"Wow of the Day": Democrats latest, greatest idea for recovery. (Just amazing)


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
US Senate Hopeful In SC Wants An Action Figure - CBS News

The Democratic Party's candidate for US Senate in South Carolina has an idea for boosting the economy.

Producing action figures of himself. Action figures in Army and Air Force costumes. Little toy action figures. Thats the idea the Democratic Party is putting forward. First, Obama says we'll fight global warming by inflating tires. Now, their US Senate candidate believes making action figures of himself will help us recover. He says thats "Thinking outside the box."

Left wingers, you voted for this man. This man who has a plan to boost the economy by making action figures of himself.

I have wondered for 2 years now how a population of people could be so dumb, so ill-informed, so gullable, so brainwashed, to ever vote for a left winger, especially a far left winger like Barack Obama.

Well, it continues. They are now running a US Senate candidate who believes creating action figures of himself will fix the economy. They elected a woman in Wisconsin who argued the Arizona bill wouldn't be so bad if it was in a state that bordered Mexico, like Texas, but Arizona is nowhere close to the border so it's a bad law.

Well, I'll say this. If the Toys R Us in Honolulu, Hawaii starts selling Obaman and Alvin Green action figure combos, I hope all left wingers will drive to Hawaii and get out of my country to buy them.
He is a republican plant and everyone with a brain knows it.

He is an example of how the republican party cheats in elections to win.
Republican plant huh?

As I said in the other thread on this matter, atleast his ideas involve production of something instead of just more government bueaucracy. That, in and of itself, is an improvement over Obama's plans.
US Senate Hopeful In SC Wants An Action Figure - CBS News

The Democratic Party's candidate for US Senate in South Carolina has an idea for boosting the economy.

Producing action figures of himself. Action figures in Army and Air Force costumes. Little toy action figures. Thats the idea the Democratic Party is putting forward. First, Obama says we'll fight global warming by inflating tires. Now, their US Senate candidate believes making action figures of himself will help us recover. He says thats "Thinking outside the box."

Left wingers, you voted for this man. This man who has a plan to boost the economy by making action figures of himself.

I have wondered for 2 years now how a population of people could be so dumb, so ill-informed, so gullable, so brainwashed, to ever vote for a left winger, especially a far left winger like Barack Obama.

Well, it continues. They are now running a US Senate candidate who believes creating action figures of himself will fix the economy. They elected a woman in Wisconsin who argued the Arizona bill wouldn't be so bad if it was in a state that bordered Mexico, like Texas, but Arizona is nowhere close to the border so it's a bad law.

Well, I'll say this. If the Toys R Us in Honolulu, Hawaii starts selling Obaman and Alvin Green action figure combos, I hope all left wingers will drive to Hawaii and get out of my country to buy them.

You sir, are an idiot.
He is a republican plant and everyone with a brain knows it.

He is an example of how the republican party cheats in elections to win.

He is? So, the Republican Party planted this man. Then, the Republican Party went out and used the Men In Black brain eraser tool to make tens of thousands of Democratic primary voters to vote for him? And they did that in every county in South Carolina (like 50-60 counties I think)????

So, to beat the left, all we have to do is plant a no-name candidate, who doesn't campaign, has no signs, no website, was kicked out of the Army, and has a felony sex charge pending?????? And whose idea for economic recovery is creating action figures of himself?????

Thats all we have to do to beat you guys? Are you telling me the left wing voter pool is truly THAT stupid that we can beat you guys with that???? Really?
He is a plant by the republicans and investigationsz into the vote show he had totals in some areas exceding the entire vot totals.

He had NO money yet was able to pay the 10,000 filing fee.

Hes an idiot and a likely criminal who was paid to run.
US Senate Hopeful In SC Wants An Action Figure - CBS News

The Democratic Party's candidate for US Senate in South Carolina has an idea for boosting the economy.

Producing action figures of himself. Action figures in Army and Air Force costumes. Little toy action figures. Thats the idea the Democratic Party is putting forward. First, Obama says we'll fight global warming by inflating tires. Now, their US Senate candidate believes making action figures of himself will help us recover. He says thats "Thinking outside the box."

