With President Trump The Shooting Of Blanks Continues!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Donald Trump often says he is going to "Make America Great Again" but unfortunately he seems not to know fully what that word great means. He seems not to understand that this word means America is a virtuous country that behaves as a role model in so far as being an humanitarian country. This is demonstrated in his putting an indefinite hold on the $200 million of humanitarian rebuilding aid promised to the people of Syria; those Syrians living around Raqqa have been living a nightmare through the last three years living in the Middle Ages world of ISIS. Now that ISIS has been eradicated in that area a great humanitarian Superpower would help the Syrian people of Raqqa rebuild a good society with restoration of power and water utilities and basic governmental infrastructure, etc.. It is shameful America under President Trump's leadership is abandoning this effort. it is no excuse that the Administration says America cannot provide security for this rebuilding effort that it needs to use all its military effort to complete the eradicate of ISIS in other parts of Syria so the U.S. rebuilding effort must stop; the U.S. government could channel these rebuilding monies to one of our European allies and/or United Nations rebuilding efforts in Syria. Besides President Trump sullying our country's reputation as an humanitarian country here he is sullying the country's reputation as a country of integrity America made a commitment to spend $200 million in rebuilding Syria it should not renege on that promise it should honor its commitment here! After this Syrian behavior President Trump should change his Presidency's slogan to "We'll Make America UnGreat As An Humanitarian Country For The First Time"!

It is really surprising how President Trump is making a mess of the illegal Immigration problem America has at a level which should never be. This deployment of the national guard on America's southern border until a wall is built is extreme stupidity for many reasons but one not commonly spoken about publicly which should be focused on is the following. It will end up really hurting America's National Guard from a personnel standpoint. President Trump talks about deploying 2000 to 4000 National Guardsman to the border the people from Congress responsible for putting together Congress's effort on this matter are talking about 300 to 1200 National Guardsman since Congress has to write the check to pay for this effort it will probably be around 1000 guardsman. Now how will that play out will military leadership just rotate guardsman units throughout the country on their normal yearly two to four week activation down to the southern border? No, that will be too disruptive to the National Guards overall work to train for war plus logistically it cannot be done to provide year long southern border protection what will likely happen is that National Guard units will be activated for many months time to do this border protection work. Meaning the members of these activated units will have their non-military lives dramatically disrupted they will have to leave their employment and businesses besides their families during this activation period. This will cause many of these Guardsman, truly good and patriotic citizens, to quit the National Guard; they will think to themselves I signed up for the National Guard to defend our country from military threats to serve the military needs of the American people not to be a police officer on the border, this isn't worth it too me especially in light of the cost to my family and personal life I am out of here. The loss of this personnel from this cause will significantly hurt the National Guard which is a critical part of America's military defenses; there should be no doubt President Trump will be weakening America with this deploy the military on the border move! Great leaders acknowledge mistakes and try to correct or mitigate them they don't compound them; President Donald Trump made a mistake not accepting the fair deal on immigration offered by a bi-partisan effort in the Senate legalization and a path to citizenship for DACA people for construction of a southern border wall now he is going to compound the problem with this deploy the military idea hopefully he will come to his senses and not make this giant mistake!
President Donald Trump often says he is going to "Make America Great Again" but unfortunately he seems not to know fully what that word great means. He seems not to understand that this word means America is a virtuous country that behaves as a role model in so far as being an humanitarian country. This is demonstrated in his putting an indefinite hold on the $200 million of humanitarian rebuilding aid promised to the people of Syria; those Syrians living around Raqqa have been living a nightmare through the last three years living in the Middle Ages world of ISIS. Now that ISIS has been eradicated in that area a great humanitarian Superpower would help the Syrian people of Raqqa rebuild a good society with restoration of power and water utilities and basic governmental infrastructure, etc.. It is shameful America under President Trump's leadership is abandoning this effort. it is no excuse that the Administration says America cannot provide security for this rebuilding effort that it needs to use all its military effort to complete the eradicate of ISIS in other parts of Syria so the U.S. rebuilding effort must stop; the U.S. government could channel these rebuilding monies to one of our European allies and/or United Nations rebuilding efforts in Syria. Besides President Trump sullying our country's reputation as an humanitarian country here he is sullying the country's reputation as a country of integrity America made a commitment to spend $200 million in rebuilding Syria it should not renege on that promise it should honor its commitment here! After this Syrian behavior President Trump should change his Presidency's slogan to "We'll Make America UnGreat As An Humanitarian Country For The First Time"!

It is really surprising how President Trump is making a mess of the illegal Immigration problem America has at a level which should never be. This deployment of the national guard on America's southern border until a wall is built is extreme stupidity for many reasons but one not commonly spoken about publicly which should be focused on is the following. It will end up really hurting America's National Guard from a personnel standpoint. President Trump talks about deploying 2000 to 4000 National Guardsman to the border the people from Congress responsible for putting together Congress's effort on this matter are talking about 300 to 1200 National Guardsman since Congress has to write the check to pay for this effort it will probably be around 1000 guardsman. Now how will that play out will military leadership just rotate guardsman units throughout the country on their normal yearly two to four week activation down to the southern border? No, that will be too disruptive to the National Guards overall work to train for war plus logistically it cannot be done to provide year long southern border protection what will likely happen is that National Guard units will be activated for many months time to do this border protection work. Meaning the members of these activated units will have their non-military lives dramatically disrupted they will have to leave their employment and businesses besides their families during this activation period. This will cause many of these Guardsman, truly good and patriotic citizens, to quit the National Guard; they will think to themselves I signed up for the National Guard to defend our country from military threats to serve the military needs of the American people not to be a police officer on the border, this isn't worth it too me especially in light of the cost to my family and personal life I am out of here. The loss of this personnel from this cause will significantly hurt the National Guard which is a critical part of America's military defenses; there should be no doubt President Trump will be weakening America with this deploy the military on the border move! Great leaders acknowledge mistakes and try to correct or mitigate them they don't compound them; President Donald Trump made a mistake not accepting the fair deal on immigration offered by a bi-partisan effort in the Senate legalization and a path to citizenship for DACA people for construction of a southern border wall now he is going to compound the problem with this deploy the military idea hopefully he will come to his senses and not make this giant mistake!
Did you vote for Bernie(the socialist) Sanders? Is that why you are so sad....:206:
All you had to say was.....

"I'm a Progressive. I support Socialism and Communism. America should be sacrificed for "The Greater Good""

It would have been more honest and straight to your point.

I don't think Trump (or ANY elected DC politician) is "good for America TBH
I'm sure you think Hillary would have done a better job.

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