You can say whatever you want about the ethics of breaking the Goldwater rule; the experts...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy.

Really.....he took whatever money his father gave him and made himself into a you realize how many other people, when given money like that waste it or lose post what you posted shows you really don't understand Trump, or what he don't get buildings built simply because your dad gave you money, you don't get where he ended up just because your dad gave you money.......

Please.....try to think more deeply before yo post.. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You were right about one single thing in your lunatic rant: Hillary is irrelevant. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You were right about one single thing in your lunatic rant: Hillary is irrelevant.
Yeah, so let her go already lol. Move on. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You seem well lets be honest unhinged. Trump is a multi billionaire and POTUS, you are neither of those things. :itsok: psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You were right about one single thing in your lunatic rant: Hillary is irrelevant.
Yeah, so let her go already lol. Move on.

Not likely. Her political career is irrelevant. However, the crimes she committed while she was Secretary of State and while she was campaigning for President, are and will continue to increase in relevancy.

This will continue to dog her for the rest of her life and there's a good possibility that she will end up in prison before Trump is out of office.

Everything she did is not going to simply vanish. I know that the Democrats have tried very hard to make that happen, but her troubles haven't even begun. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy.

Really.....he took whatever money his father gave him and made himself into a you realize how many other people, when given money like that waste it or lose post what you posted shows you really don't understand Trump, or what he don't get buildings built simply because your dad gave you money, you don't get where he ended up just because your dad gave you money.......

Please.....try to think more deeply before yo post..

Question for your trump need to apologize lame ass, how much many did the orange don inherit from Fred?

Bonus points awarded for being even somewhat accurate. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You seem well lets be honest unhinged. Trump is a multi billionaire and POTUS, you are neither of those things. :itsok:
lol if I’m unhinged you are mindless pawn who can’t think for himself. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You seem well lets be honest unhinged. Trump is a multi billionaire and POTUS, you are neither of those things. :itsok:
lol if I’m unhinged you are mindless pawn who can’t think for himself.

So we need you liberal elitists to do our thinking for us? :21:

You need to go back to your little "Democraptic Socialist" academic fantasy world with the rest of the Bernie supporters, because the real world doesn't work the way you think it does.
Last edited: psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy.

Really.....he took whatever money his father gave him and made himself into a you realize how many other people, when given money like that waste it or lose post what you posted shows you really don't understand Trump, or what he don't get buildings built simply because your dad gave you money, you don't get where he ended up just because your dad gave you money.......

Please.....try to think more deeply before yo post..
You ask to much of him. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy.

Really.....he took whatever money his father gave him and made himself into a you realize how many other people, when given money like that waste it or lose post what you posted shows you really don't understand Trump, or what he don't get buildings built simply because your dad gave you money, you don't get where he ended up just because your dad gave you money.......

Please.....try to think more deeply before yo post..

He took the money his Daddy gave him and used it to bully bribe, cheat, lie and steal his way to billions. His business record speaks for itself. Anybody who walks away from a bankruptcy with $40 million while your investors lose everything is a conman not a businessman. Trump figured out an amazing con, I’ll give him that.

As for his buildings, his construction was always mired in debt and dysfunction, took years longer than it should have and required Trump to leave it to others to finish. He had very little money in the buildings that bear his name, sometimes as little as 5%, but he always negotiated his name on the building so people would think he built it and owned it.

The hotels are all owned by others and managed by the Trump Corporation. The Trump Hotel in Toronto went bankrupt during election campaign. It belongs to a Russian investor. Trump managed it. It’s now operated by Starwood.

I’ve been there for brunch when Trump was running it. The food was good but not great. Brunch for two was $150.00, plus tips. I’ve had better for a lot less money. There a much better brunch available at the Hot House just down the street for $60 for two.

I don’t know what the rooms are like and at $400 plus per night I’m unlikely to be staying there anytime soon.

The owner of the Trump Hotel in Panama had the Trump Corporation evicted last week. He claimed mismanagement. The Trumps refused to leave and barricaded themselves in the office.

Trump’s two golf clubs in Scotland have yet to turn a profit. Trump ran roughshod over the locals during construction and is loathed in the Scotland as well as the rest of Great Britain. Since his election, revenues are in the toilet.

This is your great success. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You seem well lets be honest unhinged. Trump is a multi billionaire and POTUS, you are neither of those things. :itsok:
lol if I’m unhinged you are mindless pawn who can’t think for himself.

So we need you liberal elitists to do our thinking for us? :21:

You need to go back to your little "Democraptic Socialist" academic fantasy world with the rest of the Bernie supporters, because the real world doesn't work the way you think it does.
You don’t even know what socialism is lol. If you did, you’d know it’s always been apart of the framework of this country. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.


I believe that Trump's father set him up with a million dollars. So, there is that.

From which Trump has created a worldwide empire. Think about this: He doesn't actually own some of those casinos or hotels that have his name on them...maybe a small part...mostly the owners are paying him to let them put HIS name on their building.

That is fine work if you can get it...and his daddy didn't get that for him.

Then, at age 69, he stops his career...and starts a whole new one...running for....and winning the most powerful office in the world.

He does have some personality did Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill et al...and the peculiarities are nothing compared to the pure Depravity that was our other choice in November/2016.

His accomplishments ought to make a sane man recoil form the epithets you have poured upon him....

"He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success".

You actually said that--just above. You ought to be ashamed. It is more complicated than just telling your safe-space roommate that Trump is an Idiot...and having your roommate agree, and that settles it. There's some Facts out there. Stubborn ones.

I think you might be a Dumb-Ass.

_________________________ psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You seem well lets be honest unhinged. Trump is a multi billionaire and POTUS, you are neither of those things. :itsok:
lol if I’m unhinged you are mindless pawn who can’t think for himself.

Meh, your daily Trump hate rants speak volumes about you. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

You seem well lets be honest unhinged. Trump is a multi billionaire and POTUS, you are neither of those things. :itsok:
lol if I’m unhinged you are mindless pawn who can’t think for himself.

This coming from the one channel nimrod of the board"

fuh fuh fuh Trump is teh suxzor, fuh fuh fuh, trumpbots are also teh suxzor, fuh fuh fuh" psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

Billy is narcissistic, immature, insecure little bitch. Rump's a puppet, but you're an idiot kid. psychiatry are still right. Trump is narcissistic, immature, and an insecure little bitch who would be working a minimum wage job now had his daddy not given him millions of dollars.

Trump really wouldn’t have any wealth or success at all if it wasn’t for daddy. Why do I make this assumption? Because of how many times he’s gone into bankruptcy and how many of his ventures failed spectacularly despite having millions to begin with. He is too stupid and childish to be able to pull off raw success.

At this point, his voters are too petty and childish to admit they made a mistake in electing him. Otherwise, they wouldn’t try so hard to deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary when confronted about Trump’s obvious bullshit.

Somebody needs a nap.

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