Woody Allen Child Molester?

That was a lot of research work, thanks for posting it.

the court didn't like allen.

that isn't child molestation.

so what research?

THIS is the appellate decision:

ALLEN v. FARROW | Leagle.com

and this was the basis for the decision not to foster therapeutic visitation between allen and dylan


The links Tinydancer posted , I assumed she had to research to find those court documents.

The psychological damage done to the family, is because of Woody's behavior and choices.

It has been said several times nobody knows if he molested dylan or not.

So we moved onto a discussion about the damage that was done to the family based on choices woody made.

You can join or not.

There's not really much anyone can say about the molestation except opinions and speculation.

Yes the court frowned on Woody's behavior and so did the children who received mixed messages from their dad's choice to marry their adopted sister.

In 1990 at about the same time that the parties were growing distant from each other and expressing their concerns about the other's relationship with their youngest children, Mr. Allen began acknowledging Farrow's daughter Soon-Yi Previn. Previously he treated Ms. Previn in the same way he treated Ms. Farrow's other children from her prior marriage, rarely even speaking to them. In September of 1991 Ms. Previn began to attend Drew College in New Jersey. In December 1991 two events coincided. Mr. Allen's adoptions of Dylan and Moses were finalized and Mr. Allen began his sexual relationship with their sister Soon-Yi Previn.

In January of 1992, Mr. Allen took the photographs of Ms. Previn, which were discovered on the mantelpiece in his apartment by Ms. Farrow and were introduced into evidence at the IAS proceeding. Mr. Allen in his trial testimony stated that he took the photos at Ms. Previn's suggestion and that he considered them erotic and not pornographic.

We have viewed the photographs and do not share Mr. Allen's characterization of them. We find the fact that Mr. Allen took them at a time when he was formally assuming a legal responsibility for two of Ms. Previn's siblings to be totally unacceptable.

The distinction Mr. Allen makes between Ms. Farrow's other children and Dylan, Satchel and Moses is lost on this Court. The children themselves do not draw the same distinction that Mr. Allen does.

This is sadly demonstrated by the profound effect his relationship with Ms. Previn has had on the entire family.

Allen's testimony that the photographs of Ms. Previn "were taken, as I said before, between two consenting adults wanting to do this" demonstrates a chosen ignorance of his and Ms. Previn's relationships to Ms. Farrow, his three children and Ms. Previn's other siblings.

His continuation of the relationship, viewed in the best possible light, shows a distinct absence of judgment. It demonstrates to this Court Mr. Allen's tendency to place inappropriate emphasis on his own wants and needs and to minimize and even ignore those of his children. At the very minimum, it demonstrates an absence of any parenting skills.

ALLEN v. FARROW | Leagle.com

i don't think anyone is arguing that it wasn't creepy.

but like i said…. nothing about child molestation.

so i'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. can you explain?

She was a girlfriend of for about 10 or 15 years, so he was in those children's lives, including Soon Yi, for many years and went on family vacations with them, even if he didn't live in the same apartment in NY.

If Mia got involved with Sinatra at 21, she was an adult, a successful actress at that time. As far as her and Preven, the difference between 25 and 18 is huge. Also, Mia did not get involved with an older man who was her mother's boyfriend and who was the father of her siblings. Huge difference.

Soon Yi was an 18 year old college student. And Allen's own children's sister by adoption, a child who had grown up with his own children in the same home and as their sister. Creepy, incest, inappropriate, taboo....all come to mind. And a very, very difficult thing for the kids to deal with.

In any case, I don't blame Soon Yi, and I don't think her mother set any kind of "example" that allows or supports Allen getting involved in a sexual relationship with a young woman who is his girlfriend's daughter and his children's sibbling. Also, you suggest the young Mia "seduced" the older men. Seriously? She seduced them? Not the other way around? Both of those men were very rich, famous, mature and sophisticated and probably had had hundreds of women after them. They can be seduced by a young, inexperienced woman? Give me a break.

Mia may not have been Allen's wife, but they were involved for at least 10 years, adopted children together, and went on family vacations together. Far, far more than just a 'girlfriend.'

Soon-Yi may have been as old as 21 when Allen started diddling with her. We really don't know because the "Kid-Mart" in Korea Farrow and Previn got her from didn't keep very good records.

And, sorry, I don't think being involved with a woman makes you responsible for someone else's kids.

