Will USS Liberty Survivors Get a Call for New Investigation by Rep. Omar, of Israeli Attack?

I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.
Relevant reading....

Cellebrite, a Petah Tikva, Israel-based vendor that's become the U.S. government's company of choice when it comes to unlocking mobile devices, is this month telling customers its engineers currently have the ability to get around the security of devices running iOS 11 (right up to 11.2.6). That includes the iPhone X, a model that Forbes has learned was successfully raided for data by the Department for Homeland Security back in November 2017, most likely with Cellebrite technology.

The Israeli firm, a subsidiary of Japan's Sun Corporation, hasn't made any major public announcement about its new iOS capabilities. But Forbes was told by sources (who asked to remain anonymous as they weren't authorized to talk on the matter) that in the last few months the company has developed undisclosed techniques to get into iOS 11 and is advertising them to law enforcement and private forensics folk across the globe. Indeed, the company's literature for its Advanced Unlocking and Extraction Services offering now notes the company can break the security of "Apple iOS devices and operating systems, including iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPad Pro and iPod touch, running iOS 5 to iOS 11." Separately, a source in the police forensics community told Forbes he'd been told by Cellebrite it could unlock the iPhone 8. He believed the same was most probably true for the iPhone X, as security across both of Apple's newest devices worked in much the same way.

Continued - The Feds Can Now (Probably) Unlock Every iPhone Model In Existence

Updated: Several states have since purchased these devices and use them regularly to unlock and record the information on devices (including contacts). Though, its use is largely at the border, it's still done regularly at the state level if someone gets arrested, regardless of if they committed a crime.

For instance they did it to a NASA guy who happened to just be brown -

American NASA scientist says his work phone was seized at airport

Not exactly a marvelous feat, them things ain't that secure or complicated. WiFi encryption is tougher to crack. Let's see them crack an encrypted Ubuntu disk with a hardened kernel.
As the originator of the attack, Israel was in the best position to know what happened. As I recall it was a hot war zone and the Liberty was mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Israel never denied the action.
Egyptian freighters do not prominently fly a US flag. Attacking fighter pilots reported they saw the flag. The Egyptian ship story is part of the very big lie.

She's proven pretty fearless so far, despite apologizing when she really had nothing to apologize for in saying AIPAC influences American politics. What's the controversy there when even Netanyahu bragged in 2001:

"I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in their way."

The USS Liberty survivors of the 1967 Israeli attack on the American ship are calling, to this very day, for a new investigation which would rectify the original cover-up, which was ordered to conclude that the deaths of 34 American sailors was an accident. It was not an accident, they say, but a false flag attack to sink the ship in order to blame it on Egypt so that the US would attack that country, which was Israel's arch-enemy. This was what Admiral Thomas Moorer thought, also chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. There is no shortage of heavy hitters who have said they don't buy the "accident explanation one bit, including US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, CIA Director Richard Helms, CIA Deputy Director Admiral Rufus Taylor, former NSA Director Army Lieutenant General William Odom, on and on. Further more now both major veterans groups American Legion and VFW have called the official story a cover-up.

What are the chances the surviving crew might finally get a receptive ear in Rep. Ilhen Omar, for at least a call for a new investigation, even if it doesn't go anywhere? We saw how much red-pilling went on after she called out AIPAC, and people are still arguing about it. You start saying the emperor has no clothes and there's no telling where it winds up. Let this misbegotten "alliance" between America and the criminal state be tested as never before.

Chicago Tribune 2007: Declassified Israeli cables add evidence USS Liberty no accident:

"The cables obtained by the Tribune, and translated from Hebrew to English, are were published in a 2007 special report. They detail exchanges between the Israeli ambassador in Washington and the Israeli foreign minister in Tel Aviv. Five days after the attack, Israeli Ambassador Avraham Harman worried that the deliberate nature of the attack had been uncovered, and cabled Foreign Minister Abba Eban that a source, code-named "Hamlet," had told him that the Americans had:

"clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway."

As the diplomatic uproar over the attack played out, Harman cabled three days later that:

"the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American.""

