before Castro in health and education ... I’m certainly going to share this with my colleagues.’’ This was an unsubtle reference to the World Bank’s dependence on congressional financing for its programs.

WorldView Magazine: CUBA NON LIBRE
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The average Cuban lifespan exceeds that of the average American. Their infant mortality is lower than ours. We have supported much worse tyrants than Castro, such as Saddam, when he was our SOB.

The wingnuts failure to acknowledge reality continues to show them to be fools.
How can a post without any substance go over my head? :lol:

You obviously didn't understand my point or you wouldn't have posted this one.

You made an assumption that I thought Castro was a better dictator than Batista. There's your mistake. You need to go back and read what I posted and stop responding to what you think I posted.

A post without substance? Is that how you want to defend commies like Barbara Lee....wiith unsubstantive denial? :lol:

So then do you consider Batista the better? Even though you claim the "revolution" changed things for the better? FYI I was primarily responding to your claim that "the key indicators for a good society improved" under Fidel Castro....which, btw, I originally highlighted in red for you to take note of...frankly I'm not concerned which of the two dictators is "better" or not... I was mainly responding to your claim that under Fidel life for Cubans is better and as you said, "improved"...

However, O Sultan of Spin, I am willing to entertain an explaination of what you really meant...

I made no reference to Barbara Lee, don't know who she is. You're reading what you want to read into my post, that's the second time you've done it, no wonder you're confused.

I made it perfectly clear for anyone to follow. The ordinary person's lot was improved after the revolution. My point was, is it better to live under a dictatorship where there is an improvement in social conditions or is it better to live under a dictatorship where you live in shit social conditions? Now don't duck and say it's not good to live under a dictatorship, we know that.

As for the Sultan of Spin. My avatar is the greatest discus thrower the world has seen, the late Al Oerter. My reference to "The Sultan of Spin" is a reference to him as spin is very important in the discus. The body has to spin across the circle and the discus itself has to spin very fast from the hand. It's also a nod to a popular song of some years ago by Dire Straits.

Now you should feel much better informed about many things. You don't have to thank me, I do this as a public service :lol:

I don't know, but you should get out more
The average Cuban lifespan exceeds that of the average American. Their infant mortality is lower than ours. We have supported much worse tyrants than Castro, such as Saddam, when he was our SOB.

The wingnuts failure to acknowledge reality continues to show them to be fools.

Why don't you move to Cuba then Old'll live longer....:eusa_whistle:

Yes, we have supported lesser evils in order to defeat greater evils...the enemy of my enemy and all that....however.... that still does not sanction evil...or excuse of the most evil tyrants on the face of this earth...

Even if Castro actually is developing a good health care system (one thing he can focus on because the US embargo does not restrict medical help and supplies) to showcase to the world and to use as a propaganda tool....that does NOT mean his evil regime should be accepted by the patsy liberals will use any excuse to be friendly to commies...

The only reason Obama, our marxist prez, is lifting some sanctions on Cuba is because he is sympathetic to communists...
A post without substance? Is that how you want to defend commies like Barbara Lee....wiith unsubstantive denial? :lol:

So then do you consider Batista the better? Even though you claim the "revolution" changed things for the better? FYI I was primarily responding to your claim that "the key indicators for a good society improved" under Fidel Castro....which, btw, I originally highlighted in red for you to take note of...frankly I'm not concerned which of the two dictators is "better" or not... I was mainly responding to your claim that under Fidel life for Cubans is better and as you said, "improved"...

However, O Sultan of Spin, I am willing to entertain an explaination of what you really meant...

I made no reference to Barbara Lee, don't know who she is. You're reading what you want to read into my post, that's the second time you've done it, no wonder you're confused.

I made it perfectly clear for anyone to follow. The ordinary person's lot was improved after the revolution. My point was, is it better to live under a dictatorship where there is an improvement in social conditions or is it better to live under a dictatorship where you live in shit social conditions? Now don't duck and say it's not good to live under a dictatorship, we know that.

