Yes , we need Assault rifles, and high capacity ammo clips!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Yes , everyone there is a need for assault weapons and high capacity ammo clips.!
So don't let the government , or anyone tell you that you don need them.

We need assault weapons, and high capacity ammo clips because there are millions
of people who have fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles, who don't like Americans,
and who have declaired war on America, and Americans.

What we don't need is any bans by the government or President Obama.!
All part of a government plan to confiscate all weapons, by way of using
these masacres as an excuse to ban certain weapons.
Not everyone needs that shit, but if someone desires to posess it in a responsible fashion then they should not be barred from doing so.

But Obama and his Illuminati freinds have an agenda, so they want to ban assault rifles
and high capacity ammo clips, they don't want Americans to have them.
Using the flase pretense that this will some how prevent these masacres from occurring.
Yes , everyone there is a need for assault weapons and high capacity ammo clips.!
So don't let the government , or anyone tell you that you don need them.

We need assault weapons, and high capacity ammo clips because there are millions
of people who have fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles, who don't like Americans,
and who have declaired war on America, and Americans.

What we don't need is any bans by the government or President Obama.!
All part of a government plan to confiscate all weapons, by way of using
these masacres as an excuse to ban certain weapons.

Ammo clip:


Ammo magazine:


Colonial high capacity magazine


Modern high capacity magazine:


Hope that helps..........
Yes , everyone there is a need for assault weapons and high capacity ammo clips.!
So don't let the government , or anyone tell you that you don need them.

We need assault weapons, and high capacity ammo clips because there are millions
of people who have fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles, who don't like Americans,
and who have declaired war on America, and Americans.

What we don't need is any bans by the government or President Obama.!
All part of a government plan to confiscate all weapons, by way of using
these masacres as an excuse to ban certain weapons.

Ammo clip:


Ammo magazine:


Colonial high capacity magazine


Modern high capacity magazine:


Hope that helps..........

I laugh my balls off everytime a limpwrister who never even saw a gun in their life tries to educate us about guns..............

And post this.....................

[ame=]Shooting The Mossberg 930 SPX 12ga Shotgun - YouTube[/ame]

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Yes , everyone there is a need for assault weapons and high capacity ammo clips.!
So don't let the government , or anyone tell you that you don need them.

We need assault weapons, and high capacity ammo clips because there are millions
of people who have fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles, who don't like Americans,
and who have declaired war on America, and Americans.

What we don't need is any bans by the government or President Obama.!
All part of a government plan to confiscate all weapons, by way of using
these masacres as an excuse to ban certain weapons.

So red dawn is real? Don't they have grenade launchers and tanks as well? You need then too?
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Personally, I don't need/want/desire an assault rifle.
I'll blow the head off an intruder into my home or some asshole attempting to rob a business I'm shopping in as he's attempting to intimidate people/rob just perfectly with my .45 auto.
Personally, I don't need/want/desire an assault rifle.
I'll blow the head off an intruder into my home or some asshole attempting to rob a business I'm shopping in as he's attempting to intimidate people/rob just perfectly with my .45 auto.

What don't need is the government telling what weapons I can or can not have.
Thats what I need.
Personally, I don't need/want/desire an assault rifle.
I'll blow the head off an intruder into my home or some asshole attempting to rob a business I'm shopping in as he's attempting to intimidate people/rob just perfectly with my .45 auto.
Personally, I don't need/want/desire an assault rifle.
I'll blow the head off an intruder into my home or some asshole attempting to rob a business I'm shopping in as he's attempting to intimidate people/rob just perfectly with my .45 auto.

I hear ya Warrior...........but may I suggest checking out one of the many fine semi-automatic 12G units. If you can afford it, cant beat an M4 from Benelli..........

[ame=]Benelli M4 Semi-Automatic Shotgun (HD) - YouTube[/ame]

A little rich for my taste, I settled for a Mossberg 930 SPX. Either one, you can fire 5,000 times and not clean it once and with 00 buck, two shots will saw any human being in half at 20 paces:D

Id much prefer this weapon in any tactical combat situation as compared to an AR or AK..............
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