Wrecking a Nation


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation
Of all the places for candidate Obama to kick off his political career in 1995 in his first run for the Illinois State Senate, he picked the living room of Bernardine Dohrn and husband Bill Ayers, co-founder of the Weather Underground and, more recently, the national vice president for curriculum studies at the American Educational Research Association.

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” -- Author Unknown
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

Move to Venezuela. Price of a gallon of gas 15 centavos. Ha...Ha...Willow. You don't care about this country OR the price of a strategic commodity like fossil fuel. You morons will pray to the alter of the multinational oil companies until ALL of our money has been handed over to them. You will blame EVEYRONE but your selves all along the way. The ONLY way to guarantee a cheap fixed price on fuel is to nationalize it as our highest national security objective and have the government take over control of the oil industry in our country. BUT that will never happen as long as stupid people like you blame everyone and anyone but the real culprits in that industry. You idiots blame Obama. The president does not set gasoline prices. If he could it would have to be nationalized. Even a po-dunct little country like Venezuela knows that. Apparently they are smarter than we are.

15 cents a gallon vs 4 dollars a gallon? You choose dummy. No wait...let's see if gas goes to 10 dollars a gallon. Ya that's the ticket. Guess what shit for brains??? There is a price where America will just say FUCK IT!!! Nationalize the motherfucker!!!! BUT guess what else??? The price of everything else will be so sky high by then it won't make a tinker's damn worth of difference because morons like you will have waited too long to wake the fuck up.

Just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

Move to Venezuela. Price of a gallon of gas 15 centavos. Ha...Ha...Willow. You don't care about this country OR the price of a strategic commodity like fossil fuel. You morons will pray to the alter of the multinational oil companies until ALL of our money has been handed over to them. You will blame EVEYRONE but your selves all along the way. The ONLY way to guarantee a cheap fixed price on fuel is to nationalize it as our highest national security objective and have the government take over control of the oil industry in our country. BUT that will never happen as long as stupid people like you blame everyone and anyone but the real culprits in that industry. You idiots blame Obama. The president does not set gasoline prices. If he could it would have to be nationalized. Even a po-dunct little country like Venezuela knows that. Apparently they are smarter than we are.

15 cents a gallon vs 4 dollars a gallon? You choose dummy. No wait...let's see if gas goes to 10 dollars a gallon. Ya that's the ticket. Guess what shit for brains??? There is a price where America will just say FUCK IT!!! Nationalize the motherfucker!!!! BUT guess what else??? The price of everything else will be so sky high by then it won't make a tinker's damn worth of difference because morons like you will have waited too long to wake the fuck up.

Just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:

the silver lining is obie wan is gonna be so fucked in 2012. That's the part I love.
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

Move to Venezuela. Price of a gallon of gas 15 centavos. Ha...Ha...Willow. You don't care about this country OR the price of a strategic commodity like fossil fuel. You morons will pray to the alter of the multinational oil companies until ALL of our money has been handed over to them. You will blame EVEYRONE but your selves all along the way. The ONLY way to guarantee a cheap fixed price on fuel is to nationalize it as our highest national security objective and have the government take over control of the oil industry in our country. BUT that will never happen as long as stupid people like you blame everyone and anyone but the real culprits in that industry. You idiots blame Obama. The president does not set gasoline prices. If he could it would have to be nationalized. Even a po-dunct little country like Venezuela knows that. Apparently they are smarter than we are.

15 cents a gallon vs 4 dollars a gallon? You choose dummy. No wait...let's see if gas goes to 10 dollars a gallon. Ya that's the ticket. Guess what shit for brains??? There is a price where America will just say FUCK IT!!! Nationalize the motherfucker!!!! BUT guess what else??? The price of everything else will be so sky high by then it won't make a tinker's damn worth of difference because morons like you will have waited too long to wake the fuck up.

Just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:

the silver lining is obie wan is gonna be so fucked in 2012. That's the part I love.