But let's get back on point here. This isn't about his relationship with Soon-Yi. If you want me to say, "Yeah, that's a little creepy", I'd probably agree. It is. but everyone involved was a grownup.

The question is whether Dylan was molested or not. Or if she was merely brainwashed (a term that Allen and Farrow's son Moses uses to describe the atmosphere in that house) to repeat a story so often she thinks it's true.

This is what these people always claim. We don't know. I'm saying he is an amoral man, which lends credence to Dylan's story. Also, it is 21 years later, she is in her late 20s and still telling the same story. She is an adult, no longer under her mother's influence, etc. And still telling the same story. That lends credence to the story.
the court didn't like allen.

that isn't child molestation.

so what research?

THIS is the appellate decision:

ALLEN v. FARROW | Leagle.com

and this was the basis for the decision not to foster therapeutic visitation between allen and dylan


The links Tinydancer posted , I assumed she had to research to find those court documents.

The psychological damage done to the family, is because of Woody's behavior and choices.

It has been said several times nobody knows if he molested dylan or not.

So we moved onto a discussion about the damage that was done to the family based on choices woody made.

You can join or not.

There's not really much anyone can say about the molestation except opinions and speculation.

Yes the court frowned on Woody's behavior and so did the children who received mixed messages from their dad's choice to marry their adopted sister.

In 1990 at about the same time that the parties were growing distant from each other and expressing their concerns about the other's relationship with their youngest children, Mr. Allen began acknowledging Farrow's daughter Soon-Yi Previn. Previously he treated Ms. Previn in the same way he treated Ms. Farrow's other children from her prior marriage, rarely even speaking to them. In September of 1991 Ms. Previn began to attend Drew College in New Jersey. In December 1991 two events coincided. Mr. Allen's adoptions of Dylan and Moses were finalized and Mr. Allen began his sexual relationship with their sister Soon-Yi Previn.

In January of 1992, Mr. Allen took the photographs of Ms. Previn, which were discovered on the mantelpiece in his apartment by Ms. Farrow and were introduced into evidence at the IAS proceeding. Mr. Allen in his trial testimony stated that he took the photos at Ms. Previn's suggestion and that he considered them erotic and not pornographic.

We have viewed the photographs and do not share Mr. Allen's characterization of them. We find the fact that Mr. Allen took them at a time when he was formally assuming a legal responsibility for two of Ms. Previn's siblings to be totally unacceptable.

The distinction Mr. Allen makes between Ms. Farrow's other children and Dylan, Satchel and Moses is lost on this Court. The children themselves do not draw the same distinction that Mr. Allen does.

This is sadly demonstrated by the profound effect his relationship with Ms. Previn has had on the entire family.

Allen's testimony that the photographs of Ms. Previn "were taken, as I said before, between two consenting adults wanting to do this" demonstrates a chosen ignorance of his and Ms. Previn's relationships to Ms. Farrow, his three children and Ms. Previn's other siblings.

His continuation of the relationship, viewed in the best possible light, shows a distinct absence of judgment. It demonstrates to this Court Mr. Allen's tendency to place inappropriate emphasis on his own wants and needs and to minimize and even ignore those of his children. At the very minimum, it demonstrates an absence of any parenting skills.

ALLEN v. FARROW | Leagle.com

i don't think anyone is arguing that it wasn't creepy.

but like i said…. nothing about child molestation.

so i'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. can you explain?

I am saying that if Dylan made up the allegation it is because she is still angry about her dad leaving the family and marrying her adopted sister.

If Woody made an effort to explore family therapy with her, maybe some of the psychological damage done could be healed.

If Woody did molest her I guess then that no healing s going to take place.

I don't understand why Woody has not tried to extend the offer of therapy or work at trying to repair things with Dylan who he did adopt and with Ronan who is his biological son.

He is their father and made the commitment to them, so I am saying that their anger isn't surprising, and if he wanted to he could reach out but I don;t see any signs of that and that is pretty sad.
I have no idea if Woody Allen is a molester or not.

All I know is that Mia Farrow is one snake of an ex wife.
Farrow was never married to Woody Allen.

isn't it odd that people keep saying they were married? their apartments faced each other across central park. that was it.

