WOW Big Govt gone wrong: Vulture nests in yard, endangers kids; Govt: CANT touch it!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Black vulture nests in Jedburg family’s yard; federal law says she and the eggs can’t be moved | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

This one just blew me away. So this family has a black vulture, with razor talons and a 5 foot wingspan, nesting under their kids play table, in their own backyard. It shits in their pool, and has made a home under their table. The family, and neighbors, have small toddlers, and probably pets, and anyone that knows vultures down here knows that a small child CAN be hurt, badly, by these birds. Not to mention the bird shitting in their pool.

SO....they ask the govt if THEY, themselves, can move the bird, have it caught, whatever. They do NOT want it killed, just.....moved. Away from their backyard for the summer. Out from under their kid's play table, and away from their pool, and allow them to enjoy their yard for the summer season.

What does the govt say? NO. Not only can you not move it, you cant even touch it, or disturb it, or do anything!!! They have to bow down to that bird. It is protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act says that a person cannot "mess with" a nesting black vulture, at all, in any way. Can't move it. Scare it, kill it, "shooo" it, nothing. Just let the bird have your yard for the summer.

So, folks, if an animal decides your yard will be it's new home, before you do anything, check with Big Poppa Government, because theres a good chance that animal is your new roommate until it decides it wants to leave your home!
I actually had a nasty run in with someone who told me I'd violated some law by turning over an injured red hawk to a STATE TROOPER, who transported it to a licensed bird rescue facility.

I got a call at 8 pm, I kid you not, and some asshole proceeded to identify himself as a fish and game person official (I don't remember him giving a name) and told me that I shouldn't have done that...I should have done something else (I don't even remember what). I told him I'd called fish and game, they told me they wouldn't do anything. He said then I shouldn't have done anything...

Instead, I called the vet, who called the bird rescue, who called the cop, who came and picked the animal up.

That was a really weird episode. I think maybe the fish and game asshole who called me was drinking. No wonder people hate them.
What's are you suppose to do with these blacks? If you don't want them around, you're a bad guy. You let them stay, you're putting your family in danger.
Black vulture nests in Jedburg family’s yard; federal law says she and the eggs can’t be moved | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

This one just blew me away. So this family has a black vulture, with razor talons and a 5 foot wingspan, nesting under their kids play table, in their own backyard. It shits in their pool, and has made a home under their table. The family, and neighbors, have small toddlers, and probably pets, and anyone that knows vultures down here knows that a small child CAN be hurt, badly, by these birds. Not to mention the bird shitting in their pool.

SO....they ask the govt if THEY, themselves, can move the bird, have it caught, whatever. They do NOT want it killed, just.....moved. Away from their backyard for the summer. Out from under their kid's play table, and away from their pool, and allow them to enjoy their yard for the summer season.

What does the govt say? NO. Not only can you not move it, you cant even touch it, or disturb it, or do anything!!! They have to bow down to that bird. It is protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act says that a person cannot "mess with" a nesting black vulture, at all, in any way. Can't move it. Scare it, kill it, "shooo" it, nothing. Just let the bird have your yard for the summer.

So, folks, if an animal decides your yard will be it's new home, before you do anything, check with Big Poppa Government, because theres a good chance that animal is your new roommate until it decides it wants to leave your home!

The best thing to do is "accidentally" destroy the eggs. Get a wild ferret, don't feed him for a couple of days, and then put it in the nest. No more eggs, no more Vulture, no more problem.
So these idiots encouraged the birds to hang around, INCLUDING FEEDING THEM, created a hospitable venue for them,

and then when the birds take them up on their offer, these idiots change their mind and freak out and want to destroy the birds' newfound home?

Too bad. Consider it a lesson how on how not to be an idiot.
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Dead bird. I wouldn't have called the government either.
That's the problem in murka. It's a land of utterly brainwashed cowards who have to ask their nanny for permission to do anything. If the Nazi told them they had to move out until the hatching was finished they'd pack and go live with mommy and daddy.
Black vulture nests in Jedburg family’s yard; federal law says she and the eggs can’t be moved | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

This one just blew me away. So this family has a black vulture, with razor talons and a 5 foot wingspan, nesting under their kids play table, in their own backyard. It shits in their pool, and has made a home under their table. The family, and neighbors, have small toddlers, and probably pets, and anyone that knows vultures down here knows that a small child CAN be hurt, badly, by these birds. Not to mention the bird shitting in their pool.

SO....they ask the govt if THEY, themselves, can move the bird, have it caught, whatever. They do NOT want it killed, just.....moved. Away from their backyard for the summer. Out from under their kid's play table, and away from their pool, and allow them to enjoy their yard for the summer season.

What does the govt say? NO. Not only can you not move it, you cant even touch it, or disturb it, or do anything!!! They have to bow down to that bird. It is protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act says that a person cannot "mess with" a nesting black vulture, at all, in any way. Can't move it. Scare it, kill it, "shooo" it, nothing. Just let the bird have your yard for the summer.

So, folks, if an animal decides your yard will be it's new home, before you do anything, check with Big Poppa Government, because theres a good chance that animal is your new roommate until it decides it wants to leave your home!

It's only one summer. Not seeing what the problem here is, exactly.

How many attacks on humans have there been by vultures, anyway? It's not like they have a alligator in the pool or something.

Now, I do think that a lot of these agencies can be a bit silly at times. Like Canada Geese are protected, but the outer burbs in Chicago is crawling with them to the point where they've lost their natural fear of humans.
So these idiots encouraged the birds to hang around, INCLUDING FEEDING THEM, created a hospitable venue for them,

and then when the birds take them up on their offer, these idiots change their mind and freak out and want to destroy the birds' newfound home?

Too bad. Consider it a lesson how on how not to be an idiot.

Play loud music, and the only quotes I see are from district level officials. They can take it higher up, feeding the bird was a mistake, YES.

“We cannot authorize moving the nest in this situation,” said Tom MacKenzie, spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast region.

"We cannot authorize" does NOT mean criminal penalties. There may be, but I can think of several ways to get the bird away without harming the bird.
Now, I do think that a lot of these agencies can be a bit silly at times. Like Canada Geese are protected, but the outer burbs in Chicago is crawling with them to the point where they've lost their natural fear of humans.

One even brought his brood and vulture-bride to DC.
One could cut the branches around the nest, exposing it of course.
Had a friend who shot a large dog that wouldn't stay out of his yard with a .357 mag.

This was in a residential neighborhood.

The police came to his house when the neighbors reported a gun shot.

They asked him if he fired his gun and shot the dog?

He answered, "No".

Police at that point couldn't do anything and drove away.
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Like Canada Geese are protected, but the outer burbs in Chicago is crawling with them to the point where they've lost their natural fear of humans.

Er, what? Canada Geese are a popular game bird. Taste pretty damn good, too.
If it were me, I'd protect the birds. They won't be there for long. There is doing something because it is the right thing to do. Letting a couple of birds take care of and provide for their young is the least we can do and should do, without being told to do it. I"d feed them and keep the kids away.
These people have a magnificent opportunity to learn something, but killing the birds is more convenient. How strange. Now wonder we are becoming an incurious and thuggish people.
It isn't thuggish to refuse to share your living space with carnivorous carrion birds.

Do you know how vultures defend themselves? They projectile vomit.

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