Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

The business or business owner is often times in a no win situation. If you don't provide anything, you get the bad rap, if you do and something still happens, well then you didn't do enough! Or you should have done this or should have done that. Forget the part that some asshole was acting like a animal.

I mean come on, someone got a bunch of money because "THEY" spilt hot coffee on themselves.

So, buy a lot of insurance, plan the best you can and pray!

Sucks, doesn't it?

The coffee situation is different. McDonalds doesn't have to do anything to stop someone from spilling their own coffee. It's a cup of coffee, and coffee is hot. I'm not even sure what they CAN do to stop it from happening. What can you do to keep a person from spilling their cup? There was no liability in that case. It's common knowledge that coffee is hot.

In the walmart case however, I can come up with ways they could have prevented a deadly stampede.
We choose not to shop there, or we choose to put ourselves in danger. If one of us gets killed because we chose to shop there anyway, knowing the potential for a stampede, then oh well.

But that doesn't mean we can't discuss what Walmart could have done on their own to try and prevent it from happening. We don't need the government's help.
The government won't be arresting anyone at Walmart. They will more than likely be sued for creating a situation that they couldn't control that resulted in someone dying.
The business or business owner is often times in a no win situation. If you don't provide anything, you get the bad rap, if you do and something still happens, well then you didn't do enough! Or you should have done this or should have done that. Forget the part that some asshole was acting like a animal.

I mean come on, someone got a bunch of money because "THEY" spilt hot coffee on themselves.

So, buy a lot of insurance, plan the best you can and pray!

Sucks, doesn't it?

Only for the businesses that can't afford the insurance.
Injury in your place of business ?--file a claim and let your lawyers handle it.
Pass on the cost of the insurance to the customer.
Ah well, this was my Sunday morning rant while I watched the news. There is no easy answer and each business needs to do what they feel is best for them. As for the idiots, they should be told what they are and not pampered.

And that is what I have to say about that! LOL

Hope everyone has a good Sunday, I'm off to the gun show to get me another big bang!
The coffee situation is different. McDonalds doesn't have to do anything to stop someone from spilling their own coffee. It's a cup of coffee, and coffee is hot.

The coffee in question in that case was SO HOT that it burnt the woman's vigina so badly it took surgery to rebuild it.

That's not just hot coffee that is scaldingly near boiling point coffee

Why dont more people know that fact about that case?

I'm guessing because that doesn't make great headlines to complain about how unfair lawsuits are.

I'm not even sure what they CAN do to stop it from happening. What can you do to keep a person from spilling their cup? There was no liability in that case. It's common knowledge that coffee is hot.

Hot is one thing, scalding hot quite another.

McDonalds had had other cases where people were badly burned because they allowed their coffee to get too damned hot and they ignore the problem until it seriously (very seriously) injured a person.

That was a righteous finding against McD's in that case.
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The coffee in question in that case was SO HOT that it burnt the woman's vigina so badly it took surgery to rebuild it.

That's not just hot coffee that is scaldingly near boiling point coffee

Why dont more people know that fact about that case?

I'm guessing because that doesn't make great headlines to complain about how unfair lawsuits are.

Hot is one thing, scalding hot quite another.

McDonalds had had other cases where people were badly burned because they allowed their coffee to get too damned hot and they ignore the problem until it seriously (very seriously) injured a person.

That was a righteous finding against McD's in that case.

This is so ridiculous in so many ways.

Coffee is supposed to be hot, Editec. The hotter the better, so it doesn't have to be gulped down so fast before it cools off and ruins the enjoyment.

You buy coffee already KNOWING that if you spill it on yourself, it's going to hurt. Exactly HOW hot it was is quite irrelevant. It is hot, nonetheless. If you were clumsy enough to spill the cup, then you deal with it.

When my fajita platter comes out piping hot on the plate at Chilis, and I drop a piece of beef in my lap and burn my leg, should I sue Chili's because I perceived it as being TOO hot, even for fajitas?

