Wordwide Pandemic: Nazi Pelousy's solution.....SUBPOENA POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Can this batshit crazy loon get any worse?

First, she appoints the hack Clyburn as Chairman of this farce committee.

His position on this, before a dollar is spent, is that there is already widespread corruption that needs to be investigated.

"The importance of this committee’s work cannot be overstated," Clyburn said in a statement about his appointment. "Just as the Truman Commission in the 1940s investigated waste, corruption, and fraud during World War II at the Defense Department, this select committee is tasked with oversight of how the federal government spends the taxpayer-funded $2 trillion allocated by Congress to address the COVID-19 crisis."

SUBPOENA.........SUBPEONA...................SUBPOENA........................That will solve this crisis.

The committee will have subpoena power, said Pelosi.


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