Would the GOP be able to continue if it ceased to be the PARTY OF GOD???

Would the GOP be able to continue if it ceased to be the PARTY OF GOD???

  • YEP!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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Senior Member
Mar 15, 2012
IMHO the answer is a unequivocal NO.......

If it were not for the religious pandering, & phony promises millions would simply have no reason to support them, especially considering that supporting “the party of God” often goes against their own self interests……..



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Would the GOP be able to continue if it ceased to be the PARTY OF GOD???

Not only would it continue, it would flourish.

Freed from the chains of social conservatism and Christian fundamentalists, the Party could return to its roots of fiscal responsibility and social liberalism -–a democratic president would likely never be elected again, except for a few rare instances such as in 1912.

It’s the ultimate tragic irony of the GOP today.
IMHO the answer is a unequivocal NO.......

If it were not for the religious pandering, & phony promises millions would simply have no reason to support them, especially considering that supporting “the party of God” often goes against their own self interests……..


RNC: Republican National Committee | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

That's odd...I don't see Party of God anywhere on there. Could you point it out for me, please?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaPKt3c8S-w]The Partisans - Rick Santorum - Gifts From God - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMaScSw8F54]Rick Santorum: "America Belongs to God" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLJYN1mxmKg&feature=related]Santorum: God's Law And Civil Law Must Be The Same - YouTube[/ame]
The Republican Party has existed since 1856. It elected its first president in 1860. The religious right, as it exists today, is a product of the 1970s, more than a century after Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican in the White House. Over the decades it has been in business, the GOP has been variously the anti-slavery party, the party of national union, the big-business party, the progressive/liberal party, the civil rights party, the isolationist party, the party of moderation and fiscal restraint, and -- well, what it is now.

The idea that the Republican Party would cease to exist if it lost the support of the religious right is, therefore, absurd. It would change (and much for the better IMO), but certainly it would not disappear.
its their main base.

If they stopped trying to be the religion party they would have no base.

The R party would die.

No voters means no party.

Old time parties have died before.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost their bases before. Neither of them died. They just changed and found a new base. No major political party in this country has died since the 1850s, despite political changes at least as great as those that killed the Federalists and the Whigs. Major parties don't die in this country anymore. They change instead.
IMHO the answer is a unequivocal NO.......

If it were not for the religious pandering, & phony promises millions would simply have no reason to support them, especially considering that supporting “the party of God” often goes against their own self interests……..


One. Mr Cosby would not be pleased with you using his name to bait religious people.
I tend to agree with CCJ. In reality the religious right is a small part of the entire GOP but they make the noise and get the headlines and it creates a stereotype that drives away more moderate voters. Your average mainstream Republican generally disagrees with the religious right just as much as they do with Democrats. If that religious element were to leave the GOP you would probably see a surge of moderates, Independents, and "conservative" Democrats into the GOP. As one of those mainstream Republicans, I would be more than happy to make that trade.
IMHO the answer is a unequivocal NO.......

If it were not for the religious pandering, & phony promises millions would simply have no reason to support them, especially considering that supporting “the party of God” often goes against their own self interests……..


Yes. Unlike you, many of us have thoughts. Original ones.

You? Just a trite leftwing fubar meme copy machine.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost their bases before. Neither of them died. They just changed and found a new base. No major political party in this country has died since the 1850s, despite political changes at least as great as those that killed the Federalists and the Whigs. Major parties don't die in this country anymore. They change instead.

the republican party is owned by the wealthy.

they dont have enough votes to stay viable if they lose the duped religious right voters.

They will die because they REFUSE to change who they serve.

Pandering is the only way they stay viable
Would the GOP be able to continue if it ceased to be the PARTY OF GOD???

Not only would it continue, it would flourish.

Freed from the chains of social conservatism and Christian fundamentalists, the Party could return to its roots of fiscal responsibility and social liberalism -–a democratic president would likely never be elected again, except for a few rare instances such as in 1912.

It’s the ultimate tragic irony of the GOP today.

they are owned by the wealthy.

without pandering to low information voters they will die.

The democratic party is now the fiscal responsibility party with a liberal social agenda.
Are you fucking kidding me?!

If they dumped the religious right, I would become a member again THAT day!!

It's a dream come true for me.

The Contitution and the economy would be front and center 24/7/365/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
The democratic party is now the fiscal responsibility party...

I was going to post a long response demonstrating why everyone holds you in such high regard around here TM, but on the other hand I think I will just let your last asinine statement do the talking.

Tell us why you think the Democratic party is not the fiscal responsibility party?

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