yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright

Whats the matter seems like no one can substantiate their crazy conspiracy theory that consists of what is in this entertaining little video?

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Why can't any of you OCT NIST nuthuggers just come out and admit this is what you believe in???? It's all true isn't it???

So, let's see what we can in this video.

First, no, I don't think that Manhattan was the most heavily defended airspace in the world. Also, were all 4 of the airline pilots military combat trained? If so, did that training include hand to hand combat?
No, but the Pentagon is...
The whole video is a snarky bunch of misrepresentation and loaded phrasing (did you stop beating your wife?) which, while it may be an attempting to respond to similar things directed at truthers, certainly does nothing to increase the video's credibility or persuasiveness. It also overshadows any truths that are, in fact, in the video and important.
Try to get over the snarkiness, and focus on the absurdity the video highlights.
I also wonder why, if the government could supposedly pull this off with no more than a couple of dozen people (someone in one of these 9/11 threads has said that), when Al Qaida is said to have done it it's the most sophisticated, elaborate terrorist operation ever. Hijacking the planes and flying them into buildings requires elaborate, sophisticated planning and execution, but adding the hidden use of demolitions to bring down the towers, as well as everything necessary to facilitate the cover-up afterwards, doesn't require more than 20 or 30 people?

Assuming we can agree that planes did, in fact, hit the towers, is it your contention that those planes were not hijacked by terrorists, but rather by agents of the US government willing to die for this plan? Or were the planes empty and remotely controlled? Or were there actually terrorists, but they were being manipulated by the US gov't? Or was this just a coincidence and the demolitions were in place as a contingency, then set off when the planes hit?
I'm the one that said 'a couple dozen', and that's because 'grunts follow orders'. All the conspirators had to know was that AQ had a PLAN, they didn't have to work with them. Much of the demolition work could have been accomplished by DUPES, people who thought they were doing one thing when in fact they were doing another. How hard would it be to 'fireproof' steel beams with nano-thermate?

As usual, CT posters seem to equate disagreement with complete faith and trust in anything government. If you cannot see how that view is not only foolish, but incredibly limiting, there's probably no reason for anyone to have a discussion with you.

We can have a discussion...
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WOO HOO!! Big Brother is here to save us all!!

Well, that's what he keeps telling us anyway. ;)
Whats the matter seems like no one can substantiate their crazy conspiracy theory that consists of what is in this entertaining little video?

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Why can't any of you OCT NIST nuthuggers just come out and admit this is what you believe in???? It's all true isn't it???

So, let's see what we can in this video.

First, no, I don't think that Manhattan was the most heavily defended airspace in the world. Also, were all 4 of the airline pilots military combat trained? If so, did that training include hand to hand combat?

The whole video is a snarky bunch of misrepresentation and loaded phrasing (did you stop beating your wife?) which, while it may be an attempting to respond to similar things directed at truthers, certainly does nothing to increase the video's credibility or persuasiveness. It also overshadows any truths that are, in fact, in the video and important.

I also wonder why, if the government could supposedly pull this off with no more than a couple of dozen people (someone in one of these 9/11 threads has said that), when Al Qaida is said to have done it it's the most sophisticated, elaborate terrorist operation ever. Hijacking the planes and flying them into buildings requires elaborate, sophisticated planning and execution, but adding the hidden use of demolitions to bring down the towers, as well as everything necessary to facilitate the cover-up afterwards, doesn't require more than 20 or 30 people?

Assuming we can agree that planes did, in fact, hit the towers, is it your contention that those planes were not hijacked by terrorists, but rather by agents of the US government willing to die for this plan? Or were the planes empty and remotely controlled? Or were there actually terrorists, but they were being manipulated by the US gov't? Or was this just a coincidence and the demolitions were in place as a contingency, then set off when the planes hit?

As usual, CT posters seem to equate disagreement with complete faith and trust in anything government. If you cannot see how that view is not only foolish, but incredibly limiting, there's probably no reason for anyone to have a discussion with you.

The video exposes the bizarre circumstances that after reviewing them are absurd.
True it is snarky, and comical, but is not a misrepresentation of the facts, but an acknowledgement of the facts and circumstances about the 9-11 narrative, that many such as yourself must find at least plausible to conclude it really happened the way it was explained.
How is it that you can simply ignore the glaring oddities and absurdities that the OCT is riddled with, and not find it to be highly questionable or at least peculiar? And it those aren't bad enough, what about the instances of the cover up, and the many instances that were witnessed to even avoid any kind of investigation?
Even the panelists of the 9-11 commission have publicly stated doubts about their own body of work....
I didn't want to believe in such a conspiracy, but the facts that have come to light remain
and avoiding them, and to have the position that they do not have to be addressed, because they don't exist, is even more absurd. NIST does not and has not acknowledged many things,....does that mean they do not exist?? Because THEY SAY SO??
How can a person side with a belief they admit to knowing nothing about the details about?? Like other posters on this thread have admitted to? :cuckoo:

As I have said many times, once the collapses of the twins is analyzed, that includes watching them essentially explode while hurling tons of steel and mass, AWAY from themselves, and when analyzing the way NIST gathered and put together its "evidence" that made up its theory, that includes instances of deceit, and deception,and omissions, it is clear that they were being forced to align the details in ways that would better suit a damage/fire only scenario and explanation.
This makes sense when you think and analyze what the ramifications would have been if it was shown to have been done with the help of a foreign state, who had access to the complex, by proxy, and had the capabilities at their disposal to help facilitate this criminal attack on America... And had insiders within our own government to aid in the coverup...

Really all one needs to do is study the very first objections to the claims that fire and plane damaged caused 3 massive steel hirises to collapse in record time..Once one gets what the fuss is all about, then the speculation of who, how, and why can be put into play...Just because the NIST wont address many questionable issues, does not mean others must avoid them, or that they have no credibility, after all many problems people have are with the NIST reports and their procedures, and avoiding them does not automatically take them off the table as some of you people would like...The real world does not work that way.....In order to honestly discuss this topic, and be objective about it, one must allow all the available information to be part of the equation, and avoiding much about it is what many claim has happened.

As an example...if there was an investigation regarding an auto manufacturer, and the safety of the vehicle was in question, would it be right in taking relevant safety components that are directly involved, out of the investigation???
This is what has happened with the 9-11 WTC....the most glaring and important facets about the demise of the buildings are purposefully left out!
Whats the matter seems like no one can substantiate their crazy conspiracy theory that consists of what is in this entertaining little video?

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Why can't any of you OCT NIST nuthuggers just come out and admit this is what you believe in???? It's all true isn't it???

So, let's see what we can in this video.

First, no, I don't think that Manhattan was the most heavily defended airspace in the world. Also, were all 4 of the airline pilots military combat trained? If so, did that training include hand to hand combat?

