Wrongfully Convicted Derek Chauvin files petition to Supreme Court

and had Chauvin just moved his knee once the fighting had stopped instead of leaving it there for almost a full 2 minutes after all movement, even breathing, had stopped he would be a free man today.
If you watch the video he was trying to lock the cuffs but Floyd kept fighting....
If you watch the video he was trying to lock the cuffs but Floyd kept fighting....

If you watch the video you will see almost a full 2 minutes after all movement, even breathing, had stopped when his knee was still there pushing down.
"WE" don't matter in this decision.
Bring it to the Courts, by that I mean....Bring actual evidence to the Court....and quit blaming others for team trumps failures. His Lawyers Suck, because NO GOOD lawyer will ever take him on as a client and risk their own career.

It was billed as a "peaceful Protest"
Why would there be a need for the NG?

Awwwww.........unless trump gave instructions..........which he did.
The Prosecutors will Prove this in Court.

What made you piss yourself the most?
The real life size gallows?
The zip ties?
The selfie sticks?
Viking hat beaver pelt guy?
If you watch the video you will see almost a full 2 minutes after all movement, even breathing, had stopped when his knee was still there pushing down.
I watched the video and his hands are clearly behind George's back by the cuffs and he had the infamous black key in his hands....
Murder is intent to kill which of course is not in evidence here.
Overweight drug addict with a violent streak . That gets you killed but very rarely murdered.
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No he isn't... George died from fentanyl and a beat up heart from High Blood pressure... cops are or were taught to kneel on a suspect until they stop fighting and the cuff are in place and locked.... stop being so emotional on every event that takes place and use your common sense... murderers don't kill on camera in front of dozens of people... at best it is manslaughter...

Now that’s a novel theory. All you need is one doctor out of a million to agree with you. I suppose you could get one of the 600+ coroners to agree with you. Because right now. None of them agree with you.
Good because many of you libtards run away until the smoke clears and then they come back and troll us some more....
I stay pointing and laughing at you cuck whites. Nothing your lot has ever done has led me to believe any of you capable. All Trump ever managed to do were tax cuts for the rich. 😄