Would someone please explain this to me?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden is a senile doddering stumbling old fool who can't put two sentences together.


I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden headed a team who engineered a massive sophisticated rigging of the election across 50 states that was so skilled, it enlisted thousands of volunteers/paid help (or however it was done) and put in place months in advance in every key district across america, to cooperate at the district levels to rig machines, stuff ballots, get millions of people to fill out ballots with names of the dead, exploit mail in balloting where it is allowed, pressure every judge who are likely to have lawsuits come to their courts and convince them to reject any evidence provided by Trump's lawyers and his surrogates, reject lawsuits on 'standing', and in the districts where votes are being counted, do it so skillfully that monitors won't know what is going on, that no 'audit' will reveal discrepancies at least to a degree where anyone can claim but for the discrepancy there isn't enough to change the outcome of an election, and in the course of all this, there won't be even one whistleblower, no one recorded any phone conversations, there won't be any paper trail, no emails or texts confirming the conspiracy, no checks written, no digital deposits, nothing, nada, zilch, and that it has to be, therefore, the work of a genius, someone in history who has never achieved such a monumentally practically impossible task who would beat Trump, clearly the superior man of mind and intellect and wealth, and beat Trump by 7 million votes .....and not only that, Biden had the foresight to not overdo it i.e., overly win down ballot races so that it would seem more likely to be people voting against Trump and not for Biden, thus skillfully cloaking the 'steal', that this was thought of at the outset, to fool people to not be able to realize the election was stolen, never mind the fact that Trump has been touting to his flock that the only way Dems could win is if they rig the election, and saying it months before the first ballot was ever cast, telling us he saw it coming, yet, despite this uncanny foresight by Trump, Biden was able to rig the election ANYWAY, even though Trump KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, and for some darn reason, did NOTHING to prevent it.

And, of course, what is lost on republicans that this is the same genius whom they are claiming is a doddering old fart who can't find his way around a stage or put two sentences together?

Does any see the problem here?

Would someone please explain this to me?
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Joe Biden is a puppet, his handlers behind the scenes are the ones wrecking havoc in this country right now. How is it that I can understand it even with my learning disabilities and you can't and I don't even think that you have any yourself?

Nah, that doesn't explain it. The post was sarcasm, the details of how impossible it would be to rig an election are given in the OP, yet that part went right over your head, proving to me that you are so dumb that guys like you are capable of believing that a national election can be stolen. Sorry, it cant. It can be influenced, unduly influenced, by external methods, but not by internal methods, machine rigging, the like, the nation is too decentralized for such a rigging to occur.
Nah, that doesn't explain it. The post was sarcasm, the details of how impossible it would be to rig an election are given in the OP, yet that part went right over your head, proving to me that you are so dumb that guys like you are capable of believing that a national election can be stolen. Sorry, it cant. It can be influenced, unduly influenced, by external methods, but not by internal methods, machine rigging, the like, the nation is too decentralized for such a rigging to occur.
So what your describing is a broken system Rump

So what your describing is a broken system Rump

Not any more than it ever has been. Throughout history, when you create a system where the states handle federal elections, where there is decentralization, the system will, by default, be practically impossible to rig, but the price we pay for an unriggable decentralized system is that irregularities always occur, in every election, but note that they are never enough to change the outcome of a national election.
Not any more than it ever has been. Throughout history, when you create a system where the states handle federal elections, where there is decentralization, the system will, by default, be practically impossible to rig, but the price we pay for an unriggable decentralized system is that irregularities always occur, in every election, but note that they are never enough to change the outcome of a national election.
So would we copy / paste that on every federal decentralized system then ?

I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden is a senile doddering stumbling old fool who can't put two sentences together.