I don't think it is odd at all that people are confused about whether or not they were legally married. He lived in a separate apartment because he refused to take on his responsibilities as a full time father, because he is quintessentially selfish and egocentric. They were involved for 12 years, in a very complicated relationship. They have a biological child and two adopted children together. He took family vacations with them. He spent time in her NY apartment, with the children, and her vacation home, on Long Island I think. It's not a typical relationship, but resembles a marriage far more than it resembles any other kind of relationship. To discount that is very disengenuous.
Farrow was never married to Woody Allen.

isn't it odd that people keep saying they were married? their apartments faced each other across central park. that was it.

I don't think it is odd at all that people are confused about whether or not they were legally married. He lived in a separate apartment because he refused to take on his responsibilities as a full time father, because he is quintessentially selfish and egocentric. They were involved for 12 years, in a very complicated relationship. They have a biological child and two adopted children together. He took family vacations with them. He spent time in her NY apartment, with the children, and her vacation home, on Long Island I think. It's not a typical relationship, but resembles a marriage far more than it resembles any other kind of relationship. To discount that is very disengenuous.

they never claimed to be married at all, legally or otherwise. any confusion is in the mind of the observer.

you have no idea why they didn't live together. you're surmising. and i find that making up motives when you have no basis is kind of silly.

no one is claiming he was a nice guy.

and this discussion surfacing again after how many years? is what is disingenuous.
The links Tinydancer posted , I assumed she had to research to find those court documents.

The psychological damage done to the family, is because of Woody's behavior and choices.

It has been said several times nobody knows if he molested dylan or not.

So we moved onto a discussion about the damage that was done to the family based on choices woody made.

You can join or not.

There's not really much anyone can say about the molestation except opinions and speculation.

Yes the court frowned on Woody's behavior and so did the children who received mixed messages from their dad's choice to marry their adopted sister.

ALLEN v. FARROW | Leagle.com

i don't think anyone is arguing that it wasn't creepy.

but like i said…. nothing about child molestation.

so i'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. can you explain?

I am saying that if Dylan made up the allegation it is because she is still angry about her dad leaving the family and marrying her adopted sister.

If Woody made an effort to explore family therapy with her, maybe some of the psychological damage done could be healed.

If Woody did molest her I guess then that no healing s going to take place.

I don't understand why Woody has not tried to extend the offer of therapy or work at trying to repair things with Dylan who he did adopt and with Ronan who is his biological son.

He is their father and made the commitment to them, so I am saying that their anger isn't surprising, and if he wanted to he could reach out but I don;t see any signs of that and that is pretty sad.

if dylan is still angry it is because her mother changed woody allen's children's names to spite him and spewed bile about him. a healthy mother who cared about her kids wouldn't have changed their names after they were old enough to know those names. and a healthy mother would have encouraged the therapeutic visitation that allen requested.

so if dylan is still unhealthy, whose fault is that?

whatever commitment he made, he tried to fulfill… yes, he was a creep. but he didn't abuse her. heir mother kibboshed the effort to ease some of the anger. i have sympathy for the children. and i think farrow is an angry shrew who hurt her children.

just my opinion.
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i don't think anyone is arguing that it wasn't creepy.

but like i said…. nothing about child molestation.

so i'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. can you explain?

I am saying that if Dylan made up the allegation it is because she is still angry about her dad leaving the family and marrying her adopted sister.

If Woody made an effort to explore family therapy with her, maybe some of the psychological damage done could be healed.

If Woody did molest her I guess then that no healing s going to take place.

I don't understand why Woody has not tried to extend the offer of therapy or work at trying to repair things with Dylan who he did adopt and with Ronan who is his biological son.

He is their father and made the commitment to them, so I am saying that their anger isn't surprising, and if he wanted to he could reach out but I don;t see any signs of that and that is pretty sad.

if dylan is still angry it is because her mother changed woody allen's children's names to spite him and spewed bile about him. a healthy mother who cared about her kids wouldn't have changed their names after they were old enough to know those names. and a healthy mother would have encouraged the therapeutic visitation that allen requested.

so if dylan is still unhealthy, whose fault is that?

whatever commitment he made, he tried to fulfill… tyes, he was a creep. but he didn't abuse her. heir mother kibboshed that. i have sympathy for the children. and i think farrow is an angry shrew who hurt her children.

just my opinion.

Well my opinion is that regardless of how he may feel about Mia, that his kids are adults now and since he did make the commitment by adopting Dylan and since Ronan is his son, he should make the effort to go to therapy with them for their mental health.

He can do that for his part, he can't control what Mia does, but he can do the right thing himself.

