Worldwide Terror Alert Issued by State Dept.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The JV team and other radical Islamist groups have made many threats and targets could be just about anywhere. Not helpful since nothing specific has been named, though good to be alert. With black Friday coming up and knowing malls and other stores across the country will be packed, it will be a target-rich environment for the lunatics.

I wonder if Obama has caught this on the news yet. It's been claimed that he ignores intel warnings when it's certain Muslims posing a threat. Ignore it and it'll go away. If it doesn't go away, blame someone else. I think that about sums up his national security plan.

"Monday in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister David Cameron said it was time to take the fight directly to the terrorist group, and said the goal of like-minded countries should be to root out the "poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism."

In light of these events, State noted that terrorist groups are threatening people around the world now."

State Dept. Issued Worldwide Travel Alert

"The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats. Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions.

These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016.

They go on to detail the places you should avoid:

Extremists have targeted large sporting events, theatres, open markets, and aviation services. In the past year, there have been multiple attacks in France, Nigeria, Denmark, Turkey, and Mali. ISIL/Da’esh has claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Russian airliner in Egypt.

U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using transportation. Be aware of immediate surroundings and avoid large crowds or crowded [sic] places. Exercise particular caution during the holiday season and at holiday festivals or events."
Violence is now breaking out even before the Invaders reach Europe. They are arriving at the Greek Island of Lesbos and bloody fights are breaking out - between various groups. According to this article only 30% are from Syria - the rest are from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, South Africa, Pakistan..... places other than Syria. They are falsifying their documents.

First Murders of Europeans by Nonwhite Third World Invasion Flood Take Place - The New Observer


Last week, nonwhite invaders who have utterly wrecked the Greek island of Lesbos by swamping the tiny landmass at the rate of over 3,000 per day, engaged in an all-out street battle with one another.

The violence, captured on video and relayed on the local TV news channel, shows the nonwhite invaders running amok in the port of Mytilene.

According to local news reports, the invaders ripped out the protective iron railings of the Port Authority and began to beat each other into a bloody pulp.
Here actual video footage of the violence. What mayhem! The poor Greeks! AND Europeans! These invaders are on their way to Europe.

Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
The news breaking today is there are 600,000 more Invaders headed for Germany right now. That is today's news. Germany is in deep trouble. My prayers are for the German people. Angela Merkel is a traitor. They should be demanding her resignation in the streets of Germany right now.

600,000 More Invaders Aim for Germany - The New Observer


At least 600,000 more nonwhite invaders are on their way to Germany via the “Balkans route,” a spokesman for the United Nations (UN) has claimed—even as it has transpired that the majority are not “war refugees” at all but scroungers seeking to parasite off the European welfare system.
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Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
The liberal way!
Lol okay member of the Patriot Act party
Member of a party that isn't scared to call the ragheads for the cowardly pussys they are. Just like their liberal counterparts
A lot of those cowardly pussy ragheads are fighting the cowardly pussy ragheads that you don't like to the death.

You're not fighting them by being a cowardly pussy from your computer gramps.
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?

You don't believe in Jesus, remember?

Why would they die? Their countries are not even at war.

70% of these young men are not even from Syria. It's an invasion. What part of that do you not get? The New Testament teaches that if you refuse to work? You won't eat.

The New Testament teaches that a man should lay down his life for his brother. If these guys are from a country that is at war why aren't they there fighting the enemy and laying down their lives for their brothers?
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
I'm not the one laying down for them, OS. Anyone who is too weak to call this for what it really is? Has already laid down. What the UN is forcing on Greece, Germany and the rest of Europe? Is wrong. Totally wrong.
What do you think we should do about refugees? Leave them to die? Or do as Jesus would have done and welcome them?
Leave them to fight or die. Fuck them. It's their God damn religion pushing them out. Man up & push back
Jeremiah do you feel the same way?
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?
The liberal way!
Lol okay member of the Patriot Act party
Member of a party that isn't scared to call the ragheads for the cowardly pussys they are. Just like their liberal counterparts
A lot of those cowardly pussy ragheads are fighting the cowardly pussy ragheads that you don't like to the death.

You're not fighting them by being a cowardly pussy from your computer gramps.
It's not my problem dipshit. Fuck them & fuck YOU
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?

It's the State Dept. issuing the warnings. And the left would love nothing more than declaring martial law and keeping Obama around.

Hell, just let all the poorly vetted Syrians in and hope for the best. Obama can blame someone else when attacks happen.

It's not panic to want to take precautions. Still seeing mostly young males in every video.
Time to curl up into the fetal position, bawl ourselves to sleep and surrender all our rights. Right cons?

No, it's time for the West to tell the Muslims that Europe and the US isn't taking them because Muslims are incompatible with the civilized world and they can go be somebody else's problem.
But you'll still funnel them billions for their oil and demonize alternative energy. Interesting.

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