The whole video is a snarky bunch of misrepresentation and loaded phrasing (did you stop beating your wife?) which, while it may be an attempting to respond to similar things directed at truthers, certainly does nothing to increase the video's credibility or persuasiveness. It also overshadows any truths that are, in fact, in the video and important.

I also wonder why, if the government could supposedly pull this off with no more than a couple of dozen people (someone in one of these 9/11 threads has said that), when Al Qaida is said to have done it it's the most sophisticated, elaborate terrorist operation ever. Hijacking the planes and flying them into buildings requires elaborate, sophisticated planning and execution, but adding the hidden use of demolitions to bring down the towers, as well as everything necessary to facilitate the cover-up afterwards, doesn't require more than 20 or 30 people?

Assuming we can agree that planes did, in fact, hit the towers, is it your contention that those planes were not hijacked by terrorists, but rather by agents of the US government willing to die for this plan? Or were the planes empty and remotely controlled? Or were there actually terrorists, but they were being manipulated by the US gov't? Or was this just a coincidence and the demolitions were in place as a contingency, then set off when the planes hit?

As usual, CT posters seem to equate disagreement with complete faith and trust in anything government. If you cannot see how that view is not only foolish, but incredibly limiting, there's probably no reason for anyone to have a discussion with you.

The video exposes the bizarre circumstances that after reviewing them are absurd.
True it is snarky, and comical, but is not a misrepresentation of the facts, but an acknowledgement of the facts and circumstances about the 9-11 narrative, that many such as yourself must find at least plausible to conclude it really happened the way it was explained.
How is it that you can simply ignore the glaring oddities and absurdities that the OCT is riddled with, and not find it to be highly questionable or at least peculiar? And it those aren't bad enough, what about the instances of the cover up, and the many instances that were witnessed to even avoid any kind of investigation?
Even the panelists of the 9-11 commission have publicly stated doubts about their own body of work....
I didn't want to believe in such a conspiracy, but the facts that have come to light remain
and avoiding them, and to have the position that they do not have to be addressed, because they don't exist, is even more absurd. NIST does not and has not acknowledged many things,....does that mean they do not exist?? Because THEY SAY SO??
How can a person side with a belief they admit to knowing nothing about the details about?? Like other posters on this thread have admitted to? :cuckoo:

As I have said many times, once the collapses of the twins is analyzed, that includes watching them essentially explode while hurling tons of steel and mass, AWAY from themselves, and when analyzing the way NIST gathered and put together its "evidence" that made up its theory, that includes instances of deceit, and deception,and omissions, it is clear that they were being forced to align the details in ways that would better suit a damage/fire only scenario and explanation.
This makes sense when you think and analyze what the ramifications would have been if it was shown to have been done with the help of a foreign state, who had access to the complex, by proxy, and had the capabilities at their disposal to help facilitate this criminal attack on America... And had insiders within our own government to aid in the coverup...

Really all one needs to do is study the very first objections to the claims that fire and plane damaged caused 3 massive steel hirises to collapse in record time..Once one gets what the fuss is all about, then the speculation of who, how, and why can be put into play...Just because the NIST wont address many questionable issues, does not mean others must avoid them, or that they have no credibility, after all many problems people have are with the NIST reports and their procedures, and avoiding them does not automatically take them off the table as some of you people would like...The real world does not work that way.....In order to honestly discuss this topic, and be objective about it, one must allow all the available information to be part of the equation, and avoiding much about it is what many claim has happened.

As an example...if there was an investigation regarding an auto manufacturer, and the safety of the vehicle was in question, would it be right in taking relevant safety components that are directly involved, out of the investigation???
This is what has happened with the 9-11 WTC....the most glaring and important facets about the demise of the buildings are purposefully left out!

Wow. And after I just posted that the belief that anyone who disagrees with you is a government stooge is ridiculous. :tongue:

As I've said before, one of my first reactions to the towers falling was to consider it peculiar. Why did they collapse straight in on themselves like that, why wasn't it uneven at some point leading to a lean, and the top falling to the side instead of straight down?

I'll admit that there are other peculiarities as well. However, as I've said before, incompetent before malicious. Add in the old standby of Occam's Razor, and here's what we've got. I watched planes fly into the towers. I watched the towers burn, people leaping from windows, etc. I watched the towers collapse. The simplest answer is that, yes, the planes caused it. And the government, rather than covering up it's malicious involvement, may be covering up it's incompetence in being unable to stop it.

In fact, the absurdity of the video works just as well to highlight possible incompetence by various agencies. The military didn't respond in time, the FAA didn't know how to respond, etc.

However, oddities and peculiarities aside, what you consider clear is far from obvious to many others.
So, let's see what we can in this video.

First, no, I don't think that Manhattan was the most heavily defended airspace in the world. Also, were all 4 of the airline pilots military combat trained? If so, did that training include hand to hand combat?

The whole video is a snarky bunch of misrepresentation and loaded phrasing (did you stop beating your wife?) which, while it may be an attempting to respond to similar things directed at truthers, certainly does nothing to increase the video's credibility or persuasiveness. It also overshadows any truths that are, in fact, in the video and important.

I also wonder why, if the government could supposedly pull this off with no more than a couple of dozen people (someone in one of these 9/11 threads has said that), when Al Qaida is said to have done it it's the most sophisticated, elaborate terrorist operation ever. Hijacking the planes and flying them into buildings requires elaborate, sophisticated planning and execution, but adding the hidden use of demolitions to bring down the towers, as well as everything necessary to facilitate the cover-up afterwards, doesn't require more than 20 or 30 people?

Assuming we can agree that planes did, in fact, hit the towers, is it your contention that those planes were not hijacked by terrorists, but rather by agents of the US government willing to die for this plan? Or were the planes empty and remotely controlled? Or were there actually terrorists, but they were being manipulated by the US gov't? Or was this just a coincidence and the demolitions were in place as a contingency, then set off when the planes hit?

As usual, CT posters seem to equate disagreement with complete faith and trust in anything government. If you cannot see how that view is not only foolish, but incredibly limiting, there's probably no reason for anyone to have a discussion with you.