O please stop being a idiot
And the rumour that Israel was slaughtering pows due to not having any space to hold them...the liberty was listening in and sure the hell didn't mind slaughtering the men of the USS liberty
Yes, LBJ was in bed with the Military Industrial Complex. The Gulf of Tonkin was pretty much staged. He gave them their war, and Billions of dollars in equipment, and service purchases. Look at the resistance from the Establishment (both Repubs, and Dems) for Trump wanting to get us out of Syria, and Afghanistan. The Defense industry and military leadership are very powerful, and essentially one in the same.
it is the only non investigated incident at sea

Correct. The investigation consisted of a Navy board of inquiry rather than a congressional committee which is standard for any major damage to a ship. An admiral and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Thomas Moorer, conducted his own investigation and concluded the official story was a crock.

A fair probe would attack Liberty misinformation

by Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

While State Department officials and historians converge on Washington this week to discuss the 1967 war in the Middle East, I am compelled to speak out about one of U.S. history's most shocking cover-ups.

On June 8, 1967, Israel attacked our proud naval ship -- the USS Liberty -- killing 34 American servicemen and wounding 172. Those men were then betrayed and left to die by our own government.

U.S. military rescue aircraft were recalled -- not once, but twice -- through direct intervention by the Johnson administration. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's cancellation of the Navy's attempt to rescue the Liberty, which I confirmed from the commanders of the aircraft carriers America and Saratoga, was the most disgraceful act I witnessed in my entire military career.

To add insult to injury, Congress, to this day, has failed to hold formal hearings on Israel's attack on this American ship. No official investigation of the attack has ever permitted the testimony of the surviving crew members.

A 1967 investigation by the Navy, upon which all other reports are based, has now been fully discredited as a cover-up by its senior attorney. Capt. Ward Boston, in a sworn affidavit, recently revealed that the court was ordered by the White House to cover up the incident and find that Israel's attack was "a case of mistaken identity."

Some distinguished colleagues and I formed an independent commission to investigate the attack on the USS Liberty. After an exhaustive review of previous reports, naval and other military records, including eyewitness testimony from survivors, we recently presented our findings on Capitol Hill. They include:

  • Israeli reconnaissance aircraft closely studied the Liberty during an eight-hour period prior to the attack, one flying within 200 feet of the ship. Weather reports confirm the day was clear with unlimited visibility. The Liberty was a clearly marked American ship in international waters, flying an American flag and carrying large U.S. Navy hull letters and numbers on its bow.
  • Despite claims by Israeli intelligence that they confused the Liberty with a small Egyptian transport, the Liberty was conspicuously different from any vessel in the Egyptian navy. It was the most sophisticated intelligence ship in the world in 1967. With its massive radio antennae, including a large satellite dish, it looked like a large lobster and was one of the most easily identifiable ships afloat.
  • Israel attempted to prevent the Liberty's radio operators from sending a call for help by jamming American emergency radio channels.
  • Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned lifeboats at close range that had been lowered to rescue the most-seriously wounded.
As a result, our commission concluded that:

    • There is compelling evidence that Israel's attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew.
    • In attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against U.S. servicemen and an act of war against the United States.
    • The White House knowingly covered up the facts of this attack from the American people.
    • The truth continues to be concealed to the present day in what can only be termed a national disgrace.
What was Israel's motive in launching this attack? Congress must address this question with full cooperation from the National Security Agency, the CIA and the military intelligence services.
The men of the USS Liberty represented the United States. They were attacked for two hours, causing 70 percent of American casualties, and the eventual loss of our best intelligence ship.

These sailors and Marines were entitled to our best defense. We gave them no defense.

Did our government put Israel's interests ahead of our own? If so, why? Does our government continue to subordinate American interests to Israeli interests? These are important questions that should be investigated by an independent, fully empowered commission of the American government.

The American people deserve to know the truth about this attack. We must finally shed some light on one of the blackest pages in American naval history. It is a duty we owe not only to the brave men of the USS Liberty, but to every man and woman who is asked to wear the uniform of the United States.

Thomas Moorer was the Chief of Naval Operations at the time of the attack dumbass! Can you please find a fucking clue as to how stupid you are?

Why would Congress do an investigation? All that would accomplish is having a bunch of know-nothings like you try to investigate something completely foreign to them.

You can't even explain simple inconsistencies in the accounts you read that I have commented on. Are you sure you are not a member of the House of Representatives in real life?
I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.

