Yeah, it's a left-wing press for sure!!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

Mitt Romney released an ad that blatantly quotes Barack Obama out of context in a way that severely distorts the meaning of Obama’s words. The ad is, objectively, dishonest. That’s not a matter of personal opinion, it is simply a fact. Here’s how CNN reported this fact.

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.
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Let's return the favor, since he doesn't feel he did anything wrong.

[ame=]Mitt Romney In His Own Words (And By His Own Standard) - YouTube[/ame]
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

Mitt Romney released an ad that blatantly quotes Barack Obama out of context in a way that severely distorts the meaning of Obama’s words. The ad is, objectively, dishonest. That’s not a matter of personal opinion, it is simply a fact. Here’s how CNN reported this fact.

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

mitt romney will be news in the general election.

right now the resources are hogged by several buffoons pretending to be serious candidates.
Well Salon is a Left Wing extremist Media Outlet,so go figure? They see a Boogeyman where even the rest of their Left Wing Media brethren don't. So what does that say about them?...It says they're just being paranoid partisan nutters again.
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

Mitt Romney released an ad that blatantly quotes Barack Obama out of context in a way that severely distorts the meaning of Obama’s words. The ad is, objectively, dishonest. That’s not a matter of personal opinion, it is simply a fact. Here’s how CNN reported this fact.

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

mitt romney will be news in the general election.

right now the resources are hogged by several buffoons pretending to be serious candidates.

You're counting your chickens before they hatch.
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

mitt romney will be news in the general election.

right now the resources are hogged by several buffoons pretending to be serious candidates.

You're counting your chickens before they hatch.

i am not, dear convict.

i wanted trump as r-candidate, then bachmann, then perry, then cain, then newt.
Well Salon is a Left Wing extremist Media Outlet,so go figure? They see a Boogeyman where even the rest of their Left Wing Media brethren don't. So what does that say about them?...It says they're just being paranoid partisan nutters again.
I think I just figured out what it is about you, you remind me of myself. You STAY hammering the Left.

You're funny dude. :lol: LoL :lol:
And maybe it's just me but i seriously doubt Salon aint gonna support anyone not named Barack Obama. Waddayathink?
mitt romney will be news in the general election.

right now the resources are hogged by several buffoons pretending to be serious candidates.

You're counting your chickens before they hatch.

i am not, dear convict.

i wanted trump as r-candidate, then bachmann, then perry, then cain, then newt.

You're placing Mitt in the general election and he hasn't garnered the nomination yet. I call that counting chickens before they're hatched or at the every least wishful thinking.
You're counting your chickens before they hatch.

i am not, dear convict.

i wanted trump as r-candidate, then bachmann, then perry, then cain, then newt.

You're placing Mitt in the general election and he hasn't garnered the nomination yet. I call that counting chickens before they're hatched or at the every least wishful thinking.

that is actually a worst-case scenario.

the left wing drive-by media just lays low for now.

why waste ammo.

i still want trump, maybe bachmann, she has nice eyes.
So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

It’s something the GOP and media have in common: they’d love to see Obama fail, one for partisan reasons, the other for ratings.
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

Mitt Romney released an ad that blatantly quotes Barack Obama out of context in a way that severely distorts the meaning of Obama’s words. The ad is, objectively, dishonest. That’s not a matter of personal opinion, it is simply a fact. Here’s how CNN reported this fact.

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

Really? I wonder why Carney praised his comrades for defending his boss? Things that make you go hmmmm.

Carney praises media for Romney ad scrutiny | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

It’s something the GOP and media have in common: they’d love to see Obama fail, one for partisan reasons, the other for ratings.

Strange for folks who worked so tirelessly to get him elected.
Yup CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC,NPR,PBS,NY Times,Washington Post,and just about all other Media Outlets are definitely all out to get Obama...Seriously,how can anyone say that without cracking up hysterically? They can't possibly be serious. Those are all Liberal/Democrat Media Outlets who got Barack Obama elected in the first place. Yet now we're supposed to believe they're all suddenly against him? My God,what a loony fantasy world some live in. Yea the MSM Press is out to get Obama. Sure.
So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

It’s something the GOP and media have in common: they’d love to see Obama fail, one for partisan reasons, the other for ratings.

Strange for folks who worked so tirelessly to get him elected.

totally unstrange.

the yellow press (and it seems you don't have anything else) LOVES to build someone up to tear that someone down later.

it sells.
It’s something the GOP and media have in common: they’d love to see Obama fail, one for partisan reasons, the other for ratings.

Strange for folks who worked so tirelessly to get him elected.

totally unstrange.

the yellow press (and it seems you don't have anything else) LOVES to build someone up to tear that someone down later.

it sells.

Correction: They LOVE it only when a Republican is President. They are not doing that with Obama. How can anyone possibly claim they are? That's preposterous.
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

Mitt Romney released an ad that blatantly quotes Barack Obama out of context in a way that severely distorts the meaning of Obama’s words. The ad is, objectively, dishonest. That’s not a matter of personal opinion, it is simply a fact. Here’s how CNN reported this fact.

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

So... CNN does everything but actually say themselves it's 'dishonest', and that somehow proves there is no left leaning bias in media overall?

Really? You're dumb enough to want to go with that?
Objective press unable to label dishonest Romney ad dishonest -

Mitt Romney released an ad that blatantly quotes Barack Obama out of context in a way that severely distorts the meaning of Obama’s words. The ad is, objectively, dishonest. That’s not a matter of personal opinion, it is simply a fact. Here’s how CNN reported this fact.

So. Even when Romney obviously twists Obama's words, the press won't say that's exactly what happened? Why is that, since they are a left-wing press bent on protecting Obama? Things that make us go 'hmm'.

The press has nothing to do with the content of a PAID COMMERCIAL. You pay they air, its that simple
yeah.. no one in the press called out Romney...
Romney Ad Called ‘Deceitful’ for Editing Obama Quote of McCain Staffer | Video |
But there’s just one problem: sure, Barack Obama said that, but he didn’t really “say” that.

See, the snippet used in the Romney ad referencing talking about the economy being a losing plan was actually from a campaign stop where Obama was quoting a John McCain staffer in 2008.

Mitt Romney attack ad misleadingly quotes Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Mitt Romney attack ad misleadingly quotes Obama
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's first ad of the 2012 presidential campaign quotes President Obama out of context in what the Romney campaign is calling a deliberate attempt to show that Mr. Obama "doesn't want to talk about the economy."
But when Mr. Obama made that statement, he was actually quoting an aide to John McCain, his 2008 rival for the presidency.

Mitt Romney’s First TV Ad Of 2012 Race Attacks President Obama - ABC News
As video footage shows vacated business and foreclosed homes, Obama can be heard saying, “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.”

The phrase was used by Obama in an attack against his then-opponent Sen. John McCain.

First Read - Romney's first TV ad hits Obama (and is out of context)
But, as the New York Times points out, “[T]he line, which is perhaps the spot’s most devastating moment, is also the one that seems to be the most taken out of context. In fact, at the time, Mr. Obama was referring to something that an aide to his then opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona, had said in reference to the McCain campaign — not Mr. Obama, then or now.”

In fact, the Romney campaign pretty much admits this with its documentation of the ad's assertions.

Seems to be getting quite a bit of coverage. You're just whining because they didn't all say 'Romney is a fucking liar! All Republicans are liars! VOTE FOR OBAMA!! WOO HOO... YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Get a life.

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