It's a fucking hot indulgence, Ed. A hot meal, or a hot cup of coffee. If you can't take responsibility for a hot cup of coffee, then that's pretty fucking sad.
Lyrics to All You Can Eat Buffet :

The grass grows in the field and the cows eat all the grass
and i eat all the cows so i can have a big white ass
attention wal-mart shoppers there's a sale on isle five
so get spatstic with your plastic ain't it great to be alive
what a happy day at the all you can eat buffet
fill the whole damn tray at the all you can eat buffet
let me here you say "GO USA" at the all you can eat buffet
just throw it all away at the all you can eat buffet
the cows grow in the field and the test tubes grew the eggs
when genetically perfected they won't even need their legs
get excited wal-mart shoppers there's a new machine to buy
it brings you spiritual salvation at only $19.95

Wookiefoot - All You Can Eat Buffet Lyrics
Why does blame need to be assigned.Apparently YOU think the crowd was victimized--lured into sub human behavior by an advertisement. I'm not defending anyone. Just pointing out the absurdity of trying to pin an accident on a company.
Sorry--I don't think you find the "golden ticket" everytime you bust your ass on someone else's slippery floor.
This is a personal injury lawyer's wet dream and perpetuates the myth that if something bad happens to you, it's not your fault and you should even get a reward for it.

I would prefer to put those responsible in jail rather than reward the family of the fallen employee. Yes, some people do get compensated for bad things happening, especially if those bad things could have been prevented. IMO those responsible, in this case the Walmart execs, should go to jail. If that happened, there would be fewer of these "accidents" which would have been preventable in the first place if Walmart hadn't been so greedy.
Holy Shit , eel woman--can't you read ?? I said I'm not blaming, defending, or assigning victim status to ANYONE.
A crowd went crazy and killed a man. He will continue to be dead and whatever settlements and adjustments that come after the fact won't change that.
And you know what? Tomorrow someone will have another accident and the next day and the next day etc. They will all be different. Some lawyers will get rich, the price to the consumer will go up and the dead person will still be dead. YAY America.
There is NO such thing a absolute security.

Gee, I didn't read anything about someone getting trampled to death at Walmart on Sat or today....nope, just on Black Friday. What does that tell you????

The man would be alive today if Walmart had been prepared and considering people have been hurt on Black Friday in crowd stampedes, in the past, there is no reason why they shouldn't have been prepared. As I said, this isn't the first time. I could give Walmart a break if it was the first time. But at this point they should have learned from the past.
Hmmm ............... I agree that Walmart should take steps at their stores for crowd management. However, I do not see this as an accident or as being their fault. Do they hold some responsibility, yes, they do and I think you explained that well. Further, this man died because of deliberat actions of other shoppers, period. IMO, we can paint and repaint the picture as many times as we wish, but, that fact remains.

I have been involved with using national celebrities for promotional gigs. Even after doing it for many years and taking many steps for crowd management I have learned this, if the crowd turns unruly people get hurt, they will hurdle management rails, kick ropes over and so on. Further, a handful of security personal can only do so much.

My personal conclusion, should Walmart have taken extra steps? Yes. Who is to blame directly for the death? The people who were unruly. Will Walmart be sued and have to pay? Yes. The simple fact is, those harmed in any fashion will go after the deepest pockets and no doubt, at least I hope this will inspire Walmart and other retailers to take steps to help ease the situations.

We as a society hold the blame. We have no common respect for each other, we are selfish, rude and place monetary objects above common decency and common sense. It is a sad reflection on us as humans, not Walmart as a business.

I can sort of agree with you there. There are a lot of rude people in America and it wasn't that way when I was growing up. I blame it on all the immigrants coming here en mass and not acclimating themselves to our way of life. We went through 3 years of heck, and to my shame, we had to go to the foodbank. I was surprised that there were so few Americans there. I was even more surprised at the rudeness and selfishness of the immigrants. They would take ALL the bread of a certain type, not leaving any for anyone else. Watermelons came in and they rushed the crate, surrounding it and passing off watermelons to their fellow immigrants, Americans didn't get ANY, granted there were only two or three of us, but we didn't get any. When crates of oranges came in, the only reason my family got any was because one of the people that works there, set aside some for us as she knew us personally.

I watched as one immigrant took two pastries and the guy behind the counter told her "one". She looked at him and said, "one?" he said "ONE". So she took one more and put it in her basket, they did nothing to stop her.

Yes, I blame the foodbank for a lot of this behavior as they let the immigrants get away with it, but me, I was taught to take turns, leave enough for others, etc.

My father in law goes to the foodbank on occasion. He was upset one time because there was an immigrant in front of him and there was an immigrant behind the counter. The immigrant behind the counter gave a steak to the immigrant in front of him, when he got there he said "I'll take one of those". They pretended not to know what he was talking about. He got no meat.

