Wonder If Al Gore Had Won And Had 9/11 To Deal With?


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
I've wondered about this over the last 9 years.

Wonder if the Florida voter card chad count had gone Al Gore's way, and he had been in the driver's seat when 9/11 happened?

I know it's pure speculation, but it has intrigued me. Based on what we know about ex-V.P. Al Gore, and also the Post-V.P. Al Gore, what would he have done or not done?

Would there have been a different response by the U.S. after 9/11........?

What was the make-up of the Senate and House of Representatives at the time that GWB took office? How would that Congress have worked with a "President Gore"?

Would Iraq and Afganistan been in President Al Gore's cross hairs?

How would he have responded to 9/11?
This is all pure speculation, but we have a wide and varied representation of political views here on this forum. The responses should be very interesting.

Please keep things civil between members. We are still suppose to try, try, try to be respectful of others even though they may have 180 degree differneces of opinions/views.

I really want to make up a batch of popcorn and sit back and read what you intelligent folks have to say. You're all seasoned forum posters with years of experience. :)
I honestly believe that had Gore been President on 9-11-01, after sitting stunned for 45 minutes, (his description) we probably would have negotiated a deal with the UN for troops to walk our cities to protect us.
That is a very scary thought.

The reaction would have been an impotent one, like Clinton did with the Al Qaida terrorist attacks, i.e. missiles at empty tents.

Pres. Bush was spot on by taking the fight to the enemy and puttting them on the defense. As a result he protected the US for 7 years, something that Obama quickly fucked up.
I remember at the time the libs were complaining about Afghanistan too.

They were going on how it couldn't be conquered, of how the Soviets couldn't do it and there is no way that the US could do it, of how there would be at least 100,000 americans dead, yadda yadda yadda.
Everything would be exactly as it is.
If not ? Gore would have an eternal flame.......Just like JFK
Obama didn't like that idea either. He decided to go with the flow.
Gore is visionary.

Gore woulda converted to Islam, and absconded to Afghanistan/Bananistan.

Gore woulda convinced the Talibangers about global warming, turn those idiots into nudists to prevent them from getting a heat stroke and won another Nobel Prize from the Swedish dickheads for his obvious concern about humanity..
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I've wondered about this over the last 9 years.

Wonder if the Florida voter card chad count had gone Al Gore's way, and he had been in the driver's seat when 9/11 happened?

I know it's pure speculation, but it has intrigued me. Based on what we know about ex-V.P. Al Gore, and also the Post-V.P. Al Gore, what would he have done or not done?

Would there have been a different response by the U.S. after 9/11........?

What was the make-up of the Senate and House of Representatives at the time that GWB took office? How would that Congress have worked with a "President Gore"?

Would Iraq and Afganistan been in President Al Gore's cross hairs?

How would he have responded to 9/11?
This is all pure speculation, but we have a wide and varied representation of political views here on this forum. The responses should be very interesting.

Please keep things civil between members. We are still suppose to try, try, try to be respectful of others even though they may have 180 degree differneces of opinions/views.

I really want to make up a batch of popcorn and sit back and read what you intelligent folks have to say. You're all seasoned forum posters with years of experience. :)

Al would have fined the terrorist organizations for all the pollution they caused and then forced them to buy carbon credits for the energy they wasted.

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