The video exposes the bizarre circumstances that after reviewing them are absurd.
True it is snarky, and comical, but is not a misrepresentation of the facts, but an acknowledgement of the facts and circumstances about the 9-11 narrative, that many such as yourself must find at least plausible to conclude it really happened the way it was explained.
How is it that you can simply ignore the glaring oddities and absurdities that the OCT is riddled with, and not find it to be highly questionable or at least peculiar? And it those aren't bad enough, what about the instances of the cover up, and the many instances that were witnessed to even avoid any kind of investigation?
Even the panelists of the 9-11 commission have publicly stated doubts about their own body of work....
I didn't want to believe in such a conspiracy, but the facts that have come to light remain
and avoiding them, and to have the position that they do not have to be addressed, because they don't exist, is even more absurd. NIST does not and has not acknowledged many things,....does that mean they do not exist?? Because THEY SAY SO??
How can a person side with a belief they admit to knowing nothing about the details about?? Like other posters on this thread have admitted to? :cuckoo:

As I have said many times, once the collapses of the twins is analyzed, that includes watching them essentially explode while hurling tons of steel and mass, AWAY from themselves, and when analyzing the way NIST gathered and put together its "evidence" that made up its theory, that includes instances of deceit, and deception,and omissions, it is clear that they were being forced to align the details in ways that would better suit a damage/fire only scenario and explanation.
This makes sense when you think and analyze what the ramifications would have been if it was shown to have been done with the help of a foreign state, who had access to the complex, by proxy, and had the capabilities at their disposal to help facilitate this criminal attack on America... And had insiders within our own government to aid in the coverup...

Really all one needs to do is study the very first objections to the claims that fire and plane damaged caused 3 massive steel hirises to collapse in record time..Once one gets what the fuss is all about, then the speculation of who, how, and why can be put into play...Just because the NIST wont address many questionable issues, does not mean others must avoid them, or that they have no credibility, after all many problems people have are with the NIST reports and their procedures, and avoiding them does not automatically take them off the table as some of you people would like...The real world does not work that way.....In order to honestly discuss this topic, and be objective about it, one must allow all the available information to be part of the equation, and avoiding much about it is what many claim has happened.

As an example...if there was an investigation regarding an auto manufacturer, and the safety of the vehicle was in question, would it be right in taking relevant safety components that are directly involved, out of the investigation???
This is what has happened with the 9-11 WTC....the most glaring and important facets about the demise of the buildings are purposefully left out!

Wow. And after I just posted that the belief that anyone who disagrees with you is a government stooge is ridiculous. :tongue:

As I've said before, one of my first reactions to the towers falling was to consider it peculiar. Why did they collapse straight in on themselves like that, why wasn't it uneven at some point leading to a lean, and the top falling to the side instead of straight down?

I'll admit that there are other peculiarities as well. However, as I've said before, incompetent before malicious. Add in the old standby of Occam's Razor, and here's what we've got. I watched planes fly into the towers. I watched the towers burn, people leaping from windows, etc. I watched the towers collapse. The simplest answer is that, yes, the planes caused it. And the government, rather than covering up it's malicious involvement, may be covering up it's incompetence in being unable to stop it.

In fact, the absurdity of the video works just as well to highlight possible incompetence by various agencies. The military didn't respond in time, the FAA didn't know how to respond, etc.

However, oddities and peculiarities aside, what you consider clear is far from obvious to many others.

So when does incompetence translate to culpability? I mean how many peculiarities and oddities that defy physical explanation, and obvious attempts at obfuscation does it take to convince you that it is leaning towards this explanation being less then logical?
Are you that naive, that so many instances can not possibly be just plain old incompetence? There's too many instances, in too many places, and do you find it normal that if these are cases of neglect and incompetence, for them to be a basis of promotions rewards, and medals of commendations as has happened in many cases?
Get a clue.
So when does incompetence translate to culpability? I mean how many peculiarities and oddities that defy physical explanation, and obvious attempts at obfuscation does it take to convince you that it is leaning towards this explanation being less then logical?
Are you that naive, that so many instances can not possibly be just plain old incompetence? There's too many instances, in too many places, and do you find it normal that if these are cases of neglect and incompetence, for them to be a basis of promotions rewards, and medals of commendations as has happened in many cases?
Get a clue.

I think that incompetence is often rewarded, in politics in particular.

I think that you see far more instances of peculiarity and oddity in 9/11 and the subsequent investigations than I do.

I think that this was such a massive event, inconsistencies and peculiarities were bound to appear. Two of the largest buildings in the entire world collapsed, in one of the largest population cities in the world. Of COURSE this wouldn't be a completely precise, sterile, perfect investigation. There was just too much crap to deal with and too many people wanting a say in how it was looked into.

I think your rampant anti-government bias has you seeing more than is really there. Hell, I've long been of the opinion that all politicians should be looked at as inherently corrupt; politics is the proof of the adage that power corrupts. That doesn't lead to me looking at any disaster/major event as likely a government cover-up. I have less faith in the ability of those in power to maintain good relations with each other, agree on designs and plans, and keep their mouths shut about it forever.
So when does incompetence translate to culpability? I mean how many peculiarities and oddities that defy physical explanation, and obvious attempts at obfuscation does it take to convince you that it is leaning towards this explanation being less then logical?
Are you that naive, that so many instances can not possibly be just plain old incompetence? There's too many instances, in too many places, and do you find it normal that if these are cases of neglect and incompetence, for them to be a basis of promotions rewards, and medals of commendations as has happened in many cases?
Get a clue.

]I think that incompetence is often rewarded, in politics in particular.
The 9-11 attacks are significantly more important then your everyday run of the mill political banter. This was a global, life altering event, akin to the new Pearl Harbor mentioned by PNAC. To not anyone accountable for massive failures that resulted in thousands of lives lost, and the damage done is criminal in itself.

]I think that you see far more instances of peculiarity and oddity in 9/11 and the subsequent investigations than I do.
It is because I care to look, observe and research such an important event. I guess some people like yourself, are full of apathy and just shrug it off..Or so it seems.Perhaps this is why you can't relate to what we mention. What we deem as appalling you chalk up to ....politics???

]I think that this was such a massive event, inconsistencies and peculiarities were bound to appear.
Wow, this is inconsistent with how you act above....:confused:

]Two of the largest buildings in the entire world collapsed, in one of the largest population cities in the world.
Right but you fail to mention what had to have taken place, or allowed in order for this to be a successful mission.The posted video mentions these facts.

]Of COURSE this wouldn't be a completely precise, sterile, perfect investigation.
Why should the American people expect anything less then a precise, detailed accounting of the event that would require US blood to avenge? The mission statement of the 9-11 commission promised as much....

]There was just too much crap to deal with and too many people wanting a say in how it was looked into.
Well first off the Bush administration tried like hell to avoid ANY investigation regarding this horrific event but anyone who looks into the Bush die nasty would understand this is to be expected.In fact he made damned sure that he put people in place that assured the proper spin and narrative came out of it.
Phillip Zelekow, is just one example...

]I think your rampant anti-government bias has you seeing more than is really there.
You generalize too much regarding this false assumption regarding me.
Allow me to clarify, I do not hate the institution of the US government, and in fact I only despise the people that manage to get themselves into it because of the stupidity and lackadaisical apathetic attitudes of the idiots who call themselves citizens, who vote them into the sensitive positions. Once they are in, they proceed to do everything they can to line their pockets and purses for themselves at the American peoples expense. This is flagrant, and extremely obvious.
So no, the institution itself would be fine, and sound if not for the corrupt treasonous SOB's that are in it . But again this is mostly because of the American who doesn't give a shit and votes according to what his equally ignorant friends and family do. It's popularity over substance and brains every single time..
Even after years of being lied to, they still believe what the candidates promise them and what the MSM, and Pac money decides for them...