The choices he made to enter the relationship with Soon Yi caused damge and whether Mia made it worse or not does not take away Woody's responsibility to his own kids.

I think we agree on that we both have sympathy for the children.

That's about all I can say.
The court that awarded Farrow custody in Allen vs Farrow basically called Allen a scumbucket and a freaking creepy dad to be diddling Soon Yi.

I put up the link and the Court's commentary on Allen earlier in the thread. It's not flattering.

And the court did not agree that it was impossible that Dylan had been molested. And they stated that.

That was a lot of research work, thanks for posting it.

the court didn't like allen.

that isn't child molestation.

so what research?

THIS is the appellate decision:

ALLEN v. FARROW | Leagle.com

and this was the basis for the decision not to foster therapeutic visitation between allen and dylan

both Dr. Bird and Dr. Moreau concur that Dylan remains deeply resistant to visitation with petitioner and that it would not be in the child's best interest to force her to see him. Dr. Moreau, whose selection by the court was unopposed by Allen, clearly had no connection to either party or, indeed, any preconceived views. She undertook an exhaustive investigation into the matter, interviewing everyone who had any relevant information to impart and examining all of the pertinent reports and trial transcripts. The fact that, at the conclusion of Dr. Moreau's evaluation, her opinion did not support the implementation of a program of therapeutic visitation until, at a minimum, Allen had terminated his relationship with Soon-Yi does not render her lacking in impartiality. Rather, she simply did not agree with petitioner's position.


I see you're like Whoopi Goldberg. It wasn't a molestation molestation. Just like Polanski's wasn't a rape rape.


Dylan said it happened and has maintained her version of events over many a year. I don't know if it happened or not. None of us do.
i don't think anyone is arguing that it wasn't creepy.

but like i said…. nothing about child molestation.

so i'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. can you explain?

I am saying that if Dylan made up the allegation it is because she is still angry about her dad leaving the family and marrying her adopted sister.

If Woody made an effort to explore family therapy with her, maybe some of the psychological damage done could be healed.

If Woody did molest her I guess then that no healing s going to take place.

I don't understand why Woody has not tried to extend the offer of therapy or work at trying to repair things with Dylan who he did adopt and with Ronan who is his biological son.

He is their father and made the commitment to them, so I am saying that their anger isn't surprising, and if he wanted to he could reach out but I don;t see any signs of that and that is pretty sad.

if dylan is still angry it is because her mother changed woody allen's children's names to spite him and spewed bile about him. a healthy mother who cared about her kids wouldn't have changed their names after they were old enough to know those names. and a healthy mother would have encouraged the therapeutic visitation that allen requested.

so if dylan is still unhealthy, whose fault is that?

whatever commitment he made, he tried to fulfill… yes, he was a creep. but he didn't abuse her. heir mother kibboshed the effort to ease some of the anger. i have sympathy for the children. and i think farrow is an angry shrew who hurt her children.

just my opinion.

Wow. Just wow.

If Farrow had wanted to really screw Woody over she would have pressed charges. I can't believe you are blathering on about name changes making the children angry.

Did it ever occur to you just freaking once that it seemed pretty strange to the other children that "Daddy" was marrying their sister?

Just once?
She wasn't his daughter.

Or his Stepdaughter.

If she was his wife's daughter, he was a father figure and as such, a stepfather. To put a wedge between a mother and daughter using sex is lower than snake snot.

they weren't married.
they didn't live together.

you're welcome, becki
Thank you so kindly, Jillian. Welcome back to USMB, and hope your sabbatical put oxygen back into your dear life. ;)
I am saying that if Dylan made up the allegation it is because she is still angry about her dad leaving the family and marrying her adopted sister.

If Woody made an effort to explore family therapy with her, maybe some of the psychological damage done could be healed.

If Woody did molest her I guess then that no healing s going to take place.

I don't understand why Woody has not tried to extend the offer of therapy or work at trying to repair things with Dylan who he did adopt and with Ronan who is his biological son.

He is their father and made the commitment to them, so I am saying that their anger isn't surprising, and if he wanted to he could reach out but I don;t see any signs of that and that is pretty sad.

if dylan is still angry it is because her mother changed woody allen's children's names to spite him and spewed bile about him. a healthy mother who cared about her kids wouldn't have changed their names after they were old enough to know those names. and a healthy mother would have encouraged the therapeutic visitation that allen requested.

so if dylan is still unhealthy, whose fault is that?

whatever commitment he made, he tried to fulfill… tyes, he was a creep. but he didn't abuse her. heir mother kibboshed that. i have sympathy for the children. and i think farrow is an angry shrew who hurt her children.

just my opinion.

