you can't grow your own food and consume for a group party or for your family


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
nor for your livestock

You have all the signs of a dictatorship but what are you going to do? My guess is talk about voting someone out of office. Voting has not worked. so what do you do, talk about what happen at the cardasian wedding or what happen on one of the distraction tv shows.
[ame=]Nevada Heath District Raids Picnic 2/2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Nevada Heath District Raids Picnic 1/2 - YouTube[/ame]
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More information here.

Farm-to-Fork Dinner Fiasco

Tom Collins, our County Commissioner, furious by the events that took place, having formerly been a board member for the Southern Nevada Health District is putting together a meeting with himself, the current board members and ourselves to make sense of all this mess.
More information here.

Farm-to-Fork Dinner Fiasco

Tom Collins, our County Commissioner, furious by the events that took place, having formerly been a board member for the Southern Nevada Health District is putting together a meeting with himself, the current board members and ourselves to make sense of all this mess.

The first video which is labeled number 2 the speaker laid it out as was written from your source.
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You are not free. You are not represented. Government exists only to marginalize and manage the population while the Oligarchy makes all decisions. Voting is pointless, candidates are bought. 100% corruption from top to bottom to protect crony capitalism and interests of huge corporate power.
Obamaturd is probably sitting on his throne laughing. This is so typical.

I have been to too many local farm family pig pickings where they feed from what they grow, they have guns and are not afraid to use them let some guberment official come to one of those party's and do what that witch did.
You are not free. You are not represented. Government exists only to marginalize and manage the population while the Oligarchy makes all decisions. Voting is pointless, candidates are bought. 100% corruption from top to bottom to protect crony capitalism and interests of huge corporate power.

But we can "TALK" about voting them out of office, can't we?
More information here.

Farm-to-Fork Dinner Fiasco

Tom Collins, our County Commissioner, furious by the events that took place, having formerly been a board member for the Southern Nevada Health District is putting together a meeting with himself, the current board members and ourselves to make sense of all this mess.

The first video which is labeled number 2 the speaker laid it out as was written from your source.

My source will be updated with additional facts as they occur. That wouldn't fit with your agenda though would it? You don't want to fix these kinds of problems, you just want to destroy government agencies as a result.

Our outrage at this event might be the same, but our ultimate goals are not.
You are not free. You are not represented. Government exists only to marginalize and manage the population while the Oligarchy makes all decisions. Voting is pointless, candidates are bought. 100% corruption from top to bottom to protect crony capitalism and interests of huge corporate power.

True. But I always hold out hope...
You are not free. You are not represented. Government exists only to marginalize and manage the population while the Oligarchy makes all decisions. Voting is pointless, candidates are bought. 100% corruption from top to bottom to protect crony capitalism and interests of huge corporate power.

But we can "TALK" about voting them out of office, can't we?

Yeap we can talk till were blue in the face, wont make any difference. Look at Ron Paul, he has directly challanged existing power and they have taken every opportunity to marginalize him. Now they have resorted to just removing him from polls or tossing polls out entirely.

We are trapped in a hopeless zytgiest of propaganda and encouraged stupidity. We have been failed by the media, failed by our justice system and failed by our congress. All parts of government have been captured, and all relevant media aswell.
Obamaturd is probably sitting on his throne laughing. This is so typical.

I have been to too many local farm family pig pickings where they feed from what they grow, they have guns and are not afraid to use them let some guberment official come to one of those party's and do what that witch did.

Lil'rebnyc thumpin his chest again :rolleyes: ZZZzzz

More information here.

Farm-to-Fork Dinner Fiasco

Tom Collins, our County Commissioner, furious by the events that took place, having formerly been a board member for the Southern Nevada Health District is putting together a meeting with himself, the current board members and ourselves to make sense of all this mess.

The first video which is labeled number 2 the speaker laid it out as was written from your source.

My source will be updated with additional facts as they occur. That wouldn't fit with your agenda though would it? You don't want to fix these kinds of problems, you just want to destroy government agencies as a result.

Our outrage at this event might be the same, but our ultimate goals are not.
I will use my last reply from another thread to reply here

you will not have transparency when the rot of corruption has been in involved. You have to start over or continue with the same old same hope hope they will change mentality. The little guy will always get robbed and bully by the big guy until the little guy has had enough and breaks the big guy's nose.

Remember this the he done it mentality? Every time something the new government does people say will the last one did it why are you bitching about?
You are not free. You are not represented. Government exists only to marginalize and manage the population while the Oligarchy makes all decisions. Voting is pointless, candidates are bought. 100% corruption from top to bottom to protect crony capitalism and interests of huge corporate power.

