Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

DAMN!!! How about stripping them of their right to collective bargaining which had NOTHING to do with supposedly "saving" union jobs?


They still have the collective bargaining rights for wages.

The alternative to having public union workers contribute a small amount for their pension and health care was to layoff 2500 teachers. This was necessary to balance the state budget.

Do all union members prefer laying off their fellow dues paying members to investing in their OWN retirement and paying a pittance for their OWN healthcare?

And guess what? They AGREED to increased contributions. Try and keep up.

I was a shop steward with the IAM&AW many years ago and, under the same circumstances, I would have gone in the very next year and negotiated to have the state pay all of my retirement and health insurance.

That is EXACTLY what the Wi Public Unions would have done as well.
You're the one who said leave it to the will of the workers. Now prove to me that most public sector union workers in WI want an annual certification vote that must get 51% of the entire membership to vote for it.

Maybe once a year the voters of Wisconsin should have to vote on this law, and it would take 51% of all registered voters to vote for it in order for it to remain in place.

Fair enough? Good for one, good for the other. No double standard.
My goodness, you're just terrified that the workers might choose to de-certify. Why is that? Is it because of the union's automatic donations to the Democratic Party?

It's certainly not that you give a damn about what the workers want.

Same question to you - in post 221.

Try not to dodge it, we need no further affirmation that you're a pussy.
Tough talk from a sissy bedwetter. :lol:

You answer my question first. Why are you afraid the workers will vote to de-cert?
If I stopped supporting anyone who was also supported by an asshole, I wouldn't have anyone to support.

Cuomo has simply proven that all the Republican governors who have been insisting they HAD to destroy the public sector unions in order to get things done

are full of shit.

second time I am asking in this thread ...focus....and 'be careful'....

so the Wisconsin unions are destroyed? wow who knew..

can you link to that please?

third time I am asking in this thread ...focus....and 'be careful'....

The new law makes it illegal for public employees unions to bargain collectively for anything but wages, though there are exemptions for police and firefighters. It also imposes hurdles to union representation, bars the automatic collection of union dues from employees' paychecks and requires public employee unions to win certification elections every year with at least one vote more over 50 percent of all eligible employees - not just those participating in the election.

That destroys those unions effected.

Courthouse News Service
That's the point. The unions could not police themselves. Now they are being punished. Unions are being throttled back because they got greedy and quite frankly had things their way for far too long.
So now it's the taxpayer's turn to be represented in the State Capitol.
Union leadership thought they had an unfettered path to public money. For decades that was accommodated by complicit politicians.
The gravy train has taken it's final trip.
Translated: He can't provide a link.


hey false flag, wtheck are you talking about?

you know after outing yourself as and I'll be kind as guy who says one thing then forgets what he said, telling the inquirer to blow off, after having said another, you should be aware of what poster you are responding to.

Kinda hard to do when I'm nailing 3 or 4 asses to to the wall at once.


a) when you make things up as you go along that may appear easy (to you),

b) unfortunately for you, I remembered what you said,

c) you are of course delusional, you may think that just using the whine defense is a winning argument BUT see- a) and b) you only convince yourself, or those whom don't follow conversations very well or are of course
1) as deeply rooted in uber partisanship
2) willful dishonesty,
3) have an axe to grind becasue they are members as you CLAIM to be are parts of the org.s they are defending their wanton selfishness, yes be proud, you've found a home, being a sycophantic dissembler......congrats......:lol:
He cares about the worker's money (dues) than the workers themselves....

Yep. Unions have become what they were formed to protect workers against: Organizations that exploit workers for money.

And if that's the only reason you think unions were formed for then you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

And it's sad that someone so badly misinformed can spew out garbage about something while trying to sound like they know what their talking about.

You better just give it up. With that last post you lost. Badly.

Why do you think unions were invented?
We'll stipulate better working conditions, safety and amount of hours worked in a day/week.
Please note that there are federal and state labor laws which cover the above. Unions no longer have a purpose in those areas.
you are certifiable....really.

so lets take the only one that has actually been attempted to be suborned BY unions (They tried that shit on Delta airlines, they lost)...

...so; in your opinion if 100 members of the 400 members of a union show up and 51 vote yes, its a done deal? they are certified?

THAT, is exactly why I say, you are certifiable. Certifiably nuts.

so what? how does this destroy the union(s)? exactly?

like what?

let the unions do their own solicitation ( of which under the old rules there was NONE, the state took it and sent it to the union) and accounting and paperwork.

how does this destroy the union? exactly?

hello? :eusa_whistle:

What percent of all of Wisconsin's voters do you suppose Scott Walker got, to get elected?

Non sequitur. Union votes require a quorum. Popular elections do not. It isn't practical.
hey false flag, wtheck are you talking about?

you know after outing yourself as and I'll be kind as guy who says one thing then forgets what he said, telling the inquirer to blow off, after having said another, you should be aware of what poster you are responding to.

