Caught With Their Pants Down!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Schumer thought he was on a private line with four Democratic senators who were to talk with reporters about the current budget stalemate.

Schumer instructed the group, made up of Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Tom Carper of Delaware, Ben Cardin of Maryland and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, to tell reporters that the GOP is refusing to negotiate.

He told the group to make sure they label the GOP spending cuts as "extreme."

"I always use extreme, Schumer said. "That is what the caucus instructed me to use."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Schumer coordinates Dem budget attack on GOP | Susan Ferrechio | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Ohhhhhhh....I am so sorry I came up with that title....what a terrible visual....
ok whats the outrage of using the word extreme?

Time for a trip down memory lane...

let's call it 'calculated and coordinated smears by the Left," OK? mid-April, 2008, at an ABC News debate moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos. Gibson asked Obama why it had taken him so long – nearly a year since Wright’s remarks became public – to dissociate himself from them. Watching this all at home were members of Journolist, a listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists, as well as like-minded professors and activists. The tough questioning from the ABC anchors left many of them outraged.

2 …at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage....….a campaign by professional journalists to tell ABC not to ask tough questions about a candidate’s links to radicals…

3. Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”...

4. Ackerman appealed to the other members of the Journolist group: “If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us. Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists. Ask: why do they have such a deep-seated problem with a black politician who unites the country? What lurks behind those problems? This makes *them* sputter with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction.”

5. Ackerman wasn’t talking about a strategy to expose real racists, in the media or anywhere else. The Washington Independent reporter wanted to conduct a campaign against any figure on the Right, including journalists like Fred Barnes, to smear him as a racist for the political purposes of electing a Democrat to the White House. Notice that Ackerman doesn’t even bother to ask people to look for actual evidence of racism, but just suggests to pick a conservative name out of a hat.

6. It certainly puts efforts by the Left to paint the Tea Party as racist in an entirely new light. It also calls into question the ethics and judgment of anyone who participated in that Ackerman thread.
Daily Caller discovers Journolist plot to spike Wright story, smear conservatives as racists « Hot Air

Now, say "may I have another?"

Liberal media outlets are trying to smear the highest-ranking Republican in the House just weeks before the midterm elections with a deal-breaking scandal before he has a chance to take the speaker's chair from Nancy Pelosi.
A blogger from liberal Web site The Daily Kos pierced through Boehner's security detail at yesterday's unveiling of his leadership policy "Pledge to America" to ask if he was sleeping with a lobbyist from the Printing Industries of America.

Read more: Liberal outlets try to nab John Boehner for infidelity before midterm elections -

Still uninformed?

. The New York Times is reporting today that it has reached a settlement with Vicki Iseman in her defamation suit against the paper. The suit stemmed from the NYT article which insinuated Iseman had an affair with John McCain.
It is quite sad that it takes a lawsuit for the New York Times to at least sort of admit their wrong doing in publishing the disgrace to professional journalism that article is. And it is maddening that their pseudo-apology falls well short of what is required for this kind of egregious assault on reporting. Not to mention that it seems to take a lawsuit to make the New York Times print an editorial contrary to their opinion.

Read more: New York Times and Lobbyist Settle Defamation Case Over McCain Affair Article |

See, this is why the Left hates Fox News, 'cause it evens out the playing field just a bit.

can you boil it down to a nice sentence or two?

Sorry, Plas,
I always think I'm dealing with a WSJ audience, and forget that sometimes it's a USAToday group.

Did you miss this: "let's call it 'calculated and coordinated smears by the Left," OK?

That's even less than the CliffNotes version.
ok so? whats your point?

Uh, dude, if you ask someone to boil something down to "a sentence or two" and then have to still ask "what's your point," you aren't helping yourself any. Just step back for a moment, okay?


Everything that you've mentioned is nothing more than political coordination. I don't see what is so remarkable about it. If you thought either political party failed to coordinate and strategize together, then I'm afraid you've been a little naive.
ok so? whats your point?

Uh, dude, if you ask someone to boil something down to "a sentence or two" and then have to still ask "what's your point," you aren't helping yourself any. Just step back for a moment, okay?


Everything that you've mentioned is nothing more than political coordination. I don't see what is so remarkable about it. If you thought either political party failed to coordinate and strategize together, then I'm afraid you've been a little naive.

So...where is the evidence of major media and major political party on the other side doing the same?

