Will there be a replay of the last gop debate?

What's the concensus of who won? And please don't cite Drudge.
We're there any stand out moments?
And why the hell was Fiorina kept off the stage?
Glad you asked. Yes, a replay ( re-broadcast ) can be seen Tuesday night February 9 at 8:00 PM EST on the Disney channel. It'll be narrated by Goofy and Roadrunner ( two popular Disney characters ). The high-lites include readings by The Donald, pouting by Cruz, and "I'm lost" expressions on Jeb's face. All other candidates played supporting roles, as designed. The main points covered were "Dishonest Hillary", "Inept Christy", and Trump making the other candidates appear out-classed. Actually, it wasn't exciting at all, and there were times that I welcomed commercial breaks.

What's the concensus of who won? And please don't cite Drudge.
We're there any stand out moments?
And why the hell was Fiorina kept off the stage?
I doubt there will be a replay PBS and the cable networks will usually replay but I have not seen a broadcast network do so. Kasich and Bush had good nights Rubio took some hits from Christie early but did good enough later on that I don't think he will suffer any long term damage the pundits for what it's worth seem to disagree on that. Christie had a good night as well be could have hurt himself in the way he went after Rubio Carson was Carson steady I don't think he will move one way or the other in the polls neither Trump or Cruz had any satndout moments but didn't hurt themselves either. Fiorina was keep off the debate because of ABC debate criteria whatever that is most agree that was B.S.
Watching it now. Christie is making Rubio look really stupid.
I can't believe Rubio said the same scripted nonsense 3 times in 5 minutes lol

These debate coaches ruin the debates. They train these guys to stick to four or five talking points, and then it doesn't matter what the question is, they keep repeating themselves. You never learn how they really feel or think about things:

Moderator to Republican candidate: What would you have done as President when Iran took over the ship and held our servicemen?

Candidate: That was terrible, but if we had more corporate tax cuts, we could draw more business back home.

Moderator to Democrat candidate: How do you feel about the Iranians taking over that ship?

Candidate.: I agree, I was against that, just like I'm against using coal to generate electricity instead of renewable energy.

The whole Fn Presidential debate sounds like that. Sometimes I can't take it anymore and just turn it off.
Yup, Christie won imo.

I think all the Governor's finished at the top with their talk of accomplishments & substance.

Trump didn't gain or lose imo.
Cruz seemed AWOL
Rubio just killed himself in the first half & only partially recovered.
Carson, while a super likeable guy, should go ahead & dip out if he doesn't finish in the top 3 in NH.
And finally, it's too bad ABC fucked over Fiorina because this was a good debate otherwise.

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