Worst storm in history & weather channel didn't have a clue


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Jim Cantore gets what, a million per year to stand out in the rain and tell us it's raining? It seems the weather people were unable to predict the worst non-hurricane storm to hit Virginia in history. The thing is called a "derecho" and is similar to a tornado but is a straight line of wind. In this case it stretched hundreds of miles. No warning from the weather channel until after the damaging winds passed.
That one?

They totally missed a storm like that, on a much smaller scale, that happened in NW Wisconsin, almost a year ago to the day.

Probably too busy producing another one of their silly-assed series about bush pilots or what the weather was like 30 years ago.
Well, they blamed Bush for Katrina so I guess we can blame Obama for this one. Power is still out in some areas of Va. and W.V. and I haven't seen a single FEMA truck yet.
I used to have a resident who would watch the weather channel all day long, then worry that we were having a major storm outside. One day she thought her room was going to flood.
Miss that lady. :(
That one?


Oh yeah, we got some of that. Local TV had it and were broadcasting overtime. I thought we were going to get a tornado for sure, I guess they did have water spouts on Lake Erie.

It was big.
They totally missed a storm like that, on a much smaller scale, that happened in NW Wisconsin, almost a year ago to the day.

Probably too busy producing another one of their silly-assed series about bush pilots or what the weather was like 30 years ago.

Well then they will cover it in 30 years, stay tuned.
I think the Weather Channel tornado hunters are still out in the mid-west looking for a storm. Maybe they will run into a tornado by accident someday.
Well, they blamed Bush for Katrina so I guess we can blame Obama for this one. Power is still out in some areas of Va. and W.V. and I haven't seen a single FEMA truck yet.

Bush wasn't blamed for Katrina. He was blamed for his poor response to it. Neither Bush nor Obama are responsible for creating weather. they are, however, responsible for getting American communities back on their collective feet as soon as possible following bad weather.
Well, they blamed Bush for Katrina so I guess we can blame Obama for this one. Power is still out in some areas of Va. and W.V. and I haven't seen a single FEMA truck yet.

Let me know when the bodies are floating up the flooded street, you poor thing.

One thing is sure, the good people in Va. and W.V. are a hell of a lot smarter than to elect a fool like Ray (schoolbus) Nagan to public office. When he was asked why he let the school buses drown in a parking lot instead of evacuating desperate citizens he responded "where would we go?" That's what an evacuation plan is for you dope. FEMA is still FEMA and Bush was blamed for the inbred and systemic New Orleans corruption.
THey've tuned the forecasting to looking for tornadoes, not events like that one..

But I bet --- those that had NOAA weather radios DID get "severe thunderstorm warnings"..

It's so overused to issue thunderstorm warnings. That's part of the problem.. It should be reserved so that events like this make an impression when the warnings do go out..
Well, they blamed Bush for Katrina so I guess we can blame Obama for this one.
Nobody "blamed Bush" for Katrina itself, nitwit. He was rightly blamed for initially ignoring the situation and going to a birthday party for McCain and then mostly blamed for so badly fumbling the very poor Federal response to the emergency and then for praising the incompetent cretin he'd appointed as head of FEMA (Good Job Brownie!!!). Katrina's official death toll is almost 2000 people, most of them blacks and other minorities, so there was a good deal of well deserved blame to go around concerning the slowness and mismanagement of the Federal response. Any attempt to compare Bush's response to a major disaster like Katrina and Obama's supposed lack of response (not true) to this comparatively minor wind storm is both pathetically partisan and extremely idiotic. Apparently about 13 people died during this series of storms, from things like falling trees crushing their bedrooms, but no one has died since the storms ended, waiting for a federal emergency response, like some of those poor folks in New Orleans did in the three days they waited before any help arrived.