Well my opinion is that regardless of how he may feel about Mia, that his kids are adults now and since he did make the commitment by adopting Dylan and since Ronan is his son, he should make the effort to go to therapy with them for their mental health.

He can do that for his part, he can't control what Mia does, but he can do the right thing himself.

The choices he made to enter the relationship with Soon Yi caused damge and whether Mia made it worse or not does not take away Woody's responsibility to his own kids.

I think we agree on that we both have sympathy for the children.

That's about all I can say.

Ronan seems fine
Moses seems fine
The other kids as far as we know are fine

None of them talk about therapy.
Only Dylan...and maybe she needs it....because of what did or didn't happen..
if dylan is still angry it is because her mother changed woody allen's children's names to spite him and spewed bile about him. a healthy mother who cared about her kids wouldn't have changed their names after they were old enough to know those names. and a healthy mother would have encouraged the therapeutic visitation that allen requested.

so if dylan is still unhealthy, whose fault is that?

whatever commitment he made, he tried to fulfill… tyes, he was a creep. but he didn't abuse her. heir mother kibboshed that. i have sympathy for the children. and i think farrow is an angry shrew who hurt her children.

just my opinion.

Well my opinion is that regardless of how he may feel about Mia, that his kids are adults now and since he did make the commitment by adopting Dylan and since Ronan is his son, he should make the effort to go to therapy with them for their mental health.

He can do that for his part, he can't control what Mia does, but he can do the right thing himself.

The choices he made to enter the relationship with Soon Yi caused damge and whether Mia made it worse or not does not take away Woody's responsibility to his own kids.

I think we agree on that we both have sympathy for the children.

That's about all I can say.

Ronan seems fine
Moses seems fine
The other kids as far as we know are fine

None of them talk about therapy.
Only Dylan...and maybe she needs it....because of what did or didn't happen..

I posted the quote from Ronan and he seems mad.

I think Woody could reach out more at fixing things.
Of course. Women shouldn't out the men who molest their kids. They should just drive them to the clinic to get their abortions and shut the fuck up.
He married one of his kids, and another has come forward to say he molested hers. I don't think this is evidence of the evil nature of Farrow, but rather of Allen.

"More than 20 years ago, Farrow learned that Woody Allen, her partner who hinted at trouble by casting Mia in humiliating movie roles (a cuckolded narcissist in “Hannah and Her Sisters’’?) — a guy she never lived with, and only rarely loved — was conducting a torrid affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn."

Mia Farrow gets her revenge on Woody Allen | New York Post

Just reading this makes my skin crawl.....:eusa_hand::evil:

Is anyone contesting the evidence that he married his daughter?? This would hold at least some degree of sway with most people.

He married his step daughter. Absolutely. But the 'step' part is important.

No it's not, and that is very insulting to diminish the healthy and loving relationships between adoptive parents and their adopted children who develop the same emotional bonds as biological parents and children.


Here is a small treatise of a person who was abused as a child and wrote a book on her multiple personality dissociation caused by it:

“As a child I had been taken to see Dr Bradshaw on countless occasions; it was in his surgery that Billy had first discovered Lego. As I was growing up, I also saw Dr Robinson, the marathon runner. Now that I was living back at home, he was again my GP. When Mother bravely told him I was undergoing treatment for MPD/DID as a result of childhood sexual abuse, he buried his head in hands and wept.
Child abuse will always re-emerge, no matter how many years go by. We read of cases of people who have come forward after thirty or forty years to say they were abused as children in care homes by wardens, schoolteachers, neighbours, fathers, priests. The Catholic Church in the United States in the last decade has paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for 'acts of sodomy and depravity towards children', to quote one information-exchange web-site. Why do these ageing people make the abuse public so late in their lives? To seek attention? No, it's because deep down there is a wound they need to bring out into the clean air before it can heal.
Many clinicians miss signs of abuse in children because they, as decent people, do not want to find evidence of what Dr Ross suggests is 'a sick society that has grown sicker, and the abuse of children more bizarre'.
(Note: this was written in the UK many years before the revelations of Jimmy Savile's widespread abuse, which included some ritual abuse)”
― Alice Jamieson, Today I'm Alice: Nine Personalities, One Tortured Mind
tags: abuse, child-sexual-abuse, denial, dissociation, dissociative, dissociative-identity-disorder, incest, mental-health, mental-illness, mpd, multiple-personality-disorder, paedophiles, pedophilia, ritual-abuse, savile, sexual-abuse, sexually-transmitted-infections, society-denial, split-personality, survivor, trauma, victim
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It doesn't matter how many times you echo "adopted stepdaughter." HE never adopted her, nor was she his stepdaughter.