] Hell, I've long been of the opinion that all politicians should be looked at as inherently corrupt; politics is the proof of the adage that power corrupts.
If you are stuck in the left/right paradigm and argue for one side or the other, you haven't learned and go with the flow and choose the "lesser of 2 evils"?
Anyway it is possible for even a corrupt politician to have some boundaries, and be expected to have some fucking loyalty to his nation when it comes to such a horrific thing like 9-11, or letting a nasty state like Israel dictate policy that is in their interests over your own fucking country...IE: Look how many Zionist were in the Bush administration, and in our sensitive political positions in general....If your interested, you can see where most of their loyalties are, dual citizenship etc, 29 standind o's for Nutty yahoo who said the 9-11 attacks "were good for Israel' etc....This is what I despise about the PEOPLE in my fucking government. Not the institution itself..There's a big difference, and it's popular to not distinguish this...the whole you're either with us scumbags or your against us thing, Like the way they toss the word "terrorists" around....Do you know how easy it is for a regular Joe to labelled that nowadays?

]That doesn't lead to me looking at any disaster/major event as likely a government cover-up.
9-11 in its magnitude and importance is certainly one I would make a damned exception about...if I were you. Again one must research the history of this nations black ops, Cointellpro, understand. Naive gullible people I can expect
this kind of thinking from, but not when you are awake and ware.

]I have less faith in the ability of those in power to maintain good relations with each other, agree on designs and plans, and keep their mouths shut about it forever.
Then you put little emphasis on the importance of the power of persuasion, bribery, threats, and death. These people are not like you or me, or your everyday pedestrian. There are real serious matters and power plays in effect that we can only imagine.
The implications are global and not just water cooler gossipy BS and petty backstabbing.
For instance we recently had an example of the power and influence of AIPAC, and its Christian Zionist cronies in Huckabee calling for the release of one of Americas worst spy cases with Johnathon Pollard..We had Romney accept money from a foreign state to help prevent Obama from re-election. These treasonous MFKER's don't give a shit how fucked up these things look to the aware American, just so long as the king Bibi can see that they are proselytizing before him...that's all that matters to them....It's fucking disgusting.
Did you see that Zionist nuthugger Lindsey Graham have the incredulous indignation and the nerve to ask Hagel "what Israeli or AIPAC influence is there?"

Hagel at least once declared “I'm not an Israeli senator. I'm a United States senator,”
This is the attitude that is needed MORE. Not less.
So, you may not give a shit about America or the implications of things that I mention or care about....But there is a growing segment that does, and wont be going away for love of country without a fight.
9-11 awareness, leads to overall awareness of the state of affairs, including the serious economic one we are facing...This is why 9-11 is important to me and others.
Your 'growing segment' is pretty much the outer fringe. That element has always been around, probably throughout human history rather than just the US; those who always see hidden daggers in the darkness, those who explain the bad things in the world by blaming some mysterious, powerful 'they'.

When I say you have an anti-government bias, I don't mean to imply you are an anarchist. I could have phrased that better I suppose. I mean that you come off as someone who thinks the members of our government, and the Israeli government, and possibly all governments in general, are and have been working toward some unclear, nefarious goal(s). I would include any group that is in control of things behind the scenes, so to speak, when I say government in this instance. Secret cabals of the rich and powerful pulling the strings of government equates to government, in this context.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was some criminal activity post-9/11 in an attempt to cover asses. That still doesn't come anywhere close to rising to the level of government involvement in it happening.

I wonder how long the Jews are going to be blamed for the ills of the world. I mean, it's not as though there are so many of them! Such a small segment of the population to blame for so much.....
Or maybe their having been blamed for so long is some kind of proof of their culpability? :eusa_shhh:

Anyway, one last time and then I think I'll just stop replying, as we're obviously going nowhere with this. What you consider obvious, I and many others do not. It isn't a matter of not doing enough research, of not seeing all the information. It's about not coming to the same conclusions you do. You see a truther scientist talk about some aspect of the towers falling and say, "Look! Science says it must have been controlled demo!". You see some other scientist rebut that and say, "That was a strawman, that didn't take everything into account, that isn't the same circumstances as 9/11" etc. I, on the other hand, see the first scientist and say, "Well, that sounds somewhat convincing. I wonder if there are any opposing views.". Then I see the other scientist and say, "Oh, I see. That first guy was jumping at shadows.".

Maybe one of you truthers should try to get elected to public office. Work from within the system, either to change things or to gather evidence. Of course, you'd have to hide your beliefs about 9/11, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it? I wonder if there are any truthers who are under the radar enough yet charismatic enough to give it a try. :razz:
Your 'growing segment' is pretty much the outer fringe. That element has always been around, probably throughout human history rather than just the US; those who always see hidden daggers in the darkness, those who explain the bad things in the world by blaming some mysterious, powerful 'they'.
And who exactly dictates who this outer fringe is? Let me guess...the people in the "news" and the MSM in general..There are many worldwide who believe that the 9-11 fable and theory is not correct. If you would read some history you would soon find many instances of powerful people vying for control of the masses, but you limit yourself to looking at only the superficial or micro level of things, you wont understand. Don't expect things to pop out at you, there are many instances where the hidden "daggers" and agendas are obvious but only after one takes on a sincere effort to understand. You also must be aware of who the source of information is, what their involvement is, and who benefits etc. IOW, vetting your sources.
The story of the Fed Reserve is a good example, among many that one can undertake to understand about hidden agendas, and conspiracies.

When I say you have an anti-government bias, I don't mean to imply you are an anarchist. I could have phrased that better I suppose. I mean that you come off as someone who thinks the members of our government, and the Israeli government, and possibly all governments in general, are and have been working toward some unclear, nefarious goal(s).
Information that proves this is available, but again government is supposed to be a tool for the benefit and orderly function of the citizens of a nation, but many times it is infiltrated by those that special interests tab and help "elect" for their goals and outcomes. It may be to control monetary, foreign ,business , military, or to subvert the constitution. A nations government has and can be controlled by these and criminal interests as well.
The concept of a fair government as the US is supposed to be, has been infiltrated by criminal elements, that involve outside states and entities.

I would include any group that is in control of things behind the scenes, so to speak, when I say government in this instance. Secret cabals of the rich and powerful pulling the strings of government equates to government, in this context.
It equates a subverted and infiltrated government, that does not benefit the people that it is designed to serve. There are safeguards the framers of the US constitution put in place for these reasons, and why an oath to it is required, but there are many instances where this oath and respect to it and what it stands for has been trampled. They are obvious and taking place everyday. Our own elected officials actually challenge and fight against it
instead of preserving it and the principles it was designed to uphold.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was some criminal activity post-9/11 in an attempt to cover asses. That still doesn't come anywhere close to rising to the level of government involvement in it happening.
Well, there are instances regarding the 9-11 attacks where this is obvious. Asses are being covered to hide murder of Americans, There is evidence of criminal activity before during and after 9-11.