That is the REAL truth with you fuckwits...isn't it. Fuck our country... Fuck our future ...just as long as Obama loses. You people are traitors of the most worthless variety.
Move to Venezuela. Price of a gallon of gas 15 centavos. Ha...Ha...Willow. You don't care about this country OR the price of a strategic commodity like fossil fuel. You morons will pray to the alter of the multinational oil companies until ALL of our money has been handed over to them. You will blame EVEYRONE but your selves all along the way. The ONLY way to guarantee a cheap fixed price on fuel is to nationalize it as our highest national security objective and have the government take over control of the oil industry in our country. BUT that will never happen as long as stupid people like you blame everyone and anyone but the real culprits in that industry. You idiots blame Obama. The president does not set gasoline prices. If he could it would have to be nationalized. Even a po-dunct little country like Venezuela knows that. Apparently they are smarter than we are.

15 cents a gallon vs 4 dollars a gallon? You choose dummy. No wait...let's see if gas goes to 10 dollars a gallon. Ya that's the ticket. Guess what shit for brains??? There is a price where America will just say FUCK IT!!! Nationalize the motherfucker!!!! BUT guess what else??? The price of everything else will be so sky high by then it won't make a tinker's damn worth of difference because morons like you will have waited too long to wake the fuck up.

Just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:

the silver lining is obie wan is gonna be so fucked in 2012. That's the part I love.

That is the REAL truth with you fuckwits...isn't it. Fuck our country... Fuck our future ...just as long as Obama loses. You people are traitors of the most worthless variety.

I don't like his policies or his friends. He's fucked up this country and he's going to be out of office soon. I love it. Love it. Love it.

Gas sky high.. We can't drill but Marxie buddy in Brazil can..

groceries sky high..

one in eight homes in America sits empty.

the demonRats can't be honest, can't pass a budget, all they can do is snivel and call Republicans "extreme" fuck them all, get them the hell out of there.
Huggy doesn't get it. If the government took over the beer industry a 6 pack would cost $50 in a week. Oil is up because we are not utilizing our capacity to find and refine because of the policy of the current teleprompter reader. The guy is killing us.
the silver lining is obie wan is gonna be so fucked in 2012. That's the part I love.

That is the REAL truth with you fuckwits...isn't it. Fuck our country... Fuck our future ...just as long as Obama loses. You people are traitors of the most worthless variety.

I don't like his policies or his friends. He's fucked up this country and he's going to be out of office soon. I love it. Love it. Love it.

Gas sky high.. We can't drill but Marxie buddy in Brazil can..

groceries sky high..

one in eight homes in America sits empty.

the demonRats can't be honest, can't pass a budget, all they can do is snivel and call Republicans "extreme" fuck them all, get them the hell out of there.

Ya that's right...The Christian Fundamentalists will fix everything... Just one question..

Now that the Christian Fundamentalists have won a majority in the House what have they done to help the economy?

That's what I thought. Fuck you Willow.
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

Thanks. I read this yesterday. Many of us warned that this would happen. It's cold comfort to be proven correct.
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

And Soros has his hands in this as well.
That is the REAL truth with you fuckwits...isn't it. Fuck our country... Fuck our future ...just as long as Obama loses. You people are traitors of the most worthless variety.

I don't like his policies or his friends. He's fucked up this country and he's going to be out of office soon. I love it. Love it. Love it.

Gas sky high.. We can't drill but Marxie buddy in Brazil can..

groceries sky high..

one in eight homes in America sits empty.

the demonRats can't be honest, can't pass a budget, all they can do is snivel and call Republicans "extreme" fuck them all, get them the hell out of there.

Ya that's right...The Christian Fundamentalists will fix everything... Just one question..

Now that the Christian Fundamentalists have won a majority in the House what have they done to help the economy?

That's what I thought. Fuck you Willow.

You are a MORON.
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

And Soros has his hands in this as well.

can you see PlasmaPiggie's and Huggy's lip prints on soros' ass cheeks? stuck to his ass like plungers.. they izzzz. hear that sucking sound?? they think it's the hind tit..

Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

And Soros has his hands in this as well.

can you see PlasmaPiggie's and Huggy's lip prints on soros' ass cheeks? stuck to his ass like plungers.. they izzzz. hear that sucking sound?? they think it's the hind tit..