Kinda hard to do when I'm nailing 3 or 4 asses to to the wall at once.


a) when you make things up as you go along that may appear easy (to you),

b) unfortunately for you, I remembered what you said,

c) you are of course delusional, you may think that just using the whine defense is a winning argument BUT see- a) and b) you only convince yourself, or those whom don't follow conversations very well or are of course
1) as deeply rooted in uber partisanship
2) willful dishonesty,
3) have an axe to grind becasue they are members as you CLAIM to be are parts of the org.s they are defending their wanton selfishness, yes be proud, you've found a home, being a sycophantic dissembler......congrats......:lol:

And you belong to a public union....uh-huh. :eusa_whistle: :eusa_liar:

second time I am asking in this thread ...focus....and 'be careful'....

third time I am asking in this thread ...focus....and 'be careful'....

The new law makes it illegal for public employees unions to bargain collectively for anything but wages, though there are exemptions for police and firefighters. It also imposes hurdles to union representation, bars the automatic collection of union dues from employees' paychecks and requires public employee unions to win certification elections every year with at least one vote more over 50 percent of all eligible employees - not just those participating in the election.

That destroys those unions effected.

Courthouse News Service
That's the point. The unions could not police themselves. Now they are being punished. Unions are being throttled back because they got greedy and quite frankly had things their way for far too long.
So now it's the taxpayer's turn to be represented in the State Capitol.
Union leadership thought they had an unfettered path to public money. For decades that was accommodated by complicit politicians.
The gravy train has taken it's final trip.

So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

No, I am not. You too seem to be afraid that the workers will choose to de-certify, despite your insistence that you know what's best for them.

You're the one who said leave it to the will of the workers. Now prove to me that most public sector union workers in WI want an annual certification vote that must get 51% of the entire membership to vote for it.

Maybe once a year the voters of Wisconsin should have to vote on this law, and it would take 51% of all registered voters to vote for it in order for it to remain in place.

Fair enough? Good for one, good for the other. No double standard.

Good idea. Maybe we should expand on it. Why not make ALL places of employment with more than say....50 employees vote annually if they want to decertify or even form a union where none existed before.

Employees can vote to unionize every fifteen minutes if it makes them feel better. The employer is under no obligation to enter into a business relationship with any other business. That includes a union.
Here's an example.
A satellite TV company in Maryland had it's 50 or so technicians vote to certify a union. The vote approved.
Several months later after many attempts by the union to get the parties to agree on a date to work out an agreement, almost all of the people who voted to certify had left the company or had been fired for cause. A calculated effort by the company to wait out the union until the employees were gone. Game over. Bye bye union. No agreement, no collective bargaining. It's business.
Kinda hard to do when I'm nailing 3 or 4 asses to to the wall at once.


a) when you make things up as you go along that may appear easy (to you),

b) unfortunately for you, I remembered what you said,

c) you are of course delusional, you may think that just using the whine defense is a winning argument BUT see- a) and b) you only convince yourself, or those whom don't follow conversations very well or are of course
1) as deeply rooted in uber partisanship
2) willful dishonesty,
3) have an axe to grind becasue they are members as you CLAIM to be are parts of the org.s they are defending their wanton selfishness, yes be proud, you've found a home, being a sycophantic dissembler......congrats......:lol:

And you belong to a public union....uh-huh. :eusa_whistle: :eusa_liar:


I am willing to back it up...are you willing to back up all of your claims?

what a quandary for you eh? :lol:

first you will have to get your head around the fact that not everyone in a public union is a complete hack like you and the others here and b) we'll see if you are what you say you are or have been.
The new law makes it illegal for public employees unions to bargain collectively for anything but wages, though there are exemptions for police and firefighters. It also imposes hurdles to union representation, bars the automatic collection of union dues from employees' paychecks and requires public employee unions to win certification elections every year with at least one vote more over 50 percent of all eligible employees - not just those participating in the election.

That destroys those unions effected.

Courthouse News Service
That's the point. The unions could not police themselves. Now they are being punished. Unions are being throttled back because they got greedy and quite frankly had things their way for far too long.
So now it's the taxpayer's turn to be represented in the State Capitol.
Union leadership thought they had an unfettered path to public money. For decades that was accommodated by complicit politicians.
The gravy train has taken it's final trip.

So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

Polls are for the uninformed and the easily led.
Anyone can contract a poll and write the questions for the purposes of eliciting a predetermined response.
Let's see what happens when the next major election occurs in Wisconsin.
Yes you're God Damned right the taxpayers are finally getting the representation they deserve.
Look Tastykake, It's OVER. The days of public worker unions holding all the cards and being able to look at them before the bets are DONE. The taxpayers have had enough.
The new law makes it illegal for public employees unions to bargain collectively for anything but wages, though there are exemptions for police and firefighters. It also imposes hurdles to union representation, bars the automatic collection of union dues from employees' paychecks and requires public employee unions to win certification elections every year with at least one vote more over 50 percent of all eligible employees - not just those participating in the election.

That destroys those unions effected.

