Yes, they actually ARE coming for your guns....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
House Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Manufacture of ‘Assault Weapons’

Yep, they ARE coming for your guns…they just intend to stop them at the source:

"On 16 December, D-Rep David Cicilline (D-RI-1st) will introduce the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

Besides banning the manufacturing of AR-15s and related firearms, the ban would put in place “new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.”

According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible. We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.”His bill has “90 Democrat co-sponsors including House Minority WHIP D-Md Steny Hoyer."

I AM actually for any anti-gun legislation that bans Obama and his administration from ever handling, selling, or handing our guns / weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeida, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, or anyone else. Based on their documented history they can not be trusted with weapons...and they probably could not pass their own vetting process after handing out weapons to all those groups (especially considering all the innocent people killed and crimes / terrorist acts perpetrated with those weapons).
House Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Manufacture of ‘Assault Weapons’

Yep, they ARE coming for your guns…they just intend to stop them at the source:

"On 16 December, D-Rep David Cicilline (D-RI-1st) will introduce the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

Besides banning the manufacturing of AR-15s and related firearms, the ban would put in place “new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.”

According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible. We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.”His bill has “90 Democrat co-sponsors including House Minority WHIP D-Md Steny Hoyer."

I AM actually for any anti-gun legislation that bans Obama and his administration from ever handling, selling, or handing our guns / weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeida, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, or anyone else. Based on their documented history they can not be trusted with weapons...and they probably could not pass their own vetting process after handing out weapons to all those groups (especially considering all the innocent people killed and crimes / terrorist acts perpetrated with those weapons).
This thing has to pass for it to be a threat.

So they're not "coming for our guns"

It will never pass, and is simply electioneering, and/or stupidity from some reactionary Democrat.
This thing has to pass for it to be a threat.

So they're not "coming for our guns"

It will never pass, and is simply electioneering, and/or stupidity from some reactionary Democrat.
I beg to differ...The fact that they are crafting and trying to pass legislation to make it happen indeed means they are 'coming for them'. Their success depends on whether it passes and is enforced or not...
It's not going to pass.

An anti-manufacture bill is not a coming for your guns bill.,

OP fail. Move along.
This thing has to pass for it to be a threat.

So they're not "coming for our guns"

It will never pass, and is simply electioneering, and/or stupidity from some reactionary Democrat.
I beg to differ...The fact that they are crafting and trying to pass legislation to make it happen indeed means they are 'coming for them'. Their success depends on whether it passes and is enforced or not...
You're still not getting it.

It WON'T pass.

That's a Republican controlled Congress
It's not going to pass.

An anti-manufacture bill is not a coming for your guns bill.,

OP fail. Move along.
How is it an 'OP fail' when it is the truth? Oh yeah, because YOU said so...

You're still not getting it.

It WON'T pass.

That's a Republican controlled Congress

No YOU don't get it. I know it won't pass. Yes, there are more Republicans THIS time. It DOESN'T matter (completely) that it won't pass...this time.

The FACT is that Anti-Constitutional Liberals like this @$$hole are out there, they are continuously scheming to take your Constitutional Rights to bear arms away. Like ISIS / Islamic Extremists, they won't stop coming.

No one thought the Democrats would ram a piece of un-wanted minority-supported legislation opposed by the majority of the American people into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept, but they did (Obamacare).

Wake up...

(Just saw your latest post...maybe you ARE starting to get it...)
Only Flakey easyt thinks an anti-manufacture bill is "I am coming for you guns" bill. Confirmation bias bunny is our Flakey easyt.

Only a Liberal skips over the part about how the 'anti-manufacturing bill' also contains more regulations / laws regarding CURRENTLY OWNED AND EXISTING WEAPONS.

And as I pointed out, this is just the latest of what will surely be many more such Liberal pieces of legislation pushing their anti-gun agenda / attempt to disarm law-abiding citizens instead of going after the criminals and terrorists.

The existing laws in California was not the problem in regards to the latest successful terrorist attack on us soil under Obama.

His highly touted vetting system failed to identify a terrorist who was bragging about and claiming her support for terrorists / terrorism on a public social web site. His 'extensive vetting process' disintegrated under their own self-imposed 'Political Correctness' ban on looking at public social networks for fear of offending the terrorists.
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Only Flakey easyt thinks an anti-manufacture bill is "I am coming for you guns" bill. Confirmation bias bunny is our Flakey easyt.
Only a Liberal skips over the part about how the 'anti-manufacturing bill' also contains more regulations / laws regarding CURRENTLY OWNED
That's your contention without proof, Flakey Easyt. Give it. Oh, that's right, it does not do that.
Anyone who doesn't understand that the end game for the Democrat Party is total disarmament, is a naive idiot.
Sigh. The Dems don't want such a thing, than the Pubs want to break the middle class. Save us from Flakey Fringer Predfans, please.
Anyone who doesn't understand that the end game for the Democrat Party is total disarmament, is a naive idiot.
Christ on a cracker!

Not you too!

Every so often some Democrat brings up gun control or The Fairness Doctrine, and they ALWAYS crash and burn

Doesn't change what I said. It IS the end game for them.
First there has to be a game.

There isn't.


Though some may try

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