WOW - Ben Carson admits he once committed ATTEMPTED MURDER!!!

This article is a year old but needs to be revisited. This is a huge story and if he was white everybody would have heard about this.

The Time Dr. Ben Carson Knifed Someone
june 6 2014 The first person ever to go under Dr. Ben Carson’s knife … was stabbed by him in school.

That’s right, the famed pediatric neurosurgeon, turned conservative commentator, once tried to knife a classmate. And that’s just one of the surprising stories recounted in Carson’s new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future.

Though he has talked about it before, in his new book, Carson recalls how he was minding his own business when “a classmate came along and began to ridicule me. I had a large camping knife in my hand and without thinking,” he writes, “I lunged at him, plunging the knife into his abdomen.”

"I had real anger issues. I would just fly off the handle and really become quite irrational and try to hurt people with baseball bats, hammers, whatever. In this particular case, I happened to have a large camping knife. And, you know, one of my friends angered me. And I just lunged at his abdomen with the knife. Probably would have seriously injured or killed him, but he happened to have on a large metal belt buckle under his clothing, upon which the blade broke."
It was in the movie about him "Gifted Hands", hardly a secret. It's when he turned his life around, and he did so in a rather impressive way by most accounts.
It was in the movie about him "Gifted Hands", hardly a secret. It's when he turned his life around, and he did so in a rather impressive way by most accounts.

Hey einstein. He admitted to attempted murder. If he was white this would disqualify him from any public office.
Gee Shoots, this sounds an awful lot like how we tried to get Romney for giving some kid a swirly back in school 50 years ago.

Do you have any other material?

I don't know what a swirly is ( i'm not into fag talk) but i'm sure it's not as bad as attempted murder.
It was in the movie about him "Gifted Hands", hardly a secret. It's when he turned his life around, and he did so in a rather impressive way by most accounts.
Hey einstein. He admitted to attempted murder. If he was white this would disqualify him from any public office.
Hey Bozo, I didn't claim he didn't try to stab the guy. A DQ? Says who?
It was in the movie about him "Gifted Hands", hardly a secret. It's when he turned his life around, and he did so in a rather impressive way by most accounts.

Hey einstein. He admitted to attempted murder. If he was white this would disqualify him from any public office.
For starters, the incident happened when he was a minor, so the law would require that it be sealed once he turned 18 if convicted (and he wasn't)...

Also, conviction of a felony actually doesn't disqualify someone from holding federal office (as evidenced by the Democrats who have served in Congress AFTER they were convicted).

However, if Hillary is convicted and lucky enough to get probation or parole, it might be a good idea for her to stay away from politics and the Democrats because of the prohibition against her hanging out with known criminals.
For starters, the incident happened when he was a minor, so the law would require that it be sealed once he turned 18 if convicted (and he wasn't)...

So the records are sealed. It still happened, you nitwit. Benny has admitted to it. THINK
Ben said when the was young teen he tried to knife a kid and failed. That was the point his life turned around and he took the right road.

shootspeeders has not acknowledged his errors and has not taken the high road yet.

Perhaps he will learn from Carson.
Ben said when the was young teen he tried to knife a kid and failed. That was the point his life turned around and he took the right road.


So he says. He has to spin this horrible incident someway. He committed attempted murder and if he is the nominee, dems will pounce on this.
This article is a year old but needs to be revisited. This is a huge story and if he was white everybody would have heard about this.

The Time Dr. Ben Carson Knifed Someone
june 6 2014 The first person ever to go under Dr. Ben Carson’s knife … was stabbed by him in school.

That’s right, the famed pediatric neurosurgeon, turned conservative commentator, once tried to knife a classmate. And that’s just one of the surprising stories recounted in Carson’s new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future.

Though he has talked about it before, in his new book, Carson recalls how he was minding his own business when “a classmate came along and began to ridicule me. I had a large camping knife in my hand and without thinking,” he writes, “I lunged at him, plunging the knife into his abdomen.”

