The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”

Hitler was able to take over Germany because the media at that time became the propaganda arm of the Nazi party. Barry Hussein could do no wrong even though he made Nixon look like a choir boy because the media became the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Hitler was able to take over Germany because the media at that time became the propaganda arm of the Nazi party. Barry Hussein could do no wrong even though he made Nixon look like a choir boy because the media became the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
I would say that The Media now is still The Propaganda tool of our Enemies, and it's getting worse day by day. Truth it seems, no longer matters to The Media. It's all about Titillation and Controversy now as they fight over the ratings scraps between each other.
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No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”

You're criticizing Obama for cozying up to Russia? Really? Seriously?

What next? Accusing Obama of putting tariffs on Chinese steel?
The Media is in full "Warfare Mode" against the current administration. You don't even need to ask why. Washington is full of Fraud, Waste and Abuse, and Graft....Lots of that. This is how bad deals like Uranium One, and The Iran Nuclear Deal go through. This is how deals like giving The Chinese our Missile Technology, and North Korea assistance with their Nuclear Programs happen.

Anyone who wants to put an end to that, becomes an Instant Enemy of The Establishment and Liberal Main Stream Media. It was refreshing to hear The Prince have The Courage to stand up and speak his mine, despite the grumblings of his own Establishment. He wants to clean Saudi Arabia up, move it forward in many ways like our own President wants to do for America. On his recent statement alone, and on what he is trying to do with regards to women's rights, I applaud him.
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
Poor senile, delusional Original Tree...when he's not being mouthpiece for the Kremlin, he's being mouthpiece for the Saudi royal family...poor little shill....

So you don't care to discuss the topic and instead decided to Troll Me? You are on Ignore. I have no reason to even respond to you. I should just report your post.
What did you say?

I can't hear you!

All I see is......

"Show Ignored Content"

Thanks for playing.
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”

You're criticizing Obama for cozying up to Russia? Really? Seriously?

What next? Accusing Obama of putting tariffs on Chinese steel?
Tell Vlady I'll have more flexibility after the election...
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”

I really cannot think of a WORSE PRESIDENT than Obama Bin Spying.

Just based on The COUPs he launched using Islamic Radicals, OUR ENEMIES, PEOPLE THAT WANT TO KILL US, In Libya & could claim he was a TRAITOR.

Those were just the two COUPS he was successful at. He failed in many other places where he favored and supported Radical Islam. He personally gave birth to ISIS, and against all advice from every expert and two ex presidents, created the vacumn INTENTIONALLY that allowed ISIS to go on a Killing Rampage killing over 300,000 in the Middle East and destroying Trillions of Dollars in Property and Historic Sites and Artifacts.

Both Egypt and Libya were cooperating with us, so it is also a COMPLETE MYSTERY why Obama would not only encourage a COUP there, but give Al Queda in Libya and The Muslim Brotherhood weapons and money. It is a complete mystery why Obama did anything he did. It was all damaging and destabilizing to US Interests.

He did the same with HAMAS, The PLO, Al Nusra and Iran, by supporting them monetarily and with his policies. If one did not know he was from The United States and was supposed to be our President, you'd think he was A Soviet Union Dictator the way he dealt with Russia and Russia's allies, and how he constantly undermined Israel, and our allies, and Strengthened Islamic Radical Groups instead of confronted them.

He literally and figuratively was The Muslim Manchurian Candidate. Looking at it from an Islamic Perspective, he was The Hidden Imam or a type of Hidden Imam.

Hidden Imam - Oxford Islamic Studies Online
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No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
Misleading garbage...Libya had already lost its sovereignty over nearly all its territory, prior to Ghaddafi's ill fated campaign to kill his own people.
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”

You're criticizing Obama for cozying up to Russia? Really? Seriously?

What next? Accusing Obama of putting tariffs on Chinese steel?
Tell Vlady I'll have more flexibility after the election...
And yet Obama built the missile shield anyway, sent more military hardware toeastern Europe, and poured on the sanctions.

Compare that to your hero Donnie...whose own party controls Congress, yet they had to pass a law to keep him from LIFTING sanctions on Russia.

It's not even close. You sound desperate.
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
Misleading garbage...Libya had already lost its sovereignty over nearly all its territory, prior to Ghaddafi's ill fated campaign to kill his own people.
And you know this from living in Libya of course.
The point being that bad things happened on Obama's watch, no thanks to his own interference. He tried to do the same in Egypt and Syria but was rejected.
More on The Hidden Imam, of which Obama was a type. Note that Islamic Prophecies are in Direct Polar Opposite to Judeo Christian Prophecies, and are their Mirror Opposite.

