Would you support eye or thumb scans to eliminate voter fraud?

Would you support eye or thumb scans when voting?

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Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
Vetting of the person is suppose to happen when the person registers to vote....not at the polling place e????

In the states I've lived in and voted, no Id at the polling spot was needed, not even your electric bill was needed.....
They do ask for a photo ID where I live. Regardless of my age, gender, or ethnic/racial background, I have managed to acquire the requisite ID.
I've voted in mostly small towns 1500 to 5000 total residents including children, everyone knows who you are even if you have not been introduced face to face....NO ONE would even think about trying to steal someone elses vote, by voting in person, in their spot.

In fact, no one in their right mind, criminal or sane, would try to steal someone else's vote by going in to their voting spot, and commit in person voter fraud....only the insane, would risk the felony indictment, the risk of running in to someone else that knew the person they are trying to impersonate is too great a risk.... absentee ballot, would be less risky, though still risky. There is no true purpose to stopping voter impersonation fraud, with mandatory govt issued photo ID at the polling booth....no ID or any ID with your name and address on it like your past couple of electric bills is enough to identify oneself at the voting booth spot.

The VETTING should take place when the State localities receive an application for a voter registration....anyone ineligible to vote, should not be able to vote, and their name should never be approved and make it on to the voter roll roster....that the local voting places use....
Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
Vetting of the person is suppose to happen when the person registers to vote....not at the polling place e????

In the states I've lived in and voted, no Id at the polling spot was needed, not even your electric bill was needed.....
Where I voted many didn't have any form of ID or even the voter form, so the election worker simply asked for a piece of mail with their address on it, or a phone bill or bank statement etc.

This was mainly to ensure the person is at the right station, not to see if they are even eligible to vote. In some cases the voter had nothing, so the worker verbally asked their address and would give them a voting form and point to a booth.

I find it hilarious that under these chaotic circumstances the Left is claiming "no voter fraud occured", while the Spanish media was doing a full court blitz 24/7, instructing everyone, documented or not, to vote for Hillary. Even Obama himself asked for the same.
Obama publically encouraged illegals to vote. His statement actually equated voting with being a citizen, not vice-versa. Of course, he referred to them as "undocumented citizens" instead of the criminal invaders they really are.
Video: Obama ‘encourages illegals to vote’
That's already been debunked
Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
Vetting of the person is suppose to happen when the person registers to vote....not at the polling place e????

In the states I've lived in and voted, no Id at the polling spot was needed, not even your electric bill was needed.....
They do ask for a photo ID where I live. Regardless of my age, gender, or ethnic/racial background, I have managed to acquire the requisite ID.
It's not always easy for people to get ID'S. They also cost money. Requiring something that costs money as prerequisite to voting is unconstitutional. It's called a poll tax.
It isn't a uniform system, and, Dems are addicted to committing voter fraud. They really believe they won't have a chance if they don't engage in it in some form or another.
That's an interesting observation...that the Dems/libs/progs view themselves as incapable of appealing to AMERICANS to win an election. Instead, they would rather enlist "undocumented citizens" (i.e. criminal invaders) to "win" elected offices. Kind of like they don't seem to think that the elderly (how long have those folks been voting?), the "poor", and the "brown" people are too stupid, ignorant, lazy, or incapable of getting proper ID.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
Vetting of the person is suppose to happen when the person registers to vote....not at the polling place e????

In the states I've lived in and voted, no Id at the polling spot was needed, not even your electric bill was needed.....
Where I voted many didn't have any form of ID or even the voter form, so the election worker simply asked for a piece of mail with their address on it, or a phone bill or bank statement etc.

This was mainly to ensure the person is at the right station, not to see if they are even eligible to vote. In some cases the voter had nothing, so the worker verbally asked their address and would give them a voting form and point to a booth.

I find it hilarious that under these chaotic circumstances the Left is claiming "no voter fraud occured", while the Spanish media was doing a full court blitz 24/7, instructing everyone, documented or not, to vote for Hillary. Even Obama himself asked for the same.
Obama publically encouraged illegals to vote. His statement actually equated voting with being a citizen, not vice-versa. Of course, he referred to them as "undocumented citizens" instead of the criminal invaders they really are.
Video: Obama ‘encourages illegals to vote’
That's already been debunked
How do you debunk an open, public statement made on national television?
Where I voted many didn't have any form of ID or even the voter form, so the election worker simply asked for a piece of mail with their address on it, or a phone bill or bank statement etc.

