We should demand more


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
from the candidates. I have been perusing the websites of the candidates. I am disappointed. Many of them don't propose any policies. It's a bunch of emotive garbage that is meaningless or some feel good bs. It goes no where. It tells you nothing. It's often beyond the scope of the job they are applying for. Many of them firmly believe that Obama is up for election and that is what the policy amounts to.

Pataki for President

In order to get any idea on his policies you go to listed interviews. But, they aren't fleshed out enough. He's got a couple things that are actually quite good.....in the interview.

CARLY For America

Not much. Nothing really.

The media chooses who we see and decides what questions to ask. The candidates can't be bothered with intelligently writing out their policies and actually acknowledging what really is wrong and telling me what their limitations are. I think we should demand more. They are applying for a job. That way when the media tries to make decisions for us then we can carry on without them.
We're 6 months away from when things get really serious. At this point in the campaign I'm more interested in the stances and character these candidates have exhibited over the prior years. When the primaries commence, it'll be time to make judgment not only on their policies, but also their character and comfort level in trusting the candidates' honesty concerning their policies.
from the candidates. I have been perusing the websites of the candidates. I am disappointed. Many of them don't propose any policies. It's a bunch of emotive garbage that is meaningless or some feel good bs. It goes no where. It tells you nothing. It's often beyond the scope of the job they are applying for. Many of them firmly believe that Obama is up for election and that is what the policy amounts to.

Pataki for President

In order to get any idea on his policies you go to listed interviews. But, they aren't fleshed out enough. He's got a couple things that are actually quite good.....in the interview.

CARLY For America

Not much. Nothing really.

The media chooses who we see and decides what questions to ask. The candidates can't be bothered with intelligently writing out their policies and actually acknowledging what really is wrong and telling me what their limitations are. I think we should demand more. They are applying for a job. That way when the media tries to make decisions for us then we can carry on without them.
If, during the first debate, we would have had questions on policies instead of "Gotcha" questions on one candidate, the candidates might have had a chance to discuss the policies they bring to the election.
from the candidates. I have been perusing the websites of the candidates. I am disappointed. Many of them don't propose any policies. It's a bunch of emotive garbage that is meaningless or some feel good bs. It goes no where. It tells you nothing. It's often beyond the scope of the job they are applying for. Many of them firmly believe that Obama is up for election and that is what the policy amounts to.

Pataki for President

In order to get any idea on his policies you go to listed interviews. But, they aren't fleshed out enough. He's got a couple things that are actually quite good.....in the interview.

CARLY For America

Not much. Nothing really.

The media chooses who we see and decides what questions to ask. The candidates can't be bothered with intelligently writing out their policies and actually acknowledging what really is wrong and telling me what their limitations are. I think we should demand more. They are applying for a job. That way when the media tries to make decisions for us then we can carry on without them.
If, during the first debate, we would have had questions on policies instead of "Gotcha" questions on one candidate, the candidates might have had a chance to discuss the policies they bring to the election.

That's a perfect example. I can go straight to Trump's site and locate a limited amount of information because it only has one issue. But, I can find more information on that one topic from him then all of the other candidates combined. It's an issue that has several finer points and it can get real complicated real quick. He acknowledged that there is no STEM shortage.

We seem to lodge the same complaints over the debates though. Fox was only going to allow so many anyway and they were going to ask the questions that they felt were important. Even if the candidates were able to answer questions they were not going to have enough time to get into any of the finer points. In order to obtain that we have to wait for an interview which still gives limited information and is dependent on the motives of the.......journalist and who sits on the board of the program or the media conglomerate and whatever other board/s they sit on and the candidate or the money behind the candidate.

But, with the policies on the website we can circumvent the circus--somewhat. In fact, we may actually be able to have conversations about the policies instead of responding to opinion pieces circulated or a bunch of activist crap. A lot of the candidates are very comfortable saying undocumented workers take "starter" jobs because they are unwilling to address H1B visas.

Carly won't be in the next set of debates. I'm not really impressed with her because most of her argument is an attack on an opponent. Immigration brings up this:
Answers | Carly Fiorina for President 2016

Thirteen clips and not a damn one of them tells me how she intends to accomplish it. Specifics. She's going to roll back all those executive orders but she can't really explain which ones and why. She's going to enforce federal law but she can't mention a certain court case and a court backlog.

The message that candidates send when they do not get into the details or finer points is that they either have no knowledge of those finer points or they have a financial reason not to delve into the finer points. Inept or shady. Identify the issue, tell me your solution, tell me what you can do and tell me what you can't do. Tell me the obstacles.

What kind of a question is, How far will you go to protect the Constitution? That is an idiotic question that, frankly, insults the intelligence of everyone. So is the question, "Is Jeb Bush conservative enough?" It's why we can't leave the questions to the media. They are so condescending to the rest of us. We aren't smart enough to handle the big questions.
We're 6 months away from when things get really serious. At this point in the campaign I'm more interested in the stances and character these candidates have exhibited over the prior years. When the primaries commence, it'll be time to make judgment not only on their policies, but also their character and comfort level in trusting the candidates' honesty concerning their policies.

We are six months away before we have to contend with people hired to promote their character. 'Sides I can tell about their character on their sites. Jindal for instance.

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