Yet Another One, Gul Meena


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Or how Islamic men treat young girls

by NavyOne at The Mellow Jihad blog @ Yet Another One, Gul Meena |


Gul Meena

Now watch the Islamic apologists on here try to justify this. Or claim it's a rare and unusual activity by a radical.

Glad to hear that domestic violence is just an Islamic thing.
Glad to hear that domestic violence is just an Islamic thing.

It's not just an Islamic thing but Islam is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to womens rights. All women have the right not to be beaten by her family or spouse and treated with the same equality as any man. Islam like most ME religions gives women a lesser value. What's different here is that other religions have modernized and Islam flat out refuses too. Would you want your daughter treated like this and have no recourse because it was her husband who did it?
Glad to hear that domestic violence is just an Islamic thing.

It's not just an Islamic thing but Islam is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to womens rights. All women have the right not to be beaten by her family or spouse and treated with the same equality as any man. Islam like most ME religions gives women a lesser value. What's different here is that other religions have modernized and Islam flat out refuses too. Would you want your daughter treated like this and have no recourse because it was her husband who did it?

The Middle Eastern cultures in general have serious problems with violence against women as do Asian, Latin American and African. Islam is pointed out by those who ignore the fact that other religions in those same cultures treat their women no better. Muslims It sucks to be a women in those places. The differences are less due to religion than the background culture and how "fundamentalist" the approach to their religion is.

I agree that other religions - in mostly western countries have modernized while Islam, in many of the dominantly Muslim countries is still struggling to get out of a 12th century mindset and find itself.

I do not agree, however, with the OP's attempt to define all of Islam by abuse of women when it's a world wide problem perpetrated by many cultures and religions.

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