"I had real anger issues. I would just fly off the handle and really become quite irrational and try to hurt people with baseball bats, hammers, whatever. In this particular case, I happened to have a large camping knife. And, you know, one of my friends angered me. And I just lunged at his abdomen with the knife. Probably would have seriously injured or killed him, but he happened to have on a large metal belt buckle under his clothing, upon which the blade broke."
Yep he had a very bad temper. A kid was teasing him and he tried to stab him. It's in his book.

It scared him so much he got a grip on his temper.
Race baiter!

This article is a year old but needs to be revisited. This is a huge story and if he was white everybody would have heard about this.

The Time Dr. Ben Carson Knifed Someone
june 6 2014 The first person ever to go under Dr. Ben Carson’s knife … was stabbed by him in school.

That’s right, the famed pediatric neurosurgeon, turned conservative commentator, once tried to knife a classmate. And that’s just one of the surprising stories recounted in Carson’s new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future.

Though he has talked about it before, in his new book, Carson recalls how he was minding his own business when “a classmate came along and began to ridicule me. I had a large camping knife in my hand and without thinking,” he writes, “I lunged at him, plunging the knife into his abdomen.”

"I had real anger issues. I would just fly off the handle and really become quite irrational and try to hurt people with baseball bats, hammers, whatever. In this particular case, I happened to have a large camping knife. And, you know, one of my friends angered me. And I just lunged at his abdomen with the knife. Probably would have seriously injured or killed him, but he happened to have on a large metal belt buckle under his clothing, upon which the blade broke."
Ben said when the was young teen he tried to knife a kid and failed. That was the point his life turned around and he took the right road.


So he says. He has to spin this horrible incident someway. He committed attempted murder and if he is the nominee, dems will pounce on this.
Ben Carson wrote about it in his own book.

Everyone who reads already knows this.
Yup, libs like DarkFury and Vigilante want Trump.

Glad you recognize that, S. J.
Ben has also admitted he received affirmative action and in fact wants to EXPAND AA. !!! He is a white-hating racist and now that he has also admitted to attempted murder, his candidacy must end.
Ben has also admitted he received affirmative action and in fact wants to EXPAND AA. !!! He is a white-hating racist and now that he has also admitted to attempted murder, his candidacy must end.

Quote from Ben Carson on AA.

“Today, there are many young people from a variety of racial backgrounds who are severely deprived economically and could certainly benefit from the extension of a helping hand in education, employment and other endeavors. The real question is this: Who should receive extra consideration from a nation that has a tradition of cheering for the underdog? I believe underdog status is not determined any longer by race. Rather, it is the circumstances of one’s life that should be considered.”
shootspeeders, everyone who will care about it already knows about it.
This article is a year old but needs to be revisited. This is a huge story and if he was white everybody would have heard about this.

The Time Dr. Ben Carson Knifed Someone
june 6 2014 The first person ever to go under Dr. Ben Carson’s knife … was stabbed by him in school.

That’s right, the famed pediatric neurosurgeon, turned conservative commentator, once tried to knife a classmate. And that’s just one of the surprising stories recounted in Carson’s new book, One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future.

Though he has talked about it before, in his new book, Carson recalls how he was minding his own business when “a classmate came along and began to ridicule me. I had a large camping knife in my hand and without thinking,” he writes, “I lunged at him, plunging the knife into his abdomen.”

"I had real anger issues. I would just fly off the handle and really become quite irrational and try to hurt people with baseball bats, hammers, whatever. In this particular case, I happened to have a large camping knife. And, you know, one of my friends angered me. And I just lunged at his abdomen with the knife. Probably would have seriously injured or killed him, but he happened to have on a large metal belt buckle under his clothing, upon which the blade broke."

Who was the republican canidate that bullied the kid in school and everyone on the right pretended like they were playing tag?
I guess if the American people don't mind having a black president who used to deal drugs and snort cocaine they probably won't mind having one who stabbed somebody.

You mean tried to stab someone.

Given the cultural climate of America, and it's up to the conservatives, I think the issue here would be, do they want a man that is such a pansy that he can't even get a stabbing right? What a pansy.

If he is in a room with Putin, and WWIII is about to break out and it's down to a these guys, who are you going to put money on? Seriously?


A man who is such a pansy he separated conjoined twins? Removed half a brain from a severely epileptic child? Operated on a baby in utero?

Sorry but those things take balls.

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