This was mainly to ensure the person is at the right station, not to see if they are even eligible to vote. In some cases the voter had nothing, so the worker verbally asked their address and would give them a voting form and point to a booth.

I find it hilarious that under these chaotic circumstances the Left is claiming "no voter fraud occured", while the Spanish media was doing a full court blitz 24/7, instructing everyone, documented or not, to vote for Hillary. Even Obama himself asked for the same.

Show where anyone in your district voted illegally

How many people walked up and found that someone had voted in their name?
I've worked elections for years. I have never seen that.

You don't see it

You also don't see people walking up and trying to vote under the name of someone who had already voted legally

Funny part is you guys assume that most of the voter fraud should consist are people who are voting instead of others. The system has many holes.
Mostly, we are too cheap to police our voter roles

Voter ID is not a problem
As long as you don't care about the ineligible casting votes.
So everyone got to vote?
provisional ballots are later deemed valid or invalid by election board officials. When you fill out a provisional ballot there is a chance it won't be counted.

So when a person loses his card, doesn't get his card or is not on the roll to have registered for a card, then they get a provisional ballot. I have never needed a provisional ballot.

Why doesn't the states go to mail in ballots, such as the state of Washington. Every voter gets one ballot and all are counted.
That's an absentee ballot. Different purposes.

All ballots in the state of Washington are by mail, not absentee. I believe Oregon is the same.
When you don't want to or can't show up in person to vote and you mail in your ballot that's an absentee ballot. If you show up to vote and there is something wrong for some reason you fill out a provisional ballot that is reviewed later.
They are two different ballots. In my state you can mail in an absentee ballot or you can show up in person on voting day.
More states are going to mail-in ballots. I believe Alaska is going that way, too.
Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
Vetting of the person is suppose to happen when the person registers to vote....not at the polling place e????

In the states I've lived in and voted, no Id at the polling spot was needed, not even your electric bill was needed.....
They do ask for a photo ID where I live. Regardless of my age, gender, or ethnic/racial background, I have managed to acquire the requisite ID.
I've voted in mostly small towns 1500 to 5000 total residents including children, everyone knows who you are even if you have not been introduced face to face....NO ONE would even think about trying to steal someone elses vote, by voting in person, in their spot.

In fact, no one in their right mind, criminal or sane, would try to steal someone else's vote by going in to their voting spot, and commit in person voter fraud....only the insane, would risk the felony indictment, the risk of running in to someone else that knew the person they are trying to impersonate is too great a risk.... absentee ballot, would be less risky, though still risky. There is no true purpose to stopping voter impersonation fraud, with mandatory govt issued photo ID at the polling booth....no ID or any ID with your name and address on it like your past couple of electric bills is enough to identify oneself at the voting booth spot.

The VETTING should take place when the State localities receive an application for a voter registration....anyone ineligible to vote, should not be able to vote, and their name should never be approved and make it on to the voter roll roster....that the local voting places use....
I still vote in a very small, rural locality where everyone pretty much recognizes everyone else. Added to that, one of the polling place volunteers is also one of our postal employees. She sees, or knows, everyone with a local mailing address. It would be tough to steal someone's vote here. In the larger localities, like Anchorage, it might be easier but they do have lists and they'll check your ID against your name on the list. Maybe they're looking at the address, maybe the photo, or whatever.
tiger is all about one thing and one thing only....getting back at all the white people who berated Obama when he first got in.....and in that respect she is no different than them.....just another bigmouth racist who likes to hear herself talk shit....
Harry, do you read Jim Butcher?
Jim Butcher wrote a fantasy series called "The Dresden Files". The main character is Harry Dresden.
The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher
my real name is Harry Dresden....you mean there is a book character out there using my name?.....
Yup! And your avatar looks a lot like that character is described.
ill be damned.....

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