If you look at those pictures of the stampede at Walmart, you'll see most of those people have something in common and everyone is afraid to mention it for fear of being called "racist". The truth is that these people didn't grow up with the same manners as Americans of European decent. Call it a racist thing, but I don't think you'd get the same behavior with a crowd of white Americans. I do, however, believe you'd get the same behavior with a crowd of white Russians. <shoot, now I want a drink>

The crowd does hold some blame for the incident, but again, as this isn't the first time this has happened, Walmart holds a majority of the blame. Perhaps it's time to stop Black Friday sales all together? Or just make sure they can't offer supper buys on limited numbers of products. No more of this "only 30 per store" crap.
I would prefer to put those responsible in jail rather than reward the family of the fallen employee. Yes, some people do get compensated for bad things happening, especially if those bad things could have been prevented. IMO those responsible, in this case the Walmart execs, should go to jail. If that happened, there would be fewer of these "accidents" which would have been preventable in the first place if Walmart hadn't been so greedy.

I imagine that if Walmart executives where the ones at risk when the doors open, there would be nothing but law and order.
This is so ridiculous in so many ways.

Coffee is supposed to be hot, Editec. The hotter the better, so it doesn't have to be gulped down so fast before it cools off and ruins the enjoyment.

You buy coffee already KNOWING that if you spill it on yourself, it's going to hurt. Exactly HOW hot it was is quite irrelevant. It is hot, nonetheless. If you were clumsy enough to spill the cup, then you deal with it.

When my fajita platter comes out piping hot on the plate at Chilis, and I drop a piece of beef in my lap and burn my leg, should I sue Chili's because I perceived it as being TOO hot, even for fajitas?

It's a fucking hot indulgence, Ed. A hot meal, or a hot cup of coffee. If you can't take responsibility for a hot cup of coffee, then that's pretty fucking sad.

The coffee was kept at one degree below boiling enough to remove was crazy
LOL ............... No kidding and you best be prepared to use that ammo because they don't care!

Let me share just one story and it is on a much smaller level, but, it speaks volumes to the problem I see with all of this.

Our children went through Catholic schools, so as parents we were required to donate time. Once while working bingo I watched as a man had a heart attack. As he fell off his chair onto the floor one person next to him and looked down at him, the other person, whom he came with, ignored him and everyone went on playing, until I walked over to see what was wrong with him. As we stopped the game to tend to him and call the squad, the concern for him might have last 2 minutes until they were yelling and chanting to get the game going again.

That is us. This is what we have become! I simply have little tolerance for people who wish to sugar coat it or try to cover it up / excuse it, by pushing the blame.

I have done special events for 25 years and I have been around it my entire life. It didn't use to be like this. Actions like the above would be the exception, not the rule. It gets worse every few years.

I agree, it's getting worse every few years and I think it has a lot to do with the fact the European Americans have limited their birthrate to no more than replacement value while we've let massive immigrants in here from 3rd world nations. They are not learning our values, we are having to put up with theirs, or the lack thereof.

It used to be, they didn't even have cart returns in the parking lot and people, after using the cart would return it to inside the store. Now, even with cart returns in the parking lot, people leave the carts in the middle of the parking lot and don't even bother putting them in the cart return.

We have lost or manners. I see people getting more and more rude every year. Of course, I also see corporations and the uber wealthy getting more and more greedy every year. I don't know, maybe there's a correlation?
I agree, it's getting worse every few years and I think it has a lot to do with the fact the European Americans have limited their birthrate to no more than replacement value while we've let massive immigrants in here from 3rd world nations. They are not learning our values, we are having to put up with theirs, or the lack thereof.

It used to be, they didn't even have cart returns in the parking lot and people, after using the cart would return it to inside the store. Now, even with cart returns in the parking lot, people leave the carts in the middle of the parking lot and don't even bother putting them in the cart return.

We have lost or manners. I see people getting more and more rude every year. Of course, I also see corporations and the uber wealthy getting more and more greedy every year. I don't know, maybe there's a correlation?

I don't see much of it around where I live. People mostly put the carts in the corrals. I've seen teens, men, women stopping to help an older person lift the groceries into their trunk, even though we all know they were asked at checkout if they'd like assistance. I've seen plenty of evidence that manners are not gone at all. I think like so many other things, we let the few bad apples be projected onto society in general.
The coffee in question in that case was SO HOT that it burnt the woman's vigina so badly it took surgery to rebuild it.

That's not just hot coffee that is scaldingly near boiling point coffee

Why dont more people know that fact about that case?

I'm guessing because that doesn't make great headlines to complain about how unfair lawsuits are.

Hot is one thing, scalding hot quite another.

