Women's march chant: America was never great Ocasio Cortex accuses Trump of semitism


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Women's March chant: 'America was never great!' - Ocasio-Cortez accuses Trump of anti-Semitism - The American Mirror
A divided and notably smaller Women’s March stepped off today, but activists despise America just as much.

As the malcontents approached the Trump International Hotel & Tower in New York, they chanted, “Five, six, seven, eight, America was never great!”

The idiots see nothing, the ones who love freedom, rights, and liberty they aren't morons suffering from RE TARD SYNDROME,,,,,,wait until 5G eats you stupid fkrs brain cells even more .
They brainwash themselves with those chants. That's what those chants are engineered to do.

Not true. It is a "Progressive" women's march. NO ONE who is Pro-Life is welcome. NO ONE who is a proud stay-at-home wife/mother is welcome. NO ONE who voted for Donald Trump is welcome. You get the idea.

This march represents, maybe, 30% of American women. The ones who believe in abortion up to and including the moment of live birth. The ones who believe the ridiculous "75 cents to every dollar" Pay Gap myth. The ones who think Republicans are anxious to control their uteri. In short, the delusional Leftists only. And though it is unkind to mention it, it is the fat, obnoxious, homely contingent of American Female-dom.

It is very analogous to people who represent unions claiming to speak for "the working man (person)." Bullshit.

The so-called "Women's March": Just one more semantic cultural lie that sits, unchallenged, in the popular culture.
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I just wish we could round these c.......ts up and ship them out of the US, send them to China, N. Korea etc.
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Not true. It is a "Progressive" women's march. NO ONE who is Pro-Life is welcome. NO ONE who is a proud stay-at-home wife/mother is welcome. NO ONE who voted for Donald Trump is welcome. You get the idea.

This march represents, maybe, 30% of American women. The ones who believe in abortion up to and including the moment of live birth. The ones who believe the ridiculous "75 cents to every dollar" Pay Gap myth. The ones who think Republicans are anxious to control their uteri. In short, the delusional Leftists only. And though it is unkind to mention it, it is the fat, obnoxious, homely contingent of American Female-dom.

It is very analogous to people who represent unions claiming to speak for "the working man (person)." Bullshit.

The so-called "Women's March": Just one more semantic cultural lie that sits, unchallenged, in the popular culture.

I'm glad you were there and no so much, Try again.
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Not true. It is a "Progressive" women's march. NO ONE who is Pro-Life is welcome. NO ONE who is a proud stay-at-home wife/mother is welcome. NO ONE who voted for Donald Trump is welcome. You get the idea.

This march represents, maybe, 30% of American women. The ones who believe in abortion up to and including the moment of live birth. The ones who believe the ridiculous "75 cents to every dollar" Pay Gap myth. The ones who think Republicans are anxious to control their uteri. In short, the delusional Leftists only. And though it is unkind to mention it, it is the fat, obnoxious, homely contingent of American Female-dom.

It is very analogous to people who represent unions claiming to speak for "the working man (person)." Bullshit.

The so-called "Women's March": Just one more semantic cultural lie that sits, unchallenged, in the popular culture.

They do not THINK like NORMAL ppl


“America was NEVER great!” one printed sign read as the protesters chanted.

Another sign said “Trump/Pence regime must go.”

At the same protest in New York City, socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fended off a question about organizers’ anti-Semitism by accusing President Trump of anti-Semitism.

The Hill



WATCH: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez addresses question about those with concerns about anti-Semitism within the Women's March groups. http://hill.cm/dmsCYTK


2:14 PM - Jan 19, 2019

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When asked about anti-Semitic statements by several leaders of the Women’s March, Ocasio-
Women's March chant: 'America was never great!' - Ocasio-Cortez accuses Trump of anti-Semitism - The American Mirror
If they think America ain’t to hot why don’t they go elsewhere? It’s a really big world. So basically I say fuck them, they are assholes!
I was a kid in the 1960s-----back then people "demonstrated"-----It was a THING
TO DO. It beat going to school and it beat just staying home. People had
themselves CONVINCED that they were ACCOMPLISHING something.
Lots of the leemings had no idea just what the "DEMONSTRATION" was
all about------it was a kind of entertainment

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