Workers Beginning To Lose Jobs Due To Sequestration

We can fix this problem by giving the government the right to access our savings accounts and withdrawing money when they need it.
Then no one would lose their job.
What? You think this is bad? obviously hate poor people.'s what's for dinner. cypriots didn't do that.

The fact they were going to says enough.

While we are on the topic Sallow - I have been extremely curious why no one from the left (or right for that matter) is even talking about the issue of the FED giving $85,000,000,000 -A MONTH - to the wealthiest corporations in America in the form of toxic asset buying to continue propping up a system where the top-top-top financiers of the world make money no matter what.
Where is the outrage?
This continues despite the sequester.
the love of their neighbors well being is just overwhelming isnt it.

Now you know why the party is tanking.

who wants to be represented by some scum who will say WHO CARES when you lose your job

so do tell, I suppose you love your neighbor by giving out your second home RENT FREE?
By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- As Republican politicians insist that the Obama administration has "exaggerated" the effects of sequestration, people around the country are beginning to see for themselves what the results of the $85 billion in budget cuts are: They're losing their jobs.

Thousands of federal employees are facing unpaid time off as agencies determine that they will have to furlough workers to absorb the cuts.

But other workers -- including some in the private sector -- are losing their jobs altogether, underscoring just how much daily life for many people is tied to a functioning government.

Some examples:

More: Workers Lose Jobs As Pink Slips Go Out Due To Sequestration

I though "Gubmint" didn't create jobs? :lol:

Like Iraqi WMD and higher tax revenue from Bush's tax cuts, it's another figment of the wing nut imagination.
By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- As Republican politicians insist that the Obama administration has "exaggerated" the effects of sequestration, people around the country are beginning to see for themselves what the results of the $85 billion in budget cuts are: They're losing their jobs.

Thousands of federal employees are facing unpaid time off as agencies determine that they will have to furlough workers to absorb the cuts.

But other workers -- including some in the private sector -- are losing their jobs altogether, underscoring just how much daily life for many people is tied to a functioning government.

Some examples:

More: Workers Lose Jobs As Pink Slips Go Out Due To Sequestration

I though "Gubmint" didn't create jobs? :lol:

Like Iraqi WMD and higher tax revenue from Bush's tax cuts, it's another figment of the wing nut imagination.

and where does the money come from to pay for those government job? off the magic money tree..
sorry, I'm having a hard time fweeling sorry about this..the people who work in public sector is STRUGGLING TOO and no damn job is a guarantee, even by the sugar daddy guberment

but I will give them this:eusa_boohoo:
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I rest my case.

Here's the irony.

A vast majority of the 1% are in the exact same bubble.

Like Romney.

Bullshit there S.

Govt. workers are payed with TAXDOLLARS. I'm sure that 1% aren't.

I'm sure Romney earned his money. He wasn't payed with tax dollars.

I rest my case.

and he doesnt pay any tax dollars either as far as you know

I'm sure Romney payed way more in taxes then you or I ever will there asshole.

I though "Gubmint" didn't create jobs? :lol:

Like Iraqi WMD and higher tax revenue from Bush's tax cuts, it's another figment of the wing nut imagination.

and where does the money come from to pay for those government job? off the magic money tree..

It's called a mint. It creates money. Conservatives used them a lot from 2001-2007, and I don't remember them throwing many pity parties about it back then.

I though "Gubmint" didn't create jobs? :lol:

Like Iraqi WMD and higher tax revenue from Bush's tax cuts, it's another figment of the wing nut imagination.

and where does the money come from to pay for those government job? off the magic money tree..

He conveniently forgets ALL Govt workers are payed with tax dollars. All Govt programs are funded with taxdollars. We taxpayers are stuck paying for every aspect of Govt.

Workers never get layed off or fired. They live in a bubble brought to them by we the taxpayer. The also get COLA increases. Something most of us will never see yet we foot the bills for them.

Yeah. Can't say I'll shed any tears for a Govt worker and if anyone thinks those Govt workers shared the pain of the unemployed out there then they are dreaming. They could care less as long as they hang onto their cushy Govt job. Your problems don't affect them. Thats what a bubble does for ya.
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I though "Gubmint" didn't create jobs? :lol:

Like Iraqi WMD and higher tax revenue from Bush's tax cuts, it's another figment of the wing nut imagination.

and where does the money come from to pay for those government job? off the magic money tree..

It's called a mint. It creates money. Conservatives used them a lot from 2001-2007, and I don't remember them throwing many pity parties about it back then.

what does, Conservatives have to do with this thread
and where does the money come from to pay for those government job? off the magic money tree..

It's called a mint. It creates money. Conservatives used them a lot from 2001-2007, and I don't remember them throwing many pity parties about it back then.

what does, Conservatives have to do with this thread

Nice grammar.

Conservatives are the ones who insist that government does not create jobs. Now we're finally getting the spending cuts they want, and guess what, people are losing jobs because of it. Conservatives blame Obama for it too. Conservatives are unbelievable in their ability to blame others for their mistakes.
MOST of the work the federal government gets done they get done via PRIVATE INDUSTRY.

Now who here didn't already know that?

So when the government cuts back on what it does?

People working in the private sector get the ax.

Again...who here doesn't already know this?

Based on what some of you are posting, I'd say many of you don't have a clue how this world, and our government works.

