Without Islam

I won't defend the banning of pork. I like bacon....it's tasty.

Note disclaimer before having an apoleptic fit of interpretation....

DISCLAIMER: Extreme amounts of sarcasm can possibly result in inflammatory situations. Not responsible for keyboard violence, spittle on the monitor, irrational responses mistaken for momentary brilliance, one-sided rages against hypocrisy or individual members or unintended consequences such as poor personal hygiene and bad spelling. Please fasten your seatbelts and put your trays in an upright position.

there is no "APOLEPTIC" there is an "APOPLECTIC"---which relates to the
archaic "APOPLEXY" Apoplexy is an archaic term for what today we call
So, when big Mo is on record ordering his warriors to rape captive women in front of their husbands before killing the men and taking the women as slaves, you think it is a perversion of the phony religion he invented when current day Muslims follow suit?

Maybe big Mo got the idea from an even older invented religion....that seems to have been the common practice of the times.

Deuteronomy 20:10-14
10 “As you approach a town to attack it, you must first offer its people terms for peace.
11 If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor.
12 But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town.
13 When the LORD your God hands the town over to you, use your swords to kill every man in the town.
14 But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the plunder from your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

Rape in the Bible – Evil Bible .com

If you compare the books, qoran highly unlikely gonna be the one preaching anything close to your world view.

To judge a religion, you look at the people practicing it, and judge them.

Underage Syrian refuge girls are being sold like a cattle as 2nd, 3rd and often enough as 4th wives in Turkey, as I am typing these on this board.

Islam, as a culture of the mid east, is an enabler to this trade. I have heard with my own ears, seen with my own eyes, plenty of islamist scholars preaching and blessing this shameful practice.

No need to dig into the books; this is ISLAM for you to hear and to see...

You have to look at ALL of them, not just the ones that support your bias.

ISIS is not all Islam, even it it is any of it.

I am not talking about ISIS

I am talking about MAJORITY of a country which was a secular one at some point in history.

This is what "islamisation" did to her, and her people...

Dear alpine I would say that Islam
should never be practiced out of context with
Christian scripture/authority and Constitutional/natural laws of democratic governance in society.

When Islam (or any religion) is abused by bypassing means
of checks balances and due process, that is where it does
indeed lead to ongoing oppression, abuse and enslavement of people by the letter of the
law too easily corrupted by greed for power.

By using Bible Scripture to check and rebuke against abuses by church members/leaders,
and by using Constitutional principles to check and correct abuses in politics and govt,
then we can hold all people accountable according to their own words and systems they commit to.

Regardless of the context, societies are responsible for the way they practice their religions.

I dont judge religions
I judge people practicing religions

Therefore; I dont judge islam, I judge muslims
I dont care what islam is or should be, but majority of muslim people, rather than feeling the shame of what their cultural heritage has caused on this planet, act like nothing has happened and everything is just alright.

And this is not something new to me, in fact, I am pretty used to it. I remember some 20 years ago, when i was a kid, watching a whole town people setting a hotel on fire, burning 35 infidels(alawites and atheists) alive, watching the scene in joy with their children, and just disperse once all was dead, like everything was fine, nothing happened, they just had their weekend fun and going back home. And their wives probably asked "how was your day", and they probably replied "oh, it was great, we burnt some infidels alive"...

Muslims, around the world, better shape up, or;
Dont underestimate the crowds cheering for Trump, because people against him are not going to hold for too much longer just because your sorry asses are incapable of reforming yourselves like the western civilization have done hundreds of years ago
Even muslims despise muslims on this planet, they despise their selfishness, bigotry, ignorance, arrogance...

One shall ask; "why muslims flee to the west in flocks", and one shall find their answers................
My guess:
"You can't make assumptions about ALL of ISLAM by looking at ISIS
(if there is anything in ISIS that resembles Islam at all.)"

ISIS is pure Islam at work, and the actions they take come straight from the Hadiths.

Now, obviously, not ALL Muslims are like Isis, but let's not confuse people with belief systems, now, shall we? Even the so-called "moderate" Muslims support death for apostates, are virulently homophobic and antisemitic and hundreds of millions support the mission of establishing Islam as the only acceptable ideology on Earth.