Bush's Response to Katrina sub-par compared to other presidents

From Springer on the Radio:
September 24, 2005

President: Nixon
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Camille (August, 1969)
Area: About the same area as that affected by Katrina

Response: Nixon prepared the National Guard in advance, ordering rescue ships from Tampa, FL and Houston, TX to stand waiting along with over a thousand regular military, 24 helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard out as soon as the hurricane passed.​

President: Bush 41
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Andrew (August, 1992)
Area: Florida

Response: In the middle of a re-election campaign, Bush ceased campaigning the day before the hurricane, went to Washington, and assembled one of the largest military forces ever mustered on U.S. soil. Seven thousand National Guard and 22,000 regular military were sent in with the necessary equipment shortly after the hurricane passed through.​

President: Clinton
Danger: Category-3 Hurricane Floyd (September, 1999)
Area: Virginia and Carolinas

Response: Meeting with China's president Jiang in New Zealand, Clinton immediately declared the hurricane-affected areas as federal disasters, allowing the military and National Guard to move in and help. Clinton flew home immediately, one day before the hurricane hit, to help coordinate the rescue.​

President: Bush 43
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Katrina (August, 2005)
Area: Gulf Coast

Response: National Guard troops are down about 8,000 members because they are in Iraq with much of the necessary rescue equipment needed. Bush was on vacation, riding his bike for two hours the day before the hurricane lands. On the day Katrina landed, Bush attended a birthday party for Arizona Sen. John McCain. The levees began to crack. While emergency 1.5-ton sandbags were ready to be placed to steady the levee and absorb water, there were insufficient numbers of helicopters and pilots to set them before the levees break. Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, pleaded for federal-level assistance and got none. Bush went to San Diego to play guitar with a country singer and end his vacation early -- but not until the next day, because he had tickets to a San Diego Padres game.​
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Well, they blamed Bush for Katrina so I guess we can blame Obama for this one.
Nobody "blamed Bush" for Katrina itself, nitwit. He was rightly blamed for initially ignoring the situation and going to a birthday party for McCain and then mostly blamed for so badly fumbling the very poor Federal response to the emergency and then for praising the incompetent cretin he'd appointed as head of FEMA (Good Job Brownie!!!). Katrina's official death toll is almost 2000 people, most of them blacks and other minorities, so there was a good deal of well deserved blame to go around concerning the slowness and mismanagement of the Federal response. Any attempt to compare Bush's response to a major disaster like Katrina and Obama's supposed lack of response (not true) to this comparatively minor wind storm is both pathetically partisan and extremely idiotic. Apparently about 13 people died during this series of storms, from things like falling trees crushing their bedrooms, but no one has died since the storms ended, waiting for a federal emergency response, like some of those poor folks in New Orleans did in the three days they waited before any help arrived.

Bush's Response to Katrina sub-par compared to other presidents

From Springer on the Radio:
September 24, 2005

President: Nixon
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Camille (August, 1969)
Area: About the same area as that affected by Katrina

Response: Nixon prepared the National Guard in advance, ordering rescue ships from Tampa, FL and Houston, TX to stand waiting along with over a thousand regular military, 24 helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard out as soon as the hurricane passed.​

President: Bush 41
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Andrew (August, 1992)
Area: Florida

Response: In the middle of a re-election campaign, Bush ceased campaigning the day before the hurricane, went to Washington, and assembled one of the largest military forces ever mustered on U.S. soil. Seven thousand National Guard and 22,000 regular military were sent in with the necessary equipment shortly after the hurricane passed through.​

President: Clinton
Danger: Category-3 Hurricane Floyd (September, 1999)
Area: Virginia and Carolinas

Response: Meeting with China's president Jiang in New Zealand, Clinton immediately declared the hurricane-affected areas as federal disasters, allowing the military and National Guard to move in and help. Clinton flew home immediately, one day before the hurricane hit, to help coordinate the rescue.​

President: Bush 43
Danger: Category-5 Hurricane Katrina (August, 2005)
Area: Gulf Coast

Response: National Guard troops are down about 8,000 members because they are in Iraq with much of the necessary rescue equipment needed. Bush was on vacation, riding his bike for two hours the day before the hurricane lands. On the day Katrina landed, Bush attended a birthday party for Arizona Sen. John McCain. The levees began to crack. While emergency 1.5-ton sandbags were ready to be placed to steady the levee and absorb water, there were insufficient numbers of helicopters and pilots to set them before the levees break. Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, pleaded for federal-level assistance and got none. Bush went to San Diego to play guitar with a country singer and end his vacation early -- but not until the next day, because he had tickets to a San Diego Padres game.​

Bush doesnt like black people.

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