Left wingers, you voted for this man. This man who has a plan to boost the economy by making action figures of himself.

I have wondered for 2 years now how a population of people could be so dumb, so ill-informed, so gullable, so brainwashed, to ever vote for a left winger, especially a far left winger like Barack Obama.

Well, it continues. They are now running a US Senate candidate who believes creating action figures of himself will fix the economy. They elected a woman in Wisconsin who argued the Arizona bill wouldn't be so bad if it was in a state that bordered Mexico, like Texas, but Arizona is nowhere close to the border so it's a bad law.

Well, I'll say this. If the Toys R Us in Honolulu, Hawaii starts selling Obaman and Alvin Green action figure combos, I hope all left wingers will drive to Hawaii and get out of my country to buy them.

You sir, are an idiot.

Well, my excessively hot girlfriend has told me that also.

But at the end of the day, I won't be voting for a candidate who thinks producing action figures of himself will fix the economy. Left wingers not only will, but obviously already did:lol:
Did South Carolina’s Alvin Greene get more votes than were cast? Gretawire

One of the teams was Dr. Walter Mebane of the University of Michigan and Dr. Michael Miller of Cornell University. Dr. Mebane is a professor of political science and statistics and a recognized expert in detecting election fraud. As of August 2010, Dr. Miller will be professor of political science at the University of Illinois, Springfield, and specializes in the analysis of election data. Neither is affiliated with the Rawl campaign.

Dr. Mebane performed second-digit Benford's law tests on the precinct returns from the Senate race. The test compares the second digit of actual precinct vote totals to a known numeric distribution of data that results from election returns collected under normal conditions. If votes are added or subtracted from a candidate’s total, possibly due to error or fraud, Mebane’s test will detect a deviation from this distribution. Results from Mebane’s test showed that Rawl’s Election Day vote totals depart from the expected distribution at 90% confidence. In other words, the observed vote pattern for Rawl could be expected to occur only about 10% of the time by chance. “The results may reflect corrupted vote counts, but they may also reflect the way turnout in the election covaried with the geographic distribution of the candidates' support,” Mebane said.
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He is a plant by the republicans and investigationsz into the vote show he had totals in some areas exceding the entire vot totals.

He had NO money yet was able to pay the 10,000 filing fee.

Hes an idiot and a likely criminal who was paid to run.

Ok. So again, thats all we have to do to beat you guys? Is the left wing voting bloc that stupid?

BTW, the state voting commission investigated this election and found no wrong doing. SLED (SC state LE) is investigating where the money came from.

But, to play along, are you confirming that to beat the left wing, thats all we gotta do? Because if so, then I say "AL GREEN FOR PRESIDENT 2012!!!!!!"

Can you imagine the Democratic primary for president in 2012, Obama vs Al Green, with Green putting on the table his plan for a line of action figures of himself vs. Obama's economic plan of.........of........um, of Obama's plan to uh....uh........um. Hmmmmm. Well, maybe Al Green is the better choice!!

Did South Carolina’s Alvin Greene get more votes than were cast? Gretawire

One of the teams was Dr. Walter Mebane of the University of Michigan and Dr. Michael Miller of Cornell University. Dr. Mebane is a professor of political science and statistics and a recognized expert in detecting election fraud. As of August 2010, Dr. Miller will be professor of political science at the University of Illinois, Springfield, and specializes in the analysis of election data. Neither is affiliated with the Rawl campaign.

Dr. Mebane performed second-digit Benford's law tests on the precinct returns from the Senate race. The test compares the second digit of actual precinct vote totals to a known numeric distribution of data that results from election returns collected under normal conditions. If votes are added or subtracted from a candidate’s total, possibly due to error or fraud, Mebane’s test will detect a deviation from this distribution. Results from Mebane’s test showed that Rawl’s Election Day vote totals depart from the expected distribution at 90% confidence. In other words, the observed vote pattern for Rawl could be expected to occur only about 10% of the time by chance. “The results may reflect corrupted vote counts, but they may also reflect the way turnout in the election covaried with the geographic distribution of the candidates' support,” Mebane said.

Sour grapes.