Many of these posts aren't well thought out arguments to support your POVs, they're more like childish tantrums.
You have to be amazed at the heartless and soulless who think hurting people, fellow Americans and children, is a good thing. When did America lose her soul? Years of demonizing government has created a segment of people who can only be considered prompters of a vicious capitalism that cares not for its own people. The rich are bailed out, the poor thrown out. Sad sad nation and the comments above show that.

"Monday, the White House published details of what the sequester would mean for each state. For Mississippi, which receives more than $2.50 in federal dollars for every $1 it contributes to the federal coffers, the cuts could touch on every part of the state economy; however, funds for education could see potentially devastating decreases, according to the Obama administration. For example:

• Teachers and Schools: Mississippi will lose approximately $5,486,000 in funding for primary and secondary education, putting around 80 teacher and aide jobs at risk. In addition, about 12,000 fewer students would be served and approximately 20 fewer schools would receive funding.

• Education for Children with Disabilities: In addition, Mississippi will lose approximately $6,124,000 in funds for about 70 teachers, aides and staff who help children with disabilities." Sequester to Affect Mississippi's Children | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Sequestration impacts, state by state estimates from the White House - The Washington Post
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It's called a mint. It creates money. Conservatives used them a lot from 2001-2007, and I don't remember them throwing many pity parties about it back then.

what does, Conservatives have to do with this thread

Nice grammar.

Conservatives are the ones who insist that government does not create jobs. Now we're finally getting the spending cuts they want, and guess what, people are losing jobs because of it. Conservatives blame Obama for it too. Conservatives are unbelievable in their ability to blame others for their mistakes.

holy smokes..
You have to be amazed at the heartless and soulless who think hurting people, follow Americans and children, is a good thing. When did America lose her soul? Years of demonizing government has created a segment of people who can only be considered prompters of a vicious capitalism that cares not for its own people. The rich are bailed out, the poor thrown out. Sad sad nation and the comments above show that.

"Monday, the White House published details of what the sequester would mean for each state. For Mississippi, which receives more than $2.50 in federal dollars for every $1 it contributes to the federal coffers, the cuts could touch on every part of the state economy; however, funds for education could see potentially devastating decreases, according to the Obama administration. For example:

• Teachers and Schools: Mississippi will lose approximately $5,486,000 in funding for primary and secondary education, putting around 80 teacher and aide jobs at risk. In addition, about 12,000 fewer students would be served and approximately 20 fewer schools would receive funding.

• Education for Children with Disabilities: In addition, Mississippi will lose approximately $6,124,000 in funds for about 70 teachers, aides and staff who help children with disabilities." Sequester to Affect Mississippi's Children | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Sequestration impacts, state by state estimates from the White House - The Washington Post

yeah yeah we know, government is good and those damn heartless people who complain are bad if they don't want to give their hard earned money to the government for their loving care and the people employed for them
Actually some of the private sector jobs are on scedule to be phased out. It started with bush, but being good democrats, never let a crisis go to waste.
So Govt workers are finally feeling the effects huh??

NOt just government workers, Claudia.

Have you forgotten that workers in private industry supply government?

Can't say I give a shit. Those folks live in a bubble. They are payed with our tax dollars. They don't get layed off. They don't get fired. They have everything payed by we the tapayer. hate the military AND the private industry workers that supply it too?

Excuse me if I don't give a fuck about them and their unpayed leave. Its kinda like when the all lost their COLA for a time. They sure as shit got it all back. No one I know gets a COLA increase every years.

Hell. We could lose half the Govt employee's and no one would notice they were gone.

Oh, and if it bothers you that much you should drop that fuck in the WH a line. It was his idea to let it go forward was it not?? Guess that one may bit him in his skinny ass.

Your Obama hatred is blinding you to reality.

This would be happening if McCain was in office, too.

I certainly DON'T include the military in that. Those guys earn their money and put lives on the line to do so. I have the deepest respect for anyone in the military. Not so for other Govt workers.

As for hating that fuck in the WH? Nope. He ain't worth the effort it takes to hate. He's a shyster in my book. A shyster I have not one ounce of respect for.
Sequestration may put a brake on Job Creation (sigh of relief and smiles of joy from Republicans)


Republicans are damn tired of seeing these good job numbers every month.

400 Republican filibusters haven't stopped Obama from creating jobs.

...So desperate Republican times call for desperate Republican measures.

Sequestration may put a brake on Job Creation (sigh of relief and smiles of joy from Republicans)


Republicans are damn tired of seeing these good job numbers every month.

400 Republican filibusters haven't stopped Obama from creating jobs.

...So desperate Republican times call for desperate Republican measures.


I guess you have some proof for this babble?
Sequestration may put a brake on Job Creation (sigh of relief and smiles of joy from Republicans)


Republicans are damn tired of seeing these good job numbers every month.

400 Republican filibusters haven't stopped Obama from creating jobs.

...So desperate Republican times call for desperate Republican measures.


I guess you have some proof for this babble?

You don't know where to find data on the 6 million jobs Obama has created?

Call Rush, he surely can help you

Sequestration may put a brake on Job Creation (sigh of relief and smiles of joy from Republicans)


Republicans are damn tired of seeing these good job numbers every month.

400 Republican filibusters haven't stopped Obama from creating jobs.

...So desperate Republican times call for desperate Republican measures.


I guess you have some proof for this babble?

You don't know where to find data on the 6 million jobs Obama has created?

Call Rush, he surely can help you


lol, that's why we are still at almost 8% unemployment I guess...
that Obama is SUPERMAN not President

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