Now, Coyote has merely found yet another hate site to represent her views, and did so in order to propagandize for Islam. Anybody who has even the most rudimentary awareness of debate tactics should recognize that her pattern of underhanded sophistry falls within the realm of what are called Tu Quoque fallacies. In order to defend anything and everything about Islam, she routinely attacks other religions as she did her by referencing one of her slimy hate sites, and she does this regardless of whether or not the beliefs in question are held by similar numbers of people or whether the actions taken as a result of these beliefs are equally egregious. Her continuously dishonest attempts at moral equivalency in her promotion of Islam should be recognized for what they are by anybody with even an average IQ or above.

That they aren't says worlds about the ability of people here to think critically.
My guess:
"You can't make assumptions about ALL of ISLAM by looking at ISIS
(if there is anything in ISIS that resembles Islam at all.)"

ISIS is pure Islam at work, and the actions they take come straight from the Hadiths.

Now, obviously, not ALL Muslims are like Isis, but let's not confuse people with belief systems, now, shall we? Even the so-called "moderate" Muslims support death for apostates, are virulently homophobic and antisemitic and hundreds of millions support the mission of establishing Islam as the only acceptable ideology on Earth.

Now, Coyote has merely found yet another hate site to represent her views, and did so in order to propagandize for Islam. Anybody who has even the most rudimentary awareness of debate tactics should recognize that her pattern of underhanded sophistry falls within the realm of what are called Tu Quoque fallacies. In order to defend anything and everything about Islam, she routinely attacks other religions as she did her by referencing one of her slimy hate sites, and she does this regardless of whether or not the beliefs in question are held by similar numbers of people or whether the actions taken as a result of these beliefs are equally egregious. Her continuously dishonest attempts at moral equivalency in her promotion of Islam should be recognized for what they are by anybody with even an average IQ or above.

That they aren't says worlds about the ability of people here to think critically.

Hate site? You consider Pew Research Center to be a hate site? What hate sites are you talking about? :lmao:
ISIS is an aberration, a misappropriation and perversion of Islam, in no way "representative" of Islamic doctrine and dogma; indeed, Muslim scholars and clerics have condemned ISIS accordingly.
Hate site? You consider Pew Research Center to be a hate site? What hate sites are you talking about? :lmao:

The one you actually used was called evil bible dot com.

But I never expect anything close to honesty out of you or the rest of your repulsive ilk.
Hate site? You consider Pew Research Center to be a hate site? What hate sites are you talking about? :lmao:

The one you actually used was called evil bible dot com.

But I never expect anything close to honesty out of you or the rest of your repulsive ilk.

Ah, yes - but it quotes actual bible quotes doesn't it? :lol:

You wouldn't know honestly if it took off it's gloves and whacked you in the face.
Ah, yes - but it quotes actual bible quotes doesn't it? :lol:

You wouldn't know honestly if it took off it's gloves and whacked you in the face.

You are nothing but human filth with a subversive agenda.

You referenced a hate site, you lied about it and now you trying to weasel out of it while having the temerity to question MY honesty.

I'm sure that shit works for your low IQ buddies like Fanger, Penelope, or Jakey Boy, but doesn't work on anybody with an education.
"ISIS is pure Islam at work" is horse shit and every time a horse's ass talks like this needs to have his butt rhetorically kicked hard. Every time.

ISIS is 8th century barbarism at work, and everyone who practices that needs to be killed.
Ah, yes - but it quotes actual bible quotes doesn't it? :lol:

You wouldn't know honestly if it took off it's gloves and whacked you in the face.

You are nothing but human filth with a subversive agenda.

You referenced a hate site, you lied about it and now you trying to weasel out of it while having the temerity to question MY honesty.

I'm sure that shit works for your low IQ buddies like Fanger, Penelope, or Jakey Boy, but doesn't work on anybody with an education.
Yes dogma, I'll question your honesty, every time you make up shit about other posters and then scurry away to crawl back under your rock when asked to provide links or sources for your claims. Now go run away again.
Yes dogma, I'll question your honesty, every time you make up shit about other posters and then scurry away to crawl back under your rock when asked to provide links or sources for your claims. Now go run away again.

