Yes I am going to bitch about Microsoft again...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Windows 10 hell. It is just that.
At the office, Quickbooks has a forced upgrade, and that upgrade requires Windows 10.
Sooo... we had to buy two computers. They run Win10 Pro

I have been trying to share the Quicbooks folder so the owner can also access QB data.... setting up a shared folder on Macs/Linux/Previous Windows...takes about 30 seconds maybe. For fucks sake...I have been trying to get any friggin computer to see the shared drive for 3 hours!!
I have shut off every security feature there is on the damn thing. Set permissions to full control - everyone. No matter what access is denied.
Even though I also have password protection turned off... you try and connect to it... it wants a password that doesn't exist.
But wait...what is this... I uninstalled the malware McAfee...what is this McAfee "live protection"??.... uninstalled.
Still can't see the shared drive - HOWEVER - if I map it... it works. DID NOT WORK until I uninstalled McAfee live...whatever that is. It will connect, and I can peruse content but still can't write.
So I go to our Linux file server...hmm...wonder of I can connect... Fuck yes... no problem. Worked in the 15 seconds it took to set it up.
Jesus Christ Microsoft!!!.... this is 2020!! Why is it so damn difficult to do the simplest things???
Sharing a folder is almost too easy. Maybe your issue is not linked to Microvaccine?
Yo would think.
Online I have seen about 3 million people saying the same thing. One thing I am troubled by is one user stated that he reset all of Microsoft telemetry to defaults (upon setup he said no to most telemetry options (same as I did) - and after he did worked.
That is the problem with Win 10... there are so many - many - many things M$ does that can affect a plethora of other things.
In the end... I currently have it working via a mapped drive... but not super comfortable that I had to make it wide open to work.
Good news the PC's I chose has a SSD... OMG... everyone needs one.
Sharing a folder is almost too easy. Maybe your issue is not linked to Microvaccine?
Yo would think.
Online I have seen about 3 million people saying the same thing. One thing I am troubled by is one user stated that he reset all of Microsoft telemetry to defaults (upon setup he said no to most telemetry options (same as I did) - and after he did worked.
That is the problem with Win 10... there are so many - many - many things M$ does that can affect a plethora of other things.
In the end... I currently have it working via a mapped drive... but not super comfortable that I had to make it wide open to work.
Good news the PC's I chose has a SSD... OMG... everyone needs one.
I tried that W10 Privacy tool. It warns you when an disabled option might cause problems. But is Windows telemetry traveling in local networks?
Sharing a folder is almost too easy. Maybe your issue is not linked to Microvaccine?
Yo would think.
Online I have seen about 3 million people saying the same thing. One thing I am troubled by is one user stated that he reset all of Microsoft telemetry to defaults (upon setup he said no to most telemetry options (same as I did) - and after he did worked.
That is the problem with Win 10... there are so many - many - many things M$ does that can affect a plethora of other things.
In the end... I currently have it working via a mapped drive... but not super comfortable that I had to make it wide open to work.
Good news the PC's I chose has a SSD... OMG... everyone needs one.
I tried that W10 Privacy tool. It warns you when an disabled option might cause problems. But is Windows telemetry traveling in local networks?
Who knows? You can't see the source so only they know. I suspect it does, they want to know everything users do on their PC's and that would include apps used in client/server environments, I would think.
Keep in mind in the 90s I use to set up enterprise sized networks, so setting up a shared folder is like tying shoes to me. But that is the problem with Win10...there are SO many background telemetry programs running, as well as third party apps you don't even know about.
MS. A fucking disaster, as it always has been
As much as I am not a Gates fan, M$ was a game changing force that did create a better working atmosphere between computers and the programs they run on. Gates ran a highly innovative company. albeit altruistic and monopolistic.
The Balmer years - COMPLETELY different. Steve Balmer was a disaster in every way. When he took over Microsoft was a nonstop money making, empire building machine. Within 5 years, stock prices even fell. Innovation died, he was only interested in making as much money as possible with as little effort as possible, simply floating on Microsoft's enormous market share. Every single new product/service he thought of - crashed and burned.
