Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

Are you unaware there is a conflict of rights between mother and fetus? Are you not aware of the distinction between Life Unborn and Life Born. Do you not consider the value of privacy for women in the condition of being pregnant and the impact it has on their lives.

A life is a life is comes across as a thoughtless authoritarian oversimplification of a very complex issue in society although the US Constitution established a clear distinction between born and unborn.

The value of “privacy” for a woman? Are you kidding me? I don’t give a crap about someone’s “privacy” when someone else’s life is the balance.

The impact of the “condition of being pregnant” on their life is something they should have taken into consideration before engaging in irresponsible and reckless behavior.
Why. Does that reckless behavior harm you in anyway?
The choice we make all have consequences. Why do you want women to make choices that have negative consequences for them?

If a “life is a life” is to “authoritarian” for you, then explain when you think it’s justifiable to murder an innocent life.
No. You skipped over the primary consideration a pregnant woman must make when deciding to deliver a child to the world - her life.
YOU mentioned it. And pretending that every abortion is about rape or to save the woman's life is extremely disingenuous.
Why do you want women to make choices that have negative consequences for them?
I don’t. You are very dishonest. After my second daughter was born I did not want my wife to have to make the negative consequences of getting pregnant again so I got a vasectomy.

When a man causes an unwanted pregnancy, his life does not become at risk for the mistake. Forcing full-term gestation on a woman for a mistake that could kill her, and not the other person involved in producing a fertilized egg is not equal justice under the law, therefore, forcing full term gestation on a woman for a mistake is wrong, immoral, unfair, sexist and unconstitutional.

And you can argue, no harm to yourself or to society whenever a woman in private resolves her mistake by termination of a pregnancy.

If you can argue a point that when a private citizen has an abortion in her home or in a medical clinic in private and not on the public square I would like to see it.

Just remember, I do not want women to make negative choices that have consequences to them. It would be great if nobody ever ever ever ever made a mistake involving sex that’s not a world we live in. So my position is the fair position and adjust position and the right position and the moral position that what happens in the bedroom, including the consequences of unwanted pregnancy Are none of my business or anybody else’s business except the parties involved because they are doing no harm to anybody living on the entire planet earth right now.
I don’t. You are very dishonest. After my second daughter was born I did not want my wife to have to make the negative consequences of getting pregnant again so I got a vasectomy.

When a man causes an unwanted pregnancy, his life does not become at risk for the mistake. Forcing full-term gestation on a woman for a mistake that could kill her, and not the other person involved in producing a fertilized egg is not equal justice under the law, therefore, forcing full term gestation on a woman for a mistake is wrong, immoral, unfair, sexist and unconstitutional.

And you can argue, no harm to yourself or to society whenever a woman in private resolves her mistake by termination of a pregnancy.

If you can argue a point that when a private citizen has an abortion in her home or in a medical clinic in private and not on the public square I would like to see it.

Just remember, I do not want women to make negative choices that have consequences to them. It would be great if nobody ever ever ever ever made a mistake involving sex that’s not a world we live in. So my position is the fair position and adjust position and the right position and the moral position that what happens in the bedroom, including the consequences of unwanted pregnancy Are none of my business or anybody else’s business except the parties involved because they are doing no harm to anybody living on the entire planet earth right now.

Ok, womens bodies are DESIGNED to create children. Very rarely does pregnancy risk a womans life. In that situation, if you could get two doctors to swear in writing that her life is in danger to carry the child to term, I would support ending it at that point. And that is ONLY in the case of rape.

But saying that all abortion is wonderful and justified because of the very rare instance where a pregnancy could risk a womans life, is absurd.
If a “life is a life” is to “authoritarian” for you, then explain when you think it’s justifiable to murder an innocent life.
It is not society’s business when a woman terminates a pregnancy.

It is wrong for society to tell a woman that she cannot terminate her pregnancy because pregnancy can incur death to her.

It is correct and holy justified, proper moral, and true to tell a woman that she cannot kill her newborn child for the rest of its natural life. That is because once the child has been delivered and separated from the woman, the risk of death to her is over.

This should be easy to understand, but everybody here lies about what I’m saying
Including you.
It is wrong for society to tell a woman that she cannot terminate her pregnancy because pregnancy can incur death to her.

It is correct and holy justified, proper moral, and true for civil society to tell a woman that she cannot kill her newborn child for the rest of his or her natural life. That is because once the child has been delivered and separated from the woman, the risk of death to her is over.

Can anyone deny the truth of what’s written in the above two paragraphs?
How does termination of a pregnancy in private harm you @Saint Unkotare in any way?

If a 17th century English poet explains why you are harmed in the 21st century when a woman terminates her pregnancy in private, then at least give me the quote or the poem or whatever it is that explains it for you.

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