McDonalds had had other cases where people were badly burned because they allowed their coffee to get too damned hot and they ignore the problem until it seriously (very seriously) injured a person.

That was a righteous finding against McD's in that case.

My mother in law spilled her coffee at McD's once. It was so hot in burned my hand as I was cleaning it up. We were right next to their playground. All I could think about is what would happen if this had fallen on one of the toddlers running around. And two women were actually IN the play area with cups of hot coffee. I went in and asked to speak to the manager. I told them about burning my hand on the coffee and asked if they could turn the temperature down. The manager refused. He said the commuters prefer it that hot. He didn't seem to think that it was a danger to the toddlers or anything. It was the last time I took my kids to McDs.

When I heard about the Lady suing McD's, I was thrilled. I thought that now they will have to turn down that heat and Thank God it happened to an adult rather than burning the face of a child.
If you look at those pictures of the stampede at Walmart, you'll see most of those people have something in common and everyone is afraid to mention it for fear of being called "racist". The truth is that these people didn't grow up with the same manners as Americans of European decent. Call it a racist thing, but I don't think you'd get the same behavior with a crowd of white Americans.

You don't think so but you sure don't know so. The worst stampede in recent history in my part of the country was by white people and over a hundred people were killed when exits were jammed by people knocking others down and climbing on top of them only to be climbed on top of themselves till no one could get through.

"By this time, the piercing shrill sound of the fire alarm had made everyone acutely aware of the impending danger, and although there were four possible exits, most people naturally headed for the front door through which they had entered. The ensuing stampede in the inferno led to a crush in the narrow hallway leading to that exit, quickly blocking it completely and resulting in numerous deaths and injuries among the patrons and staff, who numbered somewhat more than 462(the highest of three conflicting official capacity limits).[1] Of those in attendance, roughly one-quarter died, and half were injured, either from burns, smoke inhalation, or trampling. "

The Station nightclub fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Enron was run by white Americans of European descent. What is their excuse for hogging it all for themselves?
This is so ridiculous in so many ways.

Coffee is supposed to be hot, Editec. The hotter the better, so it doesn't have to be gulped down so fast before it cools off and ruins the enjoyment.

You buy coffee already KNOWING that if you spill it on yourself, it's going to hurt. Exactly HOW hot it was is quite irrelevant. It is hot, nonetheless. If you were clumsy enough to spill the cup, then you deal with it.

When my fajita platter comes out piping hot on the plate at Chilis, and I drop a piece of beef in my lap and burn my leg, should I sue Chili's because I perceived it as being TOO hot, even for fajitas?

It's a fucking hot indulgence, Ed. A hot meal, or a hot cup of coffee. If you can't take responsibility for a hot cup of coffee, then that's pretty fucking sad.

Pauli, if you lost a nut rather than just suffered superficial burns, would you be singing the same tune? In falsetto, maybe?
This is so ridiculous in so many ways.

Coffee is supposed to be hot, Editec. The hotter the better, so it doesn't have to be gulped down so fast before it cools off and ruins the enjoyment.

You buy coffee already KNOWING that if you spill it on yourself, it's going to hurt. Exactly HOW hot it was is quite irrelevant. It is hot, nonetheless. If you were clumsy enough to spill the cup, then you deal with it.

When my fajita platter comes out piping hot on the plate at Chilis, and I drop a piece of beef in my lap and burn my leg, should I sue Chili's because I perceived it as being TOO hot, even for fajitas?

It's a fucking hot indulgence, Ed. A hot meal, or a hot cup of coffee. If you can't take responsibility for a hot cup of coffee, then that's pretty fucking sad.

This woman had to have skin grafts. She had 4th and 5th degree burns. Do you know what causes 4th and 5h degree burns? Napalm. The coffee was way too hot and yeah, you can expect to get burned if you spill your coffee, but do you expect to have to have skin grafts?
I agree, it's getting worse every few years and I think it has a lot to do with the fact the European Americans have limited their birthrate to no more than replacement value while we've let massive immigrants in here from 3rd world nations. They are not learning our values, we are having to put up with theirs, or the lack thereof.

It used to be, they didn't even have cart returns in the parking lot and people, after using the cart would return it to inside the store. Now, even with cart returns in the parking lot, people leave the carts in the middle of the parking lot and don't even bother putting them in the cart return.

We have lost or manners. I see people getting more and more rude every year. Of course, I also see corporations and the uber wealthy getting more and more greedy every year. I don't know, maybe there's a correlation?

I wonder if Walmart executives are of white European descent?

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