As for the Sultan of Spin. My avatar is the greatest discus thrower the world has seen, the late Al Oerter. My reference to "The Sultan of Spin" is a reference to him as spin is very important in the discus. The body has to spin across the circle and the discus itself has to spin very fast from the hand. It's also a nod to a popular song of some years ago by Dire Straits.

Now you should feel much better informed about many things. You don't have to thank me, I do this as a public service :lol:

I don't know, but you should get out more

I've been to Cuba, have you? :lol:
The average Cuban lifespan exceeds that of the average American. Their infant mortality is lower than ours. We have supported much worse tyrants than Castro, such as Saddam, when he was our SOB.

The wingnuts failure to acknowledge reality continues to show them to be fools.

Why don't you move to Cuba then Old'll live longer....:eusa_whistle:

Yes, we have supported lesser evils in order to defeat greater evils...the enemy of my enemy and all that....however.... that still does not sanction evil...or excuse of the most evil tyrants on the face of this earth...

Even if Castro actually is developing a good health care system (one thing he can focus on because the US embargo does not restrict medical help and supplies) to showcase to the world and to use as a propaganda tool....that does NOT mean his evil regime should be accepted by the patsy liberals will use any excuse to be friendly to commies...

The only reason Obama, our marxist prez, is lifting some sanctions on Cuba is because he is sympathetic to communists...

one of the most evil tyrants on the face of this earth.

Oh really? Heck he's got some serious competition! Now we enter the realm of hyperbole SE. But then if you regard Obama as even slightly left of centre, let along vaguely Marxist, I'm not surprised.
I made no reference to Barbara Lee, don't know who she is. You're reading what you want to read into my post, that's the second time you've done it, no wonder you're confused.

I made it perfectly clear for anyone to follow. The ordinary person's lot was improved after the revolution. My point was, is it better to live under a dictatorship where there is an improvement in social conditions or is it better to live under a dictatorship where you live in shit social conditions? Now don't duck and say it's not good to live under a dictatorship, we know that.

As for the Sultan of Spin. My avatar is the greatest discus thrower the world has seen, the late Al Oerter. My reference to "The Sultan of Spin" is a reference to him as spin is very important in the discus. The body has to spin across the circle and the discus itself has to spin very fast from the hand. It's also a nod to a popular song of some years ago by Dire Straits.

Now you should feel much better informed about many things. You don't have to thank me, I do this as a public service :lol:

I don't know, but you should get out more

I've been to Cuba, have you? :lol:

Yes and correspond with a few that live there.
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The average Cuban lifespan exceeds that of the average American. Their infant mortality is lower than ours. We have supported much worse tyrants than Castro, such as Saddam, when he was our SOB.

The wingnuts failure to acknowledge reality continues to show them to be fools.

Why don't you move to Cuba then Old'll live longer....:eusa_whistle:

Yes, we have supported lesser evils in order to defeat greater evils...the enemy of my enemy and all that....however.... that still does not sanction evil...or excuse of the most evil tyrants on the face of this earth...

Even if Castro actually is developing a good health care system (one thing he can focus on because the US embargo does not restrict medical help and supplies) to showcase to the world and to use as a propaganda tool....that does NOT mean his evil regime should be accepted by the patsy liberals will use any excuse to be friendly to commies...

The only reason Obama, our marxist prez, is lifting some sanctions on Cuba is because he is sympathetic to communists...

one of the most evil tyrants on the face of this earth.

Oh really? Heck he's got some serious competition! Now we enter the realm of hyperbole SE. But then if you regard Obama as even slightly left of centre, let along vaguely Marxist, I'm not surprised.

Yessir...I'd say old Castro is right up there as one of the worst...

The Tyrant Hall of Shame includes:

* Kim Jong-il/North Korea
* Hu Jintao/China
* Seyed Ali Khamenei/Iran
* King Abdullah/Saudi Arabia
* Muammar al-Qaddafi/Libya
* Omar al-Bashir/Sudan
* Islam Karimov/Uzbekistan
* Saparmurat Niyazov/Turkmenistan
* Fidel Castro/Cuba Tyrants: The World's 20 Worst Living Dictators: David Wallechinsky: Books

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