I wonder how long the Jews are going to be blamed for the ills of the world. I mean, it's not as though there are so many of them! Such a small segment of the population to blame for so much.....
Or maybe their having been blamed for so long is some kind of proof of their culpability? :eusa_shhh:
This is another area where you generalize "THE Jews" Not all Jews are Zionist nationals. Not all who claim to be Jews are really Semites either. The history is intriguing, and would take too much time to discuss, but suffice it to say that Judaism has itself been infiltrated and replaced by fanatical Zionist nationalism. The Jewish people have been fed the line that they are a "chosen" people and a mentality that
the world and Gentiles especially hate them, when in fact ill will is because of the Zionist policies and Nazi tactics that are used in their name.
America is also hated in the Muslim world because of the Zionist policy that it is directly connected to.
But as far as the 9-11 attacks are concerned, many Zionist were in control of sensitive positions in the Bush cabinet and administration, who had the means and authority to facilitate the attacks, that were only of benefit to Israel, just ask Nutty Yahoo. Follow the Zionist connections in the white house, research who wrote the PNAC policy and who signed them. They are the Neo Cons who are trying like hell to send America to fight another war against Israel's enemy in Iran. The same peddlers of BS and policy involving Iraq. How many UN resolutions has the apartheid state of Israel ignored??
It’s the unfortunate truism about a few bad apples spoiling the entire barrel. The FEW – very few – Zionist Jews who have wreaked havoc in America and around the world have managed to foment an unsettling hatred in the hearts of those who perceive these misdeeds and then blame ALL Jews for the actions of these deranged few.

Anyway, one last time and then I think I'll just stop replying, as we're obviously going nowhere with this. What you consider obvious, I and many others do not.
That's OK with me, it does not deter me from my duty as a citizen. I have researched all that I speak to you about in earnest, and followed trails to come to my OWN conclusion. I enjoy, and am proud of the fact I do this, instead of relying on ignorant herd mentality. Example are...The Fed Reserve is really a federal agency, Flouride is really good for you, and Alqaeda is a constant threat, and another whopper being that the OBL raid really really took place....:cuckoo:
It isn't a matter of not doing enough research, of not seeing all the information.
In most cases it really is, it's obvious when discussing certain things when a person did not do any homework about what they are engaging in a debate about, and as has been shown in threads like this, they turn out to look like fools-
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”- Socrates

It's about not coming to the same conclusions you do. You see a truther scientist talk about some aspect of the towers falling and say, "Look! Science says it must have been controlled demo!".
Ah, the truther label applied to signify a separatist, a kook, a "CT" LOL!
What credible people have done in the pertinent fields of study regarding 9-11 is offer a more scientific, logical, and physically possible alternative to the guesses, and wild conspiracy theory that do not make scientific or physical sense, when analyzed and when proper methods of evaluation, and calculations are applied. If it looks like a CD, has all the characteristics of a CD, and when the scientific methods are applied, and it is added all up, has a higher percentage....SCIENTIFICALLY,AND PHYSICALLY of being a CD....OVER OTHER THEORIES....then it is a CD. NIST has not proved otherwise, and there is much evidence that shows were and how NIST is wrong...

You see some other scientist rebut that and say, "That was a strawman, that didn't take everything into account, that isn't the same circumstances as 9/11" etc. I, on the other hand, see the first scientist and say, "Well, that sounds somewhat convincing. I wonder if there are any opposing views.". Then I see the other scientist and say, "Oh, I see. That first guy was jumping at shadows.".
You speak like you only read statements regarding the opinions of these "scientist" How about you look at their body of work for yourself, compare it the body work for NIST, and make up your own mind?
It is good to see if there are opposing views, but without understanding the details, some admittingly complicated, you have nothing to make a sound decision on.
Again the sources of the information, what their vested interests may be that may be an influence on them etc...all come into play, along with the correctness of the calculations that form the basis for agreement, or disapproval.

Maybe one of you truthers should try to get elected to public office. Work from within the system, either to change things or to gather evidence. Of course, you'd have to hide your beliefs about 9/11, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it? I wonder if there are any truthers who are under the radar enough yet charismatic enough to give it a try. :razz:
Many have tried to get their work looked at, but what has America come to when the government we created to protect our rights can accuse us of lying and then prohibit us from presenting a defense in a court of law? Or we accuse them of lying and have a grievance against them and they refuse to hear us, and intimidate others in the process?
The willful ignorance and lack of civic accountability from the general population has contributed to this.
Your 'growing segment' is pretty much the outer fringe. That element has always been around, probably throughout human history rather than just the US; those who always see hidden daggers in the darkness, those who explain the bad things in the world by blaming some mysterious, powerful 'they'.
And who exactly dictates who this outer fringe is? Let me guess...the people in the "news" and the MSM in general..There are many worldwide who believe that the 9-11 fable and theory is not correct. If you would read some history you would soon find many instances of powerful people vying for control of the masses, but you limit yourself to looking at only the superficial or micro level of things, you wont understand. Don't expect things to pop out at you, there are many instances where the hidden "daggers" and agendas are obvious but only after one takes on a sincere effort to understand. You also must be aware of who the source of information is, what their involvement is, and who benefits etc. IOW, vetting your sources.
The story of the Fed Reserve is a good example, among many that one can undertake to understand about hidden agendas, and conspiracies.

When I say you have an anti-government bias, I don't mean to imply you are an anarchist. I could have phrased that better I suppose. I mean that you come off as someone who thinks the members of our government, and the Israeli government, and possibly all governments in general, are and have been working toward some unclear, nefarious goal(s).
Information that proves this is available, but again government is supposed to be a tool for the benefit and orderly function of the citizens of a nation, but many times it is infiltrated by those that special interests tab and help "elect" for their goals and outcomes. It may be to control monetary, foreign ,business , military, or to subvert the constitution. A nations government has and can be controlled by these and criminal interests as well.
The concept of a fair government as the US is supposed to be, has been infiltrated by criminal elements, that involve outside states and entities.

It equates a subverted and infiltrated government, that does not benefit the people that it is designed to serve. There are safeguards the framers of the US constitution put in place for these reasons, and why an oath to it is required, but there are many instances where this oath and respect to it and what it stands for has been trampled. They are obvious and taking place everyday. Our own elected officials actually challenge and fight against it
instead of preserving it and the principles it was designed to uphold.

Well, there are instances regarding the 9-11 attacks where this is obvious. Asses are being covered to hide murder of Americans, There is evidence of criminal activity before during and after 9-11.

