Wrestling with God...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
You're on ignore, fncceo. I don't know why they gave me an option to look at your "ignored content" but I'm not going to.
2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

Look at statistics for pedophilia. Not one group is exempt. Not our dads, our grandparents, our doctors, lawyers, clergy, teachers, coaches. Are instances in the Catholic priesthood higher? No. They are lower, which all Catholics will agree is still too high. Next, did Judas betrayal dampen early Christianity? Judas represents 1/12 or eight percent of the Apostles. It is under three percent for pedophilia, which is still less than other groups. Again, the number should be zero, but then shouldn't that have been the number of apostles who betrayed Jesus?

Mankind is not perfect, and we all live among imperfect people in an imperfect world. Remember, both knocking and persistence. In one instance it took ten years for a door to open; in another four years--but when it did...then, in hindsight, I was able to see how God had been working in my life to create the gift(s) for which I had been beseeching Him.

If you truly don't feel up to attending Sunday Mass, may I suggest daily Mass? If this doesn't work for you, my final suggestion is to go to the usccb Daily Readings and Reflection Videos. These videos are a two-to-three minute commentary on the readings, and some touch my heart and inspire me and what I am doing throughout the day.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
It took me a while to realize that a burger flipper wasn't my profession but for 2 straight years out of high school, I became a professional. Then I woke up and realized that this wasn't my gift given to me by God, but something better. I was gifted with hands that could repair the avionics of Aircraft. I worked on A-10s, HH-1H, F-15s and F-16s and not only was I good, but I was great at it. There is something for you out there, it may take some time, but eventually you will find it, unless you fall for Lucifer and take the easy way out and stop trying. Oprah had her gift, Morgan Freeman, his voice was his gift. Eli Manning had his gift. Just keep looking for it, it will find you eventually.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?

You could always convert to Judaism and move to a kibbutz in Israel :04:.
2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

Look at statistics for pedophilia. Not one group is exempt. Not our dads, our grandparents, our doctors, lawyers, clergy, teachers, coaches. Are instances in the Catholic priesthood higher? No. They are lower, which all Catholics will agree is still too high. Next, did Judas betrayal dampen early Christianity? Judas represents 1/12 or eight percent of the Apostles. It is under three percent for pedophilia, which is still less than other groups. Again, the number should be zero, but then shouldn't that have been the number of apostles who betrayed Jesus?

Mankind is not perfect, and we all live among imperfect people in an imperfect world. Remember, both knocking and persistence. In one instance it took ten years for a door to open; in another four years--but when it did...then, in hindsight, I was able to see how God had been working in my life to create the gift(s) for which I had been beseeching Him.

If you truly don't feel up to attending Sunday Mass, may I suggest daily Mass? If this doesn't work for you, my final suggestion is to go to the usccb Daily Readings and Reflection Videos. These videos are a two-to-three minute commentary on the readings, and some touch my heart and inspire me and what I am doing throughout the day.
It was the intention of liberalism to have homosexuals be instilled into the Catholic Church. It was religious bigotry to ban queers from participating in the religious rites. So the church(which Lucifer has gotten hold of) allowed these fudge packing men in, and they have sinned, while the religious leaders looked away. The Commie bouncer from Latin America, has done nothing to stop the corruption, but then again this is Lucifer's way to have people turn away from God.
I understand that the pedophilia problem has been overstated by the media, but the fact remains that the bishops' first impulse was to cover up these crimes, transfer the priests to another parish, and pay off the parents to buy their silence. We Catholics were aware this was happening a long time before the outside world became aware of it. They would send the priest to a retreat where he would be "cured" through prayer and counseling. The problem is, there is no way to "cure" a pedophile.
2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

Look at statistics for pedophilia. Not one group is exempt. Not our dads, our grandparents, our doctors, lawyers, clergy, teachers, coaches. Are instances in the Catholic priesthood higher? No. They are lower, which all Catholics will agree is still too high. Next, did Judas betrayal dampen early Christianity? Judas represents 1/12 or eight percent of the Apostles. It is under three percent for pedophilia, which is still less than other groups. Again, the number should be zero, but then shouldn't that have been the number of apostles who betrayed Jesus?

Mankind is not perfect, and we all live among imperfect people in an imperfect world. Remember, both knocking and persistence. In one instance it took ten years for a door to open; in another four years--but when it did...then, in hindsight, I was able to see how God had been working in my life to create the gift(s) for which I had been beseeching Him.

If you truly don't feel up to attending Sunday Mass, may I suggest daily Mass? If this doesn't work for you, my final suggestion is to go to the usccb Daily Readings and Reflection Videos. These videos are a two-to-three minute commentary on the readings, and some touch my heart and inspire me and what I am doing throughout the day.
It was the intention of liberalism to have homosexuals be instilled into the Catholic Church. It was religious bigotry to ban queers from participating in the religious rites. So the church(which Lucifer has gotten hold of) allowed these fudge packing men in, and they have sinned, while the religious leaders looked away. The Commie bouncer from Latin America, has done nothing to stop the corruption, but then again this is Lucifer's way to have people turn away from God.
It sounds ridiculous when you state it in those turns, but I do believe that Satan is real, and that he attacks the Catholic Church as his number one enemy here on Earth.
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?
First, I have significant issues with the Catholic religion. Go try out a good Bible based church in your area. 100% chance your eyes will be opened.
Failures are long term gains. You’re being molded into a better person. How do you make diamonds? You’re being remade.
2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

Look at statistics for pedophilia. Not one group is exempt. Not our dads, our grandparents, our doctors, lawyers, clergy, teachers, coaches. Are instances in the Catholic priesthood higher? No. They are lower, which all Catholics will agree is still too high. Next, did Judas betrayal dampen early Christianity? Judas represents 1/12 or eight percent of the Apostles. It is under three percent for pedophilia, which is still less than other groups. Again, the number should be zero, but then shouldn't that have been the number of apostles who betrayed Jesus?

