Women are too weak physically to serve in combat

Do you really think I care wether you bel;ieve me or not?

Im over 50 now and its fading.

Oh it's fading now...I see....ok...

Do you believe their [sic] are women who have greater upper body strength than normal?

I believe there are some tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, minority of women who can pull a 747 with their teeth or bench press a Bison. I also believe that has nothing to do with this topic or the fabricated fantasies of your imagined 'glory days.'
tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

I'd feel very secure sharing a foxhole with CaliforniaGirl.....:lol:
tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

I'd feel very secure sharing a foxhole with CaliforniaGirl.....:lol:

Would you feel secure enough to have it filled with scented oils and to film whatever sensual displays of mutual support took place?
Women should not be in combat.

Not only does it endanger their lives. It endangers the lives of the people in the unit.
It seems that women don't have a willingness to go.

If they increased the standards for women, a signficant number wouldn't pass, and that wouldn't placate the liberals.

The funny thing is that enlisted women don't want to be in combat.

Center for Military Readiness | Women in Combat

According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), quoting a study done by the Rand Corporation in 1998, only 10% of female privates and corporals agreed that “women should be treated exactly like men and serve in the combat arms just like men.” [1]

The Army Research Institute (ARI), in a series of surveys since 1993, also found that most military women want nothing to do with combat assignments. In 2001, for example, Question #60 in the ARI “Sample Survey of Military Personnel” asked military people whether women should be assigned to direct ground combat (DGC), which was defined as” engaging an enemy on the ground with individual or crew-served weapons, while being exposed to hostile fire and to a high probability of direct physical contact with the hostile force’s personnel.” [2]

ARI asked whether current policy “should be changed so that females can also be ‘involuntarily assigned’ [to combat units]” [3] The results, which should have given the Army pause, indicated that only one-tenth of enlisted women (10%) wanted the Army to force female soldiers into combat units on an involuntary basis.

tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

You are such a dipshit on this matter. The women in combat right now have something more important than physical fitness that you did not when you were of fighting age: a willingness to go.

I knew many a hard woman I would have loved to trade in my infantry platoon for some of the perpetually weak and soft "never did anything but play video games my whole life" men who were rubber stamped through basic and sucked up an enormous amount of our time in actually toughening them up.

I'll say one thing though, women should be held to the same physical standards as men on the PT test and the military needs to start getting draconian on enforcing physical fitness standards.

You are paid to be a soldier. That means you are paid to be in shape and time is allocated every day to work out. There is no excuse.
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If they increased the standards for women, a signficant number wouldn't pass, and that wouldn't placate the liberals.

The funny thing is that enlisted women don't want to be in combat.

Center for Military Readiness | Women in Combat

According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), quoting a study done by the Rand Corporation in 1998, only 10% of female privates and corporals agreed that “women should be treated exactly like men and serve in the combat arms just like men.” [1]

The Army Research Institute (ARI), in a series of surveys since 1993, also found that most military women want nothing to do with combat assignments. In 2001, for example, Question #60 in the ARI “Sample Survey of Military Personnel” asked military people whether women should be assigned to direct ground combat (DGC), which was defined as” engaging an enemy on the ground with individual or crew-served weapons, while being exposed to hostile fire and to a high probability of direct physical contact with the hostile force’s personnel.” [2]

ARI asked whether current policy “should be changed so that females can also be ‘involuntarily assigned’ [to combat units]” [3] The results, which should have given the Army pause, indicated that only one-tenth of enlisted women (10%) wanted the Army to force female soldiers into combat units on an involuntary basis.

tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

You are such a dipshit on this matter. The women in combat right now have something more important than physical fitness that you did not when you were of fighting age: a willingness to go.

I knew many a hard woman I would have loved to trade in my infantry platoon for some of the perpetually weak and soft "never did anything but play video games my whole life" men who were rubber stamped through basic and sucked up an enormous amount of our time in actually toughening them up.

I'll say one thing though, women should be held to the same physical standards as men on the PT test and the military needs to start getting draconian on enforcing physical fitness standards.

You are paid to be a soldier. That means you are paid to be in shape and time is allocated every day to work out. There is no excuse.

I don't care who it upsets. This isn't a political issue.

I am also not interested in the soldiers who were somehow deluded into thinking they were joining an organization that exists to fight wars to somehow avoid combat.

On the modern battlefield there are no longer any "non-combat MOS's" and you are safer in an Infantry unit that knows how to fight then driving a truck.

If the leadership is going to integrate everything, which at this time there are no plans to do, they are going to have to get serious about readiness. That means separating the men and women who are using the Army purely as a paycheck and benefit machine.

That being said, I know there are plenty of women who could hack it, and I am going to get a good chuckle when the first woman completes Ranger School and shows up at her unit with a tab and someone tries to tell her she can't hack combat.

At any rate, it's a leadership issue. Jessica Lynch wasn't captured because she was a woman. She was captured because her piss poor leadership allowed her patrol to leave the wire with dirty and non-functioning weapons.
This is purely a political issue. The only reason to put women in combat is to make the ultra-feminists happy.

Other than that it's bad for the military and ultimately the country.
I know a woman who has pulled off clandestine spy operations in Iran that no man ever could. Bush begged her to go back towards the end of his term & offered her over $500k for a few months of service. She turned him down. Women can be a very valuable military asset.
Women should not be in combat.

Not only does it endanger their lives. It endangers the lives of the people in the unit.

I actually agree. While I am, indeed, quite a fearless, and pretty tough individual... my issue is the same. That it puts the lives of the rest of the unit at risk. D
I know a woman who has pulled off clandestine spy operations in Iran that no man ever could. Bush begged her to go back towards the end of his term & offered her over $500k for a few months of service. She turned him down. Women can be a very valuable military asset.

That's not the same as front line combat though.
tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

I do not believe they should "dumb down" the tests. I'm certain at least some women would pass without the test being "dumbed down".
tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

They lowered the physical test for them when I was in the Navy, but as far as I know not the academic stuff. As far as whooping some ass, there are some tough broads out there.
I wonder what thees ladies would say if asked about it.

tell me im wrong

There was this seg in some news showwhere they had to -dumb-down thetests to let get yhewomen to pass

Not ragging on - them - if not for women in the munitions plants in WW2 - probably would never have won

I do not believe they should "dumb down" the tests. I'm certain at least some women would pass without the test being "dumbed down".

You need to consider the source of the comment. Ginspy is hardly the most rational and truthful poster. In his mind, they dumbed down the tests. In the real world, no. They just changed the rules for physical fitness... which I disagree with.
I know a woman who has pulled off clandestine spy operations in Iran that no man ever could. Bush begged her to go back towards the end of his term & offered her over $500k for a few months of service. She turned him down. Women can be a very valuable military asset.

That's not the same as front line combat though.

"Front line combat" doesn't really exist anymore.

The battlefield is immediately outside the wire.

As I said before, you are safer with an Infantry unit that knows how to fight then a supply unit that does not. Given the choice, the insurgency will target the supply unit and generally not pick a fight with a unit it thinks can maneuver on it.

I witnessed this first hand.

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