In Islamic Prophesy, Jesus comes to save Islam in The Last Battle, rather than Saves Israel.
I interpret this as Islam Following The False Prophet whom they think is Jesus, and The Anti Christ. Islam then if you agree with me, will end up on the wrong side of history, and the wrong side of judgment day.

Interesting Read:

Studies In Comparative Theology: Hidden Imam Versus Hidden Heat
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
Misleading garbage...Libya had already lost its sovereignty over nearly all its territory, prior to Ghaddafi's ill fated campaign to kill his own people.
And you know this from living in Libya of course.
The point being that bad things happened on Obama's watch, no thanks to his own interference. He tried to do the same in Egypt and Syria but was rejected.
Both Boosh administration was just like Heaven...
More on The Hidden Imam, of which Obama was a type. Note that Islamic Prophecies are in Direct Polar Opposite to Judeo Christian Prophecies, and are their Mirror Opposite.

In Islamic Prophesy, Jesus comes to save Islam in The Last Battle, rather than Saves Israel.
I interpret this as Islam Following The False Prophet whom they think is Jesus, and The Anti Christ. Islam then if you agree with me, will end up on the wrong side of history, and the wrong side of judgment day.

Interesting Read:

Studies In Comparative Theology: Hidden Imam Versus Hidden Heat
Jesus saves Israel? I doubt it, look how he was treated the last time he was there....
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
Misleading garbage...Libya had already lost its sovereignty over nearly all its territory, prior to Ghaddafi's ill fated campaign to kill his own people.
And you know this from living in Libya of course.
The point being that bad things happened on Obama's watch, no thanks to his own interference. He tried to do the same in Egypt and Syria but was rejected.

Some say the COUP in Turkey was also OBAMA's Doing and that what he was trying to do was help to actually Create The Islamic Caliphate to surround Israel with by launching COUPS conducted with Radical Islamic Forces in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Turkey, and by supporting The PLO, HAMAS, Al Nusra, The Muslim Brotherhood, and getting out of the way of ISIS!
No, Not Hillary Clinton.

No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE.

How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President?

Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor.
In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got.

Now this: A little bit of Truth from an unlikely source. The Games Obama Played Are Dangerous. He put the entire World in Peril when he cozied up to Russia, North Korea and Iran. A Little Snippage for you with your Hot Cup Of Outrage!

Saudi Arabia's crown prince slams Obama's Iran nuclear deal, backs Israel's right to exist

Saudi Arabia's crown prince affirmed Israel's right to exist and criticized former President Obama's Iran policy in an interview published Monday, pointedly bucking other leaders in the Arab world and signaling support for President Trump's Middle East agenda.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, told The Atlantic that both Israelis and Palestinians "have the right to have their own land" -- a surprising assertion given that many Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

“I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," he said. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land.”

Prince Mohammed then took aim at Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader [of Iran] is trying to do," the crown prince told The Atlantic. "Hitler tried to conquer Europe. This is bad. But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.

"He is the Hitler of the Middle East."

- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on Iran's Supreme Leader

"He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys. He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger. Only a few people. Until it happened."

Asked about the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran -- which President Trump has long lambasted -- the crown prince sided with the current White House.

“President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change,” he said. “But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people.

“They took $150 billion after the deal — can you please name one housing project they built with this money? One park? One industrial zone? Can you name for me the highway that they built? I advise them — please show us something that you’re building a highway with $150 billion. For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country. For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there’s a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can’t risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war.”
Misleading garbage...Libya had already lost its sovereignty over nearly all its territory, prior to Ghaddafi's ill fated campaign to kill his own people.
And you know this from living in Libya of course.
The point being that bad things happened on Obama's watch, no thanks to his own interference. He tried to do the same in Egypt and Syria but was rejected.

Some say the COUP in Turkey was also OBAMA's Doing and that what he was trying to do was help to actually Create The Islamic Caliphate to surround Israel with by launching COUPS conducted with Radical Islamic Forces in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Turkey, and by supporting The PLO, HAMAS, Al Nusra, The Muslim Brotherhood, and getting out of the way of ISIS!
The Caliphate...and who is the supreme leader of this Caliphate?

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