This is another area where you generalize "THE Jews" Not all Jews are Zionist nationals. Not all who claim to be Jews are really Semites either. The history is intriguing, and would take too much time to discuss, but suffice it to say that Judaism has itself been infiltrated and replaced by fanatical Zionist nationalism. The Jewish people have been fed the line that they are a "chosen" people and a mentality that
the world and Gentiles especially hate them, when in fact ill will is because of the Zionist policies and Nazi tactics that are used in their name.
America is also hated in the Muslim world because of the Zionist policy that it is directly connected to.
But as far as the 9-11 attacks are concerned, many Zionist were in control of sensitive positions in the Bush cabinet and administration, who had the means and authority to facilitate the attacks, that were only of benefit to Israel, just ask Nutty Yahoo. Follow the Zionist connections in the white house, research who wrote the PNAC policy and who signed them. They are the Neo Cons who are trying like hell to send America to fight another war against Israel's enemy in Iran. The same peddlers of BS and policy involving Iraq. How many UN resolutions has the apartheid state of Israel ignored??
It’s the unfortunate truism about a few bad apples spoiling the entire barrel. The FEW – very few – Zionist Jews who have wreaked havoc in America and around the world have managed to foment an unsettling hatred in the hearts of those who perceive these misdeeds and then blame ALL Jews for the actions of these deranged few.

That's OK with me, it does not deter me from my duty as a citizen. I have researched all that I speak to you about in earnest, and followed trails to come to my OWN conclusion. I enjoy, and am proud of the fact I do this, instead of relying on ignorant herd mentality. Example are...The Fed Reserve is really a federal agency, Flouride is really good for you, and Alqaeda is a constant threat, and another whopper being that the OBL raid really really took place....:cuckoo:
In most cases it really is, it's obvious when discussing certain things when a person did not do any homework about what they are engaging in a debate about, and as has been shown in threads like this, they turn out to look like fools-
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”- Socrates

Ah, the truther label applied to signify a separatist, a kook, a "CT" LOL!
What credible people have done in the pertinent fields of study regarding 9-11 is offer a more scientific, logical, and physically possible alternative to the guesses, and wild conspiracy theory that do not make scientific or physical sense, when analyzed and when proper methods of evaluation, and calculations are applied. If it looks like a CD, has all the characteristics of a CD, and when the scientific methods are applied, and it is added all up, has a higher percentage....SCIENTIFICALLY,AND PHYSICALLY of being a CD....OVER OTHER THEORIES....then it is a CD. NIST has not proved otherwise, and there is much evidence that shows were and how NIST is wrong...

You see some other scientist rebut that and say, "That was a strawman, that didn't take everything into account, that isn't the same circumstances as 9/11" etc. I, on the other hand, see the first scientist and say, "Well, that sounds somewhat convincing. I wonder if there are any opposing views.". Then I see the other scientist and say, "Oh, I see. That first guy was jumping at shadows.".
You speak like you only read statements regarding the opinions of these "scientist" How about you look at their body of work for yourself, compare it the body work for NIST, and make up your own mind?
It is good to see if there are opposing views, but without understanding the details, some admittingly complicated, you have nothing to make a sound decision on.
Again the sources of the information, what their vested interests may be that may be an influence on them etc...all come into play, along with the correctness of the calculations that form the basis for agreement, or disapproval.

Maybe one of you truthers should try to get elected to public office. Work from within the system, either to change things or to gather evidence. Of course, you'd have to hide your beliefs about 9/11, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it? I wonder if there are any truthers who are under the radar enough yet charismatic enough to give it a try. :razz:
Many have tried to get their work looked at, but what has America come to when the government we created to protect our rights can accuse us of lying and then prohibit us from presenting a defense in a court of law?

Defense of what? You don't seem to understand how our justice system works. Perhaps you should bone-up on it and add cyber-attorney to your cyber-physicist resume.

You have the right to form your own opinions, not your own facts. :D
Last edited:
Come on ya'll, why you questioning Big Brother? You know he knows what's best for ya. So just STFU!...Or else. ;)
Your 'growing segment' is pretty much the outer fringe. That element has always been around, probably throughout human history rather than just the US; those who always see hidden daggers in the darkness, those who explain the bad things in the world by blaming some mysterious, powerful 'they'.
And who exactly dictates who this outer fringe is? Let me guess...the people in the "news" and the MSM in general..There are many worldwide who believe that the 9-11 fable and theory is not correct. If you would read some history you would soon find many instances of powerful people vying for control of the masses, but you limit yourself to looking at only the superficial or micro level of things, you wont understand. Don't expect things to pop out at you, there are many instances where the hidden "daggers" and agendas are obvious but only after one takes on a sincere effort to understand. You also must be aware of who the source of information is, what their involvement is, and who benefits etc. IOW, vetting your sources.
The story of the Fed Reserve is a good example, among many that one can undertake to understand about hidden agendas, and conspiracies.

Information that proves this is available, but again government is supposed to be a tool for the benefit and orderly function of the citizens of a nation, but many times it is infiltrated by those that special interests tab and help "elect" for their goals and outcomes. It may be to control monetary, foreign ,business , military, or to subvert the constitution. A nations government has and can be controlled by these and criminal interests as well.
The concept of a fair government as the US is supposed to be, has been infiltrated by criminal elements, that involve outside states and entities.

It equates a subverted and infiltrated government, that does not benefit the people that it is designed to serve. There are safeguards the framers of the US constitution put in place for these reasons, and why an oath to it is required, but there are many instances where this oath and respect to it and what it stands for has been trampled. They are obvious and taking place everyday. Our own elected officials actually challenge and fight against it
instead of preserving it and the principles it was designed to uphold.

Well, there are instances regarding the 9-11 attacks where this is obvious. Asses are being covered to hide murder of Americans, There is evidence of criminal activity before during and after 9-11.

This is another area where you generalize "THE Jews" Not all Jews are Zionist nationals. Not all who claim to be Jews are really Semites either. The history is intriguing, and would take too much time to discuss, but suffice it to say that Judaism has itself been infiltrated and replaced by fanatical Zionist nationalism. The Jewish people have been fed the line that they are a "chosen" people and a mentality that
the world and Gentiles especially hate them, when in fact ill will is because of the Zionist policies and Nazi tactics that are used in their name.
America is also hated in the Muslim world because of the Zionist policy that it is directly connected to.
But as far as the 9-11 attacks are concerned, many Zionist were in control of sensitive positions in the Bush cabinet and administration, who had the means and authority to facilitate the attacks, that were only of benefit to Israel, just ask Nutty Yahoo. Follow the Zionist connections in the white house, research who wrote the PNAC policy and who signed them. They are the Neo Cons who are trying like hell to send America to fight another war against Israel's enemy in Iran. The same peddlers of BS and policy involving Iraq. How many UN resolutions has the apartheid state of Israel ignored??
It’s the unfortunate truism about a few bad apples spoiling the entire barrel. The FEW – very few – Zionist Jews who have wreaked havoc in America and around the world have managed to foment an unsettling hatred in the hearts of those who perceive these misdeeds and then blame ALL Jews for the actions of these deranged few.