Oh bite me.

That's idiotic. Woody was considered their father by the most important people in this sorry case. The children. They all thought of Woody as "Daddy".

"Daddy" was banging their sister. That's all I need to know to put him in the "creep father file".
An interesting read to be sure.

June 8, 1993
Allen Loses to Farrow in Bitter Custody Battle

Describing Woody Allen as a "self-absorbed, untrustworthy and insensitive" father, a judge in Manhattan yesterday rejected his attempt to win custody of his three children and awarded custody to their mother, Mia Farrow.

In a scathing 33-page decision, Acting Justice Elliott Wilk of State Supreme Court denounced Mr. Allen for carrying on an affair with one of Ms. Farrow's daughters, trying to pit family members against one another and lacking knowledge of the most basic aspects of his children's lives.

The judge also denied Mr. Allen immediate visiting rights with his 7-year-old daughter, Dylan Farrow. Last summer Ms. Farrow accused the 57-year-old film maker of molesting the child.

Justice Wilk said it was unlikely that Mr. Allen could be prosecuted for sexual abuse based on the evidence. But while a team of experts concluded that Dylan was not abused, the judge said he found the evidence inconclusive.

AND for you Mia haters out there, the Justice differs with you.

Justice Wilk, however, had few unkind words for Ms. Farrow, whom he commended as a caring and loving mother who had tried to protect her children from what he characterized as Mr. Allen's manipulativeness and insensitivity.

"Ms. Farrow's principal shortcoming with respect to responsible parenting appears to have been her continued relationship with Mr. Allen," he wrote.

On the other hand, Justice Wilk portrayed Mr. Allen as devious, hurtful and unreliable, a father who did not know the names of his son's teachers -- or even which children shared which bedrooms in Ms. Farrow's apartment. Mr. Allen lived in a separate apartment on the other side of Central Park.

Referring to what Dylan's own psychotherapist called Mr. Allen's inappropriately intense behavior toward the little girl, the justice said it was unclear whether Mr. Allen could ever develop "the insight and judgment necessary for him to relate to Dylan appropriately."


The justice said he considered Mr. Allen's affair with Soon-Yi Farrow Previn -- and his inability to comprehend the impact the romance was having on the other children in the Farrow household -- further evidence of his deficiencies as a parent.

"Having isolated Soon-Yi from her family, he left her with no visible support system," Justice Wilk wrote.

Allen Loses to Farrow in Bitter Custody Battle

'nuff said
Well my opinion is that regardless of how he may feel about Mia, that his kids are adults now and since he did make the commitment by adopting Dylan and since Ronan is his son, he should make the effort to go to therapy with them for their mental health.

He can do that for his part, he can't control what Mia does, but he can do the right thing himself.

The choices he made to enter the relationship with Soon Yi caused damge and whether Mia made it worse or not does not take away Woody's responsibility to his own kids.

I think we agree on that we both have sympathy for the children.

That's about all I can say.

Ronan seems fine
Moses seems fine
The other kids as far as we know are fine

None of them talk about therapy.
Only Dylan...and maybe she needs it....because of what did or didn't happen..

I posted the quote from Ronan and he seems mad.

I think Woody could reach out more at fixing things.

Ronan doesn't want to know him. And Ronan isn't that mad. Check out the Vanity Fair article everybody is talking about. He seems pretty well adjusted IMO...
Ronan seems fine
Moses seems fine
The other kids as far as we know are fine

None of them talk about therapy.
Only Dylan...and maybe she needs it....because of what did or didn't happen..

I posted the quote from Ronan and he seems mad.

I think Woody could reach out more at fixing things.

Ronan doesn't want to know him. And Ronan isn't that mad. Check out the Vanity Fair article everybody is talking about. He seems pretty well adjusted IMO...

Check out his twitter, he seems mad at him.

We will just have to disagree Dr Grump :cool:

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