But we can "TALK" about voting them out of office, can't we?

Yeap we can talk till were blue in the face, wont make any difference. Look at Ron Paul, he has directly challanged existing power and they have taken every opportunity to marginalize him. Now they have resorted to just removing him from polls or tossing polls out entirely.

We are trapped in a hopeless zytgiest of propaganda and encouraged stupidity. We have been failed by the media, failed by our justice system and failed by our congress. All parts of government have been captured, and all relevant media aswell.

I agree
You are not free. You are not represented. Government exists only to marginalize and manage the population while the Oligarchy makes all decisions. Voting is pointless, candidates are bought. 100% corruption from top to bottom to protect crony capitalism and interests of huge corporate power.

True. But I always hold out hope...

I have had way to much hope shoved in my face for almost three years I am fed up with hope.
more detailed information...

My Thoughts on The Quail Hollow Farm Dinner Fiasco
Not surprisingly, since the items to be served were prepared offsite, then transported to the event, they were subject to the health code guidelines. Some items were not up to temperature for service (a huge no-no for those of you who are initiated in the finer points of mad inspection-passing skills.) The inspector demanded the items be discarded.

Surprisingly, they asked the inspector if they were able to save it for their families, or for their livestock. Can you guess the response? A big, “Hell No!” (The code specifically states that if the food is not to be destroyed, it needs to be held in containment until such time the health board can decide what to do with it.)

The first question I would ask is, where the hell was the chef in all of this? I assume he was up to speed on the regional health code, so he would know that he was walking a fine line. Why wasn’t the food up to temperature before service? Where were the labels, etc.?

Second, why did this event need a permit in the first place? In the case of the farmers, I wouldn’t have accepted the fact that I needed the permit. There is a fine that can be associated with non-compliance, but the burden of proof is on the state at that point. That’s the time for the Farmer’s Legal defense to get involved.

I don’t agree with the way things were handled… but I do have to point out that the farm did contravene the health code restrictions, and were asking for a problem. I am all for legal defense for the farmer, but I am not into throwing out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to the regulations that govern a restaurant establishment codes of conduct.

By charging for the event, in my eyes it was no different than an event that I would cater – yet I would be bound by the laws of the state’s heath board to comply with the sanitation, operations codes. If I had to comply, but then a farm didn’t (because they were catering to a “private” event,) then I’d be pissed.

I’m not trying to be inflammatory here, I am trying to point out that from the get go, on BOTH sides, this was a grand mismanagement of time, energy, and bureaucratic tape. Worse, it presents a case precedent later on to show that small farms like this are not willing to comply with the state health code, and that in turn hurts the whole movement of farm to table.

The Thread Title is disingenuous, at best... a lie at worst. Not overly surprising, given thread starter.
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My source will be updated with additional facts as they occur.

Is there an objective report of this?

All I’m finding are crazy, hysterical, rightwing extremist sites, nothing factual.

What health codes or regulations were allegedly violated? Were warnings issued and ignored? Was a due process followed?

Yeap we can talk till were blue in the face, wont make any difference. Look at Ron Paul, he has directly challanged existing power and they have taken every opportunity to marginalize him. Now they have resorted to just removing him from polls or tossing polls out entirely.

We are trapped in a hopeless zytgiest of propaganda and encouraged stupidity. We have been failed by the media, failed by our justice system and failed by our congress. All parts of government have been captured, and all relevant media aswell.

Paranoid rightwing whining and nonsense – you place the blame everywhere but where it actually belongs.
No. you start by killing the guy that shows up at the door with a ticket book, reload, get some folks together and go get the rest of them, on to their bosses, then up to the mayors office, governors mansion. Rinse, reload, repeat.
My source will be updated with additional facts as they occur.

Is there an objective report of this?

All I’m finding are crazy, hysterical, rightwing extremist sites, nothing factual.

What health codes or regulations were allegedly violated? Were warnings issued and ignored? Was a due process followed?

Yeap we can talk till were blue in the face, wont make any difference. Look at Ron Paul, he has directly challanged existing power and they have taken every opportunity to marginalize him. Now they have resorted to just removing him from polls or tossing polls out entirely.

We are trapped in a hopeless zytgiest of propaganda and encouraged stupidity. We have been failed by the media, failed by our justice system and failed by our congress. All parts of government have been captured, and all relevant media aswell.

Paranoid rightwing whining and nonsense – you place the blame everywhere but where it actually belongs.

nothing in mainstream media yet. My source, although a blog, appears to have much more information than other sources used in this thread. (see above post)

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