Stupidity. It was an intelligence gathering ship. They would be loaded with antenna systems and various methods of communication. Once again you prove that you are a fucking loon!
Why would Congress do an investigation?
Because a directed and sustained attack of hours duration of a US Naval vessel on the high seas is an ACT OF WAR, you ignorant fuck!

The USS Liberty was attacked in June of 1967 years before the cowards of Congress started ceding their constitutional war powers to the Executive through the WPA! A congressional investigation was necessary and their Article I, Section 8 war powers considered for such an egregious attack upon the US to determine a suitable course of action!! It wasn't LBJ's place under the Constitution to usurp Congress or for Congress to ignore the inherent separation of powers of the Constitution!
I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.

Stupidity. It was an intelligence gathering ship. They would be loaded with antenna systems and various methods of communication. Once again you prove that you are a fucking loon!
Indeed, that is why they were hit first.
I agree, she had no reason to apologize.
You criticize Israel, you risk being labeled an anti-Semite and your career destroyed. This has happened to many, hopefully not this time too.

My guess is the MSM, which is closely controlled by a handful of billionaires of the ruling class, have instructed their minions of the media to destroy theses D lady pols.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo
By Eric S. Margolis

March 9, 2019

“Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master”. Attributed to Voltaire

....journalists learn this first commandment very early. Criticize, or even question, Israel at your own peril. Until recently, we journalists were not even allowed to write there was an ‘Israel lobby.’ It was widely considered Washington’s most powerful lobby group but, until lately, mentioning its name was seriously verboten.

Now, young Democratic stars Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a feisty congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, have suddenly broken the taboo and said what dared not be said: there is too much rightwing Israeli influence and there must be justice for Palestine.

Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have come to the defense of Ilhan Omar against the usual charges that she is anti-Semitic. So have black groups and smaller liberal Jewish groups. The Democratic Party, that once received half its financial support from Jewish sources, is badly split over the Palestine crisis. Its old guard is retreating and does not know what to do beyond issuing fiery denunciations of the heretical Miss Omar. The Democrat Party split comes just at a time when it is trying to bring down President Donald Trump.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.

Excellent point. The pilots could see well enough to hit the ship's antennae and machine-gun tubs first, with surgical precision, but couldn't see the American flag the size of a garage door, unfurled wide open in a 15mph breeze. After circling the ship all morning for 7 hours and even waving at the crew.

USS Liberty Supporters

  • "To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. ... Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument."
    -- Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, quoted in The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14

  • "To me, the picture thus far presents the distinct possibility that the Israelis knew that Liberty might be their target and attacked anyway."
    -- Admiral Rufus Taylor, Deputy CIA director, as quoted by CIA director Admiral Rufus Taylor in A Look Over My Shoulder.

  • "Inconceivable that it was an accident 3 strafing passes, 3 torpedo boats. Set forth facts. Punish Israelis responsible"
    -- Clark Clifford, Secretary of Defense under Lyndon Johnson, in Minutes of NSC Special Committee Meeting, 9 June 1967

  • "....did not buy the Israeli 'mistake' explanations either. Nobody believes that explanation."
    -- Major General John Morrison, US Air Force, Deputy Chief NSA Operations during the attack and later Chief of NSA Operations as reported in Body of Secrets by James Bamford, p233.

  • "I can tell you for an absolute certainty (from intercepted communications) that they knew they were attacking an American ship."
    -- Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, National Security Agency. Kirby participated in NSA's investigation of the attack and reviewed translations of intercepted communications between pilots and their headquarters which he reports show conclusively that they knew their target was an American ship. Kirby is considered the "Godfather" of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo intercept programs. (Telephone interviews with James Ennes and David Walsh for Friendless Fire, Proceedings, June 2003)

  • On the strength of intercept transcripts of pilots' conversations during the attack, the question of the attack's deliberateness "just wasn't a disputed issue" within the agency.
    -- Lieutenant General William E. Odom, former director, National Security Agency, interview with David Walsh on March 3, 2003, reported in Naval Institute Proceedings, June, 2003

  • Inman said he "flatly rejected" the Cristol thesis that the attack was an accident. "It is just exceedingly difficult to believe that [USS Liberty] was not correctly identified" based on his talks with NSA seniors at the time having direct knowledge of intercepted communications. No NSA official could be found who dissented from the "deliberate" conclusion.
    -- Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director National Security Agency 1977-1981, reported in Proceedings, June, 2003

  • "I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units. I still find it impossible to believe that it was."
    -- Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense.
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I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.