Indeed...From August 2009:

Obama, Soros, Petrobras, Brazil & offshore drilling double standards
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

You know how I know you don't have one original thought in this post?

Nothing is misspelled. I don't see the words "doncha" "izzzz" or "gubmint"
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

Here we go again. LOL.

Looks like Jimmy Carter was right after all.

Domestic production has increased over the last year despite the 33 drilling rigs shut down in the Gulf because of BP's massive oil spill.

We are not at war in Libya.

Petrobras along with it's partners, secured the deep sea project's approval in 2006. It was one of the first to meet the new strict requirements to be allowed to begin drilling in the gulf again.

Houston based Noble Energy(an American Capitalist company) was the first to recieve a new deepwater drilling permit and is asking for a second.
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

Here we go again. LOL.

Looks like Jimmy Carter was right after all.

Domestic production has increased over the last year despite the 33 drilling rigs shut down in the Gulf because of BP's massive oil spill.

We are not at war in Libya.
Petrobras along with it's partners, secured the deep sea project's approval in 2006. It was one of the first to meet the new strict requirements to be allowed to begin drilling in the gulf again.

Houston based Noble Energy(an American Capitalist company) was the first to recieve a new deepwater drilling permit and is asking for a second.

Well, whatever it is we're NOT doing in Libya is costing us 55 million dollars a day.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Here's how the economic and political system of a nation is destroyed.

Every price increase of just a dime per gallon of gasoline at the pump extracts approximately $5 billion from the pockets of U.S. consumers over the course of a year.

On top of killing family budgets, with a dollar per gallon jump at the pumps picking our pockets of $50 billion per year, there is on the macro level an inverse relationship between the price of oil and the overall health of the economy -- oil price hikes deliver less job growth, less demand for labor, more unemployment, more poverty, more inequality, more inflation, lower real income increases, and smaller advances in the standard of living.

Additionally, higher oil prices directly cause greater amounts of U.S. capital to be exported, both to pay the higher prices and to pay for the growing levels of imported oil.

In 1985, the U.S. imported 25 percent of its oil usage. Today, it's 61 percent. And still we are placing restrictions on increases in domestic production, both for oil and other sources of energy.

A few days back, President Obama, rather than sticking around a couple hours to explain to the American people or to the U.S. Congress why we were going to war in Libya, flew off to Brazil to hand out a permit to allow deep sea oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras. Capitalist companies in America need not apply.

This particular foreign deal was an especially snug and nostalgic fit for Obama. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is somewhat of a Latin form of Obama's old Weather Underground chum Bernardine Dohrn.

The American Spectator : Wrecking a Nation

And Soros has his hands in this as well.

can you see PlasmaPiggie's and Huggy's lip prints on soros' ass cheeks? stuck to his ass like plungers.. they izzzz. hear that sucking sound?? they think it's the hind tit..


Willow you are a willfully ignorant twat. As long as oil and gas CAN be manipulated ...it WILL be manipulated. It has nothing to do with Dem or GOP ya fuckwit. That is just a shell game they play to keep idiots like you focused on ANYTHING but the real causes of the OP. I wish to Christ I could convince you to take a REAL look at who profits from the manipulation of oil. Do you really think I give a rats ass about Soros? Are you really THAT stupid? I know very little about that guy. Why would I? I am only concerned that my republican party has turned into a bunch of incredibly dangerous zombies.

Just because I recognize the Christian Fundamentalists for the brain washed monsters they are when they get into politics and say so does NOT mean I support the same "smarter" greedy assholes on the other side.

They have painted a target on your tail and all you do is chase it round and round. I swear they have somehow slipped something into the water where you idiots hang out.

As long as they have people like you so thoroughly mind fucked you are right. We are doomed. You do know that eventually we will have to nationalize our oil production and refinery delivery. Unfortunately it will be way too late and believe me...I will get zero satisfaction telling you "I told you so".

In the end it won't be the Soro's that cause our demise. It will be the fools like you that got hypmotized into voting against yours and our countries best interests. I find THAT incredibly sad.

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