That's OK with me, it does not deter me from my duty as a citizen. I have researched all that I speak to you about in earnest, and followed trails to come to my OWN conclusion. I enjoy, and am proud of the fact I do this, instead of relying on ignorant herd mentality. Example are...The Fed Reserve is really a federal agency, Flouride is really good for you, and Alqaeda is a constant threat, and another whopper being that the OBL raid really really took place....:cuckoo:
In most cases it really is, it's obvious when discussing certain things when a person did not do any homework about what they are engaging in a debate about, and as has been shown in threads like this, they turn out to look like fools-
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”- Socrates

Ah, the truther label applied to signify a separatist, a kook, a "CT" LOL!
What credible people have done in the pertinent fields of study regarding 9-11 is offer a more scientific, logical, and physically possible alternative to the guesses, and wild conspiracy theory that do not make scientific or physical sense, when analyzed and when proper methods of evaluation, and calculations are applied. If it looks like a CD, has all the characteristics of a CD, and when the scientific methods are applied, and it is added all up, has a higher percentage....SCIENTIFICALLY,AND PHYSICALLY of being a CD....OVER OTHER THEORIES....then it is a CD. NIST has not proved otherwise, and there is much evidence that shows were and how NIST is wrong...

You speak like you only read statements regarding the opinions of these "scientist" How about you look at their body of work for yourself, compare it the body work for NIST, and make up your own mind?
It is good to see if there are opposing views, but without understanding the details, some admittingly complicated, you have nothing to make a sound decision on.
Again the sources of the information, what their vested interests may be that may be an influence on them etc...all come into play, along with the correctness of the calculations that form the basis for agreement, or disapproval.

Maybe one of you truthers should try to get elected to public office. Work from within the system, either to change things or to gather evidence. Of course, you'd have to hide your beliefs about 9/11, but it would be worth it, wouldn't it? I wonder if there are any truthers who are under the radar enough yet charismatic enough to give it a try. :razz:
Many have tried to get their work looked at, but what has America come to when the government we created to protect our rights can accuse us of lying and then prohibit us from presenting a defense in a court of law?

Defense of what? You don't seem to understand how our justice system works. Perhaps you should bone-up on it and add cyber-attorney to your cyber-physicist resume.

You have the right to form your own opinions, not your own facts. :D

Defense of what you ask....Are you drunk or stoned? You have not, and probably never will, understand what we are discussing in these threads. You don't address anything with a coherent or reasonable post or reply that is relevant to what is being discussed! LOL! To clarify,....My opinion is attained by the process I explained above, that you obviously intentionally missed as is evident by you only commenting on the very last sentence of my post.
Why don't you just stop making a foolish ass out of yourself already, it's shameful the way you just glance at a post and then ask a stupid question like "defense of what"?
And BTW, I'm not the one who alluded to being some kind of cyber representative or attorney, with grandiose aspirations of representing people. And since when does understanding a little physics about the WTC buildings equal being a cyber-physicist?

What we can infer from your responses is 1-You don't know anything about what you are here to discuss/debate. 2-You suffer from delusional thinking, and grandiose over estimations of your abilities. 3-You run away from any challenge that necessitates you having to assert your belief in your wild conspiracy theory with actual details and facts..
You never address what is actually in anyone's posts while slithering and sliding away
Among other shameful traits, that make you an extremely poor advocate for the OCT.
INWs.....You suck so bad you make an ass out of yourself..
And who exactly dictates who this outer fringe is? Let me guess...the people in the "news" and the MSM in general..There are many worldwide who believe that the 9-11 fable and theory is not correct. If you would read some history you would soon find many instances of powerful people vying for control of the masses, but you limit yourself to looking at only the superficial or micro level of things, you wont understand. Don't expect things to pop out at you, there are many instances where the hidden "daggers" and agendas are obvious but only after one takes on a sincere effort to understand. You also must be aware of who the source of information is, what their involvement is, and who benefits etc. IOW, vetting your sources.
The story of the Fed Reserve is a good example, among many that one can undertake to understand about hidden agendas, and conspiracies.

Information that proves this is available, but again government is supposed to be a tool for the benefit and orderly function of the citizens of a nation, but many times it is infiltrated by those that special interests tab and help "elect" for their goals and outcomes. It may be to control monetary, foreign ,business , military, or to subvert the constitution. A nations government has and can be controlled by these and criminal interests as well.
The concept of a fair government as the US is supposed to be, has been infiltrated by criminal elements, that involve outside states and entities.

It equates a subverted and infiltrated government, that does not benefit the people that it is designed to serve. There are safeguards the framers of the US constitution put in place for these reasons, and why an oath to it is required, but there are many instances where this oath and respect to it and what it stands for has been trampled. They are obvious and taking place everyday. Our own elected officials actually challenge and fight against it
instead of preserving it and the principles it was designed to uphold.

Well, there are instances regarding the 9-11 attacks where this is obvious. Asses are being covered to hide murder of Americans, There is evidence of criminal activity before during and after 9-11.

This is another area where you generalize "THE Jews" Not all Jews are Zionist nationals. Not all who claim to be Jews are really Semites either. The history is intriguing, and would take too much time to discuss, but suffice it to say that Judaism has itself been infiltrated and replaced by fanatical Zionist nationalism. The Jewish people have been fed the line that they are a "chosen" people and a mentality that
the world and Gentiles especially hate them, when in fact ill will is because of the Zionist policies and Nazi tactics that are used in their name.
America is also hated in the Muslim world because of the Zionist policy that it is directly connected to.
But as far as the 9-11 attacks are concerned, many Zionist were in control of sensitive positions in the Bush cabinet and administration, who had the means and authority to facilitate the attacks, that were only of benefit to Israel, just ask Nutty Yahoo. Follow the Zionist connections in the white house, research who wrote the PNAC policy and who signed them. They are the Neo Cons who are trying like hell to send America to fight another war against Israel's enemy in Iran. The same peddlers of BS and policy involving Iraq. How many UN resolutions has the apartheid state of Israel ignored??
It’s the unfortunate truism about a few bad apples spoiling the entire barrel. The FEW – very few – Zionist Jews who have wreaked havoc in America and around the world have managed to foment an unsettling hatred in the hearts of those who perceive these misdeeds and then blame ALL Jews for the actions of these deranged few.

