YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

"Now the message sent here is if you defy the subpoenas, there will be consequences," he explained. "You can be charged with a crime and DOJ has backed that up right now."

Looks like Bannon will need to buy a new hobo suit.

yesterday hell. Contempt of congress yesterday. Little mr excitable thought it was for fraud. LOLOLOL GET YER dates right. I know you get excited. YOu''re looking for anything to bolster your old fart...and i do mean that literally, of a president and you'll jump on ANYTHING. BOILS DOWN TO. the OP screwed up. LOLOL
no link. wow. LOLOLOL So. you hate Bannon for what reason?? Next thing you're gonna be telling us is that Biden's approvals are on the rise. LOLOLOLLOLOL
A link for you. BTW, you won't see this on Faux News! Bigly!!!

This is Garland. Does he know that Rittenhouse is gonna walk?? so he drags up this old story with a new charge. DC GJ will do anything This PoS DoJ says. As do most GJ. Hold yer draws buddy. It only means it's a go for going to trial. We'll see how that goes. Cause you guys sure batt 1000 on failure of ruining STILL PRESIDENT Trump. LOLOL



Homeless man indicted!
Bullshit. he was only indicted for not showing up to the Democrat's little circle jerk. He can easily pay whatever fine, do whatever time he gets, and will still be a hero when he gets out.

Big fucking deal: "Contempt of Congress." I can do worse than that. Hell, I can sit here all day and say contemptible things about those assholes...

Hey Congress! Suck my balls, you asshole faggots! Go fuck yourselves with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake, after pleasuring yourselves with a cactus.

Now come get me, bitches. :funnyface::piss2::up_yours::smartass::cul2::21::9::dev3:
Of course he will be a Cult hero. Let's all hope that he is and fit as a fiddle for 2024. Donnie Dark Side will need all of his liars out of jail and on Faux News daily.

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