And here's another attempt by the Left attempting to silence any opposition:

(Newser) – Nobody can accuse the liberal Media Matters group of having a hidden agenda. The mission is out in the open and called "war on Fox." That's how founder David Brock describes the group's new vision to Ben Smith of Politico. As part of this war, it plans a campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” on Fox News, its top and mid-level executives, its big-name anchors, parent company News Corp., and papa bear Rupert Murdoch.
Media Matters Declares 'War' on Fox News - Liberal group plans 'sabotage' campaign to discredit network

So, rather than the bland 'everybody does it,' let's have your examples of the right shutting down and organizing a smear campaign of those who don't fall in line.....

Can you?

While you're at it, see if you can summarize this post, and slip the summary in a fortune cookie for Plas.
I'm not surprised. Schumer is one of the dirtiest & corrupt Politicians we have in our Government. "Extreme" & "Racist" are mandatory Democrat buzz-words. They know the Dummies in this country eat that shit up. All i can say is...Make 2012 count people. Time to boot some Democrats.
ok whats the outrage of using the word extreme?

fearmongering. fearmongering fearmongering. They used the term "extremists" against the Tea Party ad nauseum even though people with brains could see it wasn't the truth. demonRats suck the hind tit.
ok so? whats your point?

Uh, dude, if you ask someone to boil something down to "a sentence or two" and then have to still ask "what's your point," you aren't helping yourself any. Just step back for a moment, okay?


Everything that you've mentioned is nothing more than political coordination. I don't see what is so remarkable about it. If you thought either political party failed to coordinate and strategize together, then I'm afraid you've been a little naive.

then you didnt get.

Pc: they are taking marching orders
PB: ya so...

point being their is no real outrage here...its stupid.

This is the simplest I can put it: we all come to the USMB because we believe in the marketplace of ideas, that hashing it out shows the rectitude of our argument.

The organized Left, the Democrat Party, the MSM, they do not believe in that principle. Rather, they beleive in shutting down, shutting off, opposition.

Shumer, the 'caucus,' the journolist, the NYTimes, Media Matters and Soros, etc. are totalitarian in their outlook.

If you don't see that as being disreputable, then the cynicism has destroyed your soul.
I'm not surprised. Schumer is one of the dirtiest & corrupt Politicians we have in our Government. "Extreme" & "Racist" are mandatory Democrat buzz-words. They know the Dummies in this country eat that shit up. All i can say is...Make 2012 count people. Time to boot some Democrats.

Ye[! you see that on this board, done by the kool aid drinkers "just call them racist."
Schumer thought he was on a private line with four Democratic senators who were to talk with reporters about the current budget stalemate.

Schumer instructed the group, made up of Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Tom Carper of Delaware, Ben Cardin of Maryland and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, to tell reporters that the GOP is refusing to negotiate.

He told the group to make sure they label the GOP spending cuts as "extreme."

"I always use extreme, Schumer said. "That is what the caucus instructed me to use."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Schumer coordinates Dem budget attack on GOP | Susan Ferrechio | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Ohhhhhhh....I am so sorry I came up with that title....what a terrible visual....

Nice to learn that for dems it actually is party over country, and not just some back and forth claim.

this is proof that they dems will force a shut down to grow government even more.

And just who is this cuacus that actually runs the dem party? Are the dems aware that the people they vote for take orders from people they didn't vote for and do not have thier intrests in mind?
ok whats the outrage of using the word extreme?

fearmongering. fearmongering fearmongering. They used the term "extremists" against the Tea Party ad nauseum even though people with brains could see it wasn't the truth. demonRats suck the hind tit.

the muslims are taking over....The gays are ramming things down our throats and destroying our society.

Do you want me to go on? I can. I am sure you can too if you wanted....


Well, if all it means to you is "so what?" then disengage yourself from the conversation. Ever thought about that. Just shrug and disengage. It happens to be a great deal more than "so what" to most of us.
ok whats the outrage of using the word extreme?
When it's an outright lie.

How about that? Of course, you wouldn't care.

And imagine, the lap dog press is in on it....

Some of the proposed Republican cuts are extreme. That's just a fact.

Prove it.

Link up or lay it out.

$61 Billion is 2 work weeks of cost. It's comically low and $39 Billion less than they wanted.

The reps comprimised and the dems picked party of YOU.

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