Stupidity. It was an intelligence gathering ship. They would be loaded with antenna systems and various methods of communication. Once again you prove that you are a fucking loon!
Indeed, that is why they were hit first.

There were no other ships to hit, dumbass!
I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.

Excellent point. The pilots could see well enough to hit the ship's antennae and machine-gun tubs first, with surgical precision, but couldn't see the American flag the size of a garage door, unfurled wide open in a 15mph breeze. After circling the ship all morning for 7 hours and even waving at the crew.

USS Liberty Supporters

  • "To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. ... Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument."
    -- Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, quoted in The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14

  • "To me, the picture thus far presents the distinct possibility that the Israelis knew that Liberty might be their target and attacked anyway."
    -- Admiral Rufus Taylor, Deputy CIA director, as quoted by CIA director Admiral Rufus Taylor in A Look Over My Shoulder.

  • "Inconceivable that it was an accident 3 strafing passes, 3 torpedo boats. Set forth facts. Punish Israelis responsible"
    -- Clark Clifford, Secretary of Defense under Lyndon Johnson, in Minutes of NSC Special Committee Meeting, 9 June 1967

  • "....did not buy the Israeli 'mistake' explanations either. Nobody believes that explanation."
    -- Major General John Morrison, US Air Force, Deputy Chief NSA Operations during the attack and later Chief of NSA Operations as reported in Body of Secrets by James Bamford, p233.

  • "I can tell you for an absolute certainty (from intercepted communications) that they knew they were attacking an American ship."
    -- Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, National Security Agency. Kirby participated in NSA's investigation of the attack and reviewed translations of intercepted communications between pilots and their headquarters which he reports show conclusively that they knew their target was an American ship. Kirby is considered the "Godfather" of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo intercept programs. (Telephone interviews with James Ennes and David Walsh for Friendless Fire, Proceedings, June 2003)

  • On the strength of intercept transcripts of pilots' conversations during the attack, the question of the attack's deliberateness "just wasn't a disputed issue" within the agency.
    -- Lieutenant General William E. Odom, former director, National Security Agency, interview with David Walsh on March 3, 2003, reported in Naval Institute Proceedings, June, 2003

  • Inman said he "flatly rejected" the Cristol thesis that the attack was an accident. "It is just exceedingly difficult to believe that [USS Liberty] was not correctly identified" based on his talks with NSA seniors at the time having direct knowledge of intercepted communications. No NSA official could be found who dissented from the "deliberate" conclusion.
    -- Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director National Security Agency 1977-1981, reported in Proceedings, June, 2003

  • "I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units. I still find it impossible to believe that it was."
    -- Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense.

If you think it is possible to hit a specific antenna with a bullet while conducting a strafing run you are definitely the dumbest SOB on the Internet.
I don't buy Israel's excuse but I've been equally disgusted with LBJ and his administration. The fake attack in the Gulf of Tonkin to get us full scale into Vietnam and then refusing aid to Americans in the very real USS Liberty attack.

Concerning the Gulf of Tonkin:
“So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred.” The Navy likewise says it is now “clear that North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and Turner Joy that night.”

In private, Johnson himself expressed doubts about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, reportedly telling a State Department official that “those dumb, stupid sailors were just shooting at flying fish!”
Defense of USS Liberty recalled:
The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.

"The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions."

Fighter aircraft do not and never have had the ability to jam communications frequencies. To suggest they could is idiotic!
Straw man. The antennas were the first things hit.

Excellent point. The pilots could see well enough to hit the ship's antennae and machine-gun tubs first, with surgical precision, but couldn't see the American flag the size of a garage door, unfurled wide open in a 15mph breeze. After circling the ship all morning for 7 hours and even waving at the crew.