I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden headed a team who engineered a massive sophisticated rigging of the election across 50 states that was so skilled, it enlisted thousands of volunteers/paid help (or however it was done) and put in place months in advance in every key district across america, to cooperate at the district levels to rig machines, stuff ballots, get millions of people to fill out ballots with names of the dead, exploit mail in balloting where it is allowed, pressure every judge who are likely to have lawsuits come to their courts and convince them to reject any evidence provided by Trump's lawyers and his surrogates, reject lawsuits on 'standing', and in the districts where votes are being counted, do it so skillfully that monitors won't know what is going on, that no 'audit' will reveal discrepancies at least to a degree where anyone can claim but for the discrepancy there isn't enough to change the outcome of an election, and in the course of all this, there won't be even one whistleblower, no one recorded any phone conversations, there won't be any paper trail, no emails or texts confirming the conspiracy, no checks written, no digital deposits, nothing, nada, zilch, and that it has to be, therefore, the work of a genius, someone in history who has never achieved such a monumentally practically impossible task who would beat Trump, clearly the superior man of mind and intellect and wealth, and beat Trump by 7 million votes .....and not only that, Biden had the foresight to not overdo it i.e., overly win down ballot races so that it would seem more likely to be people voting against Trump and not for Biden, thus skillfully cloaking the 'steal', that this was thought of at the outset, to fool people to not be able to realize the election was stolen, never mind the fact that Trump has been touting to his flock that the only way Dems could win is if they rig the election, and saying it months before the first ballot was ever cast, telling us he saw it coming, yet, despite this uncanny foresight by Trump, Biden was able to rig the election ANYWAY, even though Trump KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, and for some darn reason, did NOTHING to prevent it.

And, of course, what is lost on republicans that this is the same genius whom they are claiming is a doddering old fart who can't find his way around a stage or put two sentences together?

Does any see the problem here?

Would someone please explain this to me?
You can't possibly be THAT dense. Well maybe.
I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden headed a team who engineered a massive sophisticated rigging of the election across 50 states
That's where you're wrong. The stammering fucktard forgets to pull down his pants before he takes a shit. He can no longer negotiate the baby steps for his transportation. Even his own government says he's too stupid to stand trial.

Other people stole the election for him.... and without his knowledge. He wouldn't understand anyway.

We good?

biden special kind of stupid.png
I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden is a senile doddering stumbling old fool who can't put two sentences together.


I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden headed a team who engineered a massive sophisticated rigging of the election across 50 states that was so skilled, it enlisted thousands of volunteers/paid help (or however it was done) and put in place months in advance in every key district across america, to cooperate at the district levels to rig machines, stuff ballots, get millions of people to fill out ballots with names of the dead, exploit mail in balloting where it is allowed, pressure every judge who are likely to have lawsuits come to their courts and convince them to reject any evidence provided by Trump's lawyers and his surrogates, reject lawsuits on 'standing', and in the districts where votes are being counted, do it so skillfully that monitors won't know what is going on, that no 'audit' will reveal discrepancies at least to a degree where anyone can claim but for the discrepancy there isn't enough to change the outcome of an election, and in the course of all this, there won't be even one whistleblower, no one recorded any phone conversations, there won't be any paper trail, no emails or texts confirming the conspiracy, no checks written, no digital deposits, nothing, nada, zilch, and that it has to be, therefore, the work of a genius, someone in history who has never achieved such a monumentally practically impossible task who would beat Trump, clearly the superior man of mind and intellect and wealth, and beat Trump by 7 million votes .....and not only that, Biden had the foresight to not overdo it i.e., overly win down ballot races so that it would seem more likely to be people voting against Trump and not for Biden, thus skillfully cloaking the 'steal', that this was thought of at the outset, to fool people to not be able to realize the election was stolen, never mind the fact that Trump has been touting to his flock that the only way Dems could win is if they rig the election, and saying it months before the first ballot was ever cast, telling us he saw it coming, yet, despite this uncanny foresight by Trump, Biden was able to rig the election ANYWAY, even though Trump KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, and for some darn reason, did NOTHING to prevent it.

And, of course, what is lost on republicans that this is the same genius whom they are claiming is a doddering old fart who can't find his way around a stage or put two sentences together?

Does any see the problem here?

Would someone please explain this to me?

Don't make your posts word soups / wall o' texts. That's the problem.
to cooperate at the district levels to rig machines, stuff ballots, get millions of people to fill out ballots with names of the dead,

Cooperate? Why would their fraud require cooperation?
Millions of ballots? Hardly.
Dead? Just steal the mail in ballots of the living.
I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden is a senile doddering stumbling old fool who can't put two sentences together.


