Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender?

Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender?

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Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender? This is their personal choice and that they're free to do so in the freest land on earth???

I'll admit that they're NOT that gender(sex) biologically as science says, but would you accept their choice?
I always have, and will. Doesn't mean I agree with it though.

I don't see why it has to be such a public in your face thing. Some things are better off private. That's one of them. IMO (Including all...meaning heterosexuals as well) I
am tired of the in your face. Do what you want to do, you have that right, but I have the right not to agree as well.

I do wonder why some......including you, seem obsessed with it. You make a lot of threads on the subject it seems.
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Oh, and you said it right. Personal. That is my point.
Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender? This is their personal choice and that they're free to do so in the freest land on earth???

I'll admit that they're NOT that gender(sex) biologically as science says, but would you accept their choice?

Of course.
Your two choices do not match the thread question. I personally do not care what someone does in the privacy of their home, I don't care what cloths they wear in public as long as decent. I do care when a law is passed that says a man can freely enter and use a female bathroom simply because he says he is a woman, before they started doing that the quiet ones simply used the services and were no threat. Making that law created a situation were perverts got access to women's bathrooms and were caught. .I do care when a male is allowed in a girls locker room in school settings it is WRONG. plain and simple.
Your two choices do not match the thread question. I personally do not care what someone does in the privacy of their home, I don't care what cloths they wear in public as long as decent. I do care when a law is passed that says a man can freely enter and use a female bathroom simply because he says he is a woman, before they started doing that the quiet ones simply used the services and were no threat. Making that law created a situation were perverts got access to women's bathrooms and were caught. .I do care when a male is allowed in a girls locker room in school settings it is WRONG. plain and simple.

I do agree with that. That totally invades MY privacy.
Good, lord, OP. You asked a straightforward enough "yes-no" question. Why didn't you merely provide as poll responses "yes" and "no" rather than, or at least in addition to, those "loaded" and qualified options you did?

I may be mistaken, but I doubt many sagacious potential responders are going to, by answering the survey question, allow you to put words in their mouth. I know I sure won't, but, I'm just one person....
Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender?

Yes. I'd be a fool not to, for clearly there are adults who've expressed the desire to be so. I have no basis for disbelieving that what they claim in that regard to want is indeed what they want, or wanted in the case of those who've undergone the entire process of sex-reassignment.
Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender?

Yes. I'd be a fool not to, for clearly there are adults who've expressed the desire to be so. I have no basis for disbelieving that what they claim in that regard to want is indeed what they want, or wanted in the case of those who've undergone the entire process of sex-reassignment.

BTW, though this should be obvious from my earlier comment, my ability to believe that has nothing to do with "freedom of choice/expression," or what I think about it. It has only to do with thinking those folks aren't lying to me/us when they say that's what they want.
Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender? This is their personal choice and that they're free to do so in the freest land on earth???

I accept that anyone can want to be another gender. I accept that people can feel cheated by biology and were assigned the wrong gender. I fully accept the option of gender re-assignment surgery for those who can afford it.

I don't however, feel the need to accommodate the wants and feelings of others. You don't get to defy the conventions of society by using whichever public restroom suits your mood on the day. You don't get your own special public bathroom wherever you go. You don't get a dime of taxpayer money for therapy or surgery.

In other words, your feelings don't equal obligations on the part of the commonweal.

But, if you need a public venue that is a safe place for expressing the inner you ... there's always Comic Con.

So you're saying this woman should be made to share the bathroom with your little princess?

It is not a question of 'want' it is a statement of fact. Biology, like most science, confuses the average conservative person and on the right in America it is a stick for the stupid.

Why I must come out....

and Jazz another trans

Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender? This is their personal choice and that they're free to do so in the freest land on earth???

