Wow. Ron Paul wasn't kidding about letting people die!

Live the madness! :eek:

Clinton sent a little 5 y/o to a slave state - that's madness.


Seriously guys, why did this man not have any health insurance. Come on. you know he was making the bucks so why didn't he take out insurance?
Looks like you should start writing your disclaimer of when and how the rules you believe in don't apply only to you. I didn't see where responding back with insults was by your rule any different than someone else responding to you with an insult.

Is this like that rule with Obama can point out others failures but his own failed polices get shifted to others?

What disclaimer?

It's the truth..I don't start shit. But I don't sit on my hands either when shit comes.

It's no's a statment of fact..and/or policy.

Don't like shit thrown your way..don't start shit.

Which is not something you know about.

Since you admitted, openly, to trolling.

So 2 wrongs make a right.... If it's you. Gotcha.
Whew, now we have Swallow and TM in the thread... You know it's going real well for the Paul haters. You know if the Ron Paul haters didn't spam the boards with RP threads there would be very few Ron Paul threads. It's not so much there Ron Paul supporters are "Obsessed Ron Paul fanboys" as the haters are "Obsessed Ron Paul haters."

Maybe you guys will get lucky one of these days and something will stick.

What needs to stick AvorySucksDick?

Paul is a loon..and it appears that someone who worked for him, who raised 19 million for him..has died and has a huge medical bill.

Shit happens. How is this translating into 'Ron Paul wants uninsured people to die' again?

Oh, that's right. It doesn't.

And where does it say that in the thread?

As it turns out, Paul was not speaking purely in hypotheticals. Back in 2008, Kent Snyder — Paul's former campaign chairman — died of complications from pneumonia. Like the man in Blitzer's example, the 49-year-old Snyder (pictured) was relatively young and seemingly healthy* when the illness struck. He was also uninsured. When he died on June 26, 2008, two weeks after Paul withdrew his first bid for the presidency, his hospital costs amounted to $400,000. The bill was handed to Snyder's surviving mother (pictured, left), who was incapable of paying. Friends launched a website to solicit donations.

According to the Wall Street Journal's 2008 story on his death, Snyder was more than just a strategic ally: He was the only reason Paul thought he ever had a shot at the presidency in the first place.

"It was Kent more than anyone else who encouraged and pushed Ron to run for president," said Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Mr. Paul. "Ron would not have run for the presidency if it had not been for Kent. Ron was really hesitant, but Kent drove him forward."

Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Died of Pneumonia, Penniless and Uninsured
Live the madness! :eek:

Can you point to the part of this story that talks about how the man died because he did not have insurance? It looks to me like they are saying he died of pneumonia, and that Paul was contributing to help pay the resultant medical bills. I will point out that Paul, unlike Harry "Fixed Salary" Reid, is not rich. I will further point out that in 1988 Paul was not as good at fund raising as he is now, so his campaign would not have been able to pay the bills either, even if doing that is legal. So please explain exactly what it is about this that has your fauxrage all hot and bothered.

But don't ya think Dr. Paul would get more involved in the health issues of a good friend and someone who worked with him?


not really his problem. He was not the estate, and he was not a relative. He advocates personal responsibility, and I see nothing in this story that counters that.

Much ado about nothing.

Except now the tax payers are responsible. The reason behind Obamacare is to help get the American middle class off the hook and get profit making insurance companies to help the country where their CEO can be paid $100,000,000.00 in one check because that won't happen in any other country.

Do you just open your mouth and let the dumb words fall out? The taxpayers were not held responsible for paying for this guys hospital bill. His family was and his friends raised the money to pay it. Damned nice of them. Obamacare will actually do what you are bitching about, it will suck money from the middle class to pay for the healthcare of people who don't want it or won't pay for it. Or worse, to illegal aliens. Insurance is a for profit business dumbass. Quit sucking the teat and take care of your own business.
Looks like you should start writing your disclaimer of when and how the rules you believe in don't apply only to you. I didn't see where responding back with insults was by your rule any different than someone else responding to you with an insult.

Is this like that rule with Obama can point out others failures but his own failed polices get shifted to others?

What disclaimer?

It's the truth..I don't start shit. But I don't sit on my hands either when shit comes.

It's no's a statment of fact..and/or policy.

Don't like shit thrown your way..don't start shit.

Which is not something you know about.

Since you admitted, openly, to trolling.

You failed to prove anything here.... you just want us to believe Ron Paul is a hypocrite and you failed at it..... face it, you lose!
Becuase he didnt want to pay the money

Pay whose money?

Let's take a peek into the charitable donations of some iconic Liberal...Hmmm...Let's say the Vice-President of the United States....

