Would-be killers target gun-free zones

This is an excellent article and points out the obvious; gun free zones are wacko magnets.
But gun-control advocates face a couple of problems.

First, the law that President Obama and other Democrats keep pushing wouldn’t have stopped Thursday’s shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, where expanded background checks have been in place since August. It wouldn’t have stopped any of the other mass public shootings during Obama’s presidency.

Second, virtually all mass public shootings take place in gun-free zones, and Thursday’s attack was no exception. If the media more regularly reported when a shooting occurs in a gun-free zone, more people would realize that gun-control laws don’t deter criminals who are looking for select targets where people can’t fight back. More Americans would come to feel that gun ownership makes them safer.....

Mark Kelly, founder of the gun-control group Americans for Responsible Solutions, was asked on CNN last Sunday about the Oregon college being a gun-free zone that “might attract bad guys.”

Kelly claimed that less than 15 percent of mass shootings have occurred in a gun-free zone. But Kelly was relying on a study sponsored by anti-gun advocate Michael Bloomberg that based its numbers on whether newspaper articles mentioned if a shooting occurred in a gun-free zone. That isn’t very useful. The media haven’t cared about this fact. Determining a more precise number requires a lot more research.

What motivates mass public shootings is also quite different than gang fights, but Bloomberg’s study mixes the two together.

Since at least 1950, all but two public mass shootings in America have taken place where general citizens are banned from carrying guns. In Europe, there have been no exceptions. Every mass public shooting has occurred in a gun-free zone. And Europe is no stranger to mass shootings. It has been host to three of the six worst K-12 school shootings and by far the worst mass public shooting perpetrated by a single individual.

Still, Kelly said, “There’s no indication from other — from another study that any shooter intentionally went to a gun-free zone.”

Kelly might be surprised to learn that killers have frequently talked about their desire to attack where guns are banned. The suspect in the Charleston, S.C., shootings in June originally aimed to attack the College of Charleston. He chose a church instead because the college had armed guards.

Read more at Would-be killers target gun-free zones

If they are planning a mass murder, they are mentally ill.

Please explain how they get guns.

1. Because they do not always appear to be mentally ill.

2. they get them illegally.

3. they use straw m purchases.

4. they have no corresponding record of their illness.
Uncle jonny, How come nobody here noted that Oregon schools are NOT 'gun-free' zones.

Because that particular school set up student and faculty policies that banned guns on campus and banned guns inside school buildings.

So yes, it was a gun free zone, dude.

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