World's Collide, ep. 1 - call-in or listen tonight at 8pm east!

Worlds Collide ep. 1, LoneLaugher

:link: The above is the link to listen to World's Collide, ep. 1 Live, tonight at 8pm Eastern. :link:

World's Collide is a live, public hang-out with G.T. & LoneLaugher . At her leisure, April may decide to co-host as well.

You can ALSO call-in and be a guest at 1-914-205-5526

Callers are welcome as early as 15 minutes BEFORE air-time. Thereafter, when any call is screened, we say hello to you OFF air, prior to putting you on... to ensure you're comfortable coming along to chat with us.

In tonight's hangout, we are basically just saying hello again since it's been such a long while. It may be just a quick hangout... to get our sea-legs back - but feel free to call-in and make it interesting. I know that a lot of you have had internet dust-ups with LoneLaugher in the Political area, tonight would be a great opportunity to call on in and show him your gusto. He can take it.

We'll all be nakeed.
To clarify for the TL;Dr's out there - this is a public, audio chat-stream that airs live at 8pm tonight, that you can either listen to or call-in and be a part of. Guests are all treated fairly, and with common courtesy. The flame-zone ethos will no longer apply.
Is that Central or Eastern time zone?
How long do these usually go?
Its random tonight...but its typically 2 hours live, then a one-hour aftershow (only callers on the line hear the 3rd hour live )...and then when the 3rd private hour is over with...the entire program is re-playable including the 3rd hour that did not air live, publicly.

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