To this day, I will never-ever understand how he managed to keep his position for 14 years. Unthinkable.
Back in the day,Gates bought into every software company for them to get the source code and make Windows only warez. Same with hardware. That's how all those companies began and succeeded and still do.
I see change but it'll be continually slow. More of those old timers are retired now and drumming up things for open source. Many foreigners never bought into Gates' whole game and continue to move forward. I see MS nearly vanishing in the future, other than the usual video-office monopoly.Even Libre Office is superior to Office but most won't have the time or incentive to learn it. The universities also gain a good buck with MS "donations" so the education will remain the same.
Educated idiots.
MS is making more money than ever. Their Azure clouds are their new No 1 business.
Clouds have issues. Security of course being a big one. When you have data stored off-site and 1,000's of times a day it is accessed over open lines, you are vulnerable. And Azure has had more security problems than AWS. Which is kind of expected with M$. They have a very long history with blasse security precautions despite always claiming otherwise.
At the same time I am not super convinced companies have really saved money using cloud based systems over client/server apps years ago. Everytime internet goes down - you are dead. No so with internal networks. It does seem to me people are down, or having some sort of issue more than before. At the same time you are dependent on someone else, many times in another country to solve an issue.
Cloud services have a lot of issues.
Having said that, it is certainly going to continue to grow because there is much-much money to be made in subscription "pay us forever" set ups.
Just ask Adobe.
MS is making more money than ever. Their Azure clouds are their new No 1 business.
Clouds have issues. Security of course being a big one. When you have data stored off-site and 1,000's of times a day it is accessed over open lines, you are vulnerable. And Azure has had more security problems than AWS. Which is kind of expected with M$. They have a very long history with blasse security precautions despite always claiming otherwise.
At the same time I am not super convinced companies have really saved money using cloud based systems over client/server apps years ago. Everytime internet goes down - you are dead. No so with internal networks. It does seem to me people are down, or having some sort of issue more than before. At the same time you are dependent on someone else, many times in another country to solve an issue.
Cloud services have a lot of issues.
Having said that, it is certainly going to continue to grow because there is much-much money to be made in subscription "pay us forever" set ups.
Just ask Adobe.
I think the clouds do not always directly save money but improve the procedures through better accessibility. And sure, once the service is down, that´s it.
MS is making more money than ever. Their Azure clouds are their new No 1 business.
Clouds have issues. Security of course being a big one. When you have data stored off-site and 1,000's of times a day it is accessed over open lines, you are vulnerable. And Azure has had more security problems than AWS. Which is kind of expected with M$. They have a very long history with blasse security precautions despite always claiming otherwise.
At the same time I am not super convinced companies have really saved money using cloud based systems over client/server apps years ago. Everytime internet goes down - you are dead. No so with internal networks. It does seem to me people are down, or having some sort of issue more than before. At the same time you are dependent on someone else, many times in another country to solve an issue.
Cloud services have a lot of issues.
Having said that, it is certainly going to continue to grow because there is much-much money to be made in subscription "pay us forever" set ups.
Just ask Adobe.
I think the clouds do not always directly save money but improve the procedures through better accessibility. And sure, once the service is down, that´s it.
Accessibility IS the security issue. The weakest link syndrome.
Many people access it at home...on the same computer they blast with porn sites, "free" games peppered with malware etc. etc.
To me what we are seeing is the continuance of everything as a service, companies like Adobe dangle "low upfront cost!!".... in order to capture them as having no choice nut to pay them high fees for the rest of their lives. I am not a fan of this. You end up paying exponentially more in just a few years...and then keep paying and paying and paying. It is ingenious. And ethically bankrupt.
Windows 10 hell. It is just that.
At the office, Quickbooks has a forced upgrade, and that upgrade requires Windows 10.
Sooo... we had to buy two computers. They run Win10 Pro