Courthouse News Service
That's the point. The unions could not police themselves. Now they are being punished. Unions are being throttled back because they got greedy and quite frankly had things their way for far too long.
So now it's the taxpayer's turn to be represented in the State Capitol.
Union leadership thought they had an unfettered path to public money. For decades that was accommodated by complicit politicians.
The gravy train has taken it's final trip.

So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk


Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

:lol:hes got 4 years, get over it....

and I await your answer on submitting proof of your claims, I, already agree to submit mine.
That's the point. The unions could not police themselves. Now they are being punished. Unions are being throttled back because they got greedy and quite frankly had things their way for far too long.
So now it's the taxpayer's turn to be represented in the State Capitol.
Union leadership thought they had an unfettered path to public money. For decades that was accommodated by complicit politicians.
The gravy train has taken it's final trip.

So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

Polls are for the uninformed and the easily led.
Anyone can contract a poll and write the questions for the purposes of eliciting a predetermined response.
Let's see what happens when the next major election occurs in Wisconsin.
Yes you're God Damned right the taxpayers are finally getting the representation they deserve.
Look Tastykake, It's OVER. The days of public worker unions holding all the cards and being able to look at them before the bets are DONE. The taxpayers have had enough.

If you think it's over then are are dumber that your posts let on.....

That's the point. The unions could not police themselves. Now they are being punished. Unions are being throttled back because they got greedy and quite frankly had things their way for far too long.
So now it's the taxpayer's turn to be represented in the State Capitol.
Union leadership thought they had an unfettered path to public money. For decades that was accommodated by complicit politicians.
The gravy train has taken it's final trip.

So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk


Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

:lol:hes got 4 years, get over it....

and I await your answer on submitting proof of your claims, I, already agree to submit mine.

No he doesn't according to recall laws.

You submit your proof (via PM if you like, this is between us) that includes links along with your name and I will do the same after I get yours.
So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

Polls are for the uninformed and the easily led.
Anyone can contract a poll and write the questions for the purposes of eliciting a predetermined response.
Let's see what happens when the next major election occurs in Wisconsin.
Yes you're God Damned right the taxpayers are finally getting the representation they deserve.
Look Tastykake, It's OVER. The days of public worker unions holding all the cards and being able to look at them before the bets are DONE. The taxpayers have had enough.

If you think it's over then are are dumber that your posts let on.....

Trust me. After spending a few days in WI talking to people who hate Walker's guts... it's over. The curtain has rung up, the fat lady is on stage and is mid way through her aria.

The only ones going to vote against him are those who are feeling the burn. And no with this news just in from Kaukauna (The running joke of that town from the locals is even more funny... Follow your nose to Kaukauna!) you can follow your nose right to the stink that is that of the WEAC position and how fast the populace at large is going to turn on them
You mean companies weren't exploiting workers for money?

I'll give you a few moments. I can tell you haven't given this any thought.

Neither have you, obviously. Care to explain? I'll wait. I want to know how companies exploited workers for their money.

You misunderstand. Companies exploited workers for profit. There is absolutely no debate possible about that.
Yoo hoo, Lucy Goosey! I think you missed this post. :lol:
So the taxpayer is finally being represented? You're so fucking delusional that I think you really believe that.

The taxpayers (read it "working men and women") have had it with Walker and the GOP bullshit. They have turned on him as he and the Koch brothers stick up the workers asses. Read the polls and weep.

Poll: Walker's Anti-Union Stance Turning Off Wisconsin Voters | TPMDC

The Plum Line - Poll: Scott Walker losing P.R. battle

Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk


Poll: Walker Would Lose if Election Held Today | FDL News Desk

:lol:hes got 4 years, get over it....

and I await your answer on submitting proof of your claims, I, already agree to submit mine.

No he doesn't according to recall laws.

You submit your proof (via PM if you like, this is between us) that includes links along with your name and I will do the same after I get yours.

:lol:don't even try that shit.

we'll pick a moderator here we can both agree on, we will submit proof at the same time;

I want the mod. verfiy;
a) your union card and/or union memberships on union letterhead ( with contact information there in) in your name for
b) for both the private
c)public sector unions you worked for.
d) shop steward status verified
e) proof of your elected position delineating your position in negotiator status as proof of your bargaining status
f) your dsl bill, with name clearly spelled out which they will check against the IP's that have been recorded here.
g) your work emails, past and present at those unions.

I don't want to know your name, I could care less and I am certainly not going to give you mine, its not necessary.

I will provide to them irrefutable proof of my union status.
Last edited:
My goodness, you're just terrified that the workers might choose to de-certify. Why is that? Is it because of the union's automatic donations to the Democratic Party?

It's certainly not that you give a damn about what the workers want.

Same question to you - in post 221.

Try not to dodge it, we need no further affirmation that you're a pussy.
Tough talk from a sissy bedwetter. :lol:

You answer my question first. Why are you afraid the workers will vote to de-cert?

I'm not. But the rigged voting procedure where the non-voters get counted as 'no' is absurd.

Now answer my question.

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