USS Liberty Supporters

  • "To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. ... Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument."
    -- Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, quoted in The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14

  • "To me, the picture thus far presents the distinct possibility that the Israelis knew that Liberty might be their target and attacked anyway."
    -- Admiral Rufus Taylor, Deputy CIA director, as quoted by CIA director Admiral Rufus Taylor in A Look Over My Shoulder.

  • "Inconceivable that it was an accident 3 strafing passes, 3 torpedo boats. Set forth facts. Punish Israelis responsible"
    -- Clark Clifford, Secretary of Defense under Lyndon Johnson, in Minutes of NSC Special Committee Meeting, 9 June 1967

  • "....did not buy the Israeli 'mistake' explanations either. Nobody believes that explanation."
    -- Major General John Morrison, US Air Force, Deputy Chief NSA Operations during the attack and later Chief of NSA Operations as reported in Body of Secrets by James Bamford, p233.

  • "I can tell you for an absolute certainty (from intercepted communications) that they knew they were attacking an American ship."
    -- Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, National Security Agency. Kirby participated in NSA's investigation of the attack and reviewed translations of intercepted communications between pilots and their headquarters which he reports show conclusively that they knew their target was an American ship. Kirby is considered the "Godfather" of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo intercept programs. (Telephone interviews with James Ennes and David Walsh for Friendless Fire, Proceedings, June 2003)

  • On the strength of intercept transcripts of pilots' conversations during the attack, the question of the attack's deliberateness "just wasn't a disputed issue" within the agency.
    -- Lieutenant General William E. Odom, former director, National Security Agency, interview with David Walsh on March 3, 2003, reported in Naval Institute Proceedings, June, 2003

  • Inman said he "flatly rejected" the Cristol thesis that the attack was an accident. "It is just exceedingly difficult to believe that [USS Liberty] was not correctly identified" based on his talks with NSA seniors at the time having direct knowledge of intercepted communications. No NSA official could be found who dissented from the "deliberate" conclusion.
    -- Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director National Security Agency 1977-1981, reported in Proceedings, June, 2003

  • "I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units. I still find it impossible to believe that it was."
    -- Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense.

If you think it is possible to hit a specific antenna with a bullet while conducting a strafing run you are definitely the dumbest SOB on the Internet.

Obviously they aimed for the antenna mounts and hit them on the first passes. You can figure that out. So the only question is, why do you shill for Israel?

She's proven pretty fearless so far, despite apologizing when she really had nothing to apologize for in saying AIPAC influences American politics. What's the controversy there when even Netanyahu bragged in 2001:

"I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in their way."

The USS Liberty survivors of the 1967 Israeli attack on the American ship are calling, to this very day, for a new investigation which would rectify the original cover-up, which was ordered to conclude that the deaths of 34 American sailors was an accident. It was not an accident, they say, but a false flag attack to sink the ship in order to blame it on Egypt so that the US would attack that country, which was Israel's arch-enemy. This was what Admiral Thomas Moorer thought, also chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. There is no shortage of heavy hitters who have said they don't buy the "accident explanation one bit, including US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, CIA Director Richard Helms, CIA Deputy Director Admiral Rufus Taylor, former NSA Director Army Lieutenant General William Odom, on and on. Further more now both major veterans groups American Legion and VFW have called the official story a cover-up.

What are the chances the surviving crew might finally get a receptive ear in Rep. Ilhen Omar, for at least a call for a new investigation, even if it doesn't go anywhere? We saw how much red-pilling went on after she called out AIPAC, and people are still arguing about it. You start saying the emperor has no clothes and there's no telling where it winds up. Let this misbegotten "alliance" between America and the criminal state be tested as never before.

Chicago Tribune 2007: Declassified Israeli cables add evidence USS Liberty no accident:

"The cables obtained by the Tribune, and translated from Hebrew to English, are were published in a 2007 special report. They detail exchanges between the Israeli ambassador in Washington and the Israeli foreign minister in Tel Aviv. Five days after the attack, Israeli Ambassador Avraham Harman worried that the deliberate nature of the attack had been uncovered, and cabled Foreign Minister Abba Eban that a source, code-named "Hamlet," had told him that the Americans had:

"clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway."

As the diplomatic uproar over the attack played out, Harman cabled three days later that:

"the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American.""

I doubt Omar gives two shits about the sailors that died on USS Liberty.
The question is will she use it for her own political Agenda?

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