That's OK with me, it does not deter me from my duty as a citizen. I have researched all that I speak to you about in earnest, and followed trails to come to my OWN conclusion. I enjoy, and am proud of the fact I do this, instead of relying on ignorant herd mentality. Example are...The Fed Reserve is really a federal agency, Flouride is really good for you, and Alqaeda is a constant threat, and another whopper being that the OBL raid really really took place....:cuckoo:
In most cases it really is, it's obvious when discussing certain things when a person did not do any homework about what they are engaging in a debate about, and as has been shown in threads like this, they turn out to look like fools-
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”- Socrates

Ah, the truther label applied to signify a separatist, a kook, a "CT" LOL!
What credible people have done in the pertinent fields of study regarding 9-11 is offer a more scientific, logical, and physically possible alternative to the guesses, and wild conspiracy theory that do not make scientific or physical sense, when analyzed and when proper methods of evaluation, and calculations are applied. If it looks like a CD, has all the characteristics of a CD, and when the scientific methods are applied, and it is added all up, has a higher percentage....SCIENTIFICALLY,AND PHYSICALLY of being a CD....OVER OTHER THEORIES....then it is a CD. NIST has not proved otherwise, and there is much evidence that shows were and how NIST is wrong...

You speak like you only read statements regarding the opinions of these "scientist" How about you look at their body of work for yourself, compare it the body work for NIST, and make up your own mind?
It is good to see if there are opposing views, but without understanding the details, some admittingly complicated, you have nothing to make a sound decision on.
Again the sources of the information, what their vested interests may be that may be an influence on them etc...all come into play, along with the correctness of the calculations that form the basis for agreement, or disapproval.

Many have tried to get their work looked at, but what has America come to when the government we created to protect our rights can accuse us of lying and then prohibit us from presenting a defense in a court of law?

Defense of what? You don't seem to understand how our justice system works. Perhaps you should bone-up on it and add cyber-attorney to your cyber-physicist resume.

You have the right to form your own opinions, not your own facts. :D

Defense of what you ask....Are you drunk or stoned? You have not, and probably never will, understand what we are discussing in these threads. You don't address anything with a coherent or reasonable post or reply that is relevant to what is being discussed! LOL! To clarify,....My opinion is attained by the process I explained above, that you obviously intentionally missed as is evident by you only commenting on the very last sentence of my post.
Why don't you just stop making a foolish ass out of yourself already, it's shameful the way you just glance at a post and then ask a stupid question like "defense of what"?
And BTW, I'm not the one who alluded to being some kind of cyber representative or attorney, with grandiose aspirations of representing people. And since when does understanding a little physics about the WTC buildings equal being a cyber-physicist?

What we can infer from your responses is 1-You don't know anything about what you are here to discuss/debate. 2-You suffer from delusional thinking, and grandiose over estimations of your abilities. 3-You run away from any challenge that necessitates you having to assert your belief in your wild conspiracy theory with actual details and facts..
You never address what is actually in anyone's posts while slithering and sliding away
Among other shameful traits, that make you an extremely poor advocate for the OCT.
INWs.....You suck so bad you make an ass out of yourself..

Defense of what I ask? You are truly the poster girl for raving CT loons, Princess, but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. My challenge was absolutely facetious. Real experts have always had the option of hiring law firms to take their cases to court yet none have. This thread was intended to get nutters like you to realize you are just engaged in cyber-masterbation. Most did and slithered away. Desperate, shrill, fools like you tried futilely to bait me into some half-assed pseudo-scientific debate. Neither of us are scientists but you like to pretend to be one.
In fact, you seem to do a lot of pretending about a lot of things. Clearly reality just isn't for you. :cuckoo:
Defense of what I ask? You are truly the poster girl for raving CT loons, Princess, but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. My challenge was absolutely facetious. Real experts have always had the option of hiring law firms to take their cases to court yet none have. This thread was intended to get nutters like you to realize you are just engaged in cyber-masterbation. Most did and slithered away. Desperate, shrill, fools like you tried futilely to bait me into some half-assed pseudo-scientific debate. Neither of us are scientists but you like to pretend to be one.
In fact, you seem to do a lot of pretending about a lot of things. Clearly reality just isn't for you. :cuckoo:
I knew you'd pussy out! It was just a matter of time. Princess.
Defense of what I ask? You are truly the poster girl for raving CT loons, Princess, but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. My challenge was absolutely facetious. Real experts have always had the option of hiring law firms to take their cases to court yet none have. This thread was intended to get nutters like you to realize you are just engaged in cyber-masterbation. Most did and slithered away. Desperate, shrill, fools like you tried futilely to bait me into some half-assed pseudo-scientific debate. Neither of us are scientists but you like to pretend to be one.
In fact, you seem to do a lot of pretending about a lot of things. Clearly reality just isn't for you. :cuckoo:
I knew you'd pussy out! It was just a matter of time. Princess.

You're not just stupid, Princess ... you're monumentally stupid. Please don't look up when it rains ... you'll drown.
Defense of what I ask? You are truly the poster girl for raving CT loons, Princess, but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. My challenge was absolutely facetious.
We've known this all along idiot. It was obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

Real experts have always had the option of hiring law firms to take their cases to court yet none have.
This is also another false statement from you. Like I said you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

This thread was intended to get nutters like you to realize you are just engaged in cyber-masterbation. Most did and slithered away. Desperate, shrill, fools like you tried futilely to bait me into some half-assed pseudo-scientific debate.
There is nothing "half-assed pseudo-scientific" about the easily understood information that is available that rebukes the NIST theory. Just because you are too stupid to try to understand it, doesn't give you any rights to call it that either. This is a most obvious sign that you are an ignorant person.

Neither of us are scientists but you like to pretend to be one.
In fact, you seem to do a lot of pretending about a lot of things. Clearly reality just isn't for you. :cuckoo:
So by your reasoning, one has to be an expert in anything to understand the basics...that are taught in schools? I sure hope you don't ever pro create, cause it sounds like you'd discourage any little Sayits from ever learning anything.
Ignorance is your only strong suit, and we notice you try to compensate for your inabilities and low self esteem issues by pretending one needs to be an expert in basic learning, and by the way you claim skills that you don't have.
Defense of what I ask? You are truly the poster girl for raving CT loons, Princess, but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. My challenge was absolutely facetious.
We've known this all along idiot. It was obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

Your continued shrill and silly postings on this thread prove otherwise, Princess. If the NIST findings were so easily debunked, real scientists and engineers (not you pompous cyber warriors) and their professional associations would have been all over it. Instead only an insignificant % have been involved in the CT movement and in 11 years they haven't made a dent. It's Feb 16, 2013 and still no evidence of demo rigging or controlled demo, no evidence of a gov't conspiracy, none of a media conspiracy and none that your condition will improve anytime soon. Carry on. :D
"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth
"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

Great observation. It's their fear and conditioning. It's all they know. This could help explain their irrational loyalty to Big Brother...

[ame=]SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way - YouTube[/ame]
Programmed to conform. That's what its all about. So get with the program...Or else.

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