I have been trying to share the Quicbooks folder so the owner can also access QB data.... setting up a shared folder on Macs/Linux/Previous Windows...takes about 30 seconds maybe. For fucks sake...I have been trying to get any friggin computer to see the shared drive for 3 hours!!
I have shut off every security feature there is on the damn thing. Set permissions to full control - everyone. No matter what access is denied.
Even though I also have password protection turned off... you try and connect to it... it wants a password that doesn't exist.
But wait...what is this... I uninstalled the malware McAfee...what is this McAfee "live protection"??.... uninstalled.
Still can't see the shared drive - HOWEVER - if I map it... it works. DID NOT WORK until I uninstalled McAfee live...whatever that is. It will connect, and I can peruse content but still can't write.
So I go to our Linux file server...hmm...wonder of I can connect... Fuck yes... no problem. Worked in the 15 seconds it took to set it up.
Jesus Christ Microsoft!!!.... this is 2020!! Why is it so damn difficult to do the simplest things???
There's a reason my Linux machine is my day to day workhorse and my Win 10 machine is primarily a gamer............
Windows 10 hell. It is just that.
At the office, Quickbooks has a forced upgrade, and that upgrade requires Windows 10.
Sooo... we had to buy two computers. They run Win10 Pro

I have been trying to share the Quicbooks folder so the owner can also access QB data.... setting up a shared folder on Macs/Linux/Previous Windows...takes about 30 seconds maybe. For fucks sake...I have been trying to get any friggin computer to see the shared drive for 3 hours!!
I have shut off every security feature there is on the damn thing. Set permissions to full control - everyone. No matter what access is denied.
Even though I also have password protection turned off... you try and connect to it... it wants a password that doesn't exist.
But wait...what is this... I uninstalled the malware McAfee...what is this McAfee "live protection"??.... uninstalled.
Still can't see the shared drive - HOWEVER - if I map it... it works. DID NOT WORK until I uninstalled McAfee live...whatever that is. It will connect, and I can peruse content but still can't write.
So I go to our Linux file server...hmm...wonder of I can connect... Fuck yes... no problem. Worked in the 15 seconds it took to set it up.
Jesus Christ Microsoft!!!.... this is 2020!! Why is it so damn difficult to do the simplest things???
There's a reason my Linux machine is my day to day workhorse and my Win 10 machine is primarily a gamer............
It could be you were born with a functioning brain ! What distro(s) you running today ? Linux will get a good hold on the gaming, eventually. The old coders are all set financially. Now they can "get out of the whorehouse"-Close the Windows".
It takes time when you aren't thrown millions and just do it for love/freedom.
Windows 10 hell. It is just that.
At the office, Quickbooks has a forced upgrade, and that upgrade requires Windows 10.
Sooo... we had to buy two computers. They run Win10 Pro

I have been trying to share the Quicbooks folder so the owner can also access QB data.... setting up a shared folder on Macs/Linux/Previous Windows...takes about 30 seconds maybe. For fucks sake...I have been trying to get any friggin computer to see the shared drive for 3 hours!!
I have shut off every security feature there is on the damn thing. Set permissions to full control - everyone. No matter what access is denied.
Even though I also have password protection turned off... you try and connect to it... it wants a password that doesn't exist.
But wait...what is this... I uninstalled the malware McAfee...what is this McAfee "live protection"??.... uninstalled.
Still can't see the shared drive - HOWEVER - if I map it... it works. DID NOT WORK until I uninstalled McAfee live...whatever that is. It will connect, and I can peruse content but still can't write.
So I go to our Linux file server...hmm...wonder of I can connect... Fuck yes... no problem. Worked in the 15 seconds it took to set it up.
Jesus Christ Microsoft!!!.... this is 2020!! Why is it so damn difficult to do the simplest things???
There's a reason my Linux machine is my day to day workhorse and my Win 10 machine is primarily a gamer............
It could be you were born with a functioning brain ! What distro(s) you running today ? Linux will get a good hold on the gaming, eventually. The old coders are all set financially. Now they can "get out of the whorehouse"-Close the Windows".
It takes time when you aren't thrown millions and just do it for love/freedom.
Linux Mint. I'm not a hard core free open source only acolyte, they have their preferred distros, I have mine.......
I think that Clem is the best developer since Ian Murdock(personal friend). I'm happy he embraces the Debian core as the alternative/true source.
He also understand that there is NO WAY that Mint would have come as far as it has, without Canonical
This is probably true but like I said, you have the distro you're happy with and I have the one I'm happy with. The least amount of time I spend in Terminal the happier I am..........

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