I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden headed a team who engineered a massive sophisticated rigging of the election across 50 states that was so skilled, it enlisted thousands of volunteers/paid help (or however it was done) and put in place months in advance in every key district across america, to cooperate at the district levels to rig machines, stuff ballots, get millions of people to fill out ballots with names of the dead, exploit mail in balloting where it is allowed, pressure every judge who are likely to have lawsuits come to their courts and convince them to reject any evidence provided by Trump's lawyers and his surrogates, reject lawsuits on 'standing', and in the districts where votes are being counted, do it so skillfully that monitors won't know what is going on, that no 'audit' will reveal discrepancies at least to a degree where anyone can claim but for the discrepancy there isn't enough to change the outcome of an election, and in the course of all this, there won't be even one whistleblower, no one recorded any phone conversations, there won't be any paper trail, no emails or texts confirming the conspiracy, no checks written, no digital deposits, nothing, nada, zilch, and that it has to be, therefore, the work of a genius, someone in history who has never achieved such a monumentally practically impossible task who would beat Trump, clearly the superior man of mind and intellect and wealth, and beat Trump by 7 million votes .....and not only that, Biden had the foresight to not overdo it i.e., overly win down ballot races so that it would seem more likely to be people voting against Trump and not for Biden, thus skillfully cloaking the 'steal', that this was thought of at the outset, to fool people to not be able to realize the election was stolen, never mind the fact that Trump has been touting to his flock that the only way Dems could win is if they rig the election, and saying it months before the first ballot was ever cast, telling us he saw it coming, yet, despite this uncanny foresight by Trump, Biden was able to rig the election ANYWAY, even though Trump KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, and for some darn reason, did NOTHING to prevent it.

And, of course, what is lost on republicans that this is the same genius whom they are claiming is a doddering old fart who can't find his way around a stage or put two sentences together?

Does any see the problem here?

Would someone please explain this to me?
I don't believe one Deplorable ever claimed that Biden was the mastermind behind rigged 2020 election.
We can thanl the DNC Neo-Marxist Party and people like Marc Elais that came up with mail in ballot and got legislature to violate their State Constitutions under the guise of the Covid scare.
No Joey Xi Bai-Dung never had a clue of what was happening.
He remained in the basement of his Delaware home.vegetating.
Would someone please explain this to me?
The answer appears to be:

This was a massive, even global, effort. And everyone is corrupt except the Trumpsters. The corruption has to include the two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption and couldn't, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

They have to believe this to continue after so much has been debunked. That's how strong this group pathology is.
The answer appears to be:

This was a massive, even global, effort. And everyone is corrupt except the Trumpsters. The corruption has to include the two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption and couldn't, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

They have to believe this to continue after so much has been debunked. That's how strong this group pathology is.
I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden is a senile doddering stumbling old fool who can't put two sentences together.


I keep hearing from Republicans that Biden headed a team who engineered a massive sophisticated rigging of the election across 50 states that was so skilled, it enlisted thousands of volunteers/paid help (or however it was done) and put in place months in advance in every key district across america, to cooperate at the district levels to rig machines, stuff ballots, get millions of people to fill out ballots with names of the dead, exploit mail in balloting where it is allowed, pressure every judge who are likely to have lawsuits come to their courts and convince them to reject any evidence provided by Trump's lawyers and his surrogates, reject lawsuits on 'standing', and in the districts where votes are being counted, do it so skillfully that monitors won't know what is going on, that no 'audit' will reveal discrepancies at least to a degree where anyone can claim but for the discrepancy there isn't enough to change the outcome of an election, and in the course of all this, there won't be even one whistleblower, no one recorded any phone conversations, there won't be any paper trail, no emails or texts confirming the conspiracy, no checks written, no digital deposits, nothing, nada, zilch, and that it has to be, therefore, the work of a genius, someone in history who has never achieved such a monumentally practically impossible task who would beat Trump, clearly the superior man of mind and intellect and wealth, and beat Trump by 7 million votes .....and not only that, Biden had the foresight to not overdo it i.e., overly win down ballot races so that it would seem more likely to be people voting against Trump and not for Biden, thus skillfully cloaking the 'steal', that this was thought of at the outset, to fool people to not be able to realize the election was stolen, never mind the fact that Trump has been touting to his flock that the only way Dems could win is if they rig the election, and saying it months before the first ballot was ever cast, telling us he saw it coming, yet, despite this uncanny foresight by Trump, Biden was able to rig the election ANYWAY, even though Trump KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, and for some darn reason, did NOTHING to prevent it.

And, of course, what is lost on republicans that this is the same genius whom they are claiming is a doddering old fart who can't find his way around a stage or put two sentences together?

Does any see the problem here?

Would someone please explain this to me?
/----/ Joe hadn't deteriorated as much back in 2020 when he admitted it. 4 years is a long time when you're stricken with dementia. There is no going back.

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