WTF? Democrats in gang of 8 implicated in spying on Trump...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Well this is a new twist and buried below the debate of illegal immigration.

A DOJ/FBI liaison was subpoenaed and testified before congressional investigators that Adam Schiff, Nacy Pelosie, and their minority whips had first hand knowledge of the spying being done by Obama and his administration and were willing participants in the cover up and hiding of the criminal conduct. Not only on the Trump spying but on the cover up of the IRS scandel where conservatives were targeted and assaulted by the IRS.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Ranking member House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Adam Schiff, and Ranking Member Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Mark Warner are the four Democrat members of Intelligence Oversight referred to as the “Gang-of-Eight.”

These four were largely responsible for crafting the political narrative that obscured the CIA, DNI, FBI and DOJ conspiracy to discredit and build a case for the impeachment of Donald Trump and then slow-walking the investigation that would prove the criminal conspiracy.

This is proof of a coup! Is this what Hillary meant when she said "we will all hang if they find out what we've done. you better fucking fix this!"

This is why I desperately wanted the investigations to continue. I knew after I could link Dimitri from Crowdstrike to the Atlantic Council and connect all the dots from there that there was no way on the planet that the D's hadn't co ordinated to take the Presidency.

But still, wow just wow at how deep this goes and continues to amaze me at how many participants there are. Thanks for THIS dot.
Just wow... Congress, the DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA were all involved in this and they colluded with the Obama Administration where Obama himself was pulling the strings...

This is way worse than Nixon.. This is a criminal organization defying the US Constitution and the separations of powers to spy on a presidential candidate and then a sitting US President..

This IS the definition of TREASON.
Just wow... Congress, the DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA were all involved in this and they colluded with the Obama Administration where Obama himself was pulling the strings...

This is way worse than Nixon.. This is a criminal organization defying the US Constitution and the separations of powers to spy on a presidential candidate and then a sitting US President..

This IS the definition of TREASON.

hang em high
This is why I desperately wanted the investigations to continue. I knew after I could link Dimitri from Crowdstrike to the Atlantic Council and connect all the dots from there that there was no way on the planet that the D's hadn't co ordinated to take the Presidency.

But still, wow just wow at how deep this goes and continues to amaze me at how many participants there are. Thanks for THIS dot.
A real super sleuth :lmao:
Well this is a new twist and buried below the debate of illegal immigration.

A DOJ/FBI liaison was subpoenaed and testified before congressional investigators that Adam Schiff, Nacy Pelosie, and their minority whips had first hand knowledge of the spying being done by Obama and his administration and were willing participants in the cover up and hiding of the criminal conduct. Not only on the Trump spying but on the cover up of the IRS scandel where conservatives were targeted and assaulted by the IRS.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Ranking member House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Adam Schiff, and Ranking Member Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Mark Warner are the four Democrat members of Intelligence Oversight referred to as the “Gang-of-Eight.”

These four were largely responsible for crafting the political narrative that obscured the CIA, DNI, FBI and DOJ conspiracy to discredit and build a case for the impeachment of Donald Trump and then slow-walking the investigation that would prove the criminal conspiracy.

This is proof of a coup! Is this what Hillary meant when she said "we will all hang if they find out what we've done. you better fucking fix this!"

It doesn't surprise me a bit. Schiff-for-brains was actively trying to undermine the investigation of the House intelligence committee because he's one of the targets of the investigation!
As I've been saying all along: EVERYBODY knew that Hillary was going to win the election. That includes FBI, DoJ, Congress, the Media, the Entertainment world, Academe...EVERYBODY.

And their actions are quite predictable and understandable in light of that fact. They dearly wanted to be able to either embarrass Trump to death, or actually prosecute him for some "trumped-up" charge after the election. And they didn't want to be on Hillary's bad side, knowing how the Clinton's deal with people whom they consider dis-loyal or troublesome.

It all makes sense. No surprises. The surprising thing is how much resistance is being created to prevent the exposure of all their nefarious actions. But it is NOT surprising that the Media are playing it all down, and focusing on non-stories like that "human catastrophe at the border."

I wonder if they are aware how motivating all of this is to Trump supporters. Blue wave? You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Well this is a new twist and buried below the debate of illegal immigration.

A DOJ/FBI liaison was subpoenaed and testified before congressional investigators that Adam Schiff, Nacy Pelosie, and their minority whips had first hand knowledge of the spying being done by Obama and his administration and were willing participants in the cover up and hiding of the criminal conduct. Not only on the Trump spying but on the cover up of the IRS scandel where conservatives were targeted and assaulted by the IRS.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Ranking member House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Adam Schiff, and Ranking Member Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Mark Warner are the four Democrat members of Intelligence Oversight referred to as the “Gang-of-Eight.”

These four were largely responsible for crafting the political narrative that obscured the CIA, DNI, FBI and DOJ conspiracy to discredit and build a case for the impeachment of Donald Trump and then slow-walking the investigation that would prove the criminal conspiracy.

This is proof of a coup! Is this what Hillary meant when she said "we will all hang if they find out what we've done. you better fucking fix this!"

It doesn't surprise me a bit. Schiff-for-brains was actively trying to undermine the investigation of the House intelligence committee because he's one of the targets of the investigation!
this explains the prewritten speeches every time facts came out. The silence on this information getting out is stunning.. These people need to be in jail!
Looks like the chorus is now going to grow louder as the rats abandon the USS DEMOCRAT PARTY...

Looks like another nut bag right wing site is making silly accusations. Big whoop.

Comrade traitor, it looks like they have an awful lot of documentation.

Did you bother to read the article?

Of course not.
Its lack of cognitive response tells the tale... The hands were still in the cookie jar when it was slammed on them..
Looks like the chorus is now going to grow louder as the rats abandon the USS DEMOCRAT PARTY...

Looks like another nut bag right wing site is making silly accusations. Big whoop.

Comrade traitor, it looks like they have an awful lot of documentation.

Did you bother to read the article?

Of course not.
Its lack of cognitive response tells the tale... The hands were still in the cookie jar when it was slammed on them..

They never expected Trump to win, and were arrogant about their corruption.
Democrats have there nuts in a vice, they are a juicy cluster fuck pile of excrement
. d5f167370a52752a654f6f03ef818729.jpg
dems spied on trump huh ... dont look now idiots but the old derelict is under investigation by the feds.


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