I'll admit that they're NOT that gender(sex) biologically as science says, but would you accept their choice?
As long as I'm not forced to pay for it.
You don't get to defy the conventions of society

A recent academic study revealed that the majority of heterosexual adults hold negative opinions about transgender individuals The researcher found the negative attitudes were associated with several factors, including political conservatism, endorsement of a binary conception of sex, and lack of personal contact with sexual minorities. Transgender individual rights remain murky because the American public struggles to fit transgender individuals into an archaic, rigidly fixed legal system.

In late 2012, a Massachusetts District Court held that a prisoner’s gender identity disorder constituted a serious medical need that triggered Eighth Amendment protection, and the Department of Correction’s refusal to provide him with male-to-female sex reassignment surgery constituted deliberate indifference of his serious medical need. Moreover, in 2013, the Supreme Court held that the Defense of Marriage Act violated the Fifth Amendment by defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman. In making this finding, the Court recognized that spouses in same-sex marriages were entitled to the same rights and privileges as spouses in heterosexual marriages. With these cases and others, there is an emerging recognition in the law of the rights of persons with non-traditional sexual choices, orientations, and identities.

While the law takes baby steps to catch up with science, medicine, and society’s acceptance of non-majoritarian ideas, transgender individuals, and especially transgender youth, need immediate proactive reform. Schools, sitting in loco parentis, are left blindly navigating these difficult issues as they struggle to balance the interests of students struggling with gender identity alongside the safety and protection of the other students in their custody.

I find it thoroughly unprincipled of conservatives to condone "abridgement" of one's exercising freedom of speech, self-expression under the 1st Amendment, by undergoing sexual reassignment while simultaneously railing against "infringement" of certain individuals' exercise of their 2nd Amendment rights. Quite simply, just as the prohibition on abridgment of the freedom of speech is not absolute, so it must be re: the 2nd Amendment. [1]

Though I have my own preference on the matter, I, personally, can endure one's and the law's going one way or the other as goes abridgement/infringement of expressly provided and stated Constitutional rights. What I find unacceptable is the "cherry picking" whereby so many conservative groups and individuals are fine with infringing/abridging "this" right, but not "that" one. One simply cannot do that and be a person of sound principle. One either has a principle one applies and lives by in all instances, even though one may not like the outcome of doing so in some instances. How can one do that? By thinking rigorously and rationally about to what principles one will ascribe, analyzing the implications of the various available principles and determining whether "this" principle's downsides are more or less odious than are "that" one's and choosing accordingly. To do otherwise is tantamount to "putting the 'e' in "ig-nernt."

  1. What's the difference between "infringe" and "abridge?" Denotatively in basic substance, abridge refers to the written word, whereas infringe refers to actions; however, that difference didn't clearly exist in the 18th century when the Constitution was written. (The appearance of the "archaic" meaning of "abridge" remains in the dictionary because of the need to accurately construe the Framers' Constitutional meaning of that word.) Connotatively, there are differences, but in the context of rights accorded by law, they are differences without a distinction, for it becomes merely a question of how many logical steps it takes to show their congruity, not that it's a matter of such being impossible to soundly show:
    • Infringe implies an encroachment clearly violating a right or prerogative.
    • Abridge implies a reduction in compass or scope with retention of essential elements and a relative completeness in the result.
Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender? This is their personal choice and that they're free to do so in the freest land on earth???

I'll admit that they're NOT that gender(sex) biologically as science says, but would you accept their choice?

I accept thst they want to be the other gender the same way i want to be six feet tall and 30 pounds lighter...... as a wish fhst is never goibg to come true. I wished to be a pro baseball olayer last night. I still wasn't one when i woke up this morning.

These people need to accept the reality of their gender and move on with their public lives. If fhey want to shave their legs and wear dresses in private, more power to them. Just dont let the insanity out in public.
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Would you accept that some adults want to be the other gender? This is their personal choice and that they're free to do so in the freest land on earth???

I'll admit that they're NOT that gender(sex) biologically as science says, but would you accept their choice?
It's weird that you would ask if some approve of what other's want. you can want to bee whatever the hell you want. Being that is another story.

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