WTF!? President DUMMY says he will appoint a "Secretary of Business"


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
LMAO! A Secretary of Business?? Why don't you appoint a Secretary of Stupidity while you're at it Dumbo? IF you had the first fucking clue about how business and a free market system worked in a FREE America, you wouldn't need to appoint some other LOSER (See Tax cheat Geitner), creating more bureaucracy and FAILED policies.
He hasn't met with his jobs council for more than 6 months, and now a week before the election he thinks creating yet another governmental department will do some good? WTF???
He hasn't met with his jobs council for more than 6 months, and now a week before the election he thinks creating yet another governmental department will do some good? WTF???

Amazing isn't it? To libruls who adore gubmint, this is more cheese for them.. I guess being he never sits still for a national security briefing by creating a Sec of Biznez, he will be able to golf and get the jobs report on the 8th green.. Barack Obama, "I take multi-tasking and give it a new art form!"
Remember he WANTS businesses to go bankrupt! Think I'm joking??
A) "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Now the business man will say WHAT can we do to lower costs that balance environment needs THAT won't bankrupt them???

B) “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Not ONE logical rational person would EVER have a PLAN that would skyrocket electricity rates...! WHAT an idiot!

C)"Obama said "I'd like higher gas prices.." Really? Obama wanted gas prices to go up... THEY DID!!! ONE thing he accomplished for sure!!

D)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."Obama's words exactly!!
which REALLY means:
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes/social security/Medicare/workman's compensation/ unemployment insurance AND local property taxes on their facilities!
I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

So HOW in the world would a Business CZAR as Obama proposes SAY To his boss..
"Boss... we can't bankrupt businesses, put $100 billion a year tax generators out of business, have people driving trucks PAY higher GAS prices...just won't work"!
Business needs another layer of bureaucracy that's the ticket.

You have no idea what will happen if obama wins. No idea. It will be an exodus unprecedented in history.
Just when you think nothing this guy does will surprise you anymore... BAM!... "Secretary of Business" :lol:
That's pretty much an admission FIVE DAYS before the election that he's got no clue as to how to get this economy going again and needs somebody else to figure it out for him. Think about it... if this wasn't last ditch desperation, why wouldn't he have created a {echo reverb}... "SECRETARY OF BUSINESS!"... 4 years ago?... 2 years ago?... last year? :lol:

probably the majority of business owners are republicans. This is some sorta ruse to get more government involvement aka dem takeover
He thinks he's getting re-elected, so he has to get the new government agency in place for when he tries to get government to take over all the biusiness in the United States. You know, like how Hitler and Lenin did when Communism took over Russia and Germany?

Oh, I forgot Communism and National Socialism are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, lol.
LMAO! A Secretary of Business?? Why don't you appoint a Secretary of Stupidity while you're at it Dumbo? IF you had the first fucking clue about how business and a free market system worked in a FREE America, you wouldn't need to appoint some other LOSER (See Tax cheat Geitner), creating more bureaucracy and FAILED policies.

Didn't he also have a jobs committee that he never bothered to talk to.
This guy has all these great ideas for the press release and photo OP then
after the back slapping and high fives and bump in the polls he is off to
do pretty much nothing.

I have had enough of this guy as President.
LMAO! A Secretary of Business?? Why don't you appoint a Secretary of Stupidity while you're at it Dumbo? IF you had the first fucking clue about how business and a free market system worked in a FREE America, you wouldn't need to appoint some other LOSER (See Tax cheat Geitner), creating more bureaucracy and FAILED policies.

Didn't he also have a jobs committee that he never bothered to talk to.
This guy has all these great ideas for the press release and photo OP then
after the back slapping and high fives and bump in the polls he is off to
do pretty much nothing.

I have had enough of this guy as President.

Obama lives in fairyland.. He thinks he merely has to say it and that's it! I'm with you.. So sick of this jerk.. ready for next Tues!
He thinks he's getting re-elected, so he has to get the new government agency in place for when he tries to get government to take over all the biusiness in the United States. You know, like how Hitler and Lenin did when Communism took over Russia and Germany?

Oh, I forgot Communism and National Socialism are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, lol.

I hope these third-party voters are paying attention. Obama just stated his intention of creating yet another growth in government.
He thinks he's getting re-elected, so he has to get the new government agency in place for when he tries to get government to take over all the biusiness in the United States. You know, like how Hitler and Lenin did when Communism took over Russia and Germany?

Oh, I forgot Communism and National Socialism are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, lol.

I hope these third-party voters are paying attention. Obama just stated his intention of creating yet another growth in government.

because government is small when it uses internal ultrasounds on women?


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