Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

A worker died after being trampled and a woman miscarried when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island Wal-Mart Friday morning, witnesses said.

The unidentified worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.

Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him.

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," said Jimmy Overby, 43, a co-worker. "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too...I literally had to fight people off my back."

Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

That is so sad. The idiots didn't even know he was down let alone dead. They just kept running to the sales. This happened because everyone knew once they got in the store, there were going to be only a few items on the shelves.

There will be some kind of regulation regarding sale items in ads and how much stock you need to have because of this terrible incident.
That is so sad. The idiots didn't even know he was down let alone dead. They just kept running to the sales. This happened because everyone knew once they got in the store, there were going to be only a few items on the shelves.

There will be some kind of regulation regarding sale items in ads and how much stock you need to have because of this terrible incident.

Portable crowd management rails and one rent a cop would have prevented it.
Once a crowd gets moving, stopping to help a fallen person is damned near impossible.

I concur with the sentiment that most people simply couldn't have done much but step on or over that fallen man.

I was once in a concert with thousands of people at the San Diego Sports Arena, when someone drew a gun.

It wasn't like any of us standing on the ballfield had any choice BUT to run, since everyone behind us was pushing.

Had someone fallen in that stampede they'd have died, too.
Those deals have never been worth it to us. Camping out, fighting rude people, racing through a store. If I would have to do that to buy someone a present, they wouldn't be getting much.
Oh I think we can expect to see rather huge settlements from WALMART because of this problem.

Apparently these crowds trampling people are not new, and have happened time and again all over the nation. This is (I think) the first time somebody was killed in a shopping frenzy, though.

WalMart should have taken due diligence to protect the crowds from massing in the way they apparently have been for some time.

It didn't, and now WALMART is going to pay a price for not having done so.

I expect we'll see armed guards and crowd control measures outside every WALMARTS next year.

That is assuming that by next year there's any WALMARTS or frenzied shopper left, of course.

Given our current economic problems that is no longer an absolute certainty.
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I don't know how you can blame Wal-mart and not the people who actually killed this man. I agree with the first woman in this video.
Quote from the video : "He died after being trampled by hundreds of black/Black Friday shoppers"

a double meaning there....

How will police determine whose feet administered the fatal blows?

How will they determine which people could have held back the enormous crowd behind them that was unaware of the fallen injured man from which people who were powerless to stop moving in the direction they were being pushed?

That woman in the beginning of the video is typical of the kind of person who finds any reason to scold people for doing exactly what she would have done. Maybe she did even do it too? Stepped on the guy and never knew it? I noticed she had her shopping bag with her.

"People are savages!"

um ....duh, ... dumbass.

That's why to purposefully set up a situation like this is the fault of the store. They incited a riot.
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A friend of mine once fainted in the subway at rush hour. No one knew because she was so packed in, there was no place for her to fall.
Uh, okay. We'll see what the numbers say next week. In the meantime, that Wal-Mart employee and that woman's unborn child are still dead.

Are you sure about the unborn child? I read that the mother and child were still ok.

Shopping can be fun, but not when there are tons of people clamoring for a limited number of items. Shopping online has been the best thing for me. I can shop for deals and I never have to set foot into a store and have to deal with bad customer service and crowds.

This is really a shame. I feel bad for the employee's family who has to deal with the memory that he was trampled by a group of fanatical shoppers. So senseless.
Hopefully she sued the subway system.:rolleyes:

She wasn't hurt. She had the flu which was why she fainted. When the subway car started to clear out, a man noticed her and caught her on the way down and stayed with her till she felt well enough to get in a cab. I believe he was dressed in an upscale manner, carrying an Ann Taylor sweater in a shopping bag and relieved to have an excuse not to meet his mother for lunch.
She wasn't hurt. She had the flu which was why she fainted. When the subway car started to clear out, a man noticed her and caught her on the way down and stayed with her till she felt well enough to get in a cab. I believe he was dressed in an upscale manner, carrying an Ann Taylor sweater in a shopping bag and relieved to have an excuse not to meet his mother for lunch.

It's a good thing she didn't pass out from a heart attack a brain aneurysm, etc. The over crowded subway would have prevented anyone from realizing she needed help immediately. They need to be sued so a situation like this doesn't happen again.
un fucking believable...trampling people for a deal on a plasma tv...sad very very sad

This is what comes of their "come ons" limited supplies of great deals. They are endangering people's lives and if Walmart et all can't supply enough security to ensure people's safety, they should lose their business licenses.

If you stand up in a crowded theater and yell "Fire" you go to jail. Why is this any different?

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