The South Carolina Democratic Party's Executive Committee Thursday rejected a protest of the June 8 primary for U.S. Senate, in which Alvin Greene defeated Vic Rawl. The decision came down about 8:20 p.m. The final vote was 38 1/2 to reject the protest, 7 1/2 in favor of it.
The committee felt there was not sufficient evidence to overturn the results, a move which, had it been approved, would have required a new primary.

Alvin Greene Primary Win Over Vic Rawl Upheld by Democratic Committee wltx.com | Columbia, SC News, Weather and Sports |
Proove the election was pure


I don't have to..............the State of South Carolina Election Commission already did that for me!!!!!!!!! Thats why I pay my taxes numbnuts!!!! The government was looking out for the folks of SC and investigated this bizarre voting by the left wingers in our state. And it was a clean cut victory for Al Green. Some accused the Republicans of a VAST conspiracy, that planted Green and somehow got over 100,000 people to buy into the conspiracy and vote for him!!!!

So, your final say on the issue is that you want me, just a lone, solo private citizen, to prove the election of the Democratic US Senate candidate was pure????

Well, thats a huge task you're asking. It would take some sort of superhero to accomplish that.

Luckily, I have my trusty sidekick.........my Alvin Green action figurine!! With 4 moveable limbs..........and a Power Kick button on the back!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Not surprising considering the "braintrust" that is South Carolina.

That is true. Consider that the Democrats in our state keep sending James Clyburn back to office. Why? Who the hell knows. It's a great mystery. Well, it's really not, but to say how he keeps winning is very politically incorrect, so I won't. But redrawing district lines is a doozy.
From your own link

During the hearing, a USC professor, Walter Ludwig, said his analysis noticed discrepancies with vote totals.

"There is one county, Lancaster County, where the disparity between absentee ballots, optical scan ballots, and the election day ballots was 43 percent," Ludwig said. "This is not a small county. This is a fairly big sample size."

One voter testified that when she tried to vote for governor, a gray screen came up which said that she had voted for Greene for Senate. Another said that when she hit the button to vote for Rawl, it wouldn't light up on multiple machines.
He is a republican plant and everyone with a brain knows it.

He is an example of how the republican party cheats in elections to win.

There's no way Green is a Democrat.

He made a suggestion that does not include crazygluing everybody to the teat of Big Gubbamint

A real Democrat would never propose anything involving the market no matter how ridiculous
Proove the election was pure


I don't have to..............the State of South Carolina Election Commission already did that for me!!!!!!!!! Thats why I pay my taxes numbnuts!!!! The government was looking out for the folks of SC and investigated this bizarre voting by the left wingers in our state. And it was a clean cut victory for Al Green. Some accused the Republicans of a VAST conspiracy, that planted Green and somehow got over 100,000 people to buy into the conspiracy and vote for him!!!!

So, your final say on the issue is that you want me, just a lone, solo private citizen, to prove the election of the Democratic US Senate candidate was pure????

Well, thats a huge task you're asking. It would take some sort of superhero to accomplish that.

Luckily, I have my trusty sidekick.........my Alvin Green action figurine!! With 4 moveable limbs..........and a Power Kick button on the back!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Yeah, you could put it on the shelf in your trailer right next to your Ronald Reagan bobblehead.

From your own link

During the hearing, a USC professor, Walter Ludwig, said his analysis noticed discrepancies with vote totals.

"There is one county, Lancaster County, where the disparity between absentee ballots, optical scan ballots, and the election day ballots was 43 percent," Ludwig said. "This is not a small county. This is a fairly big sample size."

One voter testified that when she tried to vote for governor, a gray screen came up which said that she had voted for Greene for Senate. Another said that when she hit the button to vote for Rawl, it wouldn't light up on multiple machines.


I'm a SC resident. Lancaster County is geographically big, population not. It's nowhere near the population of Richland, Charleston, Greenville, Spartanburg, York, Horry, Lexington counties!!! HAHAHA!!

Truthmatters, I hear the Democratic Party plans a special Toys R Us economic recovery special:

A 5-pack of action figures featuring the heroic Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Al Green, Al Gore and the evil villain, George W Bush!!!! The economy is gonna boom !!

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