Mankind is not perfect, and we all live among imperfect people in an imperfect world. Remember, both knocking and persistence. In one instance it took ten years for a door to open; in another four years--but when it did...then, in hindsight, I was able to see how God had been working in my life to create the gift(s) for which I had been beseeching Him.

If you truly don't feel up to attending Sunday Mass, may I suggest daily Mass? If this doesn't work for you, my final suggestion is to go to the usccb Daily Readings and Reflection Videos. These videos are a two-to-three minute commentary on the readings, and some touch my heart and inspire me and what I am doing throughout the day.
It was the intention of liberalism to have homosexuals be instilled into the Catholic Church. It was religious bigotry to ban queers from participating in the religious rites. So the church(which Lucifer has gotten hold of) allowed these fudge packing men in, and they have sinned, while the religious leaders looked away. The Commie bouncer from Latin America, has done nothing to stop the corruption, but then again this is Lucifer's way to have people turn away from God.
It sounds ridiculous when you state it in those turns, but I do believe that Satan is real, and that he attacks the Catholic Church as his number one enemy here on Earth.
How Satan Uses People to Set Traps for You!
Since Satan is not physically present in this world (at least until the anti-christ is revealed) and it is illegal for him to be in physical manifestation to harm you, he has adapted and changed up his attack and trap methods. Satan uses physical people in the world to set traps for other people. Satan works very hard to deceive everyone, but many times he concentrates on a select few which are easier to be deceived. These types of easy targets are usually the most ignorant of the truth found in God’s word. Satan then traps them into believing his lies and then uses them to deceive the others through their enticing baited words of partial truths.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
The playbook of the liberals and who they honor as the first radical. Is it deception of the left or the capitulation of the left to Lucifer's ways?
I am the devil! Satan if you please. All of you are fools and need to go back and learn the truth.
2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

Look at statistics for pedophilia. Not one group is exempt. Not our dads, our grandparents, our doctors, lawyers, clergy, teachers, coaches. Are instances in the Catholic priesthood higher? No. They are lower, which all Catholics will agree is still too high. Next, did Judas betrayal dampen early Christianity? Judas represents 1/12 or eight percent of the Apostles. It is under three percent for pedophilia, which is still less than other groups. Again, the number should be zero, but then shouldn't that have been the number of apostles who betrayed Jesus?

Mankind is not perfect, and we all live among imperfect people in an imperfect world. Remember, both knocking and persistence. In one instance it took ten years for a door to open; in another four years--but when it did...then, in hindsight, I was able to see how God had been working in my life to create the gift(s) for which I had been beseeching Him.

If you truly don't feel up to attending Sunday Mass, may I suggest daily Mass? If this doesn't work for you, my final suggestion is to go to the usccb Daily Readings and Reflection Videos. These videos are a two-to-three minute commentary on the readings, and some touch my heart and inspire me and what I am doing throughout the day.
It was the intention of liberalism to have homosexuals be instilled into the Catholic Church. It was religious bigotry to ban queers from participating in the religious rites. So the church(which Lucifer has gotten hold of) allowed these fudge packing men in, and they have sinned, while the religious leaders looked away. The Commie bouncer from Latin America, has done nothing to stop the corruption, but then again this is Lucifer's way to have people turn away from God.
It sounds ridiculous when you state it in those turns, but I do believe that Satan is real, and that he attacks the Catholic Church as his number one enemy here on Earth.
Satan has deep roots in that church. Your first pope was Simon Magus.

Jesus warned, "Can an evil tree bear good fruit."
I believe in God as much as I always have, but I seldom pray, and I very infrequently attend Mass on Sunday.

My problems with God are twofold:

1) My life has been a series of disappointments and I blame God for it.

2) The pedophilia scandal has dampened my enthusiasm for the Catholic Church.

I believe the universe couldn't have gotten here by random happenstance, so I believe in a God who created it.

But it is hard to believe in the loving God Christ described, the entity who will make sure you never want for anything and will open doors if you knock.

The best description for me is "disillusioned."

I have read biographies of the saints, and I know many of them had "dry" periods filled with doubt, but they somehow plowed through it and hung onto their faith.

Is this my "dry" period?

And if so, how do I get "wet" again?

1. Your life disappointments are on you, not God. Try harder in the future.

2. That's exactly what They want you to feel . . . doubt in the Church, and why homosexual pedophiles have infiltrated it. Seems They succeeded in your case and those of tens of millions of other once faithful.

God doesn't provide whatever we order up to sooth the living hell of our lives. You got to contribute, work for it and then, just possibly, God will supply the finishing touches. Then again, sometimes He will move mountains for each of us. Depends on your perspective, disposition, faith and the like. You maybe gave up on God. Fine, that's normal enough. But He never gave up on you. Therein lies the key. Disillusionment is also solely on you. Now cowboy up.
I understand that the pedophilia problem has been overstated by the media, but the fact remains that the bishops' first impulse was to cover up these crimes, transfer the priests to another parish, and pay off the parents to buy their silence. We Catholics were aware this was happening a long time before the outside world became aware of it. They would send the priest to a retreat where he would be "cured" through prayer and counseling. The problem is, there is no way to "cure" a pedophile.
Wanna bet > If it was my kid I could "cure' the perp for about 60 cents

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