Once again, filth with a subversive agenda -- it was you who referenced evilbible dot com, lied about doing so, and then tried to weasel out of any responsibility for doing so.

I realize this sort of agitprop turnspeak is part of the agenda and is calculated to fool the unintelligent into confusing fact with lies, but other than low information posters like the ones I mentioned, I don't think too many people here are buying it.

You can mimic any little underhanded trick you find at your Islamist sites, but people are becoming wise to them.

Without Islam, Brussels, Belgium would not be mourning the deaths of 31 people and the sufferings of 271 more injured in yesterday's terror attack. Without Islam, New York's Twin Towers would still be standing and 3,000 Americans would still be alive. Without Islam the French terror attack would not have happened. Without Islam there would be no conflict in the middle east. Israel would be at peace and Europe would still be a beautiful place to visit.

Without Islam, Norway could reduce their rape crimes by 100%. Without Islam, Sweden wouldn't be the rape Capitol of Europe. Without Islam the women of Germany could walk down the street without fear of being physically assaulted or raped. Without Islam little girls could be little girls and not live in dread of the day they are married off to a grown man 6 times their age. Without Islam there would be no such thing as honor killings.

Without Islam women in the middle east would have the same rights as men do. Without Islam people could vote by the ballot instead of the bullet. Without Islam there would be no need for foot baths, separate quarters for gyms and swimming pools.

Without Islam there would be no pilgrimage to Mecca where people are sometimes trampled to death or seriously injured. Without Islam there would be no religious conquest for world domination. Without Islam there would be no such thing as Sharia law.

Without Islam there would be no burka, hijab, or Koran. Without Islam there would be no one praying in the middle of the street blocking traffic. Without Islam there would be no terror attacks on synagogues, churches and other places where people congregate together.

Without Islam a man would have one wife as God intended rather than four wives which is open adultery.

Without Islam criminals would not be called heroes and dead murderers would not be hailed as martyrs. Without Islam jihad would not exist and terrorism would end.

Without Islam 1.5 billion souls wouldn't be headed for hell right now.

Without Islam over 270 million people would still be alive, multiple wars would have been prevented and billions of dollars saved. Without Islam, Hitler would not have had an ally.

Without Islam, Europe would still have freedom of speech. Without Islam, America wouldn't be fighting to keep 1st & 2nd amendment rights.

Without Islam black slavery would really be history.

Without Islam mass murder, rape, beheading, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, forced prostitution and genocide would be greatly reduced.

Without Islam - Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria wouldn't have become the hell-holes they are today. Without Islam life would be better for everyone.

It's hard to believe that prior to Sept. 11, 2001 most of us had never heard of Islam. Today it's all we hear about. The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word Islam is “trouble.” That is all Islam has brought us. Trouble.

I'd like to live in a world "without Islam."

You get paid for this dreamscape? Islam is not the problem, humans are, without Islam, it would still occur, just with a different name, like it was der nazi's and Japanese several years back, then the Communist..I mean, how daft does one need to be to not understand human nature...??
Yes, there was, and there is still fascism loose in Europe. Just as fascism perverted European Christianity for some years, so does radical jihadist affect Islam.

The jihadists will have to be hunted down and killed.

So, when big Mo is on record ordering his warriors to rape captive women in front of their husbands before killing the men and taking the women as slaves, you think it is a perversion of the phony religion he invented when current day Muslims follow suit?

Maybe big Mo got the idea from an even older invented religion....that seems to have been the common practice of the times.

Deuteronomy 20:10-14
10 “As you approach a town to attack it, you must first offer its people terms for peace.
11 If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor.
12 But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town.
13 When the LORD your God hands the town over to you, use your swords to kill every man in the town.
14 But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the plunder from your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

Rape in the Bible – Evil Bible .com

Those quotes are over 3000 years old and not even translated properly The problems we have with islam are today, not hundreds or thousands of years ago. Can we keep it in the 21st century? People like you are part of the problem

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