Looking at the ten-year total of Biden’s giving, one percent would have been $24,500. One half of one percent would have been $12,250. One quarter of one percent would have been $6,125. And one eighth of one percent would have been $3,062 — just below what Biden actually contributed.

“The average American household gives about two percent of adjusted gross income,” says Arthur Brooks, the Syracuse University scholar, soon to take over as head of the American Enterprise Institute, who has done extensive research on American giving. “On average, [Biden] is not giving more than one tenth as much as the average American household, and that is evidence that he doesn’t share charitable values with the average American.”
Joe Biden and American Charity - Byron York - National Review Online

Another Vice-President of the United States....?

"...the Washington Post reported that Al Gore, then the Democratic candidate for vice president, had released his tax returns, the second paragraph in the story noted that out of income of $183,558, Gore “donated $1,727 — less than 1 percent — to charity.”

Want me to embarass you with the Obama largesse??
Becuase he didnt want to pay the money

If you love your family and want to see everyone covered, you pay the money.

Truly here. Not trying to play politics.

I'm in a different world where you pay no matter freaking what almost 50% in taxes in combination to get free health care.

My only point over and over ad nauseaum is free healthcare isn't free. And oh btw you people thinking your just going to nail it on the rich, think again. A VAT will just nuke your life.
What needs to stick AvorySucksDick?

Paul is a loon..and it appears that someone who worked for him, who raised 19 million for him..has died and has a huge medical bill.

Shit happens. How is this translating into 'Ron Paul wants uninsured people to die' again?

Oh, that's right. It doesn't.

And where does it say that in the thread?

Wow. Ron Paul wasn't kidding about letting people die!
You telling me that there is no implication here that Ron Paul thinks we should just let uninsured people die?

Disingenuous, lying sack of shit.
Looks like you should start writing your disclaimer of when and how the rules you believe in don't apply only to you. I didn't see where responding back with insults was by your rule any different than someone else responding to you with an insult.

Is this like that rule with Obama can point out others failures but his own failed polices get shifted to others?

What disclaimer?

It's the truth..I don't start shit. But I don't sit on my hands either when shit comes.

It's no's a statment of fact..and/or policy.

Don't like shit thrown your way..don't start shit.

Which is not something you know about.

Since you admitted, openly, to trolling.

So 2 wrongs make a right.... If it's you. Gotcha.

You clearly don't have the "posting standard" to start making such claims.

Of course you can throw shit like everyone else does.

And it's of course laughable.

When my Dad's friend was in the midst of a heart attack..the drove him to the hospital and ran him into the emergency room. He pleaded with the nurse to help his friend but she was asking about insurance and such. They went back and forth a few times..and my Dad wait with his friend. The nurse finally came out and asked about my dad's friend. My Dad responded, "Don't bother, he's dead".

After that..he settled his friend's debts.

I'm asking about your hero Obama.

There's no proof he's ever paid for anyone who works with him's medical bills.

Here's something I'm sure you'll be disgusted to learn, since it makes your thread into a trainwreck and a complete disaster.

What is Ron Paul’s Stance on Health care? | The State Column

"Later, Ron Paul worked in Brazoria County and delivered from 40 to 50 babies a month. His practice refused Medicare and Medicaid payments, and Paul instead worked pro bono, arranged discounted or with custom payment plans for patients in need."

So now it's time for you to try to spin, here are your options.

1.) Say not paying your campaign worker's bills isn't a big deal when Obama doesn't pay them, it's only wrong/horrible/immoral/disgusting when Paul doesn't pay them, so only moral judgements should be made against Paul for the same thing.

2.) Say no campaign worker for Obama has ever had hospital bills during or after working for him.

3.) Beg the mods to delete the thread, claiming someone hijacked your account.

So we have proof of Paul personally providing free medical care for patients, and no proof of Obama even helping someone with a medical bill.


You were asking about my hero. My only hero is my Dad.

As for the other stuff...ridiculous.

This was a man that worked for him, with no insurance and his medical bills might bankrupt his family.

Paul doesn't give a shit.

Tax payers got it..not him or charity.

You're a liar. :eusa_liar: Prove your claims. Prove he didn't care and prove the taxpayers paid the bill. You can't, because you're lying.
Becuase he didnt want to pay the money

If you love your family and want to see everyone covered, you pay the money.

Truly here. Not trying to play politics.

I'm in a different world where you pay no matter freaking what almost 50% in taxes in combination to get free health care.

My only point over and over ad nauseaum is free healthcare isn't free. And oh btw you people thinking your